A Tour Of Paradise

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foreign [Music] so you made it through the gates of Jannah you went through that you will know your place in genome more than you knew your house in Dunya and you're passing by all of these wonderful scenes in Jannah but your heart is attached to your house you want to go and see what Allah has reserved for you so you make it through the winding roads until you get to your property and you see this huge mansion a brick of gold and a brick of silver you're getting closer and closer to your Palace and then you see something that makes you freeze in your track and you become immobile and you can't move any further because of the stunning beauty of what you have seen and that is your wife in Jannah dear sisters first of all let's get it straight that in Jannah you'll have no bad feelings so there's not going to be any jealousy no pain no suffering no despair nothing of this in Jannah Allah knows his creation he knows what men wants and he knows what women wants and Allah will give everyone what will make them happy Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells us that in Jannah there are rivers of pure water there are rivers of white and Luscious honey they're rivers of pure milk and they're rivers of wine wine that does not cause intoxication wine that tastes like wine but doesn't have the effects of wine there will be no sweat no bad smells nobody has to take a bath nobody gets older nobody gets tired there's no bad words nobody has to work there's no labor nobody has to pay for anything the greatest blessing of Jannah is the blessing of looking at the face of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala himself on that day faces will be bright and shiny shining bright why because they will be looking at Allah Paradise means everything in life that you ever imagined that you ever wanted you will have it there but on the highest level everybody will live forever and the words will be peace as soon as you enter the gates of paradise you will know the directions to your Mansion better than you knew the directions to your house in Dunya we will be rushing through the different streets of Jannah to make it towards our mansion and as soon as we get there we will see a huge Palace awaiting for us and it is something that cannot be described because the architecture is completely different than anything we have in Dunya Allah azzawajal says in the interpretation of meaning mansions on top of each other we will see rooms on top of each other they are not next to each other they are hanging somehow over each other and you have Rivers flowing in between so it is an architecture that you can't describe and then we will see that next to this mansion that we have there is another Mansion which is actually a tent it's not a palace it's a tent but it is made of a hollow Pearl rasulullah says it is 60 miles wide that's the tent in Jannah Masha Allah in the reference of Abu Musa narrated that the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam said verily for the Believers in Paradise are tense made of a single Hollow Pearl the length of which would be 60 miles long from all sides their wives being therein the believer will go around that is visiting them and they will not be able to see each other something will distract us from taking a look at the design of our mansion and it'll be our wives the men will be greeted by their wives in Jannah and as soon as she appears they will forget about everything you're not going to pay attention to the mansion you're not going to pay attention to the trees because you've seen something that has Obsessed your vision and Allah has described these are two gems and Allah says in the interpretation of the meaning they are like protected pearls says in bukhari if one of the women of Jannah shows up in Jannah to the people of the Earth and you are here on Earth rasulullah says she would feel that distance with light and she would fill it with her scent and then says in the scarf that is on her head is better than the world and everything in it and this Hadith is in bukhari verily the dweller is a paradise that day will be busy in joyful things they and their wives will be in Pleasant shade reclining on Thrones they will have their own fruits of all kinds and all that they will ask for it'll be said to them salamun peace be on you a word from the Lord most merciful after spending some time in her Mansion we would love to go and explore Jannah more there will be a lot of surprises for us so we won't want to miss them and an angel will offer himself to accompany us and be our guide so we will go with this Angel to visit the different parts of your territory it'll take us a long time just to see what Allah has given us we will walk around perplexed at the serenity of the place we will be mesmerized by the beautiful scent coming out from the dirt of Jannah rasulullah says the soil of Jannah is very fine white in color pure musk we will see the beautiful rivers with fresh water and laid cups of gold and silver it'll be so enchanting that we would like to sit there forever the angel will tell us that those River belongs to us we would just want to sit there forever we won't want to go anywhere just sit there drinking from this River the angel will tell us if you want you can just sit here and drink as much as you want but you have another River how about we go and visit it so we will jump up and decide to go with the angel we will get to that other River and to our amazement we'll find it white yes the river of milk and the color and taste of it does not go sour because of time it doesn't expire it is always fresh so we sit there drinking from that River again we won't want to move from there and the angel will tell us again it is up to you if you want to stay here but you have a third River so we will decide to see this other River that is reserved for us and we find out that it is not water nor milk but it is hammer it is wine it is pure enjoyment so we drink from it and again we would like to sit there forever and then the angel will