Abandoned For 40 Years In A Welsh Barn, Can I get It To Run And Drive?! 1973 Austin 1300 mkIII

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hello good evening you join me here in between England and Ireland in God's own country Wales and I'm stood next to what appears to be a 1973 Austin 1300 Mark III in Champagne beige glorious car glorious color this particular one is a little bit sad it's been sat here for 40 years in this Barn 40 40 years in this Barn what a lovely Barn it is as well look these beams absolutely gorgeous now I bought this car off of eBay and I thought wouldn't it be fun to go in there and get this thing running and drive it out might be a little bit more tricky than I first thought which I'll show you in a second but yeah that's my job for the next couple of days is to try and get this thing running breathe some life back into it and get it out of here and out of these people's way now I'll show you where where my lover and trailer is compared to where this car is cuz we've got some stuff overgrown at the moment this is pretty much where I can get the car up to and I mean we're in the most glorious part of the world and these big wooden buildings are just amazing absolutely gorgeous look at those up there there's nothing soothing more soothing on the eye than a sort of dilapidated old barn and outb building I just love looking at them I could stare at them for hours look at that little door up there what was that for you know I just love it love it so much so this is the route to the car okay so going to go through here these guys cleaning everything up couple of Land Rovers a 25 nice Massie Ferguson an xr3 I I did look at these as well but they're they're a little bit little bit too far gone I think for me I mean saying that you should see what I have actually bought but yeah I've already got a fast forward that I'm doing so I don't need another one and then you've got this Capri this thing is again this is a 1600 but it is just it's gone hasn't it it's it's it's well gone sold though there's all these are sold there's people coming for them and now believe it or not so I I go through all these Nettles here in there is another car now you're just looking at bumbles I'm just looking at bumbles as well but there is another car in there and if I work my way through here hidden in this Barn for apparently 40 years 40 years this thing has just been sat there this is incredible going try and get it through this Gap that I can barely walk through but yeah there's a car there that is a car you can see there's like a a mirror there there like that's the engine bay there's a Wing somewhere that is a car that we're going to drag out get it out of the way but this is the one we've come for sat inside here all alone for 40 years and we're going to get it going I'm sure at some point in your lives you will have come across one of these but this particular one here failed its you know mot a long long long time ago and was just parked up apparently it drove in here fine that tire there looks like it's got some air in it or it's just on you know the car's lying on the floor that one there has definitely not got any air in it neither has that one over there and it's quite dark in here so I'm hoping you can see but yeah it gets quite dark when you come into the back cuz this Barn I mean it's solid Barn's really nice but yeah it's you know there's a lot of lot of stuff around me that I've got to sort of work with lots of recycling to be done by the looks of it there's an element of surface rust going along this thing you know there's uh there's just stuff all over it I'm sure it clean up absolutely fine look in the back there blockmans ship I don't know what that is but yeah really really smart can we get into the boot will this open oh yes ooh oh is that spare right we've got a spare that's handy look at all this stuff look at that super cool fog wish there was two of those that's really nice spare light lens smell of dead things lovely minor corrosion along the bottom of the boot lid there that's fine I'm sure there's plenty of good ones about look at this car what a story oh man look at it great yeah this is the 1300 Mark 3 I do love an Austin I do I do I do um I don't really know where to start with this thing that door opens very cool look at the seats they'll clean up like new oh man wowe I you know I'm not seeing there's a couple of holes in the bootd wasn't there but I'm not seeing any sort of on the body work or anything it looks all right doesn't it round here has been protected look at all this all this stuff it's number plate great yeah that tire is will it hold there I'm sure it will be fine it's going to be difficult getting down there there's quite a lot of nettles um around this car as well and sort of that's how I get in and out there there's a lot of nles there can you believe that's a car that is a car I still can't believe it I I won't believe it until I can see it there is zero suspension travel these cars were fitted with a fairly unique um suspension system that British leand invented um and it had a 100% failure rate they over time the suspension will all they will all fail if you just leave the cars there unlike shocks and springs where they'll sort of stay you know and uh this is on it on it on the deck I've bought my suspension pump with me you fill it full of a fluid and the suspension Rises we we're going to have to give that a go I think if we want to stand a chance of driving this thing out of here but there's a couple of other things I need to know hey have we got keys B is there an engine um D is it seized why didn't I check that I never checked that um if it is we're we're going to be in trouble aren't we um and yeah um we the tires hold out there's a lot of things there's a massive tree there right behind it how I'm going need a chainsaw I think they've got a chainsaw look there's a lot of people on YouTube doing like barn finds and resurrections and things I feel like you know like with the panad and stuff I feel like when I do one it has to be like the most extreme why couldn't let's just be tarmac nice dri out there or like you know like Johnny Smith does when he turns up and they you know he says oh look at this bar findind and it's just someone's garage on the house that their pride and joy has been Sting with carpets and blankets over it for 30 years is she probably started every other weekend and I come here to this am I getting the sharp end of the stick okay um there is a door here oh a door that opens is anything going to run out oh my God that's like a time capsule I'm sorry I'm a little bit speechless there that is like a time capsule it's very dirty and very dusty and very old but have a look at this look at this interior seats are Immaculate absolutely Immaculate they look like they've barely been used how many miles are on this thing can we get in oh my God I'm inside the thing 52,000 Mi it's barely run in is there any keys I can't see any what's that oh God there's a key in it okay there's a key we are this thing is practically running already oh Jesus the smell there's things have lived in here and died in here they've had families and those families the generations of mice families have lived in here look at the carpets though right got sill she got this cars like BR you what's that there massive dead old spider get off probably should have put some grease on that first okay oh look that spider's alive that's fantastic news um yeah so uh I'm hoping that that window open there