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hey there and welcome back one more time to together again a lakes's Funland story after going through the game I got inspired to try and cover the general story of the game similar to what I did with the return to bloody Knights now for this video I'll be telling the story as if you are the main character who is Ashley J Waters so a lot of times I'll be saying I'll be referring to the character as you as if you're the character so just wanted to keep that in mind of course this video does have spoilers unlike the game in general if you haven't seen it before so spoiler warning also if you haven't seen any of my previous videos on the game here's a brief warning warning this game contains lots of flashing lights loud noises non-graphic Bloodshed M language references to death and suicide and of course lots of staring eyes with that said let's get started when you first start the game introductory credits start to play and along these credits you have a a few images that help sort of tell the story that leads up to the events of the game our first image shows a man in a business suit looking at what appears to be a monstrous entity in the darkness the next imion is shown is the animatronic cast of lakes Funland entertaining children afterwards we see three crying children looking up what appears to be a dark figure in a trench Co and then finally we see the main character youu Ashley J Waters with her mother as they head to Lakes Funland now our Story begins in 1968 where a man by the name of Oscar magwood is about to get voted out of his own company by the board of directors as Oscar looks down at his desk dreading what's to come he hears a voice as he looks to where the voice came from he sees nothing and calls out to whoever or whatever spoke to him that's when the room darkens and this monstrous entity appears the entity seems to know a lot about Oscar who's known as a robotics genius he then offers Oscar to make him powerful and Wealthy but at a cost the cost for this would be his son while Oscar initially rejects this offer The Entity clarifies that he's not simply looking to kill his son or take his soul but he is going to take something from his son one day a very ambiguous deal for sure as the entity advises Oscar to think carefully the screen cuts to Black unknown of what Oscar decides to do about this deal now we get to learn about you Ashley J Waters who's doing an investigation as part of a high school project an investigation that will end up changing your life permanently greetings this is Ashley J Waters speaking introducing you to my investigation thesis project for Mrs pin's class for this special conclusive project I decided to put my dedication my concentration and all of my energy into one particular case could it be controversial yes delicate of course tragic unfortunately on October 11th 1990 Martin calcott Joshua fwicki Gribble disappeared at night under mysterious circumstances after they had left their homes without prior notice the three of them presumably at the same hour headed to unknown whereabouts never to be seen again I Ashley Waters compromise to do everything that is in my power to unveil the secret behind their disappearances one way or the other over and out welcome to your first night at Lakes Funland the phone guy in this story is none other than your mom who will be leaving recorded messages every night for you how lovely the first phone call is used to explain some of the game's mechanics overall such as the cameras the vents flashlight panic and also is used to explain heiden's mechanics who is the only active animatronic at this time as your mom explains the gamees mechanics she explains that the animatronics do move around at night probably because they weren't designed with a night mode how odd I feel like I've heard that somewhere before though I'd say that's not the most concerning thing about these animatronics there was this other girl too but she chose to quit because one of the animatronics got into the office during her shift and tried to attack her she left the building with a broken leg we were really lucky she didn't sue us the think we have actual documentation of bodily injury because of these animatronics and yet we a high school student is still here during the night shift after that news this pretty much concludes the main parts of the phone call nothing else is really revealed story-wise or mechanics wise that's pretty much the gist of it now of course you go through the course of the main night you know get to 7:00 a.m. and when you finish the night you get a cut scene or kind of like a a mini game I guess but I'm trying to differentiate cutcenes and mini games so cut scene mean that you're just talking now in this cut scene you Ashley go around asking people about the three missing children that this appeared four years ago this is the center of your investigation this is what your high school project is all about now depending on who you talk to throughout this cutscene you can either get or miss out on some key information regarding to the events that led to these kids disappearance first first off you can learn that one of the children Wendy Gribble was excited the day she had went missing after she recently visited Lakes Funland earlier in the day and just to keep note it's common knowledge that the three kids went missing on the same day at nighttime we also have a surprise guest by the name of CN who tells you that Martin's parents suspected that Martin may have gone back to Lakes Funland and it's also mentioned that Martin's brother recalled seeing Martin speaking to someone unknown and afterwards Martin was anxious for the entire day now your final conversation the conversation that ends this cut scene is with the retired police detective named Darren who offers to help you with your investigation and once you train contact information with him the cut scene ends now there isn't much that happens on night two aside from the introduction of three new animatronics by the names of Alice Alex and jonun now of course you learned their mechanics you go through the night again easy peasy now after night two we get another cut scene where you are speaking with Daren at his home you meet his wife and their daughter Jane as you and Jane talk you remember an old friend you used to have that goes by the name of Harland despite the good memories things weren't so easy for Harlen Harlen had lost his sister via kidnapping and a few months afterwards he also lost his mother due to a car crash all you remember is that Haren and his father father were like family to you and your mom now night three's phone call is mainly dedicated to Lake this time as he's a new active animatronic and it's worth mentioning