A typical evening at FLIGHTJUNKIES.

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well we've been battling the weather here for a few days but we've been getting it done we got a lot of good kiting in and pan around get some of the other guys in here that are some of the students here and where'd you come in from Detroit Wong who you are George Hines george Hines V George is ladies and gentlemen yeah if you watch soap operas All My Children General Hospital orator yeah but anyway sitting down here's some metal guys coming in tell me who you are and I'm Barry wave hall from Millsboro Delaware we got him from Delaware and you Ron how come Scott's Michigan nice Michigan and where are you from I'm from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania he didn't have very far to come he should be flying with me every weekend he's only 45 minutes away from me at our Newton Falls field and he bought this unit used and came in it's been sitting for a while it's running uh we had to change the fuel filter out on it that's because it's been sitting and I think the carburetors just a little bit gummed up because the guy didn't drain the fuel out but still man starting on the first and second Pole that's one thing but has been having a little bit of problem idling so we're gonna probably clean off that car but other than that it seems to be running pretty good and ow you nervous no I'm ready to go really confidence levels high yeah yeah yeah are you an American soldier marine marine yes why there's your answer ladies and gentlemen thank you for your service and this guy you're going tonight everybody's gonna be making their first flight tonight everybody's got their units on the field one two three four five six people gonna be making their flights tonight it did do we get you can we get you in there getting him in there yeah hi I'm Jason Aquino I just came from Wisconsin Wausau Wisconsin yeah there he is and he brought his little pet turtles in so we got along good we could collect tortoises like we do so and so we're gonna have a good time here and so right now we're gonna just check him out and see what he's got going here we've got his mood or warmed up we're gonna just tighten these up just a little bit more this is what's gonna lift you off the ground so we want to make sure those go just a little bit tighter there that's about good you don't want them too tight you want to be able to run let's get your suspension on probably want that I'm just spitballing here make sure everything's good check you out looking good you nervous yet no all right good all right you know the drill right no okay let's just kind of go over it we've done the ground schooling twice we've watched we've watched safety videos we've been in a simulator we've been a lot of kiting your kiting is amazing by the way that we did really good at his kiting by the second day we had him jogging across the field with a perfectly level wing so he's got that down but I start getting him in the air right away once they've got a little bit I don't need them to master the kiting before they make their first launch because I do something the other instructors don't do I like to assist them and make it a little easier for the first few flights I don't want them to have to think about fighting or when to turn around a lot of people will argue that and but I like to get them up in the air they have already been trained on how to steer stay on the throttle and travel control getting in the seat we've done all that and simulators so they've already been trained for up there so during the day after each flight is when we do the kiting because we don't fly midday so we just focus on and by the end of the week they've had flights in the whole time they've been training because again they've already been trained for up there once we leave the ground we're gonna wear them to give you a good wing I'm gonna pull the wing up in front of you you're gonna walk in front of a shake my head no that means you don't have a good wing I'm just gonna let you know that snack they just kill the motor we'll lay it down we'll reset it if it's looking good you'll see me nodding but that doesn't mean get on the throttle yet I'm gonna say I'm gonna nod now and say go go go now just because I say it fast doesn't mean you match that throttle remember it's smooth steady and all the way let it take don't lift your legs don't bend your legs that makes you instantly heavy that's why you see guys dip and drop when they go in because they're helping it into the air we're not we're gonna keep running until we're ten feet in the air and we'll have a nice smooth takeoff when I leave you up when I say go go go go go you're gonna roll that through out of line even if I'm standing in front of you I want you to run over my chest I'll get out of your way I've done this a couple times so we'll get it yeah I'll get out of your way but when I say go don't hesitate start getting it there at the same speed we did in a simulator over and over and over okay don't don't fart around we don't want it dropping back behind you I will tell you at the most apt time when to start getting on that on that on that throttle so once it starts coming up boom you're gonna start rolling on stay in a straight line stay on your heading and it won't even have time to go back don't lift those feet we won't be buying any props for this thing so good bad or ugly we're going to be putting this on youtube so you got to look pretty without the bat so if it goes ugly it goes ugly but if it goes good but your confidence a little it's pretty high so I think it's gonna I think it's gonna pan out let's get the helmet on you I've got you set up I pre cutted your wings so you're directly into the wind and I set up the wing for you this time I like everything just to be exactly where I like we have about a 2 mile an hour breeze and it's gentle and it's soft and we had an overcast day all day so the winds had been very low and nice and smooth out there and I just flew a little bit ago and it was pretty good up there and it hasn't changed direction that seems a little bit loud but you're gonna want to hear me when your tire no it's a little bit loud at first but my voice is gonna be the sweetest thing you ever heard once you get up there alright we're gonna put this in here if we lost radio contact you should know how to hit thirty acres of grass after what we've been through and the demonstrations you've seen and your ground schooling it's still your responsibility to hit this field no overreacting with the brakes that get you rockin if it leaves the ground Rocking stay on the throttle do not try to correct it you'll only make it worse okay let's go radio I'm gonna do a radio check any one second [Applause] check check check loud and clear yeah super loud or too loud that's pretty loud pretty loud okay how about now if I just lower my voice okay that's what I'll do that okay we're going to go up and step in here like we're going to do it forward loss stepping like we're gonna do it forward step back inside step back a little further give me that radio check one more time I got you good job remember our hands are gonna be in about chest level if we raise them up we have to run twice as fast to get off the ground we're gonna keep them down here if stability to the wing you get up in half the distance half the speed that these other guys are doing running with our hands of other head we don't want to do that we want to keep our brakes on it's like pulling back on the yoke of a plane when you're going down the runway you want to pull back get that little extra lift that you need also makes you more stable to run okay let's pray father watch over keep the safe up there put a hedge of protection around and we think of it as great day we thank you for what you did on the cross amen have fun up there brother [Applause] [Applause] like that [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful job excellent job okay let's right turn back into the wind right turn back towards the barn all right turn everything nice and smooth way down the outer break just for some more stability pull that right back [Music] [Applause] beautiful looking girl up there brothers up movies down the brother let go of the steering and get in the seat quickly let go of the steering get in the seat attaboy get in there back on the throttle steering back in your hand don't panic there you go a little bit of right turn keep your thumb away from that kill switch I heard you hit it I heard you hit the kill switch for a second atta boy looking good take your feet if you can hear me take your feet if you can hear me okay excellent job excellent job excellent job we're going to pause the camera for a second and we'll come back for his landing that was beautiful I didn't tell her what's my fault I was so excited about him coming in for landing we didn't get it on film but there he is and what did you think about that dude I loved it man you did good your take off was awesome did you feel it I didn't yeah it was perfect tell me what you think about that sensation when your feet actually leave the ground it's you're like a bird just weightless and you know you're there isn't it crazy yeah good job brother hey man thank you whoa Semper Fi brother and it's 1165 1164 news fly jackie 1164 welcome to the family Berlin whoa outstanding
Channel: FlightJunkies
Views: 389,787
Rating: 4.6948924 out of 5
Id: 8QltjDOAnxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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