is going to solve all of our problems unlikely there a nice quarter light there we'll try that later um should we have a should we have a look what's all that on there oh God is that the that's the Bonnet prop and it's just been bent in place that's not cool but there is an engine an old a series what's this thing saying looks like an Su carb what what is it what's happening with it important this vehicle is wired negative Earth few other negative things about it I think as well isn't there um how I going to keep that open there's got to be something around there isn't they just looking for a for a stick oh oval te who remembers oval te don't see oval te anymore in the shelves here oval teen light fantastic why is there a net on it why are they both attached could use that to catch some butterflies later should we do that sounds like fun once we' got this we'll get this one in first though oh God okay okay that's open that is open what am I looking at I need a lights um and a can of fuel I didn't mean a light as in a lighter I need a battery I need to check if this thing turns over where's the fan can I get my hands in there I can't get how got a torchure on my phone let's just have a quick look oh wow okay right oh my God oh my God it's it's completely full of rust inside there weirdly there was a bit of moisture in there that's interesting isn't it that cap can stay there though little Water Shield thing we'll we'll unbolt that there's a distributor with leads got a got a coil battery cables I can see although the positive cable has that been cut off positive battery ca's been cut off how we going to fix that I haven't bought haven't bought a battery cable with me maybe there's one on that bush car oh she's full of oil can you see that she is full [Applause] of I think that's where all that oval tee went oh Jesus Christ I wish he could smell that that is the funkiest smelling oil I've ever smelled that is crazy but it's got oil in it um okay we're going to need to get some tools I think everything seized solid carb is carbs freed up okay okay oh my god um right I can't I cannot turn the fan that's all the fan is oh no come on come on that belt is attached to the bottom bully which is SE solid okay cool I'm not going to be able to get a sucket on that without removing the radiator I don't think what am I doing here I've lost my mind right then um let me go back to Land Rover and gather some items I have just noticed as well though look at that that's it last tax disc there 1983 oh wow 1983 it was just stopped and then that's it no more run right then what have I got with me here got some water some petrol that's all we need isn't it we'll take we'll take this socket set um and my tool bag there and I'll try and get a light as well we've got a B scope there we can take that was donated by Alan thank you Alan got my bag with my stuff it's nice here there's a big bail of hay up there so cool um I see the moved one of the landro already that one there and the other cars are starting to be moved I think and they're starting to cut some trees down yeah there we go be a tree you you you're 100% sure there's a car in there aren't you oh the reveal is going to be spectacular let's head back in just got to watch out for these Nettles bad day to wear shorts wasn't it really couple of old doors off what look like a com van nice very cool uh wish the engine was at this side that'd be easy wouldn't it but it's not it's over there is there a battery cable in there we can use nope okay we're just going to get rid of some of these we started to clear a bit here and you can almost see something in there but uh it's not easy is it but yeah he going to clear a bit of this for me to make it a bit easier which is very kind um right where were [Music] we oh my God I must be mad very nice um right so that's what I was referring to before about being full of rust doesn't look particularly ideal in there for the top end of an engine I mean um but nothing a sustained 3,000 RPM won't cure um it's all complete though isn't it by that battery cable that's been cut off it's hard to get the light to work properly but let's take these spark plugs out spray a load of stuff down there spray stuff on everything else and see when happens it's all very low down in here as well which is good for my back um why why won't the spark plug socket go on the spark plug that's not is it too big the spark plugs are too big you are kidding me I think that's the biggest one that I've got right uh it's fine it's fine everything's okay don't worry about it uh let's just coat everything else in plus gas the fan yeah yeah yeah yeah that' be great while we've got this Socket Set let's just have a little look in this top end and see what phone awaits Co where should we put these let's put them all um Flora has come to save the day thank you Flor okay wowe they look absolutely fun I wish we had something to clean things with uh these two maybe I have found myself in a backwards hat situation as well I cuz I must be mad I've lost my mind I have lost my mind that's a fact I've lost my mind okay you do get used to the things um eating the flesh off the bottom of your legs as well you do get used used to that that's not not too much of a worry for me at the moment really that's going to run now one free valve two three valve that's seized now it's not three free valves that one looks definitely [Music] seized no it's fine that one's fine that one's fine that one's fine that one's fine as well okay so the valves are free so the top end should hopefully do some rotation ISS uh what's what about in the air filter ah there's another Wing up there didn't see that one cuz it was covered in spiders webs like I'm starting to be I can feel them coming from the roof now sort of like coming down like that and they borrowing under my skin which is Pleasant give it to me that's fun isn't it I better keep that somewhere safe God piston is perfect on the back moving up and down like a dream really nice what does this one do absolutely nothing oh yeah bit of Choke action I think that's your throttle yeah nice or is it the other way around probably they're both moving though which is good what about these break and clutch I mean let's just let's the least of our problems isn't it let's worry about those later come on engine turnover come on engine turnover okay and don't get me wrong I'm not above putting a battery on it and just banging the starter if we can get the starter to work if the St works if the battery works if the electrics work lot of if lot of ifs um I need to get these spark plugs out so we can have a look at the cylinders let me go and get some spanners from the land just to give you an idea of where the Austin is it's in there look it's parked about there there's another one in there and there's a trailer there and there's a very attractive tractor here so uh yeah well you're going to get easy yeah oh piece of cake right I'll leave you to it do you reckon any of these are going to fit I doubt it that old Land Rover is cool as well I did have a look at it but yeah it's very uh it's bit bit worse for wearing that one I won't mind doing a a series Land Rover at some point but more interested in this hidden Austin oh you can start to see it from the corner there look amazing here we are back at nice right then which side is old money this side oh come on how do you not what kind of spark plugs are those never seen anything like kids got other equipment at the at the workshop but still oh yes we've