A Trip Into the Supernatural - The Roger Morneau Story Part 1

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well I like to ask you to join me now in welcoming brother Roger J Morneau probably one of the most popular writers in our church to our platform Roger now we're going to start by explaining why we're having this interview in a sitting format and my job I think I ought to tell you right from the beginning so that you don't interpret that I'm being rude I am here to both interview and interrupt and the reason for that is Roger has written five books now you have one wife three children 12 grandchildren and your ministry as a writer really began when you were 57 years of age you didn't have any idea at that point that the Lord was going to begin a national international prayer ministry right and you're working on your sixth book right now and a seven again we've got another one in your mind that you're working for you at the same time but there have been a number of rumors that have circulated when you first told me this I thought you were kidding and then someone called the central church and they said we heard brother Moore knows going to be there but you haven't heard he's dead and so we want to begin by dispelling that rumor but that I think maybe has grown from the truth that you have had some challenges with your health and that's why we are going to do this interview sitting down and if your health and strength permits you'll be able to visit the people tell us where are you at now when you're in your physical state well and outside of my heart situation I'm in perfect health I do not have an ache or a pain in my body and for those of you that have read my last book on prayer when you need incredible answers to prayers in Chapter one I talk about my being afflicted with pain in my left hip my right shoulder was freezing on me the right heel of my foot I could not stand on and I had lower back pains real bad and we thought I had eternal problems my doctor told me is as well name I asked him said hey what do you think of the old guy he says well I think what I thought of your heart just says you have a lot of other problems and but he says don't don't worry I have friends your surgeons they do beautiful jobs he'll fix your hip he'll fix you inside and just show you up man and you'd be like you and I went home that day I didn't like the idea so at night I was I woke up about 3 o'clock in the morning as four years ago and my left hip was hurting terrible and I talked to the Lord because it seemed that the Spirit of God impressed me deeply that the time had arrived in my life where I should ask the Lord for a very special help and I I talked to our Heavenly Father and called him that I love this prayer ministry to exalt Christ as the mighty Redeemer that he is and the lives of people are being blessed and benefited by the Spirit of God where as a father I am to the point now but I have a hard time keeping my mind on what I'm talking about when I'm praying for people here in so much pain cuz of the pain and I say father would you honor me in a very special way by the power of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus and Paul talks about it in Romans 8:2 that that same great power raised up Lazarus from the dead be imparted to me through your Holy Spirit and to recreate my whole being to what I was about when I was fifty years ago now I see with the Lord let me take something about about faith and asking for the Lord's blessings don't ever ask only for a half favor go all the way because he's he's mighty God and he's able to do anything says his father I would like you to to do reconstruct me rebuild me for the Spirit of God the rest upon Tennessee Romans 8:11 says give the spirit to her of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal body bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you mm-hmm so I took that literally and said father I am so thrilled that you are willing to do this for me and I expected within three days I won't have an ache in my body now Ellen White says and Christ's object lessons that God longs he longs have us recapture him by faith he don't have us expect great things from him so I said father I want son with really great miracles here and do you know this was four years ago and in three days I had no more pain nowhere in my body but let me explain about my heart I said father about the heart please don't touch it reason alters the heart don't don't don't make me all better because father I won't have a prayer ministry I won't have one I'll be flying all over creation telling people I'm nicely lost I've had a prayer ministry if you have a frame and it takes time you know you get to pray and with a bad heart I get to rest a lot so I pray a lot and I have you know need right now I have over 25,000 names on my prayers or I haven't seen my prayer power you said that's right it looks like our World Trade Center then is I have like a seven-foot Tower and that is full from top to bottom there's over 1,700 letters in there and then another thought was about half-filled and it be Lord did for me what I see so outside of the problem with your heart and your heart your doctor said last exam is working at about 40% well the doctor looked at me and he said how you doing my cardiologist said fine they're supposed to be something wrong with me no he says you know say good the part of your heart is dead and all that he says I'm concerned about it greatly you know see in 1984 December 1 1984 which is just 14 years go highlighted indeed Hospital in Niagara Falls Canada when Hilda and I drove her mother from central New York I we were living tonight were fall where she resided that I should reside at a time and on Sabbath morning ten o'clock I was taken into the emergency room of the hospital and the doctors said to my wife if she would have been 20 minutes later getting here he would have been dead husband so they find out no time at all especially Sunday morning that the virus had damaged my heart in right at that time the doctor told me later there was the blood samples that he were taking it's 8 o'clock in the morning was loaded with heart tissue which meant that the heart had started in deteriorate when I asked him on Tuesday I was here from Sabbath morning to Tuesday I said to the doctor what is the possibility am I getting out of this place alive when you looked at me and said you really want to know I said yes that's importantly it will help me know how to pray correctly mm-hmm and he looked at me and said you're a praying man happy for a lot of people I'll pray for you from now on you taking care of me like you are you know and he was a little taken with that then he said well I'll tell you you'll take a miracle no he said you take more than a miracle to get you out of here alive is take many miracles I said thank you God and that was it now for those who have written my book your very first book on prayer incredible answers and travel inches to prayer I have the starting here of my experience indeed mr. care unit of the great in a hospital yeah let's go back to your conversion a little bit now your French Canadian by birth oh yes and during the World War two you were in the Navy yeah now just coming out of the Navy some things happen well you got drawn into not passive but outright demonic association worship and the spiritualistic movement tell us a little about that so folks know where you've come from coming out of Merchant Navy I discovered there was thousands of enlisted men that we're looking for jobs even or no longer in service and to get jobs were in Montreal was kind of difficult and I took a job to get me making a living at the Windsor bowling alleys and billiards or in West st. Catharines discrete which is the main street of Montreal and I was assistant to the manager the billiard room that's where all the wealthy people you know leave billiard in so it turned out to be that one evening about six o'clock this fellow come walking in there say hey Mauro I turn around look at him said you're alive he said of course I'm alive yeah I heard you a torpedo the North Atlantic then that's he died you had this problem all your life yeah because dead people misunderstanding Hey he said mean y'all nice to see you and years with my hand and he said why don't you have dinner with me tonight I got a lot of nice interesting thing Doug man Wow my life is filled with well being I said what do you do inherit them a few million dollars oh no it's better than that better than that can you that took mrs. weed so I asked my boss could I keep evening off and it was like on Wednesday evening wasn't