A Year in the Seminary

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[Music] my name is Eliot Zach kevin grip we've known a man Nelson silver 1917 date EDC inclusions they seen clearly yes 1548 days 1222 days for clean sheets and peanut butter and perma press Mysterio headphones for vacations and seat belts for escalators and for views from tall buildings and for red balloons let us give thanks to the Lord now there's just always a lot going on at the beginning of the year you're learning the campus everybody [Music] father John Archie was just named president rector Mundelein seminary a new crop of guys has come in you're seeing it faces everybody's meeting one another for the first time [Music] there's an adventure I think it's seminary a big part of that is the random people that you have been thrown into life with grown men walk down the halls screaming at the top of their lungs and no apparent reason people screaming hollering shouting when I'm trying to settle down to go to bed sometimes when I'm already in bed there was a complete unknown entering who's who's at the seminary you know I wonder what type of what type of people either seven or eight the guys from Mexico Colombia Venezuela and we have guys from Seattle and Las Vegas Chicago [Music] here at Mundelein seminary we have the cam system where we all live almost call the cams basically just our hallway and the residents building like our little floor that we live on cam comes from the Italian word come Inari which means to walk with and so it's a group of 10 or 20 guys simply walk together to become more like Jesus Christ on cam nights we get together we pray share freezes and then we get a go and just hang out if you watch movie play some games and just throw as brothers I live on a camp called one North and we sort of taking the mascot the wolf children here I have to be a proud member of the best cam on campus with the highest GPA three dog North I'm very hesitant because I'm on cam to Center but we do not promote cam to Center on to Center because that would bring more people onto to Center I like it low-key we have a reputation of doing nothing which we work very hard to upkeep [Music] you're not just coming here to like do a bunch of free stuff and you're studying theology you're praying which are awesome but you're also you're doing everything you did in your old life in a lot of ways playing sports here or hanging out we're talking guys music guys pretty much every talent every skill that they have in their past life you know they bring them with we bring them with us in the seminary [Music] we haven't left your old life behind so much as you found a new sensor in your life you're kind of reorganizing everything you have everything you are around that Center [Music] guys are finding who they're really called to be who God made you to be and all of a sudden a lot of your gifts and talents start making sense a lot of your past even starts making sense God uses it a new way i niko 9 at night so throughout the year each cam usually puts on some kind of an event the ideas behind the events are just i don't know to get guys together it's some opportunity to do something fun outside of just classes together and so the first event of the year is oktoberfest put on them by one north there's fire there's beer there's food and there's a typer and the idea what the fire is for their 4th years to burn oppressive items of their past so typically is it started off as a Thai burning showing the transition from the lace dates the clerical state ditching the ties for good but now we're starting to burn other things you're gonna burn this sweater I'm gonna burn this jacket from CPE [Music] [Applause] I don't like Phoenix wet shirts and it was a really rough time for me in seminary [Applause] it's a boat coming up there's both high over the boat leaving the last state and also giving up the worldly idea of power [Applause] [Music] groveling will summer on Charlie provides Jack York in 1095 days thousand 192 days one thousand one hundred and ninety days thousand 125 days eight hundred eighty days eight hundred and thirty-seven days we're starting to hear confessions big day we get together in our small groups and someone plays the role of the penitent and one of us plays the role of the priest and we just practice confessing our sins doing mock confessions and then we sit together as a group and we evaluate each other see how we did it it was cool for me to see so many of my classmates both counsel each other not only in giving feedback but also just in the sacrament itself that was part of theirs [Music] [Music] feel bad [Music] and then seeing them give that absolution really brought a peace to my heart knowing that these are gonna be good priests who are really gonna bring God's mercy to his people [Music] Thanks God the Father of mercies is the death and resurrection of his son and sent the Holy Spirit eNOS of course I can you ready I can do it God God the Father God the father of all mercies God the Father of mercies through the death through the death and resurrection of your son has reconciled the world to himself that's not the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins through the Ministry of the church I think I gave birth my God give you know okay is is the prayer of Absolution may God grant you or may God give you we gotta give you pardon and peace and i absolve your sins and when the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and I have salvaged from your sins name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit yeah was that right yeah absolve you from your sins and the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and the father Pat O'Malley Invitational is a seminary basketball tournament that happens each winner here at Mundelein seminary they were about I want to say 16 seminaries here from all over in the US and came together and just had a weekend of games and fun and fraternity and prayer [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's great to know that everyone there everyone there's gonna be a priest someday so in a couple of years everyone who is just playing basketball with us they'll be celebrating Mass and hearing confessions really [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so so this year was it was kind of neat we had on our team we have a guy who