that in this phone call your mom actually sounds a lot more worried compared to the first two nights I I mean you know maybe you uh maybe you can just leave your office for a while and uh play in the arcade zone for a few minutes I think it's safe to say that you know considering the events of the first two nights with the animatronics there would be a little bit of concern especially considering what these animatronics have done in the past now of course once you finish up night three again business as usual you get another cut scene where you discussed the missing children's investigation with Darren now you mentioned that based on what you learned from the park all three children went to Lakes Funland on the morning of the same day that they went missing you start to speculate that that whoever spoke with Martin on that morning was probably in an employee only area which is why no one knows who they were and then you say if the children were persuaded to go back there that night when it closed it means only someone with access to the location at any time could have done something to them such as the owner of lakes Funland for example Darren however isn't so sure that the owner would be responsible now the owner of lakes fine land goes by the name of Oscar mawood finally you mentioned a separate incident where a girl named Lorraine Wilson was murdered in the back alley of lakes Funland though there's no clear indication if these two incidents are connected no matter how you spin it something's off of that place and you were going to get answers which explains why you ended up working at Lakes Funland at some point in the future after that talk with Darren now instead of going on to night four we actually get another cutscene where a girl is being chased by a figure in a large dark coat and hat leaving behind what appear appears to be bloody Footprints the player you are Hayden and you follow the figure and the girl to the arcade room to find a little girl lying in a puddle of blood on the floor with the dark figure standing beside her who then turns around and deactivates you very ominous for sure at this point it'd be easy to speculate that this girl could be one of the missing children four years ago now night for phone call is dedicated to explaining chicks mechanics the Red Chicken who is the final active animatronic and your mom advises you to stop looking into the missing children investigation and starts to sound even more concerned compared to night three and even suggests other investigations that you could focus on that aren't as Grim you know that investigation you're doing for school about the missing children and their possible connection to Lorraine's assassination I I I mean you're doing great it's just it's just that I don't think you'll get anywhere with it plenty of interesting cases you can work on what about the robberies at the red path Museum listen I just I I just think it may not be safe to do an investigation on such a serious case now one thing I want to mention that happened on this night specifically though is not guaranteed to happen on night four is that the an animatronic with the appearance of a girl in Orange clothing appeared in my office and after a few seconds you're greeted with this jump scare [Music] before the night restarts back in your office like nothing happened now someone has commented on one of my videos previously that they got this jump scare on the first night so it seems to be one of those instances where it can happen on any night it's one of those rare events but I figured that since it happened for me on night four I'd mention at this point in the storyline we'll talk more about this character later though it should be made clear that this character is not part of the cast of lakes Funland you don't see this animatronic at all on stage you've never seen them before now of course night four goes on you get to 7: a.m. new cutscene which shows another conversation between you and Jane and when Jane asks more about harlon you start thinking about how you haven't heard from harlon in the past 4 years that's when we got another cut scene revealing what's happened to Harland it's revealed that harlon decided to commit suicide and afterwards was surrounded in darkness and it's at this point when harlon meets the same entity that Oscar magwood met who's apparently been waiting for harlon for a while now based on the dialogue that he has with Harlen as they talk The Entity offers harlon a deal or rather a choice to have a happy family the chance to be loved to be stronger never in pain to feel nothing ever again a lot of promises and as the entity says this Harlen starts undergoing a transformation suggesting that he actually accepted the entity's offer immediately of course with all that done we approach night five we're getting closer to the end of the week and your mom apologizes to you for the troubles recently and understands if you don't want to come back next week um Ashley look I'm really sorry for all the inconvenience and the troubles I've put you through and if you don't want to return next week I can totally understand that I'm so sorry honey now after you complete night five you get another cut scene where you see Oscar magwood in his office complaining about threats accusations and his family being targeted more trouble yet again and he realizes that the only choice he has is to call on the entity once again what's interesting about this cutscene is that at one point when he calls on the entity he says I need you in here you've got my animatronic body suggesting that the entity now has a physical form he is no longer just this thing in the darkness but now possesses a physical body however there's no indication of what body he has or is there The Entity appears yet again realizing that Oscar is seeking help yet again and offers protection for his family under one condition Oscar must deliver the souls blood and lives of five children despite Oscar's initial shock at the request he ends up agreeing that's when the scene changes to the outside of lakes Funland where a little girl is looking through the window as a cloaked figure approaches from behind and everything Fades to Black until we see the little girl lying on the ground outside with chicks staring directly through the window considering the knowledge that we we've gathered up to this point it seems that the girl in this alley is Lauren Wilson the girl who was murdered in the back alley of lakes Funland and now we've reached night six the end of your shift for the week and it's at this point where your story can go in two different directions as far as I'm aware option A is to just play through Knight six as you played you go through the six nights you don't do anything extra you get a