got one that fits come on I knew we would have you know why because I am prepared for everything yes come on so that is our first clue in the car cludo puzzle an okay looking spark plug looks absolutely fine uh right what are we going to find down there though right let's just do a quick check see if you can see this right so that's what that's nice and oily and slick and everything in which would be great if the cylinder looked like that let's find out bit crusty on the edges yeah down there see the you try and like move your hand instead of the move your hand with the holding the screen rather than the camera oh come on they've got to be able to move those Pistons haven't they it's not like that bad I mean it's Rusty but it's not that bad right let's get the rest of the spark plugs out and we'll have a look oh my God God it's annoying that I put this in the way here Wonder let's put it over there [Music] instead oh Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] that took every fiber of my being going to bring it back a bit oh God no I'm not okay oh God yeah okay okay if if you're doing a t one I'd love a cup of tea that'd be amazing uh just milk that's it amazing thank you that one's pretty good could definitely be worse that one's much easier come on last one let's get all four out oh yes come on she's practically running yeah beautiful so again I'm hoping you can see oh that one is again it could be worse I've seen worse it's just a bit of it's still black in there that's fine and this cylinder number three or is it two I think it's two yeah absolutely fine I mean they are they're completely mated together aren't they you know but I'm just I'm enthusiastic that's you know can't say much about me but you can say I'm enthusiastic that one's all the way down that piston and again they are one and the same the piston and the cylinder wall it's fine not bad right okay fill all of these with a liberal spraying of plus gas still not sponsored by plus gas either so if you're watching plus gas come on um right that's uh hopefully going to it's going to rotate fine now isn't it it's going to be no problem and then we've got to worry about spark and whatever that was that just crawled in over my eyelash um and then yeah um got to worry about what that plug's supposed to be plugged into wow look at that oh wow and an original petrol cap oh we if we if I can't get that one running I'll I'll get that one [Laughter] running all oh wow it's old J registration anyway JK L what's that 70 71 something like that nice wow this has really really been taken over by the Earth you know another another 20 or 30 years and it would would be the Earth again wouldn't it oh wow don't need oh wow look at that hospitality is incredible I've got bottles of water in the car but why would I need it when I have a proper cup of tea and we're all just sitting in here just having a break from the brambles some uh cakes in there as well delicious they look homemade as well they are homade oh wow oh wow keep us going today can see the bottom pulley there but the engine is I don't know if it's in gear or anything either I should probably check that let's have a look might help M it okay we're going back in oh God all the pedals are up up over there oh my God that's solid it's moving though I can't tell if it's neutral or not I will say that neutral for the moment cup of tea right then I would love to know if any lights exist oh it's one of those funny ones as well only goes to there though so that's okay where's my wi brush as a as an earthing point that doesn't look doesn't look amazing does it oh God must be attached to some metal somewhere though right I think I've revealed some shiny metal I'm going to use this to see if anything comes to life you know cuz I can pull it off easily when it starts to burn down right are we ready for this we've just injected the car with electricity there should be 6 billion volts flying through this Austin right now nothing seems to be on fire can't see any lights on or anything going to really have to sort of drag these things out aren't I ah bastard backing Nettles stinging you okay lots of glass some of it smashed hell everything is out to get me it it would seem apart from the lovely lady that made me a cup of tea uh ouch I don't I don't know what this is ow more of these sharp ones oh they don't want to come off because they're growing through the door of the car only I had a large bag of tools with me oh wait I do oh yeah what a lovely way to lovely way to spend a weekend Oh God okay oh the door opens that's a very good start look at those no big holes though is there ow oh my God something massive just moved down in there look at all that white stuff that's from a friendly I'm sure um oh there's a battery there and it's the it's the battery from the car it's got the bloody wire on it oh wow I don't know how that's going to help us though but it's nice that we've seen it there's also a petrol tank there I wonder if it's a petrol tank off this car that' be probably probably unfortunate um okay can I will this window go down where's the plus gas it's working kind of it's kind of working so much better uh what about this oh wow who doesn't love a BMC quarter light that is glorious I can see the key okay and the steering wheel is attached to the wheels and they move this is this is a great start isn't it okay um have we got any ignition lights absolutely nothing um what about Headlights oh my God we've got headlights no none there but yes that is life that is life in the car look at the headlights one side light one side light One Headlight absolutely amazing I love it so cool um but yeah zero in terms of ignition oh God we we is that an ignition light is that an ignition light that's just come on I thought the red one was ignition or is that just headlights these lights are working okay I'm going to try and turn it over oh come on oh come on could you hear that oh she's trying she is absolutely trying wow we come on you old girl let's see a rotation if I can get you to rotate I can get you to run apologies about the camera angles but you sort of you get what you're given you know uh right I'm just going to pull this distributor cap off so I can get access to the motor that starts things oh can see points can see everything that is so so good a coil there as well and I can see the back of the starter motor I want to see some of these valves move or something happen why don't they make these cables just the tiniest bit longer batter is dying on this thing as well okay the Noco is a nogo we've only got one one red bit so I'm going to go get the big battery and some jumper cables and we'll try and hook that up somehow there's a greenhouse there what was that why did it move there's a greenhouse there progress is at a rate of knots here that is a fantastic condition as you can see Austin 1300 I mean it's like brand new be some good parts there for someone look at the glass you know it's great isn't it we got to drag this out with a Land Rover or something and um I'm wondering where we're going to attach it to I'm worried it might going come out in two halves I've just found these on the floor and it's a full bottle I mean how cool is that can we can we still can we still eat these I might keep this as a souvenir of this day um and take them what would happen to me if I took all of those if you know leave it in the comments used by oh my God used by July 1983 that's awesome yeah all right here's the [Music] battery um I don't know what