Aaron Blaise Live Stream - Drawing Cute

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[Music] everybody Aron blaze here and we are live again on YouTube and you see some really pixelated people on the other side of my screen right now and that is my daughter my son-in-law Chad and Austin blaze and Chad Barry say hi guys yeah you guys are really pixelated unfortunately but I just wanted to celebrate I've got a brand-new baby granddaughter and she is two days old can you guys hold her up close can you get the camera kind of close to her and she looks like a bunch of pixels doggone it but if you guys could see there's actually a beautiful little baby girl there her name is Avalon and I couldn't be I couldn't be any happier so this is my second grandchild my first granddaughter and and we're really really happy so I just wanted to introduce there we go she's coming in better now I wanted to introduce her to the whole world I've got a brand-new baby granddaughter and her name is Avalon so congratulations to Chad and Austin and and so I thought today it would be kind of fun to sit and draw babies and draw cute and celebration of little baby Avalon I've got a video already on my YouTube channel on YouTube where I talk about a drawing cute and that sort of thing but it's recorded I thought today we'll just do it live and I'll just tell I'll talk about some of the things that I think about when I'm drawing cute so anyway I just wanted to introduce you guys to the baby so I'm going to let you guys go Austin and Chad thank you so much for getting on Skype and talking to the whole world and you guys you guys look like a big pixelated mess but anyway all right so we're gonna jump back now and I'm gonna get back on Photoshop and we are going to yeah I wish you could have seen her she says you so cute actually I got some photos over I'm just gonna I'm gonna just bore you guys with pictures of my baby granddaughter there she is she is the cutest little thing I got to see her the other day I was supposed to do Facebook live on Tuesday but she was born on Tuesday so we went down and now she's she's opening her eyes now and she's just super super cute so I want to draw I want to draw cute today all right so let me take a little sip of my coffee and we are all set actually I've got my water over here how we doing over there Dustin doing good all right so we got Dustin blaze my son he's as usual he's here see hi Dustin all right and then we've got Nick birch on the other end in Sarasota Florida helping us out he'll be answering questions as well on the keyboard I'm still 3 for you today bye anyway um why don't we sit down and and we'll draw a cute and so I want to just talk about you know it's interesting when um and once again won't you know well I'll answer questions as we go um you know one of the things that make something cute and it's interesting how we are we're so hardwired you know the reason why we see something cute what the reason why we see some nature is has wired us that when we see the proportions of cuteness it makes us want an urge and that's what that's why babies look cute me and more we're wired to see that and want to nurture and want to protect and and so that's why all all mammals basically I'm because a lot of theirs I mean come on baby spiders aren't that cute but there's you know mammals and that sort of thing they're all basically proportioned the same there's adult proportions and then there's these baby cute proportions and it doesn't matter if you're looking at a human baby or a gorilla or a puppy or a kitten they're all proportion the same from the differences as far as you know going from adult to to the baby and that's why when we see a puppy or we see a kitten or we see a baby mouse or whatever we just go oh you know you just react and you want to hold it you want to nurture it so and now those proportions let's talk about those proportions if we create a new layer here if we look at an adult let's say all right so if there's an adult head like so first of all what you see right off the bat is it's much longer okay and our eye line an adult eyeline is just slightly above halfway it's same here and there's usually about an eye width you know between the between the side of the head between the eyes I got them a little far apart between the eyes and then here okay so there's that you got your eyebrows up here your nose there's a little little more than a third of the way down and then your mouth right here right and then the ears fall right in between okay so you've got very bad drawing but there's your there's your adult male you know there's a male proportion or it could be female just give her along here oh no look she's female now okay cool but anyway so there's there's your adult proportion now kids and it depends on the age too so but let's go let's go really young first of all much rounder head everything's round you know the babies lots of chubby cheeks around chin round cheeks around folds and the arms everything's round round round round keep that in mind but that I line the eye line is gonna be way down here like a third of the way off the bottom and usually the eyes are a little bigger in proportion and there are a little more set apart you know a baby's eyes the eyeball the eyeball doesn't grow or at least that's my understanding so a baby's eyes are the same size as the eyes their eyes are going to be when they're an adult so that's why baby's eyes look so big because they are in comparison to their body and then you've got a little nose you know proportion-wise very tiny little nose right here and then this little mouth everything small no cheeks and then ears so those are the baby proportions okay and it's interesting I can take those ears off do this I can change the nose put your mirrors up here you got a little puppy and off it's all kind of the same you know it's interesting how that can work so so those are the proportions