A TRANSFORMATIONAL PATH to The Vision (Three Magic Words + Kybalion) Three Initiates & U.S. Andersen

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today's conversation is based on some research that i've been doing in the area of mental alchemy and i also want to tie it into some of the works that i've been studying some from us anderson some of you might know he has a book three magic words as well as the caballon one of my favorite books that i refer to and although it is a higher level architectural discussion on the seven hermetic principles it also provides me some stimulus upon reflection as to what to research and study next i also want to share one of my experiences and revelations that i had as a result of study which really was based on this last year and a half and i want to tie it into the seven elements or seven aspects related to mental alchemy so us anderson in one of his books states there is only one intelligence one mind in all creation and everyone is a part of it thought transference hypnotism clairvoyance are only a few examples of the fact that we are all using one mind every book has been written by the same author every building and bridge built by the same engineer every picture painted by the same artist every sonnet composed by the same poet all music conceived by the same musician you and your neighbor us everybody one that is the way that it is the universal mind that flows through everyone knows no limitation or lack and nothing is impossible to it its great dormant characteristic is creativeness since it is all knowledge and all substance and all power indeed the only thing it does is create and it creates exactly what the mind of each individual person thinks into it so we are the conduit of this divine expression so what we have to do in order to live this way creatively express in a way where we don't have this inner resistance is understand a very valuable process that we go through which is related to mental alchemy which i'm going to talk about in a moment which is the seven stages of spiritual alchemy as we go through these stages we'll notice that we will experience less of the inner resistance in relation to our creative expression whether it be arts sciences entrepreneurship whatever form of creative expression the authentic and ideal way of being as we express and create is from a place of non-resistance or least resistance in order to get to this place we want to value what i brought up in one of my previous videos which is the desire plus detachment of outcome which may on the surface seem perplexing because on the one hand we're talking about desire and on the other hand we're talking about detachment from outcome to the untrained mind this might be uneasy and for good reason because this is revelation if there's uneasiness within it is going to be reflected in how we go about doing the things each day to bring forth our results or the creative expression so what do we do we find ways of bringing forth ease within now the good thing about this is that we all go through this process so this is happening we're finding that we can understand more complexity as we go along each day we value something that we speak of in the kabalyan which is the principle of polarity which is going to help tie us into this seven stages of alchemy spiritual alchemy discussion in a moment but before we get into that let's get more into what u.s anderson is referring to as the universal mind he says this universal mind knows no big or little rich or poor great or insignificant it gives of itself according to need and it creates according to desire it is creating for you right now exactly what you are thinking into it so we're filling up the mind and what we're filling up the mind with is something that we can understand as we go through this journey of understanding ourselves so the key thing we want to remember is that this journey is about knowing thyself understanding ourself as we understand more about ourselves we will create less friction in ourselves and thus create less friction when we're interacting with people a person who creates conflict with others on the journey to realizing their vision contract to the source of that conflict within themselves because the externalized conflict is the theater that has its origins in mind why do we create the conflict well perhaps we think of little insignificant poor scarcity anything related to that the universal mind does not know this difference between big or little rich or poor great or insignificant that's the individual meaning through experiences and interpretation of those experiences we form these conclusions in our mind and one of the things that happens and we're going to tie this into entrepreneurship and the day-to-day journey in relation to career business is we get into this mode of competition rather than creativeness as he had articulated that creativity or creativeness is a natural way of being as we start to integrate through this process which is an alchemical process which we're going to talk about in a moment we release from comparison and move into deeper integration we release some unnecessary reactivity based attachment in relation to people environment circumstance and information on the journey to realizing our vision thus what we're really detaching from is the unnecessary suffering unnecessary identification from a place of egotism from a place of past reactivity in relation to the attributes on the journey to realizing our vision so the desire we talk about this gets converted over to a vision that becomes our intent and when we commit to it one of the things that happens is we go down the journey of self-realization to the fulfillment the unnecessary reactivity and tension on the journey provides an opportunity so let's get very specific with this the opportunity in this way of going about doing things in relation to entrepreneurial success or any kind of prosperity based success in any area of your life relationships and so forth because how do you define prosperity prosperity has a very individualized meaning we can look at it from the perspective