to do with it what should I do with it I've got jumper cables so I'm going to put the battery there and I'm going to connect it to the things with jumper cables okay doesn't sound like it is going to want to do anything but take that off there um a couple of other ideas I've got some heat with me that I could blast down these holes I could put the camera down them again just now just to see if there has been any movement if you can see any sort of fresh marks on the cylinders at all or I can try and get this radiator out the way and see if I can get something onto the bottom pulley a big bar or something the only problem with that is I haven't actually got a big bar with me sure I could find something though um so yeah could do that kind of does look like there's been movement there it is difficult tell though especially now there's a lot of plus gas in there but still which I've just got on the camera that piston does look like it's more up than it was before though cuz it's more difficult to see now and again there's like a orange Ridge there it's hard to tell but that is super shiny there how's that moved again it looks like it has moved oh wow right okay there is a ridge there is a definite Ridge there where that piston looks to have moved I can definitely see that I don't know if you can pick that up on the camera Mr cameraman who doesn't exist um but there's definitely a ridge there where that piston was just check these valves again get away what do you think you can tell just by the note that the hammer makes but also you can tell there's like a little bounce in it you know I just want to just want to keep doing this easy thing looking at the cam just for any movement and I can't see any at all [Music] let's just leave that for a second just to sort of do its thing and uh we're getting a bit closer to seeing this thing well there's a spare engine and star motor and stuff there if we need it oh my God that's crazy this is a car bet you didn't believe it before let's let's be a good editor and let's do it before and after I told you there was a car under there didn't I it's got like cutouts Wings have been cut out it's interesting it's it's strange the Start Motors in in the wrong place it's different unless that isn't the start yeah oh no it's an alternator Ah that's what the plugs off we're missing an alternator on the other one yep that makes sense now but there is one there if we need it that's hell wonder what that one's like inside oh wow probably will open with a pool would it I was going to say I don't want to break it but it's probably a bit far G front one might totally SE solid oh it's got a sporty steering wheel dead cool Reef's in better shape than the other one there crazy it's pretty stuck yeah maybe not oh my God underneath oh God all the suspension everything um might have to use that handle to wrap her thing around um I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to try and bang it over a couple more times see if anything is moving if not I'm going to take this whole radiator assembly out cuz we don't need it and yeah that's where the alternator should be and isn't and let plug for it come on it is turning isn't it it is turning I'm sure it is or is this just wishful thinking just sort of got this radiator pulled out I've had to cut this hose because all these are completely SE solid and it's just they're just they're all dead everything's just you know it's it's one piece but that now spins which is amazing anyway um I've just going to get that bolt out there from that bracket which should be an absolute nightmare we're completely sat on the floor with this as well so I hope the hope the tires take air by the bottom hose we are ready to come out on this one okay right there's no way that one's going to undo is there okay that was easy get out I've just been covered in 40y Old coolant why why does this always happen to me just washed it down with a bit of cold tea I'll be okay won't I please will I will I be okay amazed at the condition of it and the taste of it as well it's very fresh um right let's try and get something on this bottom pulley right I don't know if you can see but today at least that's a complete waste of time because I have not got a socket that big with me but I've sort of made out of roughly how big it is and I can grab one and the breaker bar tomorrow I mean yeah is it could be a little bit Hills of eyes around there couldn't it but it's I like it I really like it I'd like to you know put some new Planks on there maybe put some cars inside it you know it's cool isn't it I wonder how much this place is going to go for cuz it is going to be up for sale the only problem is it's just so bloody far away from everything you know miles away from the rest of the world it's okay though isn't it just uh washed all that um coolant out swelled it out with a bit of water and feel fine so uh right let's head back um I seeing if I got any other the tools as well that might work but I haven't okay I've got some suspension pump up juice uh the kind that I like to drink and I've got the world's slowest suspension pump got my Milwaukee and I've got the biggest socket I've bought with me and we'll just have a look what size that other one is on the bottom pulley got CH on a bramble but a lace um right so I'm going to try and get some air in this one's tires so we can get it out the waterall way don't know how this is going to go can you see a valve there anywhere I can see it there you got it yeah there it is right go on if you want to see if you can screw that on [Music] right it's not buh a look sad we're going to we're going to struggle here I think all right let's have a look see if we can even get to the front wheels cuz it's got no tires and no suspension the whole bottom of the car is going to be on the floor am oh dear right let's just get a land over defender on it and see what happens unbelievably this is where my uh microphone decided to die hi it's me voice over a Ben by the way um and yeah the this is I think it died because I was laughing so loud at the poor body of this Austin 1300 being torn clean off it's it's chassis it just it it's it was completely rotten and the body just split into there you go completely separated [Applause] it's do you want to just turn the steering wheel for us on the I just got to shut the door no one falls out take it off going take it off right I think if I think just let them go and we'll we'll we'll throw them in in it when we get ripped off oh anybody got the key yeah I only told you to BL the blood amazing solid as a rock going to pop out is it right stop it I wonder realistically if we could get that bit of the car running if that engine isn't seized interesting go could sit in there while it's being sewed could [Music] you it's one of the more ridiculous sites I've ever seen go any further oh that's incredible I've been messing me up with classic cars for a lot of years and that was probably one of the the most ridiculous retrievals I've ever seen poor thing it's in millions of pieces [Applause] down where the wheel is back up twoot wheels in the middle oh my God and there we go was sort of a little bit clearer oh there's a suspension item sphere that'll go again just got to drag that bit out now possibly that tree and then that thing in there I want to see if the tires pump up on that though let's start with this one see if we have more success than the other car it's already got 1.5 PSI in this thing incredible [Music] look at this thing here this is