too many people there yeah he should you began to get off so we're setting you know eating our weland's his name he says let me tell you I have become member of society who communicate the spirit of the dinner how would you like to talk to the spirit of your dead mother you know a driver has four years old I said I wouldn't be interested at all hey man he says I talk to my dad he says though thinks it is oh this is fabulous these DS the spirits our departed loved ones are interested in our well-being here in this land they want to help you you want do you want to be with you don't really want help you so you told me well you know why don't you pump a seance with me next next Saturday night and I said not dress it really to be honest with you and I tried to change the subject but wouldn't change subjects is not look he says your chicken I can't tell he says I do more no and when he was afraid of nothing I know you were you've painted the 70-foot main mass on a ship he says nobody that's wanted to go out there hey said now he said your chicken or are you gonna come with me Saturday night I said I'll go with you and that's the way that started for about for a few months we talked with the sea houses and some many very interesting things happening if you want to hear about it I'll tell you what I think I'm very good some of that isn't one of your books is that in that trip into the supernatural we're just super nice right okay there's the one that's it is so that's called the plug inaudible like you told me to the cameras okay that's right yeah you guys know that hold it for a little while and then we put it down that's good okay well I'm trying aren't trying to do I want to be recognized people to sit down dead yeah no I can see that you see my bushes here this guy's not dead you know so you a number of fascinating things happen that these seance yes and but finally you actually got to the place where one point these things were flying around the room and you were having the demons and spirits were speaking to the group and making promises and I'm going to take very short little story here we go to one of these sentences when Saturday night sorry I Saturday evening and that was a guess X or sit whatever you want to call him medium that was speaking there and my friend says eight by the way this big great man the bandleader famous band leaders going to be there with his wife said we know boy yeah I like to meet him now this men were belong to a heist Luciferian society of spirit worshipers and what happened that the spirit had this spirit counselor that is one of sins our table angels had told the high priest of the society just about a year before that the great master wanted to bring two individuals in the society that would be a tremendous asset to the group in Montreal and had given our names but the priests had forgotten all about that and what happened is is that that dis George is an leader he was all about that by the angel you go with your wife to this sales you looked like you're really enjoying yourself but you're there for one purpose to bring these guys into the society and he hasn't here's how you going to do it when your wife is engrossed with talking buddy visiting medium and you see that these fellows warning leave we tell your wife that you're going on to rest but she can come home to Bollinger's which lived righteous few houses away and the angel told him walk out at the same time with it to fireless and ask them if they're driving or taking the streetcar so we walked out of there you know and George says hey listen you guys driving no she will retain the streetcar two blocks away her dunk of the car he had a nice big Lincoln anyone jumping Acharya says I'll drag you there and on the way there's a main why don't you go to a fancy restaurant and western Catherine Street and we'll have some good food and a couple drinks and he telling me more about who virtually they experiences say so oh hey wait after we're sitting here he says how long have you guys been involved in sorcery said what yeah I don't have you guys been involved in sorcery so you know that the spirits the super-special did then they're not spirits of the Dead the demon spirits and you're deceiving everybody and there are the lowest ranking of over syndrome and he goes on telling us a little bit more and invites us to one of their meetings for the following way no for the Wednesday evening and the following evening but you know by the time we left there you are so late that I said to myself this guy will never pick us up you know to Gorillaz this meeting but sure enough Wednesday evening give us a ring you know - well my friend lived about two blocks away and where I live but he picked us up right over there and introduce us to the it just diversity secret society and I was very amazed because of the fact that they were all professionals mm-hmm merchants people of business people of great capacities wealthy people and there was number of medical doctors and attorneys and people now at this point you realize this society there were not just mediums doing seance as you knew that this was the underworld they had beautiful paintings life-size of angels that have appeared since angels and addressing different garment of different ages and the ad materialized firstly had materialized on those forms then they were photograph and anyway the paintings of them and when I visited the worship room with the dogs I was amazed you see there was over a hundred of those beautiful paintings all around the worship of the gods and they were all Satan's top-notch spirit counselors so they had these life-size paintings of demons that had once appeared right when they made paintings out of whoever saw me is my friend and I we couldn't believe it that you're not even born and raised a Catholic and you think of the devil you know being in the middle of the earth fire you know covered with soot you know would go you know you look terrible and then you find out this is it you know the great conflict that started in the courts of heaven and the demons are beautiful and the angels since there are beautiful beings bright beautiful beings he the high priest all made that where he was in Chicago visiting there that an angel appeared to him and he says the the brightness was so great that he could look upon the upon the being but close his eyes and the spirit counselor the angel told him that the fellow that he had left in charge the other priests Montreal was about to wreck everything that this the spirits had done to bring my friend a 90 to society in that he ought to fall immediately and get this guy to change his mind he had not when George wanted phoned him and said that he would like to bring us he said no way he said if the high priest wants to have him have them here he's going to have to be here himself and that would be in the future now I remember reading that the spirits were offering different gifts and powers and at one point you received the power to get dreams about what horse to bet on oh yeah and you won the bookies finally told you to stop coming yeah because you won several days in a row is that right he told me that they were going to put a bullet in me so when I heard that I said the guy I won't come back here but every race that you bet on you one for so here's what happened the high priest told us my friend and I that the great master would very much like to have us initiated into society on the 31st of October I dare resort in the Laurentian Mountains not a Montreal North Santa God and that you know he wasn't even asked what the great master wanted us to do as a career but that it was going to be a tremendous important work that the two of us were gonna do well my friend says what he wanted to be to be initiated a high but so did a priest you know at a time where I didn't know very much I said my Reverend you know I call the guy the Reverend I understand how the great master he want us to be and hit it now but somehow I don't feel that I want to be initiated this time what about maybe like in the spring of the year or something in it he said well I'll tell you what I don't know it says you don't don't want to buck the good master the high master because the great master because it says it's very bad so he said look the great master is who is si okay just want to clarify that the great master is Satan the deciphering is a great master or Lucifer or Lucifer oh we don't call him Jesse day very few friends but very few mm-hmm okay he said look I'm going to do something for you guys especially for You Roger I'm gonna add traded in the great master that he gave you a gift why