A year of the Ukraine-Russia war, as it happened

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2023 🗫︎ replies
Russia invades Ukraine in the capital helicopter attacks capture the airports and Russian troops are reportedly inbound Ukraine is under attack by land sea and air the Russian invasion appears designed to decapitate the country and install a new regime the loss of life and human suffering could be immense tonight it is not only the Ukrainian borders that are being trampled over but also the security in which we in Europe have lived our lives for 70 years no two major countries on this continent have gone to war on this scale that era is now over a dangerous new era is beginning usherdin by Vladimir Putin these people are running away from the Russian soldiers knocking at the doors of the capital running to any bus that will take them always West now imagine doing this with your kids your whole past present and future suddenly reduced to one suitcase and one burning question can you make it onto that bus we are trying to give to Poland opponents yeah and fly from Poland but to be honest I can't see it happening so we don't have any buses to take us anywhere he's scared I'm okay for now I'm alive but you never know what will happen like in five minutes so can you imagine living in a Ukraine run by one of Vladimir Putin's puppets oh that's a that's a disaster of course no but that's what might happen we hope no but I don't know I don't know what's gonna happen to be honest the throng is only heading in One Direction West away from Russia towards Poland one Ukrainian who is staying put is President zielinski and his band of government Brothers he lists them one by one in his favorite selfie format before the obligatory battle cries glory to Ukraine slow greens they're also staying put in their new home the metro station under the railway terminal the citizens of Kiev have traded the lockdowns of kovid for the Subterranean lockdowns of War life in the bunker in 2022 as they wish the new commuters to the front line a good day at the office here [Applause] not over their heads but straight into their hearts volunteers train at a checkpoint south of denipro Ukraine's third City Russian tanks are still 200 kilometers away but the ukrainians are digging trenches ready for the expected assault the fact that president zielinski has remained in Kiev despite the obvious risk has encouraged them President Biden he said we can take you from Ukraine but he's still in Ukraine he protects with us so it's very like you know we feel this so that's important to you the presence that I see his remaining kids yeah Maria is eight months pregnant she's an organizer herself and her husband had saved up to decorate a room for the new arrival now she's also an organized Refugee fold-up chair for the walk that took hours check how do you feel about the prospect that your child won't be born or might not be born at home uh uh uh a lot of feelings here oh [Music] Vladimir is waiting for his mother she's been in the queue for hours his father at 57 just inside the conscription age of 18 to 60 is staying in Ukraine to defend his neighborhood their son has been living and working in Poland for the last eight years some of my other relatives they refused to leave the town and fashion and what about your father is he going to believe are you okay when the barrier goes up at this border crossing from Ukraine into Slovakia families will separate [Music] husbands and fathers will go back women and children will go ahead to safety when the power year goes up about 50 people at a time will get through security at a price separation that's why everything goes quiet just before the barrier goes up Victor has dementia his wife needs to regularly remind him that there is a war back home that they are now refugees their daughter Anya who brought them here drops them off but then has to go back in on the Ukrainian side the imagery more like a refugee crisis as we know it the traffic cues over 20 miles long were told people like Rosslyn carolenko's family yeah my wife your daughter your daughter My Son Your Son my daughter her dog yeah and my ex-wife hello how are you we're now sending our family to France in Germany and Poland and Slovakia and I am returned to Army few hours later and time's nearly up the barrier is about to cost the carolenko family in half as it will do with so many others in the queue War does that the relief of getting away coupled with the pain of saying goodbye hard to know whether to laugh or cry the biggest nuclear power station in Europe the silent security footage doesn't do the drama Justice a firefight around a nuclear reactor the very definition of lunacy a training facility was hit and the four reactors themselves remained unscathed no excess radiation was detected and yet this is only a few hundred miles from Chernobyl the Russians are now in control here and that means they also control one quarter of all the electricity in Ukraine pretty slow them is Kaya started writing her journal 10 days ago in her bedroom in car cave she's written 80 pages so far it's written in Russian is [Music] yeva arrived yesterday at a shelter in the Border Town of us hurud with her grandmother Irina her parents separated before she was born and Irena has been looking after