the skull of what would you say that's probably one of them pole cats that were living in the engine B possibly pole cat does look like it could well it's got quite big eyes to be a rat hasn't it but I don't know what big eyes you have either way though I don't think it's very well anymore that one is holding 25 psi but I don't want to push my luck um I'm going to try this one next um which looks in better condition I'll be honest first though let's try and get this thing out of here we've wrapped that strap around the engine let's try and pull it out throwing through that tree I but the fun bumper is definitely caught caught in the tree it's grow grown over the it's it's inside that that front bumper trees have to grow through the you know doesn't it through the engine base that was the question decided to take the route of most [Music] [Music] resistance oh what was that s don't last long today like the wind screen had gone there as well wasn't I it's some of this glass down here all right I think I've got some wheels and tires that fit this at home I'm hoping um that tire there has just um has just decided to uh kill itself so um there's a spare in the boot might try that now I'm sure This Ti here has is actually still pumped up so I guess we're going to find out yeah 2 PSI incredible see if we can't blow this one up as well you know i' I'm having a great time Best Best Day Ever yeah there's a spare there look oh look at that that doesn't look too perish does it well so suspension travel as well all of a sudden which is great news it means it's not sat on the floor wonder if that's woken up the suspension that's amazing if it's not sat on the floor that's so good oh wow hang on blood here look at this thing just grabbing it by its eyeball look at that oh wow some sort of sheep or dog big old one look quite good teeth on this one obviously looked after himself I'm going to try my best now to get over to that tire without blowing anything up I wonder if there's any more skulls I'll find they actually said there was two PSI in that tire as well incredible what's all this some sort of medieval torture device I don't know that's amazing we've got three tires on the car that are pumped up and we now have an element of suspension travel it's not sat on the floor I've just been playing with that thing over there which we'll show in a separate video I think um but we're going to take it home now though we're going to try again to get this out looks like that that that's solid that's solid there is it yeah I wonder if that's grown that's not grown into the tree get me I'm right down there oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yes it's that wheel isn't it that wheel stuck on something oh yes we are oh wowe look at that stop there she's out from a slumber Ah that's why we could bloody get it out that stuck in the ground well it was stuck in gear wasn't it oh look at this frog this he's not the only one we've had today oh hello fell we've already put one down in the bushes somewhere where' you want to go me you comeing with me you dead cool looking you oops don't go too far backwards um where you where's the best place for you go down there oh go go in there look that's all nice and wet and dark under there have a good time enjoy yourself have a drink on me got it all it's the right way up again brakes are stuck on that's probably what it is and brakes on yeah a hand he picking up some Pace probably the fastest that's been in quite some time isn't [Applause] it as Phil cin once sang it's just another day for you and me in Paradise I'm just walking back to where the Austin is now and a couple more cars have gone the tractor um has disappeared in the other Land Rover um they've got a bit of a fire going on today as well which is pretty cool very nice we got two Fords and a Land Rover waiting to go [Music] n [Music] he [Music] sitrep is this um just tried absolutely everything bar more cracking with the starter motor hammering the um Pistons down just tried absolutely everything and she SE solid she's had two cans of plus gas upper and she's still not going which is yeah bit of a shame so um I'm not giving up though no way Jose but the thing is I have to have this car out of here today so what I'm going to do is get the trailer get the discovery and I'm going to pull this thing into the daylight and then potentially we'll take it back to base and we'll just maybe empty some other stuff down there and leave it for longer but I have to know it might have to take the engine part I I don't know we we've got to do things we' got to do things we'll get it going it's it's yeah it's it's going to be it's going to be fine I'm not worried are you worried it's I would have like to have driven it out of here and I could have done it if it wasn't seized but um yeah bit of a shame sat for 40 years it's probably you know probably was going to be seized wasn't it I need to next time I look at bar Pines I need to sort of ask them first if it's uh if it's seized or not okay cool um I'll get some stuff moved out the way and get the vehicle if this holds out I'll be amazed good pan for gold in that couldn't you look at that no nothing just my luck [Music] oh absolutely incredible like brand new that are found a Hanes manual for this car on the side which is really good um it's going to come really handy now a NE on just it's too low to go into the RAR beam come on there's there's nowhere under there that's that's that's that's going to work [Applause] okay oh want an axle not an axle a beam of some description a rear beam oh look why did it just sink down it may need a new rear beam and when I say may it definitely needs a new rear [Music] beam that feels solid oh Jesus Christ there is nothing solid underneath this car I followed a better Jack I hope W look at that here he's going to have to find New Om yeah I think he can stay here with this wheel I think [Music] right that took forever but we've got four tires on the car it's ready to go trying to move the escort remember me saying it was a bit too far gone well I don't know if you can see that wheel but it's not supposed to look like that that's a back wheel not a front wheel that's turning yeah best best to leave that one here you know there is absolutely no way that the suspension on this car is going to work because the underneath very Rusty and all the pipes will have dissolved many years ago however I still want to try because there's stuff happening out there and um I'm bored so let's get the fluid and let's give it a pump if this does anything before violently exploding I'll be amazed if you start to see the car raise up please tell me already got some PSI it's amazing um but yeah look while we're watching if this thing goes up if you're enjoying this content then um please hit the Subscribe button if you do hit the Subscribe button I will do everything in my power to get this thing running we're going to take it home we'll pour more stuff down it we'll have we'll take the head off if we have to we'll we'll do whatever we've got to do hit things with hammers more and more and more until it frees up and we'll get this thing going that's my pledge to you if you hit the subscribe button and then you can watch the rest of the video and don't go fast forward in it to see if we did or not I am um and also if you want to do anything else like um go in the description and buy like t-shirts hats stickers air fresheners you can do that as well that really helps the channel there other ways you can help