can't you like and give three or four or five and choosing whatever you choose it says will will be yours and I said we're going to be mighty nice if I had the gift of etc Young's where I could see you know either buoyancy at the bookcase you know you play the horses how the book is you see all the name of the horses and enter the tracks Belmont or whatever you're ready running you see and and to know which was going to be a winner I said that'd be great it could me with something nice money he said would probably work with the stock market to then you got which would probably work with anything you know but he said he said that's yours you got and sure enough just a little bit later I had a dream and I dreamed that I went that I went to the bookie and on a Saturday morning and I saw the calendar date and everything and I saw the all the or sis running at three different races and the winner was the one that that Sean he was shiny shiny and that was one there he was twenty one to one this guy this horse was so bad and you know the possible terror of of wedding was so poor that he was paying twenty one to one it's not a word if they put a dollar down yet if it you get funny one he wins well that was a shining one I said boy then I said they started one in a you look good so I said to myself well you know in those days money was bosses it was you know you scarce scarce so I said well I want to put two dollars on this guy you know some put two dollars on it and then he wins never did was first then I put I put $20 on the twenty one to one horse and that one and then I got the engine to everybody everybody said I can't believe that some guy were knocking that there is nothing there fists on the counter you know because they they said this horse is totally worthless you shouldn't have been in this race and then he wins you know sure I wasn't these guys and I said boy she you know what happened when I came back that the following week oh yes I went out I left out of there with a bundle of money in my pocket I went down to the shank of the street I went to one of the fine men's store and I bought myself a 200 dollar suit that's a lot of money back then those days in 1946 there are abundant learning so anyway I came back the next week and the man of the cage says you're Roger I said yes as I was putting some money down he said the boss would really like seal the bookie but yeah about dinner already operation and he says you go to that door right over there said okay so give me my ticket tonight going there and not come on in you know course all in French of course I'm a tree this year oh yeah he sees me oh you're the guy you're Roger I says yeah come here says sit down right there in front my desk he got up and he walk around make a big circle around you look at me sit back again he says you don't look like a winner you don't look like a guy you don't read that come in that know something about horses what I said I don't I just happen to be lucky he said I'll tell you what I don't know where you're getting your information okay but I don't we don't like it here anymore you're taking too much of our nice money so I'll tell you what the next time that you're in here I lit some some my goons after you and you'll put a bullet right up their name and I won't have your on here again now if you want the address and there's a different book is in Montreal I'll give you a whole list of them I said no it's not necessary sir how long I won't come back so that in the beginning he knew you had inside information he just didn't know how inside the world so the pressure mounted the pressure mounted - Benny she ate it and this was an October and I came home - only Wednesday evening and after the Hyper's had put a lot of pressure on me and I went to bed but I couldn't sleep our three o'clock in the morning I'm selling bed there and now this was a prayer mighty beautiful prayer very short and I never started lovers over spring but here listen to this I said if there's a God in heaven who cares or Peter who cares for me help me I don't know how long I last stayed awake after that but the next thing I knew my alarm clock rang and I got up went to work that's not something now something beautiful happened I am working in the embroidery Factory and I was working on my machine and there the three o'clock coffee break came in the afternoon I went down outside do to have my small and one of the bosses to see they were Jewish one of the bosses say Roger yeah when you come up come into my office I want to talk to you okay try came back you up and he said come on in their chosen order I said it was a fight that was going on he never chose his door and listen wants to fight or somebody you know had heard observed observation see I said what was the problem well there's no problem but he says I well he says you could call it problem probably you know you notice this guy that was you did this morning that I should run the shop I said yeah I said the black guy yeah well you want to start working here next Monday and he's a Christian but he keeps the the Jewish Sabbath what do you mean he gives a Jewish a yeah he gives the biblical Sabbath creation and God created the world the earth and blesses the seventh day none of that he keeps it like a Jews do that the other dogs Jews do so I said so what I wanted to find out where the nomination he belongs to its Harding meanest thing he says I wish I had Italy I could hardly sleep last night that I had find out what the nominee from this guy belongs to but he said I'm not going to start doing this kind of work he says you're my friend give me a favor find out from him so true no problem he said I haven't worked on the machine next to you this is in the embroidery rectory said you're gonna have a lot of chance to talk to the guy but don't let him know that I'm the one that most what denomination he belongs to okay don't worry so the good long story short my machine was breaking threads and I had to back it up and start over again and I got very very unhappy with the whole thing and I started to call the saints I was a Catholic then when I was a former Catholic you know I'm starting the same side down from heaven and hmm so the coffee break came at 10 o'clock went out downstairs and I was telling me Cheryl I said have you ever seen anything that is taking place the boss comes over at just as the machine voice for in 15 20 minutes these works beautiful I get back to the Machine the trades start grating right away and what it is said yeah any suggestions as well I tell you what says if I were you I will take it easy on the Lord I could hear you talking to the Saints I'm there the awhile ago but he said and he said I've heard it name of the Lord and I thought seeing that you asked my opinion I like to tell you take it easy on the Lord few things will go better said took there's my opening I should say mean I understand you quite really just mean what denomination you get on to you said I'm a seven that mandersohn seven dead it's a 70 what since that summer the advantage then he explained what the name meant oh wow so this is interested in interesting and I asked him some of your questions and then for something back upstairs I said to him I said look did you bring your lunch he says yeah what about us sitting on the on the loading dock and back the plays there and have our lunch together and you tell me more about your religious convictions about his business of the Lord coming and really you know resurrecting people and we creating the earth later on not of that and you know going to be just as pitted flying on a clouds in heaven if you're saving to God's kingdom yeah you will talk about it so we had a good hour of talking and in the afternoon about to applaud the spirit started oppress me it was in the month of October the windows were open about maybe four or five inches in the plane it was called whoo and I was having to perspire so I took my shirt and unbutton it and roll my sleeves and I was still spare tire perspiring more so I went to the men's room once I love frog I logged the door I was being grabbed and choked and the pressure is so great that I stood over over the toilet and the water was just pouring down and I said to myself unless several god help me the spirits are going to do me in and instantly just so you knew that you had demonic powers that were trying to choke you right then and so at 3 o'clock no it was a 5 o'clock I told him and says what sweet car you take where do you take the streetcar he says well I'll take it about two blocks down here I said I want to walk with you listen if I went over to your house could you show me