paycheck at the end of night 6 and that's the end nothing else however you'll notice that when you go back to revisit the knights the finale night is the one night that remains unavailable to you which means that getting this neutral ending as the game puts it is not the path to get that finale night option b however requires a bit more effort now of course you can always revisit the knights and our Knights three four and five specifically you'll notice some objects appearing on camera that aren't always there now when you interact with them some of these will be Collectibles that don't do anything but others will cause a AR an arcade miname to pop up and as you play through these mini games you'll start to see some glitches now if you interact with these glitches a new miname will open up where you have to essentially navigate around until you find a child and when you talk to this child or interact with this child the text you must not cry anymore my child you don't have to be alone anymore now take my hand and come along with me once you get through this part the night restarts and if you leave that night you get a notification saying for example Wendy is safe now there are three Min games in total one for each of the missing children now one thing that I haven't mentioned is that among all three mini gamess you can find a smiling shadow figure of a girl with pigtails a very familiar design now once you saved all three children in nights three four and five you can then complete night 6 normally now on your final day night 6 you receive a phone call but it's not from your mom this time it's from Michael the day shift guard he's been trying to reach your mother but never was able to and of course you and your dad haven't seen her all day either I'm I'm Mike Mike Schmid day shift guard but um I I haven't seen her the entire day and I I'm assuming she didn't pick you up either I'm I'm really worried I I tried calling her and everything but I got no answers Michael hasn't seen her either she's never missed a day at work and dad hasn't heard a single thing about her all day either a sign from your mother's odd disappearance something's off as you continued your shift you noticed that chick is the only inactive animatronic throughout the night very odd considering that she was the most recent animatronic to be active and now no activity I initially passed it off as a bug I thought I thought I got lucky one less character to deal with right however towards the end of the night chick starts moving you realize the audio LS aren't working she appears in your office and then black you wake up surrounded by Darkness un sure what just happened you weren't attacked so you can't be dead suddenly someone speaks to you and then you recognize her from the newspaper Lorraine Wilson the girl who was murdered in the back gley of lakes Funland Lorraine explains that you're okay you're just in a chance and reveals that all of them are here the missing children and that the answers behind this entire investigation are here Lorraine apologizes to you because you want the truth behind the disappearances you want to know who's responsible the truth is the one responsible is your mother and Deni you refuse to believe Lorraine where Lorraine says that there's something wrong with them something dark controlling them from within but she understands the regret your mother has how much your mother wanted to free all of them she knows that your mother did the things that she did to protect you from the man who made her do this from the man who made her commit these atrocities now all you have to do in order to free them is to come back for one more night now that's quite the Revelation and a lot in general to say the least and on your final day you start off in absolute denial about what you learned no no no no it it was mom my mom in all these years and it was her no no this this [ __ ] can't be and as you complete your final shift you give your goodbyes to the children and burn the place down all right boys you're all going back home good ridds you wonder if it's all over until you hear Lorraine behind you and she's not alone the three missing children are there too you did it you put their spirits to rest and freed them then each child disappears after forgiving what your mother had done before leaving Lorraine tells you to never forget how much your mother loved you and then she forgives her as well after they all leave you hear someone else it's Haron crying on the floor as you recognize him he asks why did you do it we could have had everything we could have been safe without pain or worry you apologize to harlon telling him that this isn't right he needs to free himself however harlin's convinced he has nobody else until you remind him of his family his mother and sister waiting for him and Ashley offers him a choice either stay here or free yourself so that you remind him that he's your best friend and harlon says the same to you finally you say goodbye to Haron and then the credits roll and there you have it a story fills with sadness as you learn of the horrors that your mother committed all for a high school project now yes that's a very gross way of simplifying it very easy to just say oh yeah your mother killed kids and you had to learn it for a high school project obviously it's not really the only thing in this story but it is pretty much the most impactful thing for I imagine you the character Ashley now that you finished all seven nights you have access to the extras which can be used to view aside from all the normal extra stuff right with jump scares animatronics you get to look at the Collectibles that you've gotten and that includes audio tapes that can be gathered each night from nights one to night six in order to learn more about Rachel who's Ashley's mother your mother these audio tapes pretty much document Rachel's State of Mind ever since she killed the four children and for the most part you know I'm not going to go over to tapes here I already made a video on that I'll leave it linked below if you want to hear the audio tapes throughout to put a tldr on the audio tapes she pretty much starts off as a he heavy alcoholic with depression and apparently saw a vision that showed her how to save the children she just needed someone who can connect with the children in order to be able to save them you see where I'm going with this and of course the final audio tape is for you today is November 18th and this is probably the last tape I'll record and it's just for you Ashley I won't be around today nor tomorrow nor for a long long time I'm aware that nothing will ever make up for what I did and that there are not enough words to tell you how sorry I am for doing this for hiding it and for letting you take this into your