the channels well you go on patreon we've got a patreon I've got a patreon where I sort of put out extra content and they get updates on stuff like this as it happens and you know lots of cool stuff like that um so you can go on there spend some money but if you don't want to spend any money listen just if you hit the Subscribe button that would be well good cuz you know there's a lot of effort this and it makes you know absolutely zero Financial sense to do so I need all of this button pressing that YouTubers usually ask for in order to pay for me to do stupid things like this [Music] keep your keep [Music] right everybody else's car has been collected it's all ni and clear going to try and get this thing out now and there's a massive hump there that is that is like a speed bump so I'm going to try and do is bring the trailer to here so we can get the ramps like Crossing that bridge and just hope that this thing pulls up my only other worry is is not really anywhere to get the winch round the amazing tasty Classics Land Rover is in position this is this is going to be a problem there's no like sort of Towing hook or anything on the back of this car there's not really a lot in the way of sort of metal on the back of this car so um I'm just going to try and figure that out and then we'll try and pull it onto the trailer I'm also getting attacked by flies today they they're really keen on me I don't know why it's quite a humid day mid 20s something like that it's getting very very warm War eyeballs are sweating quite heavily um and yeah flies everywhere like flies around okay let's get this um let's get this thing on the trailer sit WP is wheels are all locked up standard um they're not nothing's turning the winch is sort of scraping it along because it is on sort of Fairly Dusty concrete which is quite nice but can really get to the front of the car all of a sudden can't you doesn't it look nice happy little lost in come on come back to life you know you want to time's not finished on the road yet surely good looking car though isn't [Music] it oh front wheels started to spin that's amazing right I need to go and put a bit of steering on it if we've got steering also try and give these a love tap again [Music] oh it got got caught up on the bre Wi on the strap H there oh just pulled it right into it that's that's frustrating um oh I can see the car in the light wow very very nice um it's going to have great patina isn't it especially underneath um what I going do about that I can't get it forward now let me try and rejig that okay take five there is the a bit of exhaust braet that's going to hit the trailer but I'm hoping it just pulls it off [Music] oh that is the rear beam of the car so close yet so far yeah look this bit's um this bit's got a bit Rusty look from under there okay little rethink what I've decided to do is because the car needs to come more this way can't get any further this way cuz of trees and things is I'm going to hook the winch to that bit of metal there you know this big solid bit of metal here let's try that how's your Sunday going you having a nice Sunday lunch out in the pub or something okay it's pulled the carow nice and straight isn't it look at that really good nice nice now it's pulling it over a little bit too far so we're going to have to reposition again but the good news is is the back wheels are on the trailer which is always a great start doesn't like that does it are we catching on something down there let's try and lift this discovery y that rear end is fighting for its life like I am outside in this sun this a pale skinned strawberry blonde man [Music] [Music] I'm walking her on do you know what I mean and she'll get on got nowhere else to grab there's nothing underneath it's fighting for its life trust me it is later on we'll get this thing up in the air on the ramp and you'll be able to see [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] early early possible but yeah that's what we were thinking we want to be G I've just pulled up down the road I've got the car on the trailer um I had to get out of there because I was being eaten alive I must have like 20 odd bites on me they're not you know it's not as bad as wasp or anything but they they're just they're itchy and like they're all over me and I so hot anyway um I had to get out there um because they needed to do stuff and it's getting late in the day so I've got the car on the trailer behind me let's put one more strap on it and let's uh make sure everything's okay and have a look at it for the first time in 40 years in daylight we haven't seen this side yet have we it's nice isn't it it lovely little car I mean you know underneath I think we're going to be in for a bit of a shock not sure if it's ever going to go on the road again but by God will we get this thing running and driving I'm determined I've only ever had one maybe two cars fail me and I only stopped I could have got them running but I stopped because I didn't like them one was a lder I can't even remember what the other one was but this I like it's really nice and it's got an A Series in it I mean how you know how hard's that going to be easy very common Little Engines but I love it I just love the look of it I think it looks absolutely gorgeous it's such a great design I really really like it 31st of March 1983 it's just a great car isn't it look at it happy little happy little face look how happy it is that it's sort of out here in the sunshine in the beautiful Welsh Countryside I don't know what that place is it says general bioc secure area doesn't doesn't sound doesn't sound that good does it um so anyway I'm going to head home now so uh enjoy the Welsh Rolling Hills as I take this thing back to the workshop and try and think of a plan on how let's get it running [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] I don't know if you know this but today the engine of this car is going to turn over I'm manifesting it you know um it needs to please God please turn over it's been 48 hours since I pulled it back here I've been doing some jobs inside that have been waiting I've poured Diesel and ATF down the cylinders as well as some diesel system fuel cleaner don't know why I just had a bottle of it lying around I thought it might work um I'm just going to as I'm doing finishing off my jobs inside I'm going to come out and I'm going to keep trying different things to crack this engine over please it's going to be the hottest day of the year today as well apparently it's it's going to be getting up to 30° I'm not wearing my cap either because I uh it's too hot I fixed that as well it's still a little bit bent but I have fixed it uh right okay turn over how'd you do it all where's the bar how are you uh how are you enjoying this video so far I think it's going really well isn't it I I thought um it's very good okay look at how easy it turns over now another interesting thing um is that I thought these cars were going to be super common because they were like the bestselling cars yada yada um they were really it's interesting um they were really popular back in the day so I did think you know these things there's going to be loads of them there's going to be loads of parts available um and it's not really the case there isn't that many of these things about go online now and try and find one you'd be surprised I was come on crack it over come on God it's probably worth my ow it's burning me probably worth mentioning as well that it's only halfast 9 and it's already