in the Bible you know the things that you were telling you today about your religious convictions oh yeah he says I'd be glad you said you don't think he said what about next weekend huh no I said I mean this evening this evening oh it's not a good evening since I have a guy who's supposed to come and buy my jazz records and he says you know I've already promised him put him off two or three times I said what I'm sorry but I surely would have liked to just did advisor with you he said what about tomorrow night and the night after I'd be too late my friend too late for ever too late and he said ok we heard that I be at our home at 7 o'clock and we'll be waiting for you now I get to his place and introduced me to his wife and then he says well I got to explain something to you Edison he said you know I'm not a something that matters and actually I thought he was a certain advantage because it's just you asked me and I said it was listing for me to do I did have a lot of time to explain I'm not a baptized member 7 administered I probably believe that eyes were too long because I'm just about making my decision and we got to the Sabbath but it is my wife's in seven areas and he says she will give us the unitary thumping the Bible studies the matter so here we do it yeah and she explained he had his twenty-eight Bible studies for as a people and on one sheet we should represent one study was about maybe eighteen twenty questions and then you look up to your answer in the Bible so I said that's fine so we had a first Bible study the Word of God and then it's eight o'clock and I said to Cynthia and she's smiling now together that Bureau she remembers that if it was yesterday it's difficult or one years ago by I said Cynthia what's the next Bible study entitled oh it that's Daniel - I said yeah what is it about she told me a little bit as they just have this Bible study right now no they said you why not come back next weekend uh-huh I said tonight right now so several said okay liselle so now it's nine o'clock ah I said what a fantastic study well how interesting I said wasn't it the third study titles title and she she looked at several and she said it is such-and-such I said fantastic let's have the study also I said what time you'd even go to bed or they said we go to bed about eleven o'clock but I figured he says after listen say evening use beautiful I said we have time for another study and I said let me explain you got a problem here he said you know our minister has been giving us a lecture on how to give Bible studies effectively and he tells us that we should never give people more than to Bible studies per week and they should be like one maybe like on Monday or Tuesday Wednesday and you're the one like on Sunday or sad bearson era and he said you know we've already had I mean three two and usually part of the pattern of photo I said this head hey I'm so glad that you told me that Sarah about your Minister I'll tell you what I promise I won't tell him NSYNC I won't tell him that when I meet him that we had three or four Bible sighs first night yeah that's forbidden we know that that's right he said you said you guys go ahead Cynthia so Cynthia had another Bible study now it was ten o'clock I said was that the fourth one he says she won't tell you the Native Title I said well I think what I said I thought you'd people are really nice loving Christian that wanted to help a poor lost soul you know and here you are refusing to give me another Bible study I said hey I said hey I just date they can't you know figure this out he said what happen if we didn't study tonight I said to say what maybe give you honest with you okay I cannot tell you the reason why I want all these Bible studies but if I am back here tomorrow night for the fifth Bible study it will have been a super miracle of God that I'm alive sir said you make it sound like a matter of life and death I said exactly what it is and I'll tell you later if things turn out good for me I was as sure as I was sure the sun's going to rise tomorrow that dipswitch wouldn't do me in that night the high priests had told us about a couple of accidents that happened some of their members that I decided that well you know this is really not for me one guy you know he Ito like reach I think I'm going to ask you to excuse me from this fellowship he says it's not for me the guy says wait I mean don't you back off on the great master because he'll cost you your life and you said huh that'll be the day he went away in the day he left that day from work and the spirit counselor the angel appeared to the high priests and said the man is going to die in a car accident is a down the road and it's going to be decapitated and that's exactly what happened or so and you know I knew very well that the spirits were already well aware of what I was doing and I was not going to be around very long and you knew that or at least you believed that if you went ahead and tried to leave this satanic society that you were done in for life young so that night I said goodbye didn't expect to see them again but the next morning I woke up you know and I was expecting some found an accident way home but I woke up the next morning man life you know and she's beautiful my life and I had of course getting them to commit themselves to more Bible studies for Tuesday eg at least one that was the next day the state so the next day will help us that we had four more now I was sure that I was not going to see them on Wednesday I shook hands where Dennis as well if I'm still alive I'll get here tomorrow night for Bible study number four it be nine she had 28 by us at his motive 87 days sir so what happened here I'm getting ideas for a new evangelistic series really what happened here is that by Tuesday night I was so sure that I would not live any longer that I figured well it was nice to learn the truths truth about the Creator because the high priests always talked when you see they don't have food to God has gone they always referred to God as a creator always is the Creator the great God is rusev the great master so don't give glory to God for anything except that he's the Creator and I said well that's the t'know Wednesday when I came back for those bioassay days I was so thrilled in my soul I didn't know how to pray but that was in my being an elation of such happiness toward the God who had is he that I didn't know his name but I knew that he's the god of care let us say that there's a God in heaven cares for me help me so we had two more Bible studies and those Bible studies did for me marvels by the time that the two other Bible studies were finished we had four more went away two more after that but now I knew within myself that I had a great master also and that he was way better than the great master that I had been serving for a while amen and also I became very daring I determined right there and then that with the grace of the Lord Jesus and the power of God and His Holy Spirit I didn't have to worry about the high priest and about the bullets and about decapitations to accidents now let me interrupt you how long ago was this 51 years ago and you did 27 Bible studies in one week you know you've already heard brother Morneau allude to it but the couple that gave him those Bible studies is here with us tonight would it be all right if we asked them to stand the age yeah is it Cecil and Cynthia would you please stand up and show the Bible studies yeah come up on the step on UNICEF come up come up a little closer I mean UNICEF Cecil is holding up this is the set of Bible studies that he gave Roger yeah 21 over fifty years ago yeah it is great 51 and isn't that incredible boy you needed a magnifying glass for these that's right their opinion was very fine I can no longer read them you can't read them anymore but too small oh praise the Lord that's I think remarkable how the Lord has preserved them and I'm sure that this couple really did not expect that those Bible studies they were giving we're going to resolve in a ministry that would be in essence touching the lives of hundreds of thousands of people yeah and so when you give a Bible study the one person never underestimate what the long-term influence of that is going to be isn't that wonderful so and I did this is about all I'm going to say about by this part of it on Wednesday night ia I when I got home I had a letter in my note on my door my friend on Thursday night and Friday night also because he I was we were finishing our studies at 11 o'clock and took me an hour to get home and on the streetcar which meant that I got on the Prophet SAW he had been around tried to