you know when when you look at a baby you know your eyes are much set much slower they're bigger the ears are small the mouth is small the nose is tiny all that kind of stuff and we know that kind of inherently but to sit down and actually draw it it can get a little tricky sometimes and so I wanted to sit down and just go through it with you guys and you know and I'll tell you you know I'll show you some of my techniques as far as how to draw a cute you got anything over there dustin not at the moment right on there was right bringing something to a neighbor having a text conversation about something good all right well keep doing that so I'm going to go ahead and how do I draw a cute without following conventions well the one of the things about drawing cute is to not over draw that's that's a big thing if you have too many angle changes too many you want things to be fluid you want things to be you don't want a lot of a lot of different things going on in the silhouette that will help that will contribute to something looking cute without being conventional but at the same time the reason things are conventional or cliche that it's is for reason is because that's that's what makes something cute I mean you can take those proportions and apply it to a shark and you can make a cute looking shark you know that's like I said earlier that's what we're hardwired to see is are those proportions as being cute so if you break those proportions a lot of times you're breaking the cute factor okay but there's number you can play within that realm though you can play within the rules that I'm going to show you so let's go ahead let's draw actually I'm going to come down just I don't like that let me change my size here that's better right in there alright so I always start with this round little round head and I always notice I'm doing this rather than just it's hard drawing a like another little bubble I like to have it fluidly come off the head like so like so where's my catch phrase like so alright and then here I usually try to establish an eye line in here I want to get rid of that because it gets distracting so let's say you have them look over here these little eyes and I like to set the eyes a little bit further apart and little nose and when I'm thinking about a baby's nose they tend to have kind of almost it's turned up a little bit and it's short one of the things I love about babies I'll give them some little tooth may be buck tooth baby mouths are are really cute in that the bottom lip tends to be like push back and the big the top lip comes out and I'll draw that on another drawing but they tend to be really cute that way but in just a few lines I like like pull the ears out I like to draw kind of ears sticking out I'm a little kid just a few lines we've got some cute happening here I'm going to shrink him up just a touch just a touch there we go let's have him or her oh oh I turn off my my email yes off off all right so now now notice the arm notice the proportion on the arm that I'm drawing I'm going to give them little hands but notice how I like I like doing kind of big bulbous forearms almost like like Popeye because they they tend to have you know they're big and squishy you know and pull that shoulder in and little fingers little tiny fingers yes custom what kind of jobs can you get nowadays with 2d animation since this art form isn't used as as much anymore well there's tons of jobs you can get mean there's still first of all there's still a lot of 2d animation happening in television here in the States in Europe I get this question all the time we're gonna have to put this on a fat fact frequently asked questions section of our of our site because I get the same question every week you know there's there's lots and lots of animation going on of course there's not as much to D in the feature world but there's TV stuff there's commercial stuff there's all kinds of stuff going on so it's just you know you it's not as prevalent as it used to be like I said from a feature standpoint but if you get out there you can still find it and we'll just give them some little legs so notice how everything's small and of course I mean that's their babies but it's the proportions look at look at the head Kapoor ssin the size of the head compared to the rest of the body you know a normal person is usually about 7 to 8 heads high tall you know you take that head you repeat at 7 or 8 times whereas this baby here and baby something like this might be 3 or 4 heads or even 2 heads depending on how you know you want to proportion and push up cartoony it might be but you see the these arms a little Bowlby feet let's get his little feet in their little toes so yeah so they're you know looking and I like the draw also I love drawing their little I'm going to have little wrinkles fat wrinkles fat rolls like so but notice how I'm trying to keep things all nice I'm very nice and simple as far as you know there's not a lot of when you switch this back again drop that down a little bit more there's not a lot of you know angle change and things like that I try to be very simple you know that's a full these line the line work is very simple describing that arm you see there you know when I got a shoulder I'll describe the shoulder but everything else is very fluid alright one part kind of flow or the other and that helps keeping it chubby and cute and little date key fingers awesome I've got all this little detail at the end of you know where the hands are any more questions our Dustin quiet today Oh Charlie yeah speak up Dustin we can't hear you I'm looking for something gotcha what are you drinking there I am drinking coffee there we go could you ask Oh cute in relation to the center of gravity maybe people are taught by the out does that apply to others say that again ask this person wants to know about the cue in relation to center of gravity I have no idea what that question means