a week in my life at oxford | dorm tour, high table dinner, studying, cafes ☕️

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[Music] it's officially the last week of my study abroad here at Oxford and I feel like I haven't really documented The Full Experience yet so I think this week I'm just going to do like a weekly video of what I get up to we have some exciting kind of things planned because tomorrow we do have high table dinner but yeah for the next 3 days we just have our 3-hour class every day and then Thursday we have all of our assignments due and our final Friday is free and then Saturday I'm flying back home but right now is Monday it's like 8:20 in the morning a class starts at 9:00 so right now I'm going to head to the dining hall to grab some breakfast so after I finished having breakfast I walked across campus to my English class each class was about 3 hours and during this final week we were studying Jane Austin's Mansfield Park our College was very close to the main downtown area so after class I ended up walking to Westgate Mall to just pick up a quick lunch I just got back from getting a sandwich for lunch after class because I was starving so I went to Joe and the juice this is my new obsession I got it yesterday right before I left London it's just the club sandwich with gluten-free bread but it's so good like I'm actually obsessed with it but I have a lot of work to do today and stuff that I need to catch up on because I literally did nothing the entire weekend well I did a bunch of stuff I was in London I just did nothing that was related to school so I'm going to eat this and then I'm going to start grinding out some work people that on Tuesday after class I went back to my dorm and started working on my final essay for a few hours before I had to start getting ready for the high table [Music] dinner today we have our hi table dinner it's basically just like a fancy end of course dinner in the dining hall we still have a couple of days left but it's pretty much the last week so everything's just wrapping up so I just got ready and I'm about to walk over to the dining hall I think we're all going to take some pictures first and then we have to like proceed into the hall and I think there's some speeches and stuff and then obviously we're going to have dinner yeah I think it's going to be pretty fun both of the classes attending high table dinner met up in the main quad on campus where we were able to take pictures and tried very hard not to freeze to death because it was very [Music] cold and the dining hall itself was set up so nicely it almost felt like I was in some scene from Harry Potter after a lot of eating out and making subpar meals in my dorm kitchen microwave I was really looking forward to this meal it was three courses definitely the best food I had in Oxford we ended the night at the oncampus pub for karaoke and a very amateur level game of [Music] darts I just finished my final day of classes here at Oxford a bit Bittersweet but I still like a couple assignments dude that I need to work on so after class I went to Pratt to get some lunch I just got some crisp SL chips and then it's like Falafel salad bowl in about like 45 minutes I have a meeting with my professor to go over our Journal assignment we just have to like show him how much we've completed of each of the days tell him like what we learned how we incorporate the course into it it's only 15 minutes so I don't think it'll be that big of a deal but I just want to make sure that I know what I'm going going to say so I'm going to eat my lunch do that and then I think later perhaps we're going to go to a cafe we were thinking going to water stones but apparently it's really busy today so we'll see but I desperately need to finish my essay after my meeting I met up with two of my friends and we ended up walking to Cafe Nero to make some progress on our essays So since today was our last day of class our professor's doing a little like final get together at this outdoor Pub SL bar restaurant our whole class has been invited to go so I just got back from the cafe I did make some good progress on my essay so me and my friend are going to head over there I probably won't stay for that long cuz I do want to try and finish my essay tonight we walked to Jericho where this almost hidden restaurant was and we met up with our class just for some pizza after a bit my friend and I left and we walked through Port Meadow which is basically just a very large field with wild cows and horses we happened to be there at Sunset also which just made it even more beautiful I just submitted my final assignment that I had to do for my class so I'm officially done the summer broad class I'm glad that I'm done all the work but it's also kind of sad but I literally start school again like in less than a week so I'm going to try to enjoy these last few days that I have school free I don't really have any solid plans for tonight I think I'm going to go get dinner somewhere right now I'm going to go to to a cafe get a latte and I think just go on a walk I've basically just been stuck in my room all day so I kind of just want to get out and walk around I ended up just wanding around and going into a couple of shops that I stumbled across along the way and then later that evening I met up with one of my friends and we walked around Oxford for a while just talking and admiring the city at night [Music] and I was it's my last day in England today or my last full day because the flight is tomorrow I have the full day off today and I've decided that I'm going to go back to London because I just loved it there so much when I was there on the weekend and I really wanted to go to nodding Hill and there was a carnival last weekend so I didn't like get to do portable B Road market so fingers crossed that I'm going to do that today I'm quickly going to go eat breakfast at the dining hall and then I'm going to walk over to the bus station because there's an Oxford bus that goes straight to [Music] London the first thing I did when I arrived in London was go to Kuro coffee which is a very small but cute coffee shop in noding Hill I then walked to portella Market where I went into a variety of vintage stores as well as the iconic travel book shop before grabbing lunch at a nearby vegan restaurant called [Music] Pharmacy I just grabbed lunch and it was very good now I'm going to go do some shopping and then I'll probably head back to [Music] Central [Music] Saturday morning my flight is at 6:00 p.m. today the bus is picking us up from Oxford at 1:00 p.m. I went and got my final breakfast this morning and then I was up really late last night packing so pretty much everything is good to go it's really sad leaving we were here for like a full month it kind of felt like we were I mean we were living here but I did feel like I was like actually a student in Oxford we have to drop off our bags and be out of our rooms by 10:00 which is in about 30 minutes so I'm going to do that um and then like I said we have till 1 so I'm probably just going to hang out in the city I think I'm going to try to go get some Oxford merch maybe like a sweatshirt or a t-shirt I might go to a cafe there's still one Cafe that I really wanted to go to that I never got to go to also very quickly I realized that I never did a little dorm tour so I'm going to show you guys what an Oxford dorm looks like I actually had two during my stay here this one is much nicer than the other one I had so this is the entryway it is empty cuz I packed up all my stuff but right on the left is the bathroom it has a shower a mirror you know everything you need and then outside of the bathroom is this wardrobe which is basically just a little closet next to the closet is this wall of like most of the furniture in the room there's a dresser here and then a mini fridge also this is the desk and then this was the little board and then there's a bookshelf here and then opposite to that wall is this little chair this is the window seat which is probably my favorite thing it has a nice view of this little like Garden area outside and then this is the bed and the nightstand the bed was not the most comfortable thing but I feel like if you had a mattress topper or something it would be [Music] fine after I picked up some souvenirs I went to the independent Cafe to kill some more time I had been wanting to go to this Cafe for a while and of course it ended up being my favorite despite it being my last day in Oxford nonetheless it had a really cozy atmosphere and an amazing view of Christ Church which was just across the street I'm going to go walk and get my final Joe and the juice sandwich I have to get one more before I leave because they're just so [Music] good h
Channel: olivia victoria
Views: 112,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxford university, oxford university vlog, oxford university tour, oxford dorm tour, university of oxford, study abroad oxford, uoft summer abroad, worcester college, worcester college dorm tour, a week in my life at oxford, worcester college oxford accommodation, oxford week, oxford university student life, study abroad diaries, study abroad week in my life, oxford university dorm tour
Id: uuDdskMj_GI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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