talk to me but he couldn't get a hold of me didn't where I was and but on Saturday night he told me he said the high priest was informed me that the spirits are going to destroy you and there's a big price already been set in your on your on your head see I need to talk to you please call me and I decided there was a there was a pay phone in the hallway downstairs in the foyer but I decided I better go to a restaurant down the street so I can talk privately and I called him up and he told me says I got a touch you man said your life is worth nothing he says you're going to live he says if you don't come back to the great mastery tomorrow this mini last change and he came to visited me and he tried to convince me in two hours time that I should come back to the society I said no no I'd be a loser mm-hmm what do you mean be loser he says you be wealthy you'd be famous and you'd be doing a tremendous work that could benefit mankind I said I know exactly how saving benefits man Johnny and beside that I said I got a new master and he's super wealthy and beside that not only does he promise me gold and silver and abundance after the resurrection of his resurrection but he promises me a hundred million years of living plus and he's told me that this is going to be just the beginning of the good life so my friend look at mean he says you're either crazy or you're telling an awesome truth and I said I'm not crazy but I'm telling you an awesome truth now I'll tell you why I cannot go and see you your great master I'm the high priest mm-hmm because high priest had promised that you would make everything right with a great master and I'll tell you also the reason why I'm not afraid of bullets or threats of any type let me show you something I walked over to the table where my Bible I had read for my devotions that morning and the experience of zakiya and Santa carried you know the great Syrian King a general we had come up you know to Jerusalem and right he and as a kayo brought the letter before the Lord told him exactly what he intended to do and the Lord says we'll take Adam you know I think's 280,000 men would kill that instance $180 yeah about 180,000 people died in their sleep you knew that the same way that Sennacherib was threatening Jerusalem and the life of Hezekiah and Hezekiah took the problem to the Lord and he protected Jerusalem and destroyed the enemy God would do that for you that's right and the Lord still does that today and now you've got a prayer ministry around the world one of the questions that comes in and we're going to dedicate the second half of our program a little bit to questions that you are sending in but a very common question is your your prayer life seems so powerful and effective and folks are wondering what do you have that's different than the average person I was talking to Karen last night and I said I think after a person has seen the power of the devil it's so easy to believe in the reality of God and you know that it's real and I'm in the same way you cannot be a real Christian without to some extent believing in the existence of the devil and there's a spiritual battle that's raging and you're aware of that so when you pray you know there's someone listening and faith is one of the most important elements you know I was in terrible means of the blessing of God in my life because I knew that you know I had powerful enemies that were after me to destroy me so my relationship with Christ every day when I first opened my eyes was to raise him a mind to the Holy of Holies of the heavenly sanctuary and take four or five minutes and tell the Lord Jesus how happy I was that I'm alive and I've been doing this for 51 years and my relationship that Christ has drawn because of the fact that he blessed my life in so many little ways and that's what amazed me most see we know that God can be great miracles but for the God to make a lot of little miracles right alone to keep your life and to enable YouTube to keep the biblical side of creation now I'm going to bring you back to one of those great miracles you touched on when you're in the ICU the intensive care unit with your heart problem you pray for everybody on that floor and one man in particular had an unusual answer to prayer mr. Smith why don't you tell us about that answer to prayer real quick night and I was brought in there like I said before Sabbath morning 10 o'clock I was very very low after they had all wired me up and did whatever needed to be done and then they told me that my wife could see me only to ten minutes every two hours I said that helps me a lot you know so great deal so anyway that Sunday evening I was still alive and I saw the that she that was 14 last 10 units rooms with people in there was filled right up and because of great emergencies there was three beds right next to the nurse's station I was one of those and I could hear what was going on between the nurses talking and the head nurse says I think I'm gonna have to call for more help the people were getting into crisis situations and not only meant about 80 years of old next to me and all dad to have two nurses to keep just came in from choking up and dying the nurses said to the young nurse you know you see we got to do it that's what we're here for you know and then did the young nurse well oh you know she she they had try to keep him breathing circle long story short but I listened I see all of these people here and all of a sudden the thought entered my mind that in 1946 the high priest had said that Satan and his angels love to see people die to see humans die especially in times of war and when they have great battles and a lot of people die they have a celebration over it and those words came back to my mind like if it were yesterday's and I said to myself as a lot of people who are not going to make it right and I raised my mind to the Lord because when I talk I was just a little bit above a whisper you know how was that low and strengthened as I'm about to turn my head on my pillow I had to make a concentrated effort just to be able to look at the monitor that was going 228 times I'm ready between 200 228 and I started to pray as a Lord Jesus you know society said thanks to these people here this land of the enemy and you know we're all going to go to a great sooner or later but I believe there's a lot of people who are not going to make it here tonight and I'm afraid that they're not prepared to raise in the first resurrection and because of the fact that you've already paid a sacrifice for their salvation and that the sacred their medicine your sacred divine blood is available to be appropriated to them and in by in my asking for special help see that's what's beautiful about being intercessor in this land of the enemy the plan the super plan between that well the rules of engagement of the warfare are such I get it to understand from what the Spirit is priests had said it from what I read in the Bible and right evil and wide that God depends on us tremendously to ask for help for others inside of ourselves because when we do this then the Spirit of God and His angels can move into Satan's domain and legally take care of a lot bad situations mm-hmm but if we don't as for this help for ourselves or for others Satan and his engine says hey you have no business being here get back there right you're ours you know and as I was praying that the Lord would make these people better and get him out of here if it wasn't going to be you know what in a few days to get them out of this hospital and give them a second chance you know to be able to to draw nigh to them and I said lord I don't know these people's name but I'll tell you what I'm going to pray that you will every day I'm going to pray that their sins iniquities before given them and that you would appropriate to them the medicine your sacred blood shed on Calvary for their salvation and Lord I promise I'm going to be doing this for a long time and I said you get it you give them a chance give another chance in and things blew up wild it went wild it went terrible more people were having distresses and perplexities and difficulties and then the nurse got over the last because I need more nurses coming help and all of a sudden a man in unit 9 my name is Schmidt it's hard stop and when the heart stops on the in takes place at the nurse's station there's a buzzer or a light that came and I don't remember what it was like anyway the nurse Gunners said to all doctors please come and help and she would give some kind of a code code blue at least here it is yeah so in a way that three doctors came rushing it right into the door was head