but I will definitely do some sketching uh I think it's talking about like the like the size of the head like the like top-heavy and things like that okay that kind of proportion how to keep keep that center or center of gravity going sure you know an animation it's you know I love drawing animating baby because you can kind of get them all over the place and they'll kind of lead with their belly and then they catch up and they're always out of balance and it's always a lot of fun to to animate that and as far as that center of gravity that's that's the thing it's just it's changing all over the place and the babies having to you know kind of catch up and a foot will get up in the air and then it'll catch up and then they'll have some quick steps and then you know it's almost like a drunk walk you know I actually animating people drunk and animating babies are basically the same that's kind of fun so I'm just going to just tie them down just a little bit just have some fun drawing Q what's it like you've seen it before as far as the way I laced up and I rough it in and I come in and tie it down yeah that's them I've got two questions here number one can you explain how you have your sketch a brush setup the actual settings I mean once we downloaded from your site the settings on the my brush are exactly the way they should be on the site so if they're different I'm not sure because I don't I don't like my brush setting on the the breasts that I'm using now is exactly the same as far as the settings go I don't I haven't changed them well kind of what's the brush a easy this is the same brush that's another question I get over time it's um it's the if you go to my go to my website I've sell you a whole bunch of photoshop brushes and this is the seventh brush it's not not it's not number seven it doesn't it's not called number seven but it's the seventh brush in my original custom brush pack and Nick will put up a link to it and why do you flip the drawing when I flip a drawing it causes you to you causes your brain to see it completely different and for whatever reason I don't know why for whatever reason you are able to see mistakes more so if I switch this around you'll notice like like here I want now it feels like I don't have enough to his head back here I want to fill that out more say it just feel I can feel that I can see it better give them some bigger ears so that's that's it's just I don't know what it is you know it's like just now we just saw that you know hey and this needs and need something more back there and you're able to you're able to see mistakes better and that's you know before we had computers before we were hanging on before I ever worked on a computer I I would use a mirror and I'd go up and I'd hold my drawing up to a mirror and look at it that way so if you're if you're working traditionally try that trick and that was something you know I I didn't even know other artists did that was probably when I was about 12 or 13 years old I was drawing and I couldn't get back far enough to look at my picture so I held it up to a mirror to double the distance when I looked at it in the mirror I was like oh my gosh there's all kinds of things wrong with it that I didn't see what went normal and so I started doing that as a kid then I discovered that other artists do the same thing yeah I don't know one person I'm asking from the previous lot of stream just wanted to follow up on it he was asking about the if you're still planning to share so your key so they can practice on animating the in-betweens sure yeah I love that idea and it's I just haven't been able to get around to it but uh I definitely will be doing that and we'll figure out a way to get it to get them out to people obviously you'll be through the website creature art teacher comm so if you're if you're gonna want to check out my site that's where it's at oh also um we're just kind of proud of this I've got a nice I've got an article that just came out on cartoon brew if you go to cartoon guru.com the website I've got an article talking about my seven the seven steps that I go through in character design designing a character so check that out go to cartoon brew check it out and so here's a there's a little baby and once again you know turn them around and we could see that you know I needed I needed to flesh out his face a little bit so there he is turn back the right way now we could you could just look the great thing about kids is it doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl they basically it just depends on the clothes you put them in you know I could give this little guy ponytails and all of a sudden you become a girl so it's just or I could just put it you can tell you can fool anybody into thinking waiting when you're drawing a baby what gender or whatever it's it's a lot of fun yes I'm Dustin I was just on my head gotcha so anyway so there's there's a baby there let's do something a little more cartoony it's up some fun with that so you can still and I'll push it really hard and here blow this up maybe he's really mischievous get those brows way down low how do you age of people while keeping it consistent and not losing its cuteness well once again it's the younger the more you push those the question is how do you age something up and not lose the cuteness well the more you age it up you're going to lose the cuteness but you can you can push beauty you can push you know any number of things haha so here maybe he's he's concentrating and give them a little I'll rough it in like this and then I'll come in and there we go I know they'll tie you down but if I let's bring them over here do you find digital sketching allows for greater easier experimentation or traditional sketching um the question is do I do I find digital sketching does it allow me to be more creative I guess is I'm the question you got allowing you but it doesn't like you - like a experiment more