her ever since they were together in a neighbor's house when the shell hit their apartment Spider-Man um it's hard to know where to look or indeed what to say a heavily pregnant woman perhaps on the verge of Labor getting stretched away from what used to be the women and children's hospital in Mario children comforted by soldiers who are barely adults a girl dazed [Music] the gripping her child as if containing the life in it miracle that only 17 civilians were injured here and no one was killed why would Russia bomb this hospital and what kind of weapon makes a crater like this whatever they used targeting hospitals is a war crime every day this war brings a new low and this was today's the unforgettable Sight and Sound of a burial in mariupo the constant shelling there is no time or peace for anything more dignified remember 15 days ago these were all civilians living their lives in this one's beautiful Port City on the sea of azul now they're bundled into a hastily dug pit 70 of them so far Boom the Grim workers performed not by professional gravediggers but by volunteers from the council like Vladimir most of them were killed by Russian bombs but some because they couldn't get urgent medical treatment in a city where the hospitals have been shelled foreign hasn't yet taken place they know exactly what happened to the Russian soldiers in these tanks how many died how many were taken prisoner but this is the sort of humiliation that Russian viewers will never get to see the predominantly russian-speaking City The Siege is well underway although even here the Ukrainian forces are holding on and so is 91 year old alvitina Shanina she's too frail to speak or to be moved to the shelter but in her memory she's living through the last time she endured a Siege the famous Siege of Leningrad when the Nazis were the enemy we drove towards a pin a satellite town of Kiev that's been under attack there were no other vehicles but the volunteer soldiers escorting us while filming at the last checkpoint before erpin we heard the same terrifying sounds of artillery all right this is what people who live here have to endure all the time direct bombardment of residential areas we're at the bridge leading into airplane there's been some incoming fire not clear where exactly it's landed and we just heard outcomes we pulled back into the forest accompanied by the soldiers from the checkpoint you never know how long an artillery barrage will last when it was over we could see a house had been hit just beyond the bridge it was unclear what further damage had been done if you're desperate you just drive even if your car's been hit by shrapnel anything to get away from the Relentless bombardment the cold the scooping up of snow because there's no water the hell that is Mario Pole is most cars have a sign with the word for children written in Russian they wrote it on the ground in front of the theater in mariopol where children and women were Sheltering but the Russians attacked it anyway Maria told me her children were just near the theater when the Rockets struck I don't know why it was very quiet for me and like in very very slow motion the huge light wave of dust and my children were there next to Tater I was running very fast and when I was in the wave I see nothing in the dust just people were screaming the pieces of stone was around us and I was yelled at our names and they answered it was horrible moment you must have really worried at that moment yes but here they are 13 year old Igor and 15 year old Ava Elizabeth 's kids and the family cat granny in the front and the big dog guarding them all survivors of what the Ukrainian President says are war crimes deliberate attacks on civilians did you see anybody killed yes I saw that people our neighbors I was helping the lady to take her husband out because they couldn't they they didn't took people just I don't know somebody told her that she have to take all that people she had and left on the street next to the house and that's what they did how many bodies did you see it was three in one house Marry You Paul 28 Days Later a horror film from the sky and you can see why they have called this the ashes of a dead land a strategic City on an important Coastline totally destroyed U.S intelligence sources say around a fifth of Russian ground forces have pulled back from around Kiev but the city is still open to missile and artillery attack and this is what skepticism looks like give Style the Beloved statue of Queen Oleg on mikhailipska Square being sandbagged but the Russians are retreating we said why bother with all this is a factory at the age of town the body of a man of fighting age hands bound behind his back the police photographs too gruesome to broadcast show his eyes were taped in a blindfold most of the bodies in the mortuary have been tortured to death and I was surprised almost all of them had gunshot wounds to the back of the head now we've come to the garden center Disturbed ground marks what the police and army believe is a mass grave they tell us they'll preserve this carefully as a crime scene for potential war crimes investigators there are not merely suspected Mass Graves though but actual ones two more confirmed sites have been disclosed to us here by officials the Battle of donbass a new concentrated