so the day unit nine was right in front the door came right through there to run in there you had the Risso stator and here in the unit there nurse had ran to get his the thing they work on this man for about ten minutes and one doctor came out he says he's gone you'll never bring him back and what happened I said to the Lord dear Jesus before I die I would very much appreciate that you would let me see the power of your resurrection at work by causing the heart of mr. Smith to be started up again and Lord that you make it well and that he be able to live a number of years because mrs. Smith is a cries all the time she hope that wasn't that little the waiting room a mrs. Smith was there also and she had told him she said my wife said that I have a praying husband you know and she said could you have your has been grateful for my husband so I said to the lord please let me see the power of your resurrection immediately a shout went out there was three nurses in there that room two doctors and then mrs. Smith told me four days later when I talked to her and her husband here on the cardiac floor that the nurse had just pulled a sheet over her head when he sat up in bed hey he sat up in bed and that into women even mrs. mrs. Smit chief it this is yeah I couldn't help it than justice ah whatever she did you know so anyway that you said what's that I need all you people doing here well the darkness has run you know you were having trouble you heart we're trying to help yeah oh he said I haven't problem my heart he says my heart is good but I need some food I haven't eaten here in three days mrs. mrs. Smit I told Hilda that has been a decided he wanted to die so he didn't he had eaten for three days and not even dragon didn't even drink for three days you want to die because he had enough of this business of the heart you know so you live five years after that and I understand him he became a Christian after that is that Roya and from what I gather yep and their daughter for my gay if I get read my book a computer supernatural so we still see resurrections don't we oh yeah God does that now what is your a lot of people here may want to know what is your favorite passage in the Bible do you have a favorite wine I'll tell you what I'm going to have to have a little bit about my personal relationship with Christ okay order to explain this you see after I became a servant matters I was working in the shop and the unions were coming in and they were going to force some people who work on Saturday because of some special arrangement that they had and I told the boss and you know I'm sorry but I have to quit this job the difficulties are getting too great for for me because you know they had to come to my place and I tried to bust the door down once and I had enough of that and that's before I was married to Hilda and it was good tractor we got married hilda and I in 47 and I decided that I was going to give her the plane which it is and going to sell now lady tell you my dad was a businessman and trafficking transport from New Brunswick to Montreal Quebec and in sales you know made a lot of money but I couldn't sell ice cream in July you know that's that's out to where I was my salesman so I said to when I was growing up it's never in the world what I really she owes me and I said that to myself many times but you know once I got this you're thinking about this and I was looking for jobs Montreal I said when I give this job up I'm very good to sales so I told the Lord Lord I need to be able to keep the biblical habit of creation and you drew your blessings in sales you build control things so that on Sabbath I can go to church and thank you for the glorious experience of seeing your Holy Spirit work so that Rodger moto can make a living in five days and be able to be in church on sabbath with his wife and the child will void a team of two year another year later after that 48 so the lord started to work in my behalf i wasn't that what you would call my boss edwin said he said you know you're a silent salesman because I was at the yellow pages for about twenty years you know selling telephone directory advertising business there's you can put two people that spend tens of thousands of dollars on radio and TV and newspapers and magazines and billboards and all kinds of other things and when it comes time to list their names in the Yellow Pages all this this is all I need is a ball type everybody knows me you know and you can never sell and display advertising but I talked to the Lord fall into this business and said Lord you are able to create within our hearts of people a desire above anything else I've ever desired in their lives to buy big ads from Roger Moore no so that I can make money pay my tight you know help with some offerings and be able to to be in church on Saturday and everybody left beside and that's what the Lord did for me now how long did you do that how long were you a attic tiles the last five years I was division sales manager for the Continental telephone system in Northeast United States covering eight states I was in charge of people there no reason but for 15 years I was salesman and you know for instance in Buffalo you took the 31st best salesman the Yellow Pages and offered them to transfer the Buffalo in 1968 and my division manager told me that man would I ever like to see you put a transfer to Buffalo he said he said he said you know I said you're my glory nobody mean your Delory yeah he said man you know I hired you just at the tundra company had decided not to hire any more people that didn't have a college college education he told me about that he had father for the vice-president of the company that he had this Mane that he felt was going to be your super job for them and now I was always the upper court court a low sales force because of where I went whether it was you know Sheree Hughes of different areas working telephone directories and says why don't you put a transfer for it the Buffalo so why I send money and I was accepted the era was 31 telephones and 31 premise salespeople and 30 in 11 telephone sales girl that took care of doctors and lawyers different appeal and you know in 1968 in Buffalo New York a four and a half by four egg so for 411 411 dollars a month now when you go and see a business person that spending like this one guy I have in mind a tire dealer he spent $91 on he had morning's informational here and a couple of listings there and something else and then you come in there with it with a four and a half by four I had this guy looks like finishes increased you try to sell me this thing I said oh no no no I just showed you they're gonna shorten he says well he says I am NOT impressive he says the pros have been here before you is says the pros I've been here for a number of years they've never been able to sell me telephone records doesn't display because it means it's worthless I said am I ever glad you told me that tell me that where did you feel about it because I as we used for your good news do you know that your Yellow Pages telephone directory Verizon has been recognized now by the federal government you know dear old books on how in operate small businesses and they see in all of their books make sure that your first and most important advertising is to list yourself with a display hat if possible in the telephone yellow pages because that's where people go when they decided to buy hey you want to go to address refresh your memory if some competitors address or phone number whatever it is in DCU nice let's play ad and say hey let's find this guy here you know so I said it's a fun of business insurance business insurance huh sweep it up the thing looks at it you're not never thought of it that way did you didn't do this work yourself I said yes and he says you're you're pretty sharp guy what I said I've been everything headed for a long time I'm very nice aids Wow I like the way you said this up hey hey go come here call his brother see you'll come look at it's a Beulah Paige Josas are you gone crazy you gotta buy that no I want I wanna show it to you no buh-bye so till you see and the silent salesman my boss once came with me some time to observe me he said you know you give the guy a couple of good reasons why I should have the ad intra mouth and he said you know I can't figure that out he said I would have a drunk there there sometime see after after I had saw the guy to Big Agnes I'm talking about so harder cases now then he had been with me on a job after we got out of there and he says man says let's go down the street talk about this thing says this is miraculous did you see how this guy