easily and yeah try you know it does and it does in a sense because um it does allow me to be a little bit more creative and try different things because I'm not worried about wasting any paper you know even though you know I've been doing this for 40 years I still have that little sense in the back of my head I don't want to waste this paper I don't want you know and so sometimes I'll go the safe route rather than let's see here there we go I'll go a safe route and and not experiment as much so here you know giving them little legs there's that little body again little hands different attitude let's uh let's tie this down see what we can get so I like to do that those little almost like a little pig nose the kids have there we go and this is pushed obviously is learning on 3d animation something you've considered um you know learning 3d animation is definitely something I've considered but I just currently I just don't have the time to do it and but I'd love to at some point I'd love to learn so definitely for sure so there's this that's a kind of a creepy baby keep it baby well oh I know what I want to do let's do one in profile I wanted to talk about those lips remember I was talking about those lips earlier and I did a little sketch of my little granddaughter when I went to see her I did a little drawing of her in profile and and she's just so cute and I saw some interesting things so if we get this head and the head tends to be long and profile okay and we want to get that little earring there one of the things is you come down and that little nose just it's almost like a 90-degree turn this kind of comes out you get this nostril right there you see that it's almost like this 90-degree turn right there and then what I love love love this is when I was talking about earlier these their lips their tiny little mouths that little lip will come down and you don't see much of it just comes in like so and then you've got well that's to line was too heavy there we go got this cheek that comes down now that's the top lip and that bottom lips it's way back here and it's just really really cute you can you can have it sit back like right there I could I can take it even further bring that lift way back see it actually makes it feel a little younger do that that's just a little bit there and then a little bit of the chin all of a sudden you get like a Gerber baby you get like a little gerbil baby thing happening actually kinda looks like boss baby yeah yeah boss baby how's the the complicity of drawing marine mammal complexity a versus about a CEO MPL I see ity okay or osika Boise how's the complexity of drawing marine mammal babies differs from overlay mammals well once again I think it's I think it's they're basically that it's the same idea you're going to get smaller God proportions just when we turn off my skype I'm getting messages on skype now there we go so you know when I and I have actually done some Marine Mammal baby designs there you go so there's a little little baby in profile and and when I do I try to keep the same I try to keep the same rule try to follow the same rules and but I'm if you look at baby whales like the big whales the baleen whales the humpbacks um the fin whales and that sort of thing if you look at their bait the babies the babies just like shrimp they just looks like shrunk down versions and a little bit more squat versions of the adults and so there's that so there's a little baby profile so look at the size of that forehead and that quick little break although all the features are all kind of gathered up you know all on one area and you've got this big melon of a head you know and if we draw that year in their ears are just perfect little representations of ours now it's it's interesting our ears grow throughout our lives Anthony and and I was looking at my granddaughter everybody does this when you see a brand-new baby you just you just marvel at how everything is perfect but so tiny and I was looking at her little ear and I held my thumb up to it and her ear was exactly the same size as my thumb but I'm just but I just marvel at all though the complexity of the intricacy all of that you know in the ear and the fingers in the tiny little fingernails and everything's perfect you know and it's just amazes me so and drawing any are in case you guys I'm going to give you an ear demonstration you don't know how to draw an ear start you know this if it starts to curtain go under right in here and it comes around it's almost like a open number nine think of it that way and once again lots of years I already has unique features so but then there's there's this shape right here it makes like a Y up in the ear this kind of comes out and feeds into the lobe then this comes around so you get this this it looks like a Y like that right here boom boom move that shape this comes down and and this comes down feeds right into opening right in there then you get the little earlobe earlobes down here there here's an ear just like so and usually you might have a little shadow coming over the top but if I blow this up so you can see a little better better better better there there's a little ear a little why the Y shape right there that feeds down into this part there's it goes into the ear canal and that curls in there like that there so there's your here that was your a little ear lesson your drawing lesson so look at those of you when you're when you're drawing babies especially in profile have some fun playing with you know here's the lip and profile and then there's that that bottom lip you can really have some fun with that we draw it if we were to draw and 3/4 and blow it up a little bit more you'd have there you get rid of these extra lines cuz they get distracting I like to feed right into the cheek right there you can have that bottom lip like way back there and then that little chin little Chin's back here see so all of a sudden now it feels