of competition versus creativeness and he states the essence of mankind is not competition it is creativeness competition casts all humanity into the same mold creativeness makes of each man an individual counterpart of god competition exists on the plane that makes you want to have a better home than jack smith a better car than jack smith a better job than jack smith it leads you into the suffocating trap of not wanting the different but wanting the same only better it imposes upon you a scale of values that is not your own but belongs to a group creativeness on the other hand is a world all your own if you were to take brush and palette in hand right now and paint a picture in oils the result good bad or indifferent by the world standards would be all your own the finest artists living could not copy it exactly so we have been discussing this we are individual expressions of the same mind the universal mind and this universal mind knows no difference between big rich poor great insignificant and so forth these are the labels that the individual identifies with and through these labels of identification which is in the mind we express accordingly so whatever is expressed through the innovation in entrepreneurship through the artistic expression in dance is based on what is within the mind the contents of the mind as he had stated and it creates exactly what the mind of each individual person thinks into it so connected to the universal mind is the individual mind it is one but we like to segment things so we can understand and put it back together and what is happening if we experience this inner resistance of stress and frustration unnecessary suffering in relation to people environment circumstance information on the journey is that these interpretations within ourselves is what's creating it now why does this exist well there's many theories behind it i like the seven stages of the spiritual alchemy the marriage of thought and intuitive feeling we seem to live in this world where there's polarity at the core non-dualistic however we emerge into this dualistic way of going about things to understand and put it back together again it's part of the journey we value it now in the book the kabbalian it is stated the hermeticist understands the art of transmuting evil into good by means of an application of the principle of polarity in short the art of polarization becomes a phase of mental alchemy known and practiced by the ancient and modern hermetic masters an understanding of the principle will enable one to change his own polarity as well as that of others if he will devote the time and study necessary to master the art this is otherwise referred to as transmutation so let's get into discussion about transmutation transmutation is a term usually employed to designate the ancient art of the transmutation of metals particularly of the base metals into gold the word transmute means to change from one nature form or substance into another to transform and accordingly mental transmutation means the art of changing and transforming mental states forms and conditions into others so you may see that mental transmutation is the art of mental chemistry if you like the term a form of practical mystic psychology so when we study the works of many mystics they seem to communicate a certain way and perhaps in one stage of our journey it doesn't make sense to us certainly it was the case with me i would listen to maybe some of the more abstract and esoteric information in the earlier stages of my journey and what i would notice is that i would not understand what they were saying so i would conclude it as they were not making any sense as and they didn't know what they were talking about and upon reflection and working with this information and removing the delusions within myself i realized that what they were saying was making a lot of sense they speak in a level of abstraction that when you take whatever you've got right now whatever material you have to work with whatever books whatever resources whatever relationships you have to work with and you see it as a school of learning growing knowing thyself working with all these areas to benefit yourself benefit others and so forth you actually evolve within yourself you actually go through this journey the seven stages of the spiritual alchemy and you emerge out of it with a better level of understanding a better level of marriage between thought and intuitive feeling you hear me refer to this sometimes i say accurate thinking plus intuitive understanding they're both important thinking helps us communicate effectively connect with each other helps us plan helps us organize helps us structure intuitive feeling guides us to the destination and helps us discern between the thought volume that exists no doubt about it you look on the internet today there's more information than has ever existed in one place on your laptop or your mobile device right now you can access all this information and you can go down all different kinds of threads of information and you can find yourself with a higher degree of clarity or a higher degree of confusion if we find ourselves in higher degrees of confusion there is disharmony within ourselves and what we want to do is align the harmony within ourselves so transmutation alchemy or chemistry on the mental plane as stated in the cabalion is important enough in its effects to be sure and if the art stopped there it would still be one of the most important branches of study known to man but this is only the beginning let us see why the first of the seven hermetic principles is the principle of mentalism the axiom of which is the all is mind the universe is mental which makes that the underlying reality of the universe is mind and the universe itself is mental that is existing in the mind of the all we shall consider the principle in succeeding lessons but let us use the effect of the principle if it be assumed to be true if the universe is mental in its nature then mental transmutation must be the art of changing the conditions of the universe now we want to reflect upon this very deeply