bought your head you didn't open your mouth you see anything of importance I said that's right if I talk too much I wouldn't be able to make five closes per day you see because there was all not only a top producer it so increased when they thought you were silent where you praying that's right say Lord Jesus hears Norlin those fat daddies he's got a lot of money you probably never going to use it all yeah you know and some kid is going to inherit this thing you know and blow it and you know all right now I needed a little part of it you know like 411 dollars a month is it so good real hard it surprised me I always told the learners no you surprised me again Lord and your Holy Spirit create within the heart of this guy a desire to have that atom of anything is ever desired I keep a march of tonight then I tell him I thank him before when he's done before see and then all of a sudden the guy says look good job I'm gay I'm gonna get the side this year I want it because I want it I can give you a good reason why I want it but I want it he said good enough for you two brothers walks away says do whatever he wants your money you know so I write a big ad you know where the guy had one informations on the listings now I walk out of there with you know I display an and that's the way that the Lord worked from Liberty years that you started telling me about your favorite scripture are we still heading there oh that's right yes yes we're in but now you see I have found this out by experience that the Holy Spirit the blessing of the Holy Spirit in our lives to be able to succeed in anything winter cake right mm-hmm everybody says that the mark prosperity which I competed accompanied everything placing Joseph's Care was not the result of a direct miracle but it's dust great care and energy were crowned with the divine blessing so that's where the success is so I want the divine blessing so I put my heavenly father and I see if the father you know I need to be made wise intelligent harmless as a dog and his voice is servant and in this seal business otherwise how I won't make it and I need your Holy Spirit to bless me and to make me smart you see enough to sell and of course I was directed to the crucifixion of Christ Allen white writing reading ratings and I have found by experience that if you acquaint yourself with what price has done for us to purchase our Redemption if you acquaint yourself with the mighty love that he had for us and if you acquaint yourself with its power your faith is gonna grow and it is a beautiful thing you know Jesus had gone out on evangelistic toll with his disciples and we told that he raised the dead ended so many things you know he a lot of people but when he came back to Nazareth that people in town says I can't believe that all these miracles that he did isn't is the son of Joseph and you know and it married his brother his sisters are real with us you know and the Bible says magic 13:58 he did not many mighty works there because the cause of their unbelief now I've studied this matter of unbelief in this matter of faith and I found that in the fallen nature of man we have in our nature a capacity to distrust God and be very unbelieving that's what is natural for us to do faith is to build confidence our confidence in God how much confidence in God would you like to have well it's all built on the it's all to be founded power chapter of the Bible which I call the 27th chapter of magic and as I acquainted myself with that power chapter again that I saw the Lord worked marvelous miraculous ways and to see my faith increase the Lord could do greater things for me and to bless the lives of others I said this is it see Ellen White says that what is needed now this was at the turn of century she said what God's people need right now is to have a living faith and she explained she the living faith is a faith that will give you an increase of spiritual strength and will sons sustain in you and unfaltering trust in our Heavenly Father and the power of his always paid Hey so does it kind of feel alike so I said the Lord I need this kind of faith now I started to acquaint myself with these beautiful words and I would like to quote a few words from management you've memorized the twenty seventh chapter of Matthew what verses verses 24 through 54 okay that will take you from from pilots judgment hall and bring you to Gaulle Gordo where Christ expired on on the cross and you will hear their Centurion and his soldiers pagans say that truly this was a Sun God then after I quote the verses if you want to output your little bit of Ellen White says that happened there okay okay now the Bible says that when Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing with the Jews but that rather heater ball was me in other words riot had begun he took water and washed his hands before the multitude saying I am innocent of the blood of this just person see get to it then answered all the people and said his blood be on us and on our children then released he Barabbas haunted ah and when he gets courage Jesus he delivered him to be crucified then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common Hall and gathered unto Him the whole band of soldiers in this script him and put on him a scarlet robe and platted a crown of thorns and put it upon his head and it read in his right hand and he bowed the knee before him and mocked him saying hail King of the Jews and it spit upon him and took your reading it smote him on the head and after that they had mocked after they had done that they took their robot from him he put his own remit on and led him away to crucify it and as they came out he found a man of Cyrene Simon by name Hindi compelled to Barry's cross and when they were coming to a place allgäu Goro that is to say a blizzard is called he gave him vinegar to drink mingled with God and when he had tasted Dara he would not drink and they crucified him in part of his garments that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet he parted my garments among them and upon my vesture did they cast laws and sitting down the bottom there and above his head was an inscription saying this is Jesus the King of the Jews then were there truth he is crucified with him one on the right hand and another on the left and did it pass by reviled him wiping their heads and saying that a destroys a temple and buildest it in three days save thyself you've doubt who the Son of God from down from the cross likewise also the chief priest Mars Martin saying if he is the son of God in general then we will believe now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the Lena to the ninth hour in about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice saying Eli Eli lama sabachthani that is to say my God my God why has thou forsaken me some of them that stood there when they heard that said this man call it for he lights and straight away one of them rain and took a sponge and filled it with vinegar and put it on the reed and gave him to drink some of the others said let's see if Elias would come to Satan Jesus when he tried again with a loud voice yielded up the ghost and behold a veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom and the earth did quake and the rocks rent and the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept arose and came out of the graves after his resurrection and went into the holy city and I cleared on too many now what a Centurion and they that were with him watching Jesus saw the earthquake those things that were done they feared greatly saying truly this was the son of God that's it amen amen and praise the Lord you know that's where the power is a sort of power it's in the cross and I'll tell you what now you recite that almost every day don't you everything every day she's me sometime I'm pressed for time like any other people I have people that are dying and need help and I got to get on the phone and I got got to you know help encourage her over them so I tell people see when I write everybody that I answer a letter to be by later tell them how we're going to pray for a loved one for someone I always mentioned when it's been chapter of Matthew is the power chapter and there I tell them if you're pressed for time and you don't see the possibility of reading the entire 30 verses read at least the last ten and to doctors and people that have definite appointments they have to be you know in the operating room at 7 o'clock whatever it is I've had I've had the number of physicians write to me and see my my personal experience I'm sort of satisfied with myself and I can't believe myself really big in a way