like a real young baby because we've pushed that top lip out and pulled the bottom lip back I'm going to be drawing my granddaughter so much now you know a lot of people will you know they'll draw really big eyes and you can and that adds to the cuteness but I like to keep the eyes on the baby even if I'm drawing cartoony babies not quite as big because there's something about like overly huge eyes that to me they just kind of goes into a creepy factor there we go yeah just like so so those are you know drawing those lips that's really important getting that right actually we can darken them up a little bit okay that all really helps so let's review on some of these got any more questions over there Dustin what's been the most difficult cute animal to draw the most difficult cute animal um I don't know because I for me that things aren't difficult to draw if you just sit down and do the homework in order to learn to draw them I mean every everything is everything is difficult put it that way so once you learn how to draw it you get rid of the difficulty and the ease of getting it from your brain onto the paper or under the onto the screen increases over time so the idea of something being difficult for me to draw everything is going to be difficult at first no matter what if you don't know about it once you understand it then the difficulty goes away so I can't everything it's all the same so that's the answer to my to that question nobody's wondering if you could um draw a baby Raja and apply portion the portions to an animal oh sure actually I we had baby Raja and um in a lab go here oops there we go here so here's what we've done so far actually what do I have in here I think I was drawing oh that was that oh this is another baby I drew earlier this was actually a little cuter I think I was drawing this one earlier just as I was trying to come up with an idea for what we were going to talk about today and here let me go back to this guy because I like this we move him over there's something cute remember I was talking about um keeping things simple you know don't overdraw that I think this is a strong example of what I was trying to say there here I was trying very hard just to keep everything very very simple just like I was doing on this guy this guy feels a little less cartooning a little less fun this guy feels more fun to me there we go really simple I want to talk about I was going to talk about hands to a little bit more and when I think about what I'm doing the hands now let's let's just take that diaper right off there we go nothing cuter than little naked babies running around I love it maybe a couple little Tufts of curly hair yeah that's got fun nope don't need that line there we go so there so there's a there's this other baby that I was drawing earlier that I completely forgot about and that one feels a little more cute so if I shrink it up but we hit two Roger I'd you in a second don't worry if I put him over here and then turn this guy back on Oh like that for that I want this guy back on there we go you can see the proportions are push just a little bit more on this one on the lower right one and notice how this guy up here he's a little more squared off you know the head feels a little bit more square the proportions are pushed a little differently it's a complete to me it's a completely kind of different look II he feels a little bit older just in changing those proportions just a tiny little bit you can age a character up or down okay so if you look what we've got here you know the head is a little bit bigger to body the cranium is bigger to the face the the body is a little bit more around and so all of a sudden this baby feels you know just maybe a few months younger than this baby here this guy or maybe even a year younger this could be like a 1 a 1 year old one and a half year old whereas this is probably you know with 6 months old so just changing those those proportions a little bit look at the legs that's another thing to change you those before proportions just a little bit to really you know effect the age so keep that in mind if you're drawing when you're drawing bees let's do it let's try a Raisa I got to try to remember how to draw Raja again I haven't drawn Roger since I did that but realistic-looking raja a couple of years ago but um if I were to draw Raja as a let's see here you get a new layer there we go once again I would start that rain yep we got rain yay I would start Oh sweetie yeah yeah and I would once again just pull those proportions down and there we go and give them a little chin you can see when I'm when I'm doing lots of little sketching like a little lines you can that's my that's my dead giveaway that I'm struggling with a drawing trying to remember I'm trying to remember how to draw Raja and then shrink them up and give them baby proportions so there's that and then once again I would pull these eyes down maybe let's give a little smile out here I'm looking off to the side there we go little nostrils you've got that little Tufts of hair that come off the side so let's do that tiny like so like so there I go again like so there we go there we go so there's that and then I probably give them a little little scruffa for up there from around there's a line there there is a line here a line here I believe I remember this pattern right try to remember those patterning something like that there we go little baby Roger baby Raja I call this dark there we go so once again it's all the same proportion to give them a big you know give them that big cranium little nose little mouth bigger eyes offset little wider you know and and I give them a little feet so you know just a little body a little baby tummy so there can you draw a baby version of the beast a baby version of the beast that's um I've never ever done that so that'll be a first let's go ahead and try any kind of fun um okay so I drew the Beast last week and