meltingly hot that's fine isn't it uh I might make a quick battery cable now that we're back at base and just make that proper so I can you know maybe the key and more power on the start motor maybe should we do that let's do that how much battery wire do we need probably that much is going to be fine quite a nice little system this I don't know if this is how the is how it's supposed to be done cut that a bit big and then You' got yourself a a battery C C essentially which is pretty smart isn't it I need to put a hook on the you know a circle bit for the battery to go on see if I've got one of those as is usually the case I am woefully ill prepared and I do not have one of those but I do have one of these so hopefully that's going to do exactly the same job for the moment um so there we go we all connected up that Earth's going to be fine isn't it can't see any reason why it why it wouldn't be okay um look at these Keys as well pretty cool aren't they little lus in logo there British Leland logo these bites are getting pretty Fierce as well I've got quite a few all over me some big ones dotted about but um I'll be fine be fine okay key in ignition yeah absolutely nilp from the engine there everything's still completely stuck um I can also tell cuz of where the rotor arm is positioned so that's what one of the things I'm looking at there um when I'm turning it over I'm going to hook 24 volts up to it now and let's see if we can't either set the start motor on fire or make it turn over no dice so yeah she's she she doesn't want to move does she she does not want to move so we're going to be seized somewhere in here aren't we it's either going to be the Pistons or the crank and stuff down there I'd imagine it probably is the Pistons I can take this head off it's not going to be too much of a bother to take this head off I would have to buy another gasket for it just these bolts along here at the back and then I've got to take the Inlet manifold off and the exhaust manifold off which is you know could be worse um got a bit more access than in a mini uh in this car so that's that's going for it I suppose um so yeah I mean that's the next step really I think I am going to give it one more day one more evening um I'm going to put some more stuff down there now I want to put the camera down there again and just have a little check but it hasn't if it was if it was doing like a tiny little bit of movement then I'd be like it'll go but it's it's completely locked solid I've just been using lots of heat to try and sort of I don't know do something it's interesting you can see which one this valves down in let me see if it explodes again no but it lets the fire go in and I can really heat that cylinder up and I've made it pop a couple of times but the others the valves are closed so it's a lot more difficult to get the fire in there I've been heating it for a little bit though one of the reasons I'm heating it is I want to try and get rid of the fluid that's in there so I can pour something a bit stronger down it [Music] still no D some free we'll keep trying I'm not going to wait around for another day I'm going to take the cylinder head off [Music] he [Music] he [Music] a [Music] [Music] I'm so hot I'm my my forehead is sweating on the inside I can feel the sweat running down the inside of my cheeks weird don't like it um we're ready to come off that was pretty easy really um couple of ball Lakey bolts in places but generally pretty good interestingly I've there's a there's a there's a starter button on there I just noticed before it's red big starter button which is really cool but what is interesting is that when I'm doing that this is a push rod engine like a American V8 lots of American stuff going on you know they still use all the oldfashioned sizes that we used to do before like 9/16 and 7/ 800s and 124s um so I've been using those been doing it properly nice isn't it for once um what was I saying yeah it's a push rod engine so that means as the crank and stuff and the Pistons are uping down they push rods push rod and then those rods control the valves they go on these little arms here and push the valves in and out great design all engines should be push R engines in my opinion all engines but what's interesting is as I'm doing this now now that the head's a bit loose I can see as I do it that push rod in particular is trying to move and that one there which is great and these are free they weren't stuck maybe that one a bit stuck come on head up you come ah I keep hitting that bite on the bloody trailer as well I'm having a great time great time come on you bloody head [Music] okay all my strength's gone cuz it's so hot I'm not covering any bolts am I no I'm not oh got pipes still on ah bloody pipes still on there holding it on um how can I get you off I know don't try this at home I'm cutting all these pipes off by the way because they're all completely busted they they're they're just full of holes and you they all want replace it um so if I do order a head gasket I'm going to order some pipe as well so we can replace them right that's off here she comes what we still attached on a nothing oh Jesus Christ those push rods are so Rusty that does not bode well right let's get this inside let's have a better look at it yeah just out of Interest now that's out the way I wonder if I can see any movement just having a look at this um head I keep thinking about that other car that we dragged out in two pieces pieces back at the farm and the sort of engine and stuff that was in that and I'm thinking I wonder if that was seized could be a could be a donor couldn't it but is it worth going all the way out there to try and find out if it's seized or not anyway this push rod here um it's really corroded here really corroded on the end and none of the others are this one a little bit but that one is totally corroded all over I don't know what that tells us but maybe we are looking at a bit of a annoying bottom end wondering if it's going to be worth completely filling it with petrol or something and throwing them match it no I mean I'm completely filling it with petrol and seeing if the bottom end frees up when it's you know submerged all the valves are good though in terms of like holes or Burns or anything like that so I'm sure it would go again you know with a fresh gasket and a bit of a clean up this head looks like it's in really good Nick which is nice you know you clean it up and and yeah hopefully you would get some fir in and the head gasket doesn't look like it's had any problems or anything it just looks looks quite decent looks quite like a low mileage one like the car is uh should we go and have a look at the engine over here I mean you can see I don't know if you can tell on camera there but that is quite Brown and nasty but nothing again bit of a run wouldn't s it's pretty you know again I've Just Seen load worse which leads me to think it's a much more down below issue anyway I'm going to empty all this fluid out and we're going to get a better look very nice this is a my brake bleeder thing but I'm now using it for this first impressions there's so much crap in these cylinders there a lot of stuff lot of detritus there you go I mean look look at all the all the all the rubbish inside there all the bits it's just so much crap I mean that God it does look like a bit of a piston ring it's not though can't be can't be oh my God is it a oh oh no I think that Piston's cracked oh that piston there is cracked right then yeah so the Pistons