because of the fact that I sold myself to the benefit of mankind and I have to be there to help but how could I how could I help myself to have a closer to commune with Christ and I right then some of these things I'm telling you here tonight and I have them follow me back and says man what a beautiful thing now they now hear what I tell my readers is this I'm going to give you a formula for successful victorious Christian living that will not feel me and if you do this now you're going to have to read a fair amount of verses every day from the Bible but if you do this for one year I can assure you that you will never be the same person there being that you will be given an increase of spiritual strength as you do this thing and by the time that 365 days have gone by you have memorized yourself very beautiful verses on the life of Christ in our Redemption the crucifixion and you know something I have so many people writing backs three months later six months later or they say thank you thank you thank you Ken they didn't hey they just don't slow down his praise of God and you know and thank me and which I well I know that the power for revival is in the word the Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word and if the powerful revival is in the word what part of the word would be the most potent it would be the scenes of the cross and if a person could saturate themselves with that every day and I can see even though you have recite this in your private devotions and maybe when you visit with others it still moves you every time you say yes that's because it's not just the words you know the person that was hanging on that cross before I quote these words before in front of people I have to pray because I used to fry all the time in the middle I used to braid on and cry that be okay but I feel Lord you know it's not going to benefit anybody to see you know I cry so will you help me tonight as I quote my favorite verse of the Bible that your Holy Spirit is going to sustain me so that I go right down and try well you know it's important that it moves you oh yeah if it's going to move up it there have been some rumors circulating that you wish that you we already talked about the one about your being dead and we know you're very much alive now but some of the other rumors for instance I understand some people thought you no longer believe that the wicked will be cast into the lake of fire that's what he said I did say this yeah I got this doctor that company in 1993 hilda and I had you know the enjoyable experience of having five medical students from Walla Walla the University visit us in our home and these young people had read my books and they had under and they were full of intense every great intensity of desire to see closer walk with Christ and they taught me back I could help them and now they're all you know they all graduated and they're in practices and things and one doctor wrote me about a month ago and he told us how happy was that he admitted that that trip seven-hour tribute from blow monitor where I live and he said then he had but he felt sorry about what people are saying about me especially that this has been said that you do not no longer believe in the destruction of the wicked as the Bible says it will take place and you have also said that God will just put the wicked to sleep and that'll be it and if you have said these things would you give me the reasons why you feel that way and I've fallen upon is's it's just people trying to a tool discredit your books is very very boomers yeah and my my prayer ministry yeah you know the devil is never more frightened and this is I think a spirit of prophecy quote then when God's people pray and if you're doing a work to encourage people through your ministry and through your books to get people praying that makes the devil tremble and you can expect that he'll circulate rumors and cause problems to discredit for instance I understand some are saying that now you're perpetrating the philosophy of the New Age movement oh yes yes only that's was a good one I got I got this letter from a lady who told me I am sending you this letter because of the fact that I feel that you should really be made aware of a problem that is taking place in the minds of some people that you are now shifting your emphasis to the New Age ideas and and and she's underlined in red this part of the letter where this lady says what is this now Roger Moore no you know he says that we should pray that God will surround us for the glorious heavenly atmosphere of light and peace and he says and she said I had never heard of anything like that being taught and administered so he's drifting it on and she had other points and all that on so what is happening is this I had written in my book and I use a lot of spirit proxy writings Helen white says that for instance there's a an article in testimonies volume 8 were to serving the Lord in five pages it's entitled the power promise and she says God does not ask us to do in our own strength of word before us he has made divine provision for all emergencies to which our human resources are unequal because the Holy Spirit to help in every street to strengthen our hope and assurance to eliminate our minds and purify our hearts Christ has made provision that is church shall be a transformed body illumined with the light of heaven possessing the glory of Amanda and it is its purpose that every Christian shall be surrounded with a glorious heavenly atmosphere of light and peace so this lady you're just quoting the spirit part that's right this lady here really had not read my book but somebody had told her about it probably and she said wow this is your wife you know and she was very distressed it's very easy for a person to leap upon the one ambiguous phrase and try and make something out of it you know we're just about out of time for this section and I'd like to remind all of our guests that are here tonight that we have we're providing in the second half however the Lord leads opportunity for you to ask questions via writing them on the card it's too hard to get audio microphones to everybody so if you have questions you've written down on those cards that we provided you may have personal prayer requests and brother Morneau is going to take these home and add them to his prayer list and I believe that he could go on all night and tell you the miracles of how God has turned things around in people's lives on his prayer list if you would like to write a question down for a second section and the pass them to the aisles we have Usher's that will bring them up to Mike who's our production assistant he'll bring them out we're going to give brother Morneau a brief break and let him take a deep breath and drink water and maybe we'll have Don come out and we'll sing a song so we could stand up stretch and breathe some of you may have to leave we hope that you're able to stay by because we think the miracles and some of the best reports are yet to come but at this time before we conclude this section if you have any questions write them on your card or a special prayer request for brother Morneau and I'd like to ask if you could close this section by asking for the Lord's blessing on the people who are here those who are watching and then we can all have a revival in our lives would you please lead us in prayer our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ our great Redeemer we love you so because of the fact that you are our problem solver you have gone the way of Calvary and purchase our Redemption at such a great cost Lord we want to thank you for what you've done for us and we pray for a closer walk with thee a beautiful experience of seeing God's Holy Spirit your representative honored do marvelous things to bring glory to the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit Lord less everyone here present and you must all a new beginning so to speak in there because you are soon to come Lord Jesus and we want to have lived for you in mighty glorious ways giving you the chance of the opportunity by defeated you will impart to us to see your spirit to wonderful miracles of divine grace bless us we pray to Delory the father son of the Holy Spirit and Holy Name amen amen
Channel: AmazingFacts
Views: 232,982
Rating: 4.7915254 out of 5
Keywords: Demon, Satan, Lucifer, Dead, Death, Ghost, Halloween, Spirits, Witch, Occult, Bible, Christ, Christian, Afterlife, After death
Id: hLdzObn4lrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 56sec (4736 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2011
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