Abandoned 🇨🇺 all-inclusive resort - Emperador, Cayo Coco, Cuba.

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so what we're on the lookout for is we were told that down this way there was a cigar lounge so we're gonna go look see what we can find [Laughter] so we go down this way and see what's down here what you can never go wrong with in cuba is the beaches look at that absolutely gorgeous out here oh i've got a lovely pair of coconuts coconuts we have a beautiful building here not for children i don't know if you can see in there or not but it looks like a lounge area in here see lots of tables and chairs and lounging chairs and beautiful dressers back there all right looks like we're coming back up to the resort here the smell leaves something to be desired in that area you get these lagoons you get still water doesn't lead to the greatest smells oh what's this i mean that's our resort but this area here looks pretty overgrown let's go check it out wow what the heck what are we looking at sherry wow look at this overgrown in here well something just went running in the bushes look at that look at this statue what is going on this is lake this looks like a resort that was maybe destroyed by the hurricane and they never rebuilt it wow that was the bar obviously yeah it does doesn't it look at there's a dock out there i don't know if you can see it on camera but here's the pathway then there used to be something there that linked right up to the dock there that goes out in the lagoon man this is so cool completely overgrown look at this was uh i don't even know what this building was but it's all overgrown inside now look have all this debris down here weird when nature takes over yeah man this is creepy look at this place [Applause] he's gone liz are gone wow look at that all the leaves are off behind you yeah it's all on the ground here with all the ceiling and the palm leaves that they used to make the roofs here coconut lizards go running everywhere he's gone [Applause] wow this was a beautiful building and now yeah look at this looks like an amphitheater area i concerts know look at this big chunk of the roof is down on the ground here for when it falls wow what room was this this is another room here filled with debris we had all the tiles there piled up just destroyed look at they look like christmas balls on the ground here oh my god they're christmas balls that's so sad wow and look at this big pile of watch behind you yeah this big pile of tiles on the ground here what kind of hive is that [Applause] look at that oh i don't know how well you can see that i don't know what that is but wow that's a big high from something whether it's termites or bees but i don't see anything flying out of it i don't know what kind of tropical disease i'll get from that look at that so yeah this whole area looks like a stage so if there was maybe curtains or a wall here if it looks like there could have been because it's quite a step up here this looks like it could have been a stage of some sort because here is the big amphitheater look at that yeah whatever that building is it's completely wrecked yeah ripped off of something yeah hey this look like their residences from the old hotel just nature's completely overtaken again i'm getting caught man i've never seen anything like this in my life look at that you can see where they've taped the windows to maybe keep them together from the wind try to save them for the most part it looked like it worked the buildings have just destroyed i can't even describe what it feels like to walk through here oh there's a big lizard running across the ground there we got here we got maybe this was a restaurant at one point look at the rails are all down yeah no kidding you don't want to go down there oh these were rooms this was not a restaurant these are all rooms we have debris on the ground here over there so it looks like we've got a security tape here to say not to enter these rooms probably dangerous right so they don't want anybody going in there too dangerous oh yeah look the hive is on the ground must have been up here oh there's a piece there and there it is on the ground whatever it is that builds those and all these doors have that tape on them to keep them closed captioning not available [Applause] wow yeah these are all the hotel rooms look at stairways don't have railings anymore it's just completely destroyed and overtaken now wow okay room 3504 let's look in here so it looks like it has a bunch of storage in there for reconstruction actually yeah and vines growing up here wow metal everywhere you see pipes are just hanging out of the ceiling wow this is just crazy pair of shoes in there sunscreens lots of sunscreen bottles in here yeah so you can see all these vestiges of when this was an operating resort yeah there's a liquor bottle right there maybe it was a bottle of that incredible cuban rum i do love that cuban rum that was a bit prickly i just had something on me just wild just completely overgrown again nature just takes right over again here we have all the roofing tiles looks like they've piled them up to maybe try to reuse them at some point but they're now sitting here there were vines growing up there you can see the track marks on the wall [Applause] this looks like this was a bathroom at one point yeah these were i don't know this was a washing area because there's a base in there and there's a hole in the wall it looks like pipes wow not every door has the security i can see in this one all the furniture is still in that room just left this one all the furniture you can see like a couch in that right yeah look at that i think that's termites or ants built that that's a trap that goes all the way across now we've seen something like that before when we were in caves in varadero and the guide that was there was saying that you don't want to step on those because i think they were ants and he said they would bite you and they sting really bad well you can't go this way you have to go back this way can you see anything in there just a window okay the window's still in there huh the damage from the weather just annihilated this place i'm just going to check up here it feels kind of rocky it's okay so this being an upper level gives us a better view but not as much debris lying around of course because it's