Abandoned Movie Set - Orange Is The New Black

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That was so weird to watch. Seeing all the scripts just thrown onto the floor and how certain rooms in the film aren’t actually real.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YourDadsBald πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The ID tags!

I guess it should be obvious, but I find it weird to see how much "more building" there is than we actually got to see, and in what state those other areas are (like the graffiti or medical equipment and documents still being around).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cle1etecl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly kinda sad seeing it all abandoned like that after seeing it full with our favorite character for years

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Red_Rooster2004 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
might not look like it but there's rules in this place the most important of which is the second you have perceived as weak you already are [Music] what is up today one state hospital this hospital was built in 1928 got established in 1926 it was built in the first patient came in in 1931 now this hospital was one of the longest-running hospitals insane asylums today it closed in 2010 the asad pretty much all demolished in 2018 mind you I have been to all the buildings is like 20 buildings here my probably one of my first times filming YouTube videos like five years ago I went to a lot of the buildings in this area so this building originally was built for Rockland and always used only for the kids this is like the kids psych ward area after obviously this place closes shut down for good and orange is the new black took it over and they did it for their entire show you guys are going to see a lot of familiar areas if you watch Bryce's new black like the pool the salon the psych ward area for the inmates here I mean it's cool I mean check out the outside for example if you remember in the show a lot of the inmates this is where they chilled outside right there and that's probably the same the same bench they all sat on will go outside after now if you guys watch arms are the new black this is definitely one for you if you don't watch it but still like the whole time and the whole history vibes you like this tip it's definitely a mix of those let's go explore this place I'm going to have to put you on suicide watch what Wow we take swallowers very seriously you really think I'll be eating a bobble head if I wanted to kill myself I'm gonna have to get out get it done your esophagus and should travel the rest of the way pay close attention to your stool I don't think I could miss it Oh what I Beth where you got the paper has stunts so there's a lot that was going on here but check this room out this wasn't assisting and we're gonna find some things that were used for the movie set but then stuff that was actually meant to be here like look at these medical cabinets again this one is used for the set but oh wait a minute these are actually their IDs the actors IDs check this out down check this oh this is obviously oranges new black if you guys love that she'll you guys are probably fangirling right now over this it's a huge popular sell it only ended a year and a half ago there's now no more seasons it's done for good so that's cool what that is that is a word I cannot pronounce let's try it guys artheon pant Amal grass I don't know it's over here no that is fire this is the third dentist's chair I've seen this year down in New Orleans we found a few this dough yeah this one's on Tosh I gotta get some shots facts now I always hate admitting my teeth done because I've always felt like after watching found destination they're working on your teeth and like your mouth is open and they gonna drop the tool you're gonna drop in accidents gonna go down your throat I used to always worry about it like I just worried every time [Music] [Music] let me tell you something cause they gotta treat you nice I'm gonna use you how do I use that you ain't gonna be nothing and as I said 2010 enclosed there's the last paper it's always dope when you see that though it's like kind of like eerie feeling really got there anything mm-hmm for one of the scenes they smeared blood on the walls here and this is the remaining bit of it I found this paper on the ground it's good nutrition's what every teenager needs to know about like the wonder if this was for the show I don't think it was so this always my favorite and probably the best hallway in this whole building obviously they they took this this hallway section that probably was used for like offices or maybe it was actually used for their dorms for the kids but turned it into the actual inmates room where like their cells were and it's a really dough P 126 it's really cool but this one check this out let me close the door here potentially violent unpredictable that's cool actually can get a good photo of it as well but inside there's nothing I mean that's it that's it nothing which is how it actually would have been to in in you know a real psych ward jail so it's pretty cool outside is nothing but bushes and leaves and spiders and bugs Nature has taken this building over [Music] but it does get cool down here I mean check this up this is crazy psych eh I just oh man I just love this gate must remain lock at all times dope this whole area is super sick I mean it's freaking it's so cool how they did this Oh what the hell I didn't even know this the whole elevator system is gone so now we're at psycho that's crazy hell I do like film sets like they'll make something from nothing like make it look really cool again the outside check this out the kids have their own little play set down there and they still kept that here it's actually really nice you can see the slides and stuff we'll have to go out there and do some push ups and get our workout in later the day room well don't know what the day I'm supposed to be about but hey there's a cat that's good enough to go inside the day room yeah yo this room though has mad stage lights you know over there whoa centered in a whole area I really like this room these lights are nice all different colored lights blue red white orange built in 1970 teamwork open in 1972 and in 2010 you know if you think about it like that let's see you were one of the people that actually work here from eighteen seventy all the way until 2010 your whole life was here I'm just thinking about workers but even patients though they lived in the whole lives it's pretty a weird feeling when it all ends dang someone broke the whole entire window [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we found a movie prop of fake medicine so pills fake pills it's actually really sick I'm gonna is this pool tables all messed up but dude check this out they use M&Ms for some reason as pills I don't get that but besides that check out all these pills they're all the other just straight-up fake what is this