A Workin' Man's Boots

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[Music] morning we're in Oklahoma City we had a good trip over yesterday and a little bit the day before we didn't show you any of our travel but we're in the big town of OKC today and the u.s. TRC Finals start here tomorrow but as always when I roll into this town I got to stop by and see my buddy Jerry FINA because he owns Dee's boot shop and it's right here behind me out the back window of this truck and I'm gonna take three pairs of boots in there and leave them for him to work on so let's get in there see how Jerry's been doing haven't seen that feller for a year but we're gonna check him out today see how he's doing welcome there he is hey you look younger mustache yeah it's gone who cuts your hair a lady that's been cutting it for years Delana Forbes she's not in public business oh she's just tired and there's about four of us that she still cuts our hair well you look younger well thank you very nice that birthdays didn't wait then we just turn yeah 59 each yeah yeah nice did I tell you happy birthday I thought you did when was it July the 5th you know you were at rodeos oh yeah rodeo well hey happy birthday Thank You REE so here check these out I gotta leave these with you all right so what are we doing today almost got a little commoner on them whoa are you afraid of that's called barnyard are you scared about no okay so you know first time I say you can see what those need do you want to do the flakes special cuz I've been selling with me you know since you'd what's that like special though so you go right here yeah this is that meat flakes special yeah see the rubber still there didn't we well I went through it I blew it out I just kept going I should have stopped same on these the one do the same thing or you want to go out oh no remember you want neoprene oh yeah what do you suggest I think because we're getting towards the end of this one's life and I want to go out big let's do neoprene so lon okay let's do their pre moment yes this one too I don't know come oh hey check it out Patrick what do you you were you were there a year ago same spot yeah hang on we penis we gotta look or you nailed to the ground right there now you can you can move around let me pursue how many pairs of shoes do you think you've repaired since I was here last you were here last probably like sole jobs yeah 500 500 so are all these the these are Tuesday's yeah that's all fools holes we can check that out I've never really seen a pair of boots where ya look like that like like all mine all mine you know we're like on the ball it's cuz it has this big that big soul that big leather midsole and yeah it makes it flatten out there with him what are those boots played by these are Lucchesi mm Lucases huh yeah those are nice boots okay so this guy's got a little bit of everything I've brought my BG custom-made boots in and he's gonna clean them up a little bit with a what sand blaster blast be like a regular sand blast yeah you can take your spark plugs and clean those in there but you can also clean sweat and he's got a lot of barnyard on here so doesn't that get inside the boot too Sam okay I'm gonna leave those here for him that we're just giving you a little demo here I don't know you gotta send your boots to this guy to have them repaired I brought him two pair gonna bring you another one I don't think we can see I don't think he but week window yeah yeah we can a little bit I hope that comes out because that's kind of a cool thing to look at but if you didn't wear gloves cut a hole right through my hand see this is leather see what it's doing it mainly I clean the 'deal with it this if we game-san nope no sand in the booth yeah we got it cleaned up for most of it but we can go back over here and that deal I was showing you a minute ago that suede eraser yeah now we're not gonna get to because I'm just gonna mess them up again yeah and I got a waterproof repo order proof these any time you clean suede you always want to finish when you're done with it waterproof it because you've opened up the pores again yeah we don't want it stained all over again so we got to start off and waterproof it so remember that okay where's your compare so we're just barely working on this we can tell you've been in the water see that water lying on it yeah wow that's a working man's boot real cowboy real cowboy alright so we're gonna leave those here he's gonna clean them out we got a couple other pair we're gonna leave we're gonna put neoprene soles on them right and one can I come back and get all this stuff when do you want to come how about tomorrow how about know maybe what Wednesday Thursday you're gonna talk about that off-camera yeah and then I've got to bring him another pair to fix it in oh and then when I leave I'm gonna leave you these you breathe I did those last year too yeah well you've resold these probably uh these boots have been resold at least seven or eight times I think so there's one pair you have that or maybe two pair that we've done several several times I'm gonna give a little plug these are resist all ramps I don't even think they make them anymore they're made by a company called resist all right versus the branches also they do the hats yeah well they make resist all hats yeah like this one but these I wore the backs out in them and you you realize all those backs remember that back of the heel yeah guts of it yeah these boots have these boots are probably guarantee they're 15 years old to you 15 years old that's probably one of the first fears you brought in then you've resold them like every year Hey I know every year was I was thinking there's a nowhere Lucases there's a little case I had Lucchesi have you Casey but you got Luke Casey here yeah you have with Casey there for some reason it's got a big resurgence right now yeah when I started in this business Luke Casey was like the top talking to your root of any boot you could die then rod Patrick came in or Mercedes uh real similar Sadie's yeah and they kind of took over that about Anderson beam Anderson beans are great but you're naming those are all the top tier boots right there I was at an Anderson bean you know who makes that yeah I won't say anything bad yeah company but Anderson beans a great boot Anderson being Lucchesi Lou Casey's really come back strong and their styles are starting to change a little bit they're starting to use some different thanks yeah I'm really in love with that boot yeah so resist all's good too you know sometimes I think they were they might they might have been they might have been labeled for resist all made by Luke Casey Stenson mixes boot yeah yeah I don't know if you remember way back Larry may hand out his name on it Larry may handmade the boots right we had I think Anderson bean may own that company yeah these are