hands I know I'm a horrible person and that nothing justifies my actions I was scared terrified that something would happen to you or your father if I didn't do as I was told I didn't know what to do and all that Panic All That that fear my my brain my brain just stopped working and I did it Ashley I'm sorry about everything Martin Josh Wendy and Lorraine I'm sorry about everything I know you'll never forgive me and you shouldn't I know you'll never go back home but the least I can do for you is give you the rest you deserve a closure once and for all goodbye it's a bit chilling thinking about the events that led up to this point even if it's visualized through like you know Atari style or apit mini games right because it's not the most visually impacting but or I mean not always but just no but just the context of it your mom killed four children in order to protect you it's it's a chilling thing to like imagine right and even after all the tapes right learning how your mom has coped with the this these events right there is still one more thing once you've beaten all the knights there is a secret miname accessible from the main menu now I didn't do this myself because my game was a bit bugged where I don't have access to night 7 even though I beat night 7 so I can't vouch that this is exactly how to do it but I believe this is how you do it because I saw in a video when you beat all seven nights you have three badges in the main menu screen and I believe you need to interact with each of those badges and once you interact with those badges you see a new like figure on like the right side of your screen where they normally show like the images for like the section that you're highlighting and after that a mini game opens up which shows Rachel revisiting key events of her life from elementary school to the death of her mother graduation employment and a specific event where Oscar magwood her boss is seemingly aggressive to her as she's pretty much sobbing in tears now this is probably when Oscar actually threatens her family after this we see Rachel crying on the ground as three missing children are lying dead covered in blood on the ground after this we see Rachel crying to shower after what she had done a very sad story for all those involved with a bit of a bittersweet ending especially for you I mean you made it out alive you freed the children right but there's still some things that are unresolved and at the end of the day you learned that your mom committed horrible atrocities now that's pretty much all of the factual information that this game gives you unless I missed anything the major question I have is what happened to The Entity we never see any conclusion with that character and they pretty much get away scotf free now something that I didn't explicitly mention was that during the cut scene where the entity offers Oscar Oscar's Family Protection in exchange for the five children was that the entity is supposedly starting his own project similar to like entrepreneurship as he calls it which is why he needed the five children but there isn't much information on this project aside from that one mention so we're left to assume that the enti he pretty much went off to work on that project now e the land we go and now we're in theory land mainly talking about the girl animatronic with orange clothing that appeared in night four now I believe this is the physical manifestation of the entity for one the rare death screen that you get with this animatronic shows the face of the animatronic with the word guilty written in black this I think is could be saying for example that the entity is the one guilty for all of this they're the ones who made a deal they are the ones who wanted the souls of the five children there the reason why all this has come to pass that's what I think the whole guilty is supposed to mean that's the most clear interpretation for me part of this is also backed up by the fact that we know from Oscar and the entity's dialogue that the entity does have a physical body now in the form of an animatronic it should also be mentioned that at the point where we see that cuts scene the entities had an animatronic body for a few years now and for me the final name the coffin for this is the fact that in all three mini games you see the same figure as the animatronic in your office a girl with pigtails and a skirt and in two of those mini games they show a grin pretty much like the animatronic in your office with a grin pigtail skirt and considering that the the animatronic is present in all three mini games I think that this is representing the entity who has been responsible for all of these children's deaths especially when you consider that for every miname when you interact with a child you get the same dialogue you must not cry anymore my child you don't have to be alone anymore now take my hand and come along with me being part of this family that the entity has created with Harlem being the last member and that is pretty much everything I managed to put together for this game from the factual stuff to a little bit of theorizing and overall I found myself enjoying this game a lot not just from the gameplay aspect but from the story aspect as well and overall was just a fun ride now I'm very glad that this game went as well as it did because one of the first fan games that I started following when I made a game CHT account and when I started making content on FNAF fan games back in the beginning of 22 2022 I am curious to see if they plan on continuing The Entity story it seems like they could there is definitely the possibility but either the way I'm glad to you know finally get through the entire story and I hope you enjoyed me kind of laying out the story as best I could a lot of people seem to have enjoyed me doing that for the return to bloody kns and I got inspired to do that for this game as well and I would definitely like to do this more often than not I'm already planning on doing this for Jolly but that's way later on when Charlie 4 actually comes out but I'd like to do this again for sure and with that said I hope you did enjoy if you did leave a like subscribe all your stuff lets me know you're enjoying the content and want to see more of it especially these kinds of videos but these are again going to be a lot more rare than what I normally post great job to the developers again here are the credits great job really enjoyed it the game in the description below as always and with that said I hope to see you in another video take care
Channel: Kraiten
Views: 7,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Together Again, FNAF, Horror, Indie, Fangame
Id: n7dzYjBmKe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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