I mean inside it's pretty brown but it's not crazy I can see I don't know if you can see in there but can you see like it that Ridge there it's you know it looks like it's pretty stuck onto that piston and it's just you know this here that bit of piston that's sort of snapped off there I don't think that's from hit from me hitting it um I feel like that is from where maybe it's water's got in and it's frozen or something because if it was from when I had hit it the Piston would have moved and the Piston hasn't moved doesn't look like this is just flung up either you know all the brake underneath looks pretty Rusty um and yeah that one there again looks looks [Music] okay can just see it's all absolutely solid but what I'm thinking of doing is I'm going to put some plus gas around the edges of these and I'm going to get like a big bit of wood and I'm just going to try and hammer on the Pistons and see uh See if anything happens just got that bit of piston out and yeah it's pretty badly sort of crappy and oxidized under there God you can really see how stuck these rings are I think it might be the pce the [Music] [Music] [Applause] cylinders zero movement in these yeah zero I'm trying to get them with heat now and I'm going for this one first so I cuz I can see a bit of one of the Rings so try to heat that [Applause] up see if I can break it free you know at this point there's absolutely nothing to l Lo it's got a budge now surely and if this doesn't work which it won't I'm going to leave it a little bit longer and have a think [Music] so has anybody got a couple of snacks they want to put on this baring surprised the gas hasn't went out in this I've not replaced it since I got it [Music] all right let give these a good Wallin I'm no expert but I would say this one here has moved it's potentially free couple of flaming sambers please bman do you think this engine's ever going to run again I don't know starting to not not be very convinced I'm going to carry on with this for a bit and I'll let you know if I get anywhere this engine is going to be so hot now I don't know if you can see the oil has all part from that one there has has boiled out of the headbolt holes and I'm just I'm heating it and heating it plus gas plus gas and then just beating it and beating it and it's just not budging I feel like we might have a bit of movement in you know you can see around the edge of that one there and then down there as well I think potentially a fair bit of movement um so I'm just going to yeah keep going until I die of sunstroke okay so I'm giving up for today anyway um I've put a load of plus gas in there and I'm cuz that's you know plus plus gas is the best of I've unseized engines with plus gas before I'm just hoping this starts to sort of seep through um and I'll try it again tomorrow and the day after but what I want to do now is get this thing off the trailer and onto the ramp just so we can have a look underneath it and sort of see um what I'm dealing with and you know just have a bit of a better look you know what does the sump look like to look easy enough to get off you know cuz I I don't think that's going to be needed anyway because the um you can see the Pistons are the thing that's seized um so I've got to get it off there the problem being is that the rear brakes are completely stuck on got a cunning plan though I'm going to reverse the trailer up to here I'm going to tie the front of the car to this bit of the ramp and I'm going to drive the discovery out and hopefully the the um Austin will just be pulled off the trailer sounds totally cool doesn't it and then I can put it on some skates and and move it round this is going to go so well I can tell okay let's give it a go [Music] [Music] o o [Music] [Music] I don't want to sound all doom and gloom but I I think some of just a small amount of the structural Integrity may have been may have been compromised lot suspension travel looks quite maybe a 4x4 okay see what's actually happened here is just get down on the floor if you see I mean if you look quite closely you can see that the wheels are quite close to the floor whereas the body of the car is quite high up in the air and usually they're very close to the body so that's that's the first sort of red flag um about the structural Integrity of this car secondly the only thing holding the Wheels rear axle and suspension onto the car are those two brake pipes that you you can sort of see in the middle there um and those two suspension flexi pipes Which is far from ideal but it's also a good reminder that that's why you should keep your brake pipes in in good order because you know you never know when they might be the only thing holding the holding the rear axle onto the car so do always keep those well maintained um it does look a little bit crusty under here though doesn't it I mean I've definitely s s of I've definitely seen better um just trying to see if I can find a Good Earth on it somewhere no what there no okay fuel tank looks no okay suspension there um no okay [Music] what you reing then it's a shame isn't it I mean I I'd have Lov to have even just driven this thing around the yard and you know if you can get running and driving the chances of them being saved and not stripped for parts goes up dramatically doesn't it but sometimes you have got to know when to call in the day and I think that might be now the car's pretty toast underneath back end I mean the axle's there the car's here the engine's stuck solid I'm going to keep trying to you know turn it over but it it's it's stuck solid but I'll I'll keep looking at it and if anything changes I'll let you know I'll do another video on it cuz it still run like Le doesn't need a back action to run does it you know um what else I mean it's been great I've had a good time I'm covered in Cuts bruises bites um apart from that though it's been a great time I've thoroughly enjoyed it um I it seized engines just happens doesn't it got to sometimes admit defeats I've got plenty of other stuff I need to crack on with and don't forget as well that this thing came with another car which I have started recording it's in the shed and I'm going to do some more on that probably next week um and I've got a couple more cars there to do but this one I think this is going to be the end if anything does change I'll let you know but for now it's going to go on eBay it you know it can't be crushed it's got so many good parts on this car all the lights even the front bmle clean up nicely Grill all the interior the interior is immaculate I've taken a load of pictures of it now it's it it's like brand with a wash obviously it'll come up like brand new it's only done 50,000 miles and then it was parked up probably because the engine seized um but yeah there there's so many good parts of this car you you know surely you you wouldn't scrap it so I'm going to stick it on eBay for next to nothing and just hope that someone comes along that wants to break it for parts or do a very very very brave restoration something like that you know but anyway there we go it's been a fun video and if you've enjoyed it hit the Subscribe button and I promise the next one I'll get running can't win them all you know thanks very much for watching bye e e
Channel: Tasty Classics
Views: 57,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lryiu3rYdog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 18sec (6798 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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