all boots if anybody that's a cowboy wears right you know I'm saying so we love him I love boots please keep wearing cowboy boots you keep my family in hamburgers and keep bringing them in here yeah Man Alive it just wouldn't be the same without stopping by DS and seeing Jerry getting some boots repaired so he gave me a timeline of about Tuesday or Wednesday to pick that stuff up that I left off with him and then we'll maybe leave him another pair or two that will get straightened up cleaned up resoled anyway good guy I really trust my boots to this repair shop the dude good job how's everybody doing we're at the Cinch us TRC national files a team roping got read flake I didn't have to back them up this time but I am his bodyguard case you didn't know that and so that's what I do for my fourth job [Music] this is Linda so hey by the way Linda look at me right here Linda we've been here 29 years we've been coming to this thing for 29 years in vacation it's a long time we do DDoS the only one that's been here longer than us well as me and Connie right [Music] [Music] we're gonna go into the brain big screen and take a look at what they're doing I mean it makes them the audio mixing the video okay so here's the brains of the streaming that's going on with ride paths and Casey's giving me a little walkthrough right here and what's going on so he sits in here during now during the livestream they're just running one camera next is going on correctcorrect live stream we have one camera that's live on the balcony and he's recording every run that's for the folks at home to watch on right pass but the interesting part is it's also part of the replay room and the judges might be a sucker it happens they can come in here in the in the control room we'll take them back here were operators that and the judges can reveal whenever a situation okay so when we get to a short round you sit here you run the yeah the TriCaster yeah we don't come to the guys on the camera we do we have full clear common wall to everyone in the house we operate to camera to nan cameras as well as the PTZ cameras pan tilt in the robot cam okay so show us show us I'm gonna I'm gonna show you right here so this is a robot cam and it's actually sitting right by the announcers damn so if you pan all the way back and pan around so right there that is Jamie it's our stats yeah okay so now we're not we're not streaming this but show us what that camera loved it so I can go in I can have presets and send it to any anywhere that I decided that I may want to use throughout the day there's one obviously you can see the steer they're not going to adjust it as needed we have another preset there's our header preset and I can swing it back around over to healer preset and then just tweak it a little bit if you have so you're doing that with just that toggle right yeah just the joist adjusting joystick I can use it you know for anything it helps me you just kinda like having a whole nother camera out there without having to have somebody on it yeah and back here we record all of our as where we did all the replays for judges things this is a new system that we've got that's constantly recording on time is these are the two brains of the operations Greg and John they're the ones who know and all the streams to rise so that's streaming that's streaming live direct it's about what one run behind maybe that's about one run behind yeah that's that one camera that we were looking at that's what they're seeing in the arena on the screen is the same thing they're seeing at home and then you guys don't have anything to do with this but these are all of the apps for the audio so if we just start randomly shutting amps off right here we would probably get thrown out of the building so we're gonna keep our hands off of that stuff right there and then this right here is this all the speakers throughout in the house so you can if you touch those it'll turn them off yeah so you don't want to be touching those then there's the levels here so like if we if we get it too hot out there you can you can turn it down in here yes we can't we can't yeah but especially on our our video audio is right here yeah so you can so if we're too hot if we're too hot in the house out there you guys can adjust how it's going to the video typically they give the announcers I don't know if you have it out there now yeah we have a we have a setup to where that we have a mixer out there so we can control it but if we got too loud you guys could bump it down in here yeah through here one of our engineers sound engineers we're more video here yeah so our audio guys are different anyway a pretty cool room in here yeah we're ready for change we're ready for a new a new controller one that has windows we can see that's what you need don't you yeah so you can look out over the arena actually we have a confidence cam too so what this is they've got their feet on here right now but if you look here that's on the arena right there we can look around oh so you're looking at now we can actually see what's going on like your announcer over there there it is yeah so that's basically a robocam that's got what we call our camera so that's kind of how we tell weekend you can see what's happening out yeah you know without without relying on the cameraman to show you yeah and then we have also for barn six just click a tab here and then we go over to barn six that's what yeah so you can see what's happening over there usually our control panel it's back here in the in that area right there but there so when he says barn six that's a whole nother jackpot type rope and taking place over in one of the other arenas and not that they need to necessarily see what's going on over there today but they can't see and if he what what's going on over in that other arena it's pretty cool yeah hey Amy girl I didn't see much of you today I was just I was just talking all yep all day long tell them what you do here cattle crew the stock crew and make sure they have water and anything else I need I'm the area they're also yeah but it's fun everybody's happy to see you that's a good job okay maybe I'll see a little more over tomorrow I don't know maybe not I didn't see her at lunchtime okay it was a good day today and we'll be at it again tomorrow see you then break out goodnight [Music]
Channel: RodeoReed.
Views: 33,859
Rating: 4.9729729 out of 5
Keywords: the rodeo video, reed flake, flake out, rodeo video, cowboy, cattle, cattle farming, ranching, ranching cattle, family, trucker, roping, roping cattle, roping pen, resistol, resistol hats, resistol cowboy hat, wrangler, wrangler jeans, cactus ropes, horse, horse video, riding, horses, blue rooster cattle co, roping steers, boot, arizona
Id: tw4bw8hlLUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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