Aang & Sokka for 10 Minutes Straight | ATLA

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oh what's going on here you tell us how'd you get in the ice and why aren't you frozen i'm not sure what is that thing this is appa my flying bison right and this is katara my flying sister i mean you just sneezed and flew 10 feet in the air really it fell higher than what is this a weapon you can't stab anything with this it's not for stabbing it's for air bending oh you know last time i checked humans can't fly check again hey saka hi dang thanks for coming thanks for coming well i couldn't let you have all the glory i dropped my staff got it wake up saga aired sample here we come oh sleep now temple later saga wake up there's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag ah get it off get it off great you're awake let's go hey who ate all my blubbered sealed jerky oh that was food i used it to start the campfire last night sorry you what so uh this air ball game how do you play making him i don't suppose you have a key the key saka is air bending i'm not sure i just know it somehow hmm you just couldn't get any weirder lemur dinner don't listen to me you're gonna be my new pet not if i get them first [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do you remember your cue yeah yeah just relax you're taking all the fun out of this by this do you mean intentionally being captured by an army of ruthless firebenders exactly that's fun stuff momo you have some big ears she'll be fine qatar knows what she's doing what's wrong she took the scroll she's obsessed with that thing it's just a matter of time before she gets us all indeed yeah saga you really should shut your mouth i'm just saying it's bad business sense just imagine how much the fire lord would pay for the avatar hey are you there i'm over here follow my voice where i can't find you i'm right here uh never mind i'll find you have you lost your mind this is no time for flu practice i mean he is the avatar are you kidding he's just a goofy kid he's right hey you saw his instincts would you mind okay okay i get it cut off saku your shirt suck on these how was your trip did you make any new friends no i don't think i did hey where's the fishing line oh i didn't think you would need it saka that's all pangold not tangled woven i made you a necklace guitar great egg maybe instead of saving the world you can go into the jewelry making business i don't see why i can't do both smoochy smoochy someone's in love someone really needs to scream some sense of them they seem happy soccer not for long i'm gonna prove on whose predictions are nonsense so osaka you know some stuff about ladies right some stuff you've come to the right place what can i do you for well there's this girl i think i know who you mean you do and you're okay with it of course i am and to tell you the truth i've been picking up a subtle vibe that she likes you too she does oh yeah she's crazy about you all you have to do now is not mess it up well how do i do that the number one mistake nice guys like you make being too nice you can be too nice yep if you want to keep her interested you have to act aloof like you don't really care one way or the other well okay hey aang i was wondering see you later hmm wow that kid is good i can't believe you're dragging me all the way up here for a stupid flower not just any flower a panda lily i've seen it in action and boy does it work flowers are fine once you're married but at this early stage it's critical that you maintain maximum aloofness but my heart is telling me to get this flower and aunt lou said if i trusted my heart i would be with the one i love what don't tell me you believe in that stuff too well aunt wu hasn't been wrong yet why should she be wrong about love there on the rim was wrong those people all think they're safe we've got to warn them there's no time to walk grab on [Music] man sometimes i forget what a powerful bender that kid is hey look a sword made out of a whale's tooth let me see that this is a water tribe weapon see if you can find anything else what's that story it's a long one some other time you and dad had so many it would be great but we can't we have to take gang to the north pole first hey let's say katara give him room hey help delete help to leave what does that even mean this is the map to our father you had it the whole time how could you well you can go to the north pole on your own i'm going to find dad so where do we go we're getting you to the north pole yeah we've lost too much time as it is don't you want to see your father of course we do i but you're our family too and right now you no it's princess ua i don't get it one minute she wants to go out with me in the neck she's telling me to get lost so how's water bending training master poop head won't teach her because she's a girl why don't you just teach her hang i'm sure she didn't mean that yeah i think she did go get her wait we can't just leave him here sure we can let's go i can shock you into the avatar state i love surprises still not glowing saga wake up huh i don't think we should be trying to bring on the avatar state you sure yes okay do you think the general will be mad what can he say you're the avatar who knows better than you going in to find booney hang stop we don't even know if boomi still what if he's still what all right people don't like you big deal there's a whole nation of firebenders who hate you now let's bust you out of here i can't sure you can a little sharpening slice i think what i need you guys to help prove my innocence how are we gonna do that the crime happened over 300 years ago that's okay saka for some reason i thought you were an expert detective well i guess i could be classified as such was old man jargo wearing polar leopard boots see a really hundred pound polar leopard would have left much deeper tracks okay i guess i am pretty good so you'll help me with my case fine but i'm gonna need some new props you can do it hey just remember the evidence right evidence footprints oh yeah you see i have very large feet so there you have it i'm not guilty [Music] he's dead what was i thinking i don't need a new bag why'd you let me buy this going avenge the boulder go champ how'd you know it was me don't answer to twinkle toes it's not manly hit it harder i'm trying it makes a great wig and a great beard [Music] you
Channel: avatarrow
Views: 796,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9irGKKSCP88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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