not on the bottom level this was a fountain that looks like your garden animal feces all over the place if you can see that and unfortunately the camera doesn't really show what's in there no railings anywhere except for here there you go just as i say that i found a railing there you go so you can see the sitting area here coaches there's the beds kind of piled up on each other there huh but again zero railing so you can see here this unit doesn't even have glass in the windows anymore you can see right in there's beds all piled on top of each other back there lots of furniture couch windows are just blown right down look at the whole frame has been pushed into the room on these frames yeah man that is just so sad just devastating look at this that was a bathroom drywall is just sitting down on the floor now covering most of that window and no railings so i've got to be careful i just want to point out too there were no signs here that said do not enter we saw nothing that said not to go we didn't cross any barriers um so we're not uh intentionally going somewhere that we didn't think we should um probably not recommended but i just want you all to know when you're watching this that we did not cross any barriers whatsoever to stop us from coming in here let's go back down since being up here feels kind of dangerous with no railings all right so we're going into a courtyard now completely overgrown look that was probably one of the signs that was uh sort of a resort map that tells you where to go now i don't want to walk through there because that grass is really tall and you never know what you're going to get what kind of plant you step on what kind of bug might be on that plant i'm not too keen to go walking through that tall grass i was going to say this looks like it's in a little bit better condition here because the railings are all up but i don't know i think this is still part of the abandoned resort more buildings over there yeah certainly not in his bad condition but we have railings ah some of the beautiful textured artwork i'm sitting somewhere in the resort here now on the ground broken destroyed by nature i saw some uh photos from the last time we were here and we were in uh keown sinacho's before the hurricane hit there and then i saw the video of it after and the devastation was totaled look we have a blue lizard blue green hello dude no don't panic he's like i don't know where to go there we go i'm going to go up the building another room here too hard to really see inside there but this furniture all piled up throughout the room but the furniture itself is just destroyed like i see bed leg and the wood just smashed and here the ceiling's gone just like that lots of lizards scurrying everywhere as we walk here's another pack here to go through i don't even know what resort this was i've seen nothing to say what it was so this path here looks like it goes from where we just were over there where the grass was too tall to walk through just goes on and on look at it so much skirting wow yeah i know oh look the pool look all these buildings are abandoned it's an entire resort just abandoned let's go down here first yeah that's the pool man what do you think sherry it's very upsetting just can't imagine what they went through here you can see in this room maybe i don't know the windows are pretty dirty let's go have a look at the pool oh my god this is the front of the resort oh my gosh wow this is the old lobby whole area just completely destroyed look at that there's a swimming pool bar right there oh look at that crab claws there there and there yeah the pool is filled with little parts of crabs these are one point would have been areas where you put your chairs so you can lounge in the shade a little bit here's where's the hot tub yeah hot to lose the jets i'm gonna have to do some research and find out what hotel this was what resort music there's a whole horse drawn way in there the pool is now growing over and there's flowers growing there as well here we go let's go have a look at the front lobby here before so ah yeah this was like such a beautiful there's a kids play area there right so this is obviously for children so so this looks like it was the children's area because obviously this crayons painted on the walls and uh there's a like a kiddie pool here also over here looks like there's a water park we have a splash pad over here and very colorful of course so yeah this uh certainly was a children's park so so it looks like this is the old walkway to the to the beach looks like they had some lagos laguzu lagoon rooms as well just like the mojito it looks like green beans they look like green beans don't they it's a seed pod of some sort there we go boards are missing off the walkway here always have to be very careful the old artwork there that's nice little beach bar we have the beautiful beach okay how are you gonna get through you just hold it when you get there hold it like push okay okay there we go there we go oh that's another building that's all destroyed over there [Music] down there i don't know if you can see it there's another building that looks like it's from a resort that's completely destroyed on the beach and running shoes [Music] oh it certainly was interesting wasn't it sherry [Music] so that's part of our resort right there that's our beach bar yeah so thank you very much for watching this is now the real end of the video we're safely back on the beach [Music] i do not recommend anybody else go in there i mean once we got in there and we're sort of stuck in there it's kind of like i don't think we should have come in here but we haven't done it by chance we didn't cross any barriers unfortunately on the way out we did cross barrier and we saw a security guard we explained our situation and he told us how to get out so here we are but that was exciting but very very sad to see all right thanks everyone [Music] you
Channel: Markin' the Trail
Views: 80,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned, Cayo Coco, Cuba, Cuba resorts, Emperador, Iberostar Cayo Coco, Iberostar Mojito, Mojito, Travel, abandoned places, abandoned resort, explore, resorts, vlog, Cayo Coco Cuba 2022, vacation, abandoned, hotel mojito
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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