as stated if the universe is mental in its nature then mental transmutation must be the art of changing the conditions of the universe along the lines of matter force and mind so you see therefore that mental transmutation is really the magic of which the ancient writers had so much to say in their mystical works and about which they gave so few practical instructions if all be mental then the art which enables one to transmute mental conditions must render the master the controller of the material conditions as well as those ordinarily called mental let's uh zoom in a little bit here into this quote so it is stated transmutation is really the magic of which the ancient writers had so much to say in their mystical works and about which they gave so few practical instructions upon deeper introspection and reflection i realized that they gave actually everything we need it just may appear that they gave us few practical instructions this is for the student to go down the journey as in all information that's presenting itself to you is valuable for your growth and development and thus we must appreciate it otherwise why did we find ourselves in the position to receive the information that is being presented because that would imply that you have no direction which is fine because then you can recalibrate yourself over to the direction which is intent which is why we commit to the vision and we commit to the vision subconsciously by doing the subconscious work now when a person commits to a vision be it entrepreneurship relationship whatever form of prosperity they go down the journey that they were going to go anyways in life which is this spiritual seven stages of the spiritual alchemy journey which is actually the marriage of thought and intuitive feeling a person then becomes more balanced when we look at law of polarity for example which we've been discussing we say okay there's hot there's cold and then there's varying degrees between hot and cold and it can get hotter it can get colder you can go left you can go right and there's varying degrees or a varying degree in between left and right which will send you down a different destination another way of looking at this is the ability to hold two conflicting thoughts in your mind on the one hand we say have a desire on the other hand we say detach from outcome this is part of the training of the mind because it's really about knowing when to detach from the outcome and the knowing is found within through experience and this is something that we talk about in consulting or mentorship and somebody shows up and they say i'm trying really hard to make this happen you say look take a break go for a walk and you'll figure it out but they're so attached to the outcome that they say i don't want to take a break i don't want to go for a walk i want to keep working on it because they have not realized yet the power of what we've been discussing alpha theta is that there are times when you release from the excessive activity not necessarily all the time that's part of the varying degree as well you release from the excessive activity you step away from it and then you allow the insight to show up from within i remember a number of years ago i was involved with a very intensive project i felt that it was really eating up my time energy resources and i felt trapped and the trap was in my own mind and i was creating all these circumstances and interpretations to validate that trap and i distinctively remember saying to myself it's time to go for a walk i know i'm going to somehow get the answer but the first step is to release from this do something different no use in repetitively doing the same thing because it seems to be that i'm just keep spinning my wheels and digging myself in this ditch and binding myself there trapping myself there so i actually went for a walk and the idea popped up in my mind to connect with somebody to bring in to work on that particular project i brought them in and it allowed me to be free of a lot of excessive unnecessary doing that i was involved with and the project was seen all the way till completion it was in benefit for me the project that i was working on and that individual that i brought in but i did not have the insight unless i had stepped away because in the overly identification with the thought the thinking the overthinking we call it i didn't allow the intuitive understanding and feeling to express that was looking to express and upon reflection of this and many other experiences now i suggest in all of my videos maintaining flow because flow is essentially where you can automatically marry the thought and intuitive feeling in your creative expression if a person is overly identified with the thinking they may think it's a very simplistic idea go for a walk that only emphasizes the depth of digging into that particular thinking process if we do the same thing generally we tend to get the same results now the beautiful thing about this journey is we actually get excluded out of these errors and thinking inaccurate thinking by bringing a greater harmony within ourselves with the thought and intuitive feeling through the seven stages of spiritual alchemy let's talk about this so we don't necessarily go through these stages in a linear fashion it can have some overlaps but generally it starts with calcination the first step here's where we start to let go of egotism self-doubt and stubbornness now let's weave this into what we have been discussing in relation to a vision so you have a goal a vision a definite chief aim as discussed in think and grow rich or something like that that you're moving towards and usually in the first phase of the journey and we could say all throughout the journey as well because we have to remember this is not rigid is we have these egotism-based elements self-doubt stubbornness because we're so identified with certain thought processes that we need to purify our mind from so we begin to let go of this if you commit to a vision and you stay committed to the vision then all paths lead you to that vision we can only create unnecessary convolution and