A Train Drivers Error Could Cause Serious Harm | The Tube | Spark

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[Music] [Music] on the chew Miranda drives her train through a red light if I cost until a world is better than killing people and it's crunch time for trainee driver Joe at the beginning of last year London Underground ran an ad campaign in Cosmopolitan magazine in a bid to attract more women drivers 6500 women applied 116 got jobs Joe Drummond is one of them um I've got about two weeks left I've got my road test which is very similar to a sort of car test on the 12th of August it's like any test you really never sent you and you can sort of light enough up on the day but hopefully fingers crossed I won't know if off from the day then I can get rid of them and when I always that keep coming in the cab with me and drive the train on my own for the last five months Joe has been learning to drive a 160 ton Northern Line train if she passes a test she'll be left in charge of a train of up to 1000 passengers pretty true yes today Joe's having one of her final lessons before a test and she's been taken out by operator instructor Dan East he's helping her brush up on any last-minute faults on test day Joe will have to drive a full 8-hour shift plus brakes but today she's just doing the run from Golders Green - kennington smooth braking is one of the more difficult techniques to master one more day we're coming to the Leicester Square now both goes for bending short platform so I get on the brakes reasonably early and I sit I start breaking it down a bit the pen do scrub you spray it off anyway that's pretty good y'all need tiniest dairy we really need to brush up on a bit is the actual location certain speed limits on the line which Joe's definitely sussing out now but it's been a long time and it takes it on time to learn them all you tend to you know forget like just jump out yeah well you know you gotta be doing 15 something a large swathe an Ifrit [Music] - how get new experience with the line on moments like that and where certain signal farm or know what see Moses or watch out for the Northern Line has got six different speed limits and more than 1200 signals Joe's covered most areas of training needed fur test but she's never made a PA announcement and she may have to on exam day pay are you tryin here for the Amana doors when ready to go yet don't be polite then once my GPA parlour job doing fine yeah but it's on the fingers I could use the full cast when it's busy and I'll cover it myself the warp is broken if it's broken pick up a saving water dolls there's so much to take in and learn because people just think you see a red or green light and you push a little red a into an opening doors and that's all your job is but it's far from it shows that they learn a hell of a lot even before she actually touch the controls of the trying [Music] Joe spent ten weeks in the classroom and the train depot familiarizing herself with North online stock and how to drive it before she was allowed onto the line under supervision in charge I would come out the captain just tell them we've time and I can it kill it then cycle you belong as we've got mixed dry cell phone [Music] there's make sure the except for you belong although nothing well with iPod by she's improving quite immensely actually very well Jose had a good lesson but will she remember it all on test day all right very good and and for once remember everything I told you she's not such women Oh easy tiger another Joe Joe Brown manages the train operators on the district line it's one of the busiest lines on the network carrying over 118 million passengers a year today Joe suspects one of his female drivers has been involved in a signal incident there's no service between here and edge railroad due to signal play to apply treatment I've just heard that we've got on signalling problems up the High Street Kensington I'm not I'll never seen sure as to what the cause is behind it are I'm I know what I Boone I was is going to cause hold I said of customers praising I've got a feeling it's a driver error but on they said that confirmed by speaking to the line controller you get the Circle Line round is it a same signal failure I would station which is a half-truth driver for you I've just established it was a signal pasture danger passed it right up to High Street Kensington are the drivers bite with me up in a canteen so on each set of wheels in motion and go from roaster screwed up ASAP Miranda sad Grove passed her test two years ago and she's been driving District Line trains ever since this is the second time she's passed a signal of danger I'm just the King saw the doors win region where's your ice-cream place yeah so you have the way your - the cause of our grief so get behind there usually the points change and the signal goes green and you can pull out the points changed I was looking at the platform what mirrors our monitors so I didn't I didn't really check for cigarette desperate to draw I used to be a pub straw body being hit cause that's part of the talk is another downfall of the job every job has a positive and a negative side positive in this job is the salary negative is now and again a signal pasture danger or SPAD as it's known occurs when a train accidentally passes a red signal unlike the mainline London Underground have automatic train protection which means that a train will be automatically forced to stop if it passes a red signal each SPAD is taken seriously and Joe has to investigate the reasons behind Miranda's incident which is do a quick fact-finding find out what she perceives as being the reasons behind her past and a signal of danger and you know we need to devise an action plan for us so hopefully it won't happen in the future [Music] just trying to establish some I want Star Wars disease okay sorry sorry so I would say it was the points right in front of me changed I heard the pop licked right and then I didn't really I was just wanting to autopilot shut the doors check them there isn't one if you just said it wasn't a case of you going I'm just gonna wind up against the red signal because I feel like it it was a case of the points through and you assumed to that also meant a signal had gone green I was just in little planet Miranda after 20 long weeks of hard slog it's crunch time today Joe we'll find out if she'll join the ranks of the 185 Northern Line train drivers based at Golders Green at the moment I'm feeling very nervous about today because it's my test and I'm a bit all over the place I probably lose my head if it wasn't screwed on today to be quite honest yesterday Joe satyr written test on railway regulations which he passed now she has to pass her practical Oh quick two minutes thought what try it was Joe's examiner today is Jerome Doyle there's a briefing then basically she gets on the train drives the train and it's assessed on all the aspects of it taking a train in the service platform trying to interface issues dealing with customers handing over the Train to another driver stabling the train basically everything a driving first Jerome has to establish that Joe feels fit and happy to take the test she's had time off for ill health so there have been gaps in her training I'm wanted in the back what my orders be happy enough to know she'd do the right test okay yeah there any lied you know you missed you just had them they're