Russian offensive in the southeast of Ukraine has started in earnest the front line just a few miles from the hospice inches of yard Donetsk so this morning the residents wait to be evacuated to a town in the west of Ukraine over a thousand miles away residents like Maria Luda Sergey whatever about conditions here and end-of-life Care in Donetsk people like Gregory were at least cared for by the staff saying goodbye security system removing shrapnel is a delicate task it takes skill and it always hurts [Applause] has had plenty of practice she's been in the medical Corps for 25 years on the front line of stabilizing bleeding injuries and fractures in the last two months she's seen a lot um foreign 's been transported to the field Hospital directly from the Eastern Front in the last two days fighting's intensified and his defensive position came under artillery fire this morning [Music] foreign will be identified and given a dignified burial but what about Russian soldiers who were killed while invading this country in the nearby Village of vasilivka they're starting to patch up houses wrecked by Russian Artillery the trees are in Blossom it's possible just possible to think of life resuming but the military forensic team has been called out to the woods to exhume a body a strong smell of death has been pervading the area and local dogs found the source carefully they moved the Earth around the body the grave is shallow soon it's clear that this is a Russian soldier in his uniform the procedures for identification are followed the Ukrainian military want to return the bodies to Russia but they've also found stolen goods on Russian soldiers bodies including gold bracelets and money an elderly couple who lived nearby knew more or less what happened that had little something foreign natural View the body is taken to refrigerated Railway carriages in Kiev where 130 other dead Russian soldiers are being stored what can you say to a mother watching the burial of her son a young man killed by a bullet from a Russian rifle an arbitrary victim of the cruelty of war and occupation to normal [Music] wind whips through the graveyard at cedarovichi the local authorities are worried the Russians may have planted landmines here as if they could kill the dead a second time on February the 27th yesen komarenko went with his brother to see a friends in a neighboring Village needed help then Russian troops pulled up they separated the brothers foreign [Music] for two weeks afterwards Vitali couldn't speak he's still in shock unable to take in what happened he Evan's wife Valentina is felt by grief her husband was only 25. and his mother can't stop thinking about what nearly happened too the day the Russian soldiers came for her daughters or otherwise for you um news that the U.S will supply Ukraine with sophisticated mid-range artillery has come in overnight and we're on route to get reaction from the people who will ultimately end up using it is foreign of um free range on the front line Sasha is nine herself and her friends live in a village about 10 miles from the front line in the direction of isium now under Russian control before the war there were 40 children in the Village School that went down to 12 in February then the school closed Sasha's learning now mainly the mechanics of munitions end up password [Music] more than two children every day have died during this war 450 injured let's go Sasha and her friends are the handful of children left on their street and they have something to show us The Village bomb shelter doubles as a den think Famous Five go Salvage shrapnel oh my goodness what's this is my treasure she said oh and what's that from okay [Music] oh and it's the number zero seven five zero foreign so this is a hard question okay but if that fell like near your house what do you think would happen um [Music] this morning Ukraine's Capital worked to the sound of air raid sirens and the sight of The Spoils of War the wrecked Russian tanks which now line kiev's Central Avenue in a mockery of the usual display of military might ukrainians walk their dogs on this their national holiday they're a fifth of their country is occupied by Russia and the threat of Rocket strikes means that mass Gatherings are banned the flags that fly around hockey the Ukrainian once more Russian forces for now caught by a counter-offensive this area of Northeastern Ukraine liberated in just five days Ukrainian forces have retaken more territory than Russia had taken since April mounds of Munitions lie left where their owners fled so Swift was the Russian retreat they didn't even have time to finish their lunches according to Ukraine's most senior Soldier that is sure what these soldiers of social media are documenting says president zielinski could be a defining moment in this six-month-old War the grave gives up its dead and those who killed the men women and children buried in the forest outside your Zoom will eventually be judged some of the people whose bodies are being exhumed were killed in shelling but others appear to have met an even more terrible fate um [Music] the first shell smashed into the operating theater which is um Central Hospital on the night of March the Third as Russian forces Advanced staff evacuated the patients to other parts of Ukraine but after Russia took