actually yeah this actually might yeah that's that's real what is obvious this is cool yeah straight up mmm that's awesome and speaking of props this whole thing is a prompt let's check out the other side what does it anything look like wait for the middays fake [Music] Oh Oh inmate restroom you know it I know it is like the art of Hollywood though check that out dude they did a good job what the heck look at this door but the doors dude it looks like a straight-up middle door up front I swear to god dude I really thought this was like straight-up like solid like cement like metal they did such a good job this is fake too it's just this is just wood walls that that paint though now guys I have to admit I have never seen orange - the new black but I do know a lot of the shots were taken here in the salon we'll try to get some shots and put it online so you guys can see the comparison of what it looks like now from then we'll see what's back here anything no wait Oh softbox lights right yeah no you're right yeah I just lit it up nicely and didn't over expose nothing so every room is pretty much like exactly the same and you have to judge what you find by being inside and even though there's no sign here this is 100% the art room because when we got inside we start seeing like you know paintings right here and we're pretty sure a patient made this we have a scene that shows it as an MK down there you know paint all over here that's an indication you should have put clues together you know I mean I mean to take it all the next further this is where the painting of things actually were and then it says it also right here Kranz stencils and markers I'm gonna freakin tree collapse I found the gym let's light this bad boy up yeah this is awesome gym for the kids pretty good size do from the outside of this place it's pretty small I wouldn't expect there to even be a gym in here what is this flooring useful wonder what what kind of scenes they shot here see how they like took the gym floor replace it with these tiles they made a separate room here dude I bet you I've there was like a whole like actual wall over this and they made a little room right here in the center yeah they definitely did something what you think there was a birthday party I don't know what the heck that's a creepy doll his name is p.m. he's a rubber doll Oh holla atcha boy we got a theater and this is a dude this is a small mini theater this is the size of something I'd see in my future house for my theater about this size do they they make it look huge it's prank as they use a really wide lens and they go low looks cool what is this an active shooter incident management checklist I guess that's just in case things actually do go wrong here I didn't see this where's this chalk yeah it's chalk you know deep over here this little courtyard is like a well over there but the doors are all locked you can't go maybe it's a secret maybe the rings in there aren't explorers last but not least the pool you got to see the gym you got to see the theater and you got to see some of the hallways and where the inmates were all for the TV show again this is the last building that's pretty much left for the Rockland psyche board and the last in all the she already ended so this is it it's a really cool place I'm not like filming like crazy guys this is pretty much just a walkthrough okay I actually wasn't gonna film you in the first place but I really did actually like how it had like everything inside and it was for the show and I was like yeah I'm gonna go give it a walkthrough because I think the people that really enjoy orange is the new black really actually appreciate this video I think [Music] [Music] [Music] okay Danny thanks for stating the obvious thanks for stating the obvious yeah is it in the show oh so we got it dude we're squatting guys we're just chillin I missed it too this is what's in the news right now we found a basement oh it's dark yeah it's really dark it's cold do these tunnels bring us to the morgue of Rockland no I'm just kidding they were doing something here we're this is this housekeeping supplies with the sign right here kind of weird my friends are just talking junk hanging out that's what we do off camera this video is not a serious video at all guys all right guys so right here it says the crew call is 7:00 a.m. this is so cool cuz I did a TV show so and I had one of these and I always had to follow the script usually it has everyone's names and their phone numbers on it and things like that at least mine did and what we were doing for the day today and I'm pretty sure yeah that means in the script had like literally everything laid out even in the location times would be on here I don't know how people can remember a whole script like you should see my bloopers there's a lot of writers I said okay Seth really bending down for that shot Oh Oh God flamin hot cheetos with it I didn't even see the episode because I never watched the show hey that's cool though more scripts and talks that's awesome alright ladies I've heard your complaints and I have made arrangements for everybody to get paid cash money someone on the outside will pick up a cash card get me the number and then we'll start depositing funds into your accounts I'm offering you eight bucks a pair and I'm holding you all the quality control there is no cutting corners and here is one of the most iconic places in the show orange is the new black was filmed right here pretty much in that bench it was a canopy over it on the roof it's call gone now but you still got the bench here I mean dude they straight up made this place a prison you know they good job and back there they used to actually run there was a track you can barely see only on the drone shots and they would run around there again guys this is not a serious video we really are just chilling for the day and I just like I'm gonna film something because we're coming here because I do explore band without filming a lot of times just for photos and stuff I am working on personally prints on rides above dodge shop link in description down below so that's kind of like why we came here and we're just chilling so guys without further ado thanks so much for watching I'm gonna head out of here it's probably a dark in an hour and I don't like to be in abandoned places at night unless I'm filming be on the dark ghost show which I'm not so it is what it is we did have a good day with everyone and we just squad and that's what we do guys I mean literally our group of friends is just getting together hanging out and just doing whatever literally we do we like to adventure not sit in the couch all day and kind of do nothing so we got to do the official I know let's get off so I offer to do rise above just go out and explore peace and thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Exploring With Josh
Views: 676,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dPGY3XTlYig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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