just a bit nervous with demos in that okay obviously if I pass it's a big boost and because it means that I'm gonna be owning loads of money every month and also because it's something I wanted to do and I've worked so hard it and I've had quite a lot of setbacks and that it'll be good to get through it she's gotta take a train out and drive it properly with hundreds upon hundreds of people and it's not something you just stroll in and take up lightly make sure everything is right the test involves two four-hour blocks of driving the first in daylight the second from dusk to dark to tester in various conditions first of all she'll be taking a train out of the depo we don't ask any questions while she's oh she's driving so she's being assessed and all aspects of her driving so more complicated it's more in-depth it's got cover the majority of the line there's a lot of pressure on them because ultimately if they don't pass this they don't drive training service on their own tomorrow and they don't have a license if Jo doesn't pass today she'll be sent back out with instructors until she's ready to have another go but before she finds out she's got a lot of driving to do 36 miles on the Northern Line London Underground have been recruiting more female drivers and Joe Drummond has just completed her driving test on a Northern Line train now she's got to wait to find out whether she's passed she could be failed for a number of different reasons too much hesitation taking too long to do platform duties or she could be failed for a signal passed at danger with it so you need Falls okay I wasn't too much too long after the when you went in I think we've only got back to the office button to do that smoke me feel better yeah very good all right yeah not bad I'm not gonna say anything okay so I'll curse myself oh wait until he says you passed were you bitten boss that's wise requirements all right okay keep me waiting so long oh there's things we need to do yeah okay you know you know super driver yet yeah are you a little bit nervous all I need to be expected okay but what I saw was good okay so outside with a bit of time under your belt you'll be fine oh she done okay welcome to the old is green you're driving now yeah five months getting your job look after it yeah yeah you know all the pit bull well you know what can go wrong yeah just a bat by the skin of my teeth oh yeah I am yeah when I found that you was here I just know I had to come here every person I know I passed and singing my father is singing to me on the phone by Joe's qualified but she still got one major hurdle left her first day out on her own with a train full of passengers [Music] train operators with less than 12 months on the job at twice as likely to be involved in a spat than those with more experience Joe Brown wants to make sure that Miranda doesn't have another spat yeah all drivers that have had a signal pass that danger must watch this video and basically sign to say that they've seen it a lot of the operators are now saying it half a dozen times at least [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stay so that's pretty much what I said before with me Holtzman even though they may have given you the right of way I'll go out to High Street Kensington just to make sure you understand totally all the factors that led up your superclass to find it although there was little immediate danger for Miranda SPAD it did cause delays on the district line and a train jam at High Street Kensington Miranda heard the points throw shaking the mirror behind me obviously to make sure it was so to shut the train doors and then just left the platform the signal is still great try and stop the little white lever down there was still rised there's a Miranda strain passed over it the little lever on the front of the train called the trick cop hit the little laser call for trying to stop and the trying stops it makes all the air escaping the brakes and brings on the emergency brakes so basically if a trying over thousand fastest train there and kept on three didn't get very far I mean if a trying does pass a signal at danger the emergency brake will apply Australia white and that's essentially what weapon she made a very short distance at out a platform because obviously she ahead and caught up much speed by the time she got troops if he passed a signal in a complicated area like this but with a lot of points it locks up everything so nothing can move it so sadly effects on on the service was we had a districts impactful one that couldn't move probably a circle were out on the Augusta Road that couldn't move and nothing could move until you were trying to set back into the Plaquemine bar quite a supervisor soldier sleep it's not just here that you were trying bites a man eats but probably two or three tries and so yeah what makes mistakes we're not robots and if if I caused a delay well it's better than killing people well we sober voice if you hear those points Troy doesn't necessarily mean that Sigma salute not only at the points throwing try and stop straw because and a signals going you wanted a grinder two days ago Joe Drummond passed her driving test today she'll be allowed to drive a train on her own she's had her own road test the other day so she now be coming into what we call her sweat day this is a historic term that we've used basically it's your first day out driving on your own and there's a tendency to sweat although I believe ladies perspire so maybe it should be a perspiration day right what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna sort you out try a try see what we can find there's a nice little train out here white your final toilet requirement nervous Joe's hoping she won't be given a long run like Morden via the bank with its 17 miles of tunnels it's calyx outside - a in 1859 okay ten minutes ago the skies have opened again just to make things tougher it started to rain nice rain nice little rails nice total use judgment at Brayton capacity yeah we can get rid of the L L plates off the front to add to the pressure Joe's trained manager Ken gibbard is hitching a ride home on her train hopefully train pulling off without having life away from the station you obviously check the signal they're giving you a nice smooth ride you can complete the crossword or whatever it is you're right if they're not your pins all over the place so it's an old acid test nice move stop define the style if you liked will come with experience it's nothing wrong with that at the moment like wrong at all if Joe drives like that again for the rest of our career as a train operator but I think we'll have too many problems next time London Underground is gripped by a heat wave and a Victoria Simon is at the end of his tether I think it wants to be famous for their anytime [Music]
Channel: Spark
Views: 408,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spark, spark documentary, the tube, the tube series, the tube documentary, spark tube, London underground, the tube s1 ep5, the tube series 1 episode 5, the tube tv show, train travel, travelling by train, London travel, how to use the tube, close calls, train crash, train driver, how to become a train driver, train documentary, tube driver, tube driver job, danger of the tube, tube accidents, tube crashes
Id: 8RoisgjG_-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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