played Division two basketball going up against a guy who played Division one ball for Davidson University and he was actually the point guard to replace Steph Curry at Davidson so another one of the events that the cams put on is casino night and that is put on by three nor there's just tons of different games for you guys to play common they're gambling but the money's going to charity [Music] another key part of the event is the big we boxing tournament [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] go to the Holy Land and how long are you gonna be there we have two months they're gonna be taking some classes studying the Scriptures visiting the holy places it's gonna be awesome can't leave home without a frisbee but my life dreams is about to be fulfilled tossing a frisbee on the shore of the Sea of Galilee so other colder looks forgot his passport Duke for cutting it all the people [Music] that's blessing me with Father Son Holy Spirit amen boys [Music] thus getting to at the end of the year the older guys are beginning to talk coordination plans guys are starting to get chalices organized they're buying and trying on vestments there's just a certain excitement as where as we're moving towards the final goal here [Music] so about halfway through the year we start getting the emails that so-and-so has left the seminary or the rector will make an announcement that another guy is discerned out and it's kind of a bittersweet thing to hear we're sad to see you guys go but at the same time we're happy that they've found their vocation been in seminary for five years and in this process what I've learned to do is engage the Lord in conversation it's in doing that more deeply that I came to understand some fears that I had surrounding ordination the diaconate that was scheduled to get ordained in this spring actually been a wonderful time here I will not change it for the world I always certainly cherish it cherish it for the rest of my life just the self-knowledge and the formation you get in seminary is priceless like where the seminary is done best this helped me to discover myself and have more confidence in Who I am to engage in the world and to come forward and say Here I am unbelievable who are you seminary isn't they a priest factory you come to seminary to discern God's calling you to be a priest not to become a priest you know when I took it to prayer I was much more peace around married life and when I thought a priesthood it was just dread in that process coming to a deeper understanding that I need more clarity in my life about my call to the priesthood or to married life actually would involve so I'm working with my spiritual director with my bishop and my vocation director came to the point of deciding to step away from seminary and entering the in depend living guys leave all the time it's just part of the process no one faults them no one's mad at them you know the seminary always says at the end thanks for trying thanks for giving it your best the seminary was great like the faculty and staff that I told I think they saw that the joy that I had in the peace around my decision to leave and they said you know this really looks like it's something from God and the formation I've received here in seminary is gonna be applicable for the rest of my life because what makes a good pastor also makes a good father for a family I'm a good spiritual leader for a family we got our final schedules today getting an envelope in my mailbox like this for the past eight years and finally it says mass practicum how to say the mass Palazzo and when mass mass practicum so we're learning how to say the mass and celebrate the masses heart [Music] there are referred to as the elevations were showing the hopes showing the [Music] [Music] Lord be with you lift up your parts you know it's it's really funny just because you know these guys you know these guys are having a good time laughing all the time but yet when you see them do this I plow it hits you is like these guys and my brother isn't gonna be pretty [Music] of course you know we're guys we're gonna make fun of each other we say aye you did this wrong you did that run together with your servant Francis our Pope and all those [Music] well maybe you go like this like the Lord be with you with ya [Music] right like a transformer sure I've heard these prayers all my life and I should be able to pray the mass you know I should be able to take much practice at all I'm still I still get really nervous up there and I still get really nervous I'm gonna forget I have to reverse in my mind it's unreal to even just be saying the words that you've heard for months each day I mean so long and to say them for the first time in this new way [Music] [Music] so cam one Center has been working on the dodgeball tournament coming up it's been really cool we've been getting together as a cam and planning the event getting together advertising and all the equipment the balls throw fees and getting the brackets set up we've been getting the hype up around the seminary talking smack to the other cams [Music] all the other camps came out fly in there cam colors we had the wolf's on one north and the Hogs on two north and of course three North the dogs showed up and everyone loved hate on them [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you see Josh kind of ball with his late [Music] in the end pre theology took the championship [Music] despite our boiling see them appear waterfall they're great experience so I went to seminary 90 and to be the Seif of me is going to be my last day in class after class 2016 so calculate at 16 17 years total [Music] [Applause] [Music] you deikun Michael trail deacon Dan steel Egan Powell manna Deacon Keith Bowl Deacon Jagger fickle Deacon Valyria 140 days 130 days hundred twenty-four days 120 days 101 days 86 days 82 days 68 days chief sudhish one day and time ordained a priest [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Beatific Films
Views: 145,055
Rating: 4.7991786 out of 5
Keywords: seminary, catholic priest, vocation discernment, how to become a priest, seminarian, seminary life, priest skateboarding, mundelein seminary, priesthood, kyle manno, new evangelization, catholic media, dodgeball
Id: 5vu5svEA6ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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