the same person wrote night I feel like the whole sentence can I can you draw big version of the beast I mean I know he was technically human has a baby but we actually would be very interesting to see I have no idea what I'm going to draw here let's see here well he would have you'd have just a little nose teeny-tiny little horns like barely poking out yeah you'd have just like blue nub see the thing about the beast there's so many features on his face the big brow and all that that made him who he is and then to pull those away it's gonna feel funky maybe but already he looks too old I got to push those proportions trying to do a baby beast trying to do baby beasts there we go you're watching it you're watching me struggle folks or your thoughts on the movie of eating the beasts I think you've managed that one before what am i what find what your your your thoughts on the live-action movie I haven't seen it yet so and you know that doesn't haven't seen it yet I know but I can't so I can't answer it so and I'm not going to put his big the big things in there because I don't think he's had them yet they haven't grown in yet so let's just do that and give him a little bit of fuzz on the bottom but no I just I haven't seen that haven't seen the movie I've heard great things about it there we go we give them big big eyes you should have a little stripe coming down I might just be killing it altogether as far as make whether or not he looks like the Beast anymore I don't know you have a little mark there but I don't want to look like he has a beard kind of looks like he has a beard there so let's get rid of that there there we go this is this is a weird request there we go we give them and once again little little horns and little ears let's drop the use way down here so this is bad drawing so maybe that's there we go there's a there's a baby beast I think something like that or something why that's creepy let's - um okay you see it get rid of it now because I don't want to look at that anymore about baby star floss no no I'm not doing any more baby Disney characters all right geez no baby buzz like here no wait it's the right element we're gonna talk about I want to go back two hands I want to talk about hands a little bit mood alarms so you know you've got there showing you they tend to have a nice round shoulders and braid into the fat of the arms and they're all you know they have the same rhythms as we do as adults do they're just squashed and little rolls of fat so let's I'm going to blow this up a little bit so you can see a little better oops so I'm just going to draw you know if the hand is I can't I don't know what's handed us but you're going to be looking at but you know I'm going to get this little roll in here so I tend to think of their hands is like this little square like this okay and then attach I just attach these think of it that way actually these little fingers almost like you blown up a surgical glove like that that's how I draw baby hands it's nice there we go okay air-sea so I keep it everything really dainty small and dainty like that can have him your point let's just keep it keep all little fingers small so actually that thing is probably too big keep everything really small and dainty like that okay what uh oh if I want to turn some of these back on so we can review because I'm going to go ahead we've been at it for an hour and so I just wanted to show you some yuckiness there we go and where's our other where's our profile oh that was a different profile guy I think I was looking at there we go so here's our here's what we've been talking about let me turn those hands back on ones what we're just talking about and edit free transform I can shrink them right up and put them up here so I like to you know when I'm doing stuff like this I like to spread them around and you can look at what we've been talking about but look at those proportions you know that big cranium getting the eyes uh you know spread apart you know getting more than an eye width apart if you get them too close it looks creepy it doesn't look right so make sure you get that play with those lips too remember I was talking about as far as you know getting that upper lip over the over the top of the the bottom lip it adds to the cuteness and it really will pull the age of the baby or the toddler you know down no younger if you look at it up here right here so look at look at that profile look how far back I was able to pull that that lip and when you look at babies you'll see that you see that they're really pulled back and and then just you know look at the size of the head to body proportion all that kind of stuff and then play with it just have some fun with those proportions apply it to other characters and to see what you come up with because I you know like I said I've been doing this for a long time and one of the hardest things I had to learn was drawing cute I could draw creepy I could draw the Beast you know the Beast even though it was complex was fairly easy to draw but when you got to sit down and you just have a few is to describe something cute and appealing that's where it gets difficult and you got to make sure every single line counts okay so anyway I hope you guys learned something today and next week I might be doing some animation or maybe even some story work I'm not sure yet but well whatever it is we'll have some fun doing it and I hope you guys learned something like I say get out there do some drawing don't draw something cute put some Beauty back into the world and I'll talk to you next week so see you later
Channel: The Art of Aaron Blaise
Views: 28,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live stream, cute, lesson, drawing, tutorial, babies, appeal
Id: sRSOl87oeh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 48sec (3288 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2017
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