complexity in ourselves deny the end to ourselves or create the unnecessary complexity through the self-doubt stubbornness egotism and so forth and thus we want to let go of these areas and we let go of these areas through as i refer to the four subconscious mind modalities that i use subconscious mind audio self-talk revision or environment placing yourself in ideal environments or something that you have discovered we need a handful of tools and processes that we can work with certainly i've shared a lot all throughout our discussions and you want to find the ones that work for you what helps you release from any element related to egotism self-doubt and stubbornness for example these are some areas these are really uh deeply rooted thought processes or beliefs that are wired into an identity that we want to release from then we go into dissolution in this phase lack of responsibility avoiding traumatizing experiences or memories from the past or any other kind of inner resistance elements are brought forth for purification so we may try to fight or flight our way from circumstances that seem to show up only to find ourselves in those circumstances again in a different area of our lives and part of this spiritual alchemy journey of purification is to actually understand what those things are revealing as far as what's buried within the unconscious in relation to whatever shows up people environment circumstance and information so we begin to work with those areas revision is a great way of doing it going back and changing how we related to past experiences in our lives taking responsibility is the first step and this is an ongoing journey so you don't have to do this all at once this is part of it that's why i was suggesting that my own experiences going through this journey is maybe a little bit of this and maybe a little bit of that and as long as the journey continues and a person continues down this pathway they will feel more flow and creative expression and infuse it in what they do and thus when they commit to something they'll be able to stay committed to it and see it all the way to completion number three separation so this is where we get to this place in our journey where we say what is authentic and true to us we've heard many suggestions of what is authentic and true based on interpretations that we've heard from others but for some reason we don't seem to resonate with that this is where we tie into our intuition intuitive feeling and from there we begin to think so the marriage of the thought and intuition is beginning to take place harmonizing within and we ask the question what is authentic and true to you one of my favorite things that i like to ask people when i do consulting is you know what do you really desire and that's a question that i like to ask myself on a regular basis and this is where we get into more nuances like why does a person go to a certain restaurant versus another restaurant why is it that you like one restaurant maybe it's the ambience maybe it's a certain environment maybe it's the kind of food because beyond just the food there are all the other elements that make that particular experience something that you desire within yourself to re-experience understanding what those elements are will reveal what is authentic and true to you and you'll be able to further discern because what we're really doing is we're connecting to the authentic self and living from there because then the creative expression and what u.s anderson spoke of will be automatic not based on competition which is from the mind but creativity natural expression so then we get into conjunction accept and integrate the parts of your authentic self so we start to discover things that we desire aspects of ourselves that we might have been shameful towards fearful towards we begin to make peace with these areas and we integrate them into our being perhaps a person might discover that wealth financial wealth is important to them but maybe they were an environment that shamed them for going after the prosperity as far as financial wealth goes maybe a person discovers they want a certain kind of relationship and they were shamed to not want that kind of relationship and as a result they did not allow themselves to be that person as they make peace that that is who they really are they accept themselves and they begin to go down that journey and allow that relationship to be part of their life experience prosperity so forth anything that is in relation to prosperity is something that we want to reflect upon because i believe and we have been discussing this as well that you are prosperity prosperity is your true way of being i mean if you go back here it's stated the universal mind knows no big or little rich or poor great or insignificant we're the ones assigning this meaning and we're going to move towards what we desire we speak of this in the neville goddard information we speak of this now even by studying u.s anderson's information something stimulates us on this journey we're stimulated on the journey and we commit to it via a vision and on the journey to realizing the vision we go through this spiritual alchemical process where we marry our thought and our intuitive feeling and merge them as one so let's continue step number five fermentation we deepen our connection to the inner voice i mean i'm gonna share this from my experience because there's many interpretations in relation to the seven stages the spiritual alchemy so in my experiences i've noticed that i've deepened a connection with their inner voice some might even go through what they refer to as a dark night of the soul in which they build a further deeper relationship with their inner voice and the infinite world within thus emerging even more integrated self-confident higher self-esteem and so forth creatively expressing and not swayed by aspects of interpretation in which a person might have been receiving as suggestion that is not true to the authentic self then we go through distillation which is more refinement because this doesn't just happen on from my experience one commitment