tell us that we have a fourth River waiting for us so now we go and visit this Fourth River which is pure honey these four rivers were mentioned in the Quran in Surah Muhammad verse 15. we will notice the Trees of Jannah and ask about them said that the messenger of Allah said there is not a tree in Paradise except that its trunk is made of gold the angel offers to take us a trained gender called tuba rasulullah says about tuba that the tree of tuba it'll take you a hundred years to cross it Allah says the fruits of this tree produce the clothes of the people of Jannah and then the guide will take us to the greatest tree of all and that is a tree of siddar see there is a tree that exists in Dunya there is a tree that grows in Arabia and it is a special tree rasulullah said the one who cuts down and said that a tree will be thrown in Hell Fire head first so it is a special tree and it is also the highest tree in Jannah it is right under the Throne of Allah azzawajal in the journey wasallam said that I saw this tree and then the light of Allah came over this tree so it was covered with colors that I can't even describe now these trees are loaded with fruits they are year round there is never a season where we won't find fruits and no one will be prevented from eating the fruits of any tree and there's gonna be a pair of everything so there's two types of oranges mangoes two types of everything and if you eat an orange today if you eat an orange tomorrow it'll have a different taste and it's better so gender is not the same General is always improving every day is better than the day before gender has all flavors in all Delights we won't ever feel hungry in Jannah just make a wish and get the food served instantly subhanallah the food will be of the taste like that of Earth but of the finest quality Jenna has everything which we can't even imagine will be served in quite transparent silver plates that would be Crystal Clear they will be given a cup of wine mixed with zanjabil in a fountain called Salsa Bean around them will serve boys of Perpetual youth if you see them you would think they are scattered pearls when you look there in Paradise you will see a delight that cannot be imagined in a great Dominion so now decades will have passed since we entered into Jannah and we will suddenly hear an announcement every single citizen of Jannah is summoned to appear next to the barrier that separates between Jannah and na so all of the people of Jannah will gather next to this barrier And when everybody will be there both of the people of Jannah and the people of Hellfire the angels will come forth and they will bring with them death and death will come in the form of a ram the death will be placed between Jannah and now and then the angels will so this is the death of death and the people of Jannah will be told that it is pleasure and you will never die and the people of Hellfire will be told it is punishment and you will never die says that will be of the greatest moments of the people of Jannah when they will realize that this blessing is endless and that there is no death that will follow them we would request for an appointment with rasulullah and we will go and meet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and we will spend a few years with him remember that Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam cares for us so much that his wives are called um the mothers of the believersalam is the father of the ummah and his wives are the mothers of this ummah and rasulullah has said it to the sahaba Allah I wish that I could meet my brothers eager to meet you and then aren't we your brothers foreign my brothers are the one who will come and they have never seen me so just like rasulullah is so eager to meet us we are also eager to meet him and we can spend a few years with him talking about whatever we want we will be able to meet everyone from the sahabas to the prophets we would love to meet with our family and friends rejoicing each second and these meetings are Limitless and we can have them whenever we want wherever we want and we shall remove from their breasts any deep feeling of bitterness that they may have so they will be like brothers facing each other on Thrones on a subnautic narrative that the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam said verily in Paradise there is a market in which they inhabitants of paradise will come to every Friday the north wind will blow and Scatter fragrances on their faces and on their clothes this will add to their beauty and their attractiveness they will then go back to their families after having an added luster to their beauty and their attractiveness their families will say to them by Allah you have been increased in Beauty and loveliness after leaving us and they will say by Allah you too have increased in Beauty and attractiveness after us the day of Friday is a special day in Dunya and it is also a special day in Jannah says that the people of Jannah every Friday will go to a gathering place and they will be seated according to how close they were to the Imam so it is a reserved seating we can't just go and pick a seat it is reserved according to where we used to be in the Masjid in jummah the closer we were to the the closer we will be to Allah in that Gathering because that Gatherings between the people of Jannah and Allah azzawajal and that is when the people of Jannah will get to see the face of Allah azzawajal says that this is the greatest pleasure they will be given it is to see the face of Allah [Music] had said if the people of the lower levels in Jannah will get to see Allah azzawajal once a week on Friday but the people who are in Alford will get to see Allah azzawajal twice every day once in the morning and once in the evening this is so no soul knows the Delights of the eyes which is hidden for them a reward for what they did
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 98,365
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Id: MqHxxquNrhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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