the town a month later they had to deal with a new kind of patient victims of beating and torture [Music] foreign the Russians accused 67 year old mikhailo of helping Ukrainian saboteurs blow up a school which he denies a Ukrainian policeman took us to see the cells foreign ERS were held mainly men but also a few women sometimes for weeks on end in appalling in sanitary conditions the broken buildings of izume are home to those who've been left with broken bodies and broken Minds have been um foreign [Music] he fell on the hard concrete floor they wanted information about weapons and troop movements but he had none Alexander is haunted by what he endured in the police station after release and hospital treatment he was captured again and only freed by Ukrainian soldiers when they retook his Hume yeah blacko yeah sure but yet the Autumn Reign has beaten the tracks of Russian tanks into the mud a mire into which Russia's military Ambitions are sinking a Russian Artillery gun lies at the roadside how terrifying it must have been for the few civilians who remained and were caught in the middle of the artillery Jewel now they're collecting humanitarian Aid trying to work out how they'll get through the winter jubilant Ukrainian soldiers say that all they see of the Russian troops is their bodies or their backs right besides waking up the day after his 70th birthday this wasn't the news Vladimir Putin wanted the Kirch Bridge his pet project which linked the annex Crimea to the Russian Mainland lies partially in ruin the rail section charred the road to Russia now detours into the water Freedom Square harson City living up to its name a woman soldier hoisted on his shoulders the chant zsu Ukrainian Armed Forces over and over again [Applause] another one of the Ukrainian troops takes the selfie of a lifetime [Applause] someone in the crowd wipes a tear away another sums it all up in three words her son is Ukraine three words that translate into this the biggest Russian loss since their withdrawal from Kiev at the start of the war and a moment of acute embarrassment for Vladimir Putin [Applause] a member of the Ukrainian Special Forces the ones working secretly inside the city for days now sends greetings from the city center complete with watermelon in hand the Region's signature fruit and stuff of a million [Music] foreign so Anton is just pointing out a few things about this room the chairs are screwed onto the floor and you can see they've used tape obviously to tape up people's ankles to the chairman here's why the chairs may have been secured this device is a wind-up generator for charging old Soviet Army failed forms here used to electrocute detainees when you're standing in a room like this and you think about what happened to your fellow ukrainians in a room like this how do you feel it Fury originally telephone therapists system when the Russians took over her son they obtained a list of former military men Vladimir safinov's name was on that list he was held and tortured in the facility for two months one of the men in the screwed down chair foreign foreign and even the shortest Soldier has to bend down to avoid cracking his head Yuri shows me the location of an observation point and where the machine gunner stands for do do it the ukrainians don't just want to push the Russians back but also to get them to waste Manpower and ammunition foreign by now the outgoing fire was getting intense and there was incoming too as we were trying to leave we've just heard sniper fire overhead that was after all the outgoing from the Ukrainian machine guns so we're just going to stay down here for a bit for sale [Music] so we wait listening hmm the outgoing machine gun fire from the ukrainians is aimed at suppressing the Russians so they don't fire back but the problem is that as long as there's firing from this position there could be firing coming into us and that's why we're waiting here in this trench and not moving after a few minutes of quiet it's time for us to run across the open ground to the other Trench full safe and now down into the safety of the soldiers sleeping quarters which are warm and cozy a necessity not a luxury because they need to keep kit dry and Vadim has a companion with your friend no I'll Yanka the kitten is just two months old she's a good warrior she's a good fighter moles oh she gets the mice do you have a problem with mice in the trench I will place in the field yeah it's filled many mouths and say and and are you do you have a wife Vadim thinks of the Netherlands where he worked before the war and of his girlfriend who's in the Czech Republic if we win I stand in Ukraine make a family yes you'll make your life here my children live in the freedom count life in Ukraine will be tough this winter and nowhere Tougher Than The Trenches of Donetsk the risk is only too clear but Ukrainian soldiers know why they're fighting and what they must endure to win [Music] artillery fire Echoes across the fields of Donetsk day and night from the Ukrainian side thousands of shells a day aimed at Russian positions these towards bachmoot because a couple of hundred meters away the battery Commander from the 24th King Danilo Brigade is coordinating as drone operators identify targets um foreign [Applause] danger that the Russians will fire back so