to a vision and bringing it forth but i always recommend having a goal and a vision and seeing it all the way to completion and then picking another one and doing this again and again and again because you go through further distillation so this is where we integrate in our realizations that we have into our lives in order to allow them to become permanent we live we become and we find more love and flow in all things a person finds flow and love when it comes to doing some mundane things they find flow while doing the dishes they find flow while maybe doing some gardening going for walks going to the gym or all these other we would otherwise call day-to-day activities because through the journey they are finding these elements distilling within themselves impurities of thought releasing because that's not related to who they really are the authentic self as this journey continues a person eventually gets to coagulation one with the divine this is where a person realize the inner and outer worlds are not different but reflections of one another see everything as one so they can embrace complexity embrace polarity and be able to see it as one because on the journey they have released themselves from so much of these interpretations that was creating unnecessary separation which was related to we go back to the beginning maybe self-doubt stubbornness we call this disempowering limiting programming and so forth now as a person gets there they decide what they want and they go after it they commit to something and they make it happen they understand and we're tying this into what we were bringing up earlier what the mystics refer to which a lot of times seem very simple like neville goddard states assume it is done know it is done and it is done for those that are not on that stage of the journey of self-confidence they might see that as way too simplistic or the mystic said assume it is done and it's done therefore it doesn't make any sense because there's all this complexity that needs to be done you do become self-confident to the place where you can assume it is done and then you know it is done and it's brought forth that's why i always say value the journey and see it as one because on the journey to realizing a vision the process of spiritual alchemy is happening marriage of thought and intuitive feeling is happening now the alchemist might have put together a process like this to explain what we all go through and many different philosophies and spiritualities you can go and study it they have their own versions of exactly what it is that we're talking about here for me i was always fascinated by the concept of alchemy and the understanding of their principles and how integral they were for me integration is an important part of life and this whole journey is related to integration removing unnecessary competition and conflict to bring forth a higher degree of creativity so how is this practically experienced for example we brought up you can tie this into entrepreneurship and business well for example what some might see as competition you find creative ways to form partnerships you once maybe saw yourself in conflict with your prospect team member vendor or so forth you now see it as an opportunity to build a relationship and then this what would otherwise appear is very esoteric information is quite practical it's communicated in a way that encompasses a lot of nuances in abstract statements and the way to understand the nuances is to actually go through the journey which means combining the knowledge of what we learn from the vast amount of knowledge that's available today and when we track to the origins of this knowledge we go back to alchemy and the things that they knew in ancient egypt and they made it part of their philosophy which was knowledge plus experience equals wisdom and what we want today is to connect back to those origins so when we know these things in theory we must live it in practice and the practice simply is staying committed to your vision and in the process removing the limiting disempowering interpretations beliefs assumptions within yourself that create unnecessary separation and as us anderson called it competition as then you allow yourself to express you'll notice your behaviors your thoughts your capabilities your actions everything becomes more flow-based and alignment more so each day in relation to your vision so let's weave this all together in an affirmation in relation to the seven stages of spiritual alchemy you could say i realize that more so each day i let go of the attributes that are not really who i am as a result i find a higher degree of responsibility and acceptance of experiences thus releasing from the internal resistance bringing me into a higher degree of purity of mind i then identify with fuse with what is authentic and true to me i accept and integrate these aspects that are in relation to my authentic self this deepens my connection with intuition in understanding and brings me and carries me through any challenges that occur to transmute them into opportunities as a result i lived the philosophy i become who i was destined to be in relation to my vision finding love and flow in all things this brings me into deeper integration with the world within the divine as i realize that the inner and outer world is one with each other if you would like a copy of this mind map the link is in the description thank you very much for watching i'll talk to you soon take care
Channel: Joseph Rodrigues
Views: 223,360
Rating: 4.923666 out of 5
Keywords: three magic words, wayne dyer, law of attraction, u s andersen, louise hay, kybalion (book), hermes trismegistus, the seven hermetic principles, michael beckwith, live life to the fullest, oprah winfrey, william walker atkinson, napoleon hill, neville goddard, the power of your subconscious mind, bob proctor, think and grow rich, connect to god, universal mind, guided meditation
Id: bOcE-WspQ34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 19sec (2239 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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