we're not going to hang around too long this is one of several artillery pieces that we've seen around here it's old style Soviet but there's plenty of the new American Guns here as well down the road a unit from another Brigade has an M triple seven Howitzer supplied by the Pentagon the commander writes messages on the shelves this one's for the Innocents who've been killed burn in hell the problem is that high-tech weapons like this one are wearing out from overuse um as yet there's no maintenance capacity in Ukraine so American supplied artillery guns have to go to Poland for repair [Music] the ukrainians call them Ochi eyes but in this war drones are far more than that every war is a war of Technologies and we see it right now on a front line this war we call it the war of drones if every unit have a couple of drones in our army we will win this war a small Chinese consumer drone for spotting the enemy can cost less than 500 pounds on the internet and once you've mastered it you can move on to other more lethal versions foreign this is what a Russian cruise missile looks and sounds like and this is the sound of the Ukrainian Army intercepting it of the 69 missiles launched at Ukraine today 54 was shot down according to the military again an impressive hit rate is 79. his analysis around Russia's campaign of missile strikes particularly pertinent his home in Kiev was destroyed this morning foreign destroyed drives another wedge between Ukraine and Russia is to throw at Russian tanks then the U.S and UK provided shoulder-launched anti-tank weapons in the summer the U.S sent High Mars satellite guided artillery systems with a 50-mile range that enabled ukrainians to drive the Russians out of some of the territory they had occupied now the leopard battle tanks are meant to help Ukraine push the Russians back further in the spring offensive to come nearly a year into a war that's turned ukrainians lives upside down a wave of Russian attacks descended across the country this morning from here in zapparesia and Ukraine's East to major cities further afield in hakive leviv and the capital Ukraine said at least 70 missiles were fired targeting power facilities and alleging that they crossed into NATO territory over Romania he worked with something strange this morning and for once it wasn't the war the city's Center was closed amid a barrage of mob missiles but anticipation and only one motorcade was allowed on the road to the bemusement of some and the Delight of others in a city listening out for every rumor and every air raid siren news had crept out under the blanket of secrecy of a special visitor [Music] the military help provided by America in the last year of war the president walking here today might have been called Putin not Biden he is hailed here as a savior for him to show up in person in the glare of sirens is a big deal but President Biden also tried a fine line between supplying American weapons but not troops between a war partly fought on its behalf but not declared in its name at the presidential Palace the two walk side by side by age they could easily be father and son and both need each other zelenski Biden for sheer survival Biden zielinski to tap into his Spirit to renew the vows between the west and its values Vladimir Putin's long-delayed State of the Union Address a year almost to the day since he launched the full-scale invasion of Ukraine said the West had started the war and had done so with a view to destroy Russia this morning some of those Putin is not fighting were waiting for the bus in kherson they'd been shopping their blood stains the ground next to the ingredients for breakfast the remains of a grand rocket further evidence of the attack um by the time we arrived they cleared the bodies [Music] that the Governor's Office filmed the immediate aftermath scenes the people of Curson have grown used to since November when Russia retreated across the river from the city it had occupied for eight months and started firing artillery into it instead foreign [Music] but not everyone has somewhere to go so they're still here waiting for a bus carrying their shopping there were 17 shelling incidents in the City Firefighters dousing the Flames when a row of garages was hit again a seemingly random civilian Target Valeria is in hospital after being injured in the shoulder during the bus stop attack ing yes he presents the piece of shrapnel like a trophy a symbol of President Putin's attempt to liberate him a reminder of how arbitrary war is whatever the motives and justifications made by those who wage it
Channel: Channel 4 News
Views: 717,947
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Keywords: ukraine, ukraine war, war ukraine, war, ukraine russia, news ukraine, ukraine russia war, russia ukraine news, ukraine war update, ukraine vs russia war, ukraine war news, russia ukraine war update, ukraine footage, russia vs ukraine update, russia vs ukraine war update, war in ukraine, ukraine war footage, ukraine news, russia ukraine, russia, russia ukraine war, ukraine russia news, ukraine update, ukraine war video footage, ukraine vs russia, russian ukraine war
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 7sec (3007 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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