A Tour of My Incredibly Unorganized Library/Office

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hey welcome to park notes I'm Parker setticase I'm a philosopher and theologian and this is a channel where I help you study think and read more deeply this video is going to be a little bit different than my normal ones usually I show you study habits how to read more books how to study philosophy how to think more clearly and manage your life using notebooks but you guys keep asking me for bookshelf tours so I thought I would humor you now I got to warn you my office is super duper messy unkempt I have books all over the place notebooks everywhere this is not the office of someone who has their life together sorry I just got to let you know so if this is like anxiety inducing for you then sorry this is like this is how I live I'm going to try to organize it soon this is just me in situ this is me in my element so just know it's going to be pretty wild but a lot of you guys asked for it so here you go let me know what you think and if you have any organizational tips for me then leave those in the comments as well all right let's jump in okay so here's the office it's pretty messy it's it's pretty wild just looking in you see stuff's all over the place I'm not super organized I'm trying to get there I cleaned this up for you guys a while back but then it got messy again this is just a quick look books everywhere notebooks all over the place two desks both completely covered it's a mess this is like a working office this is where I do my work open projects everywhere stacks of books everywhere let's start start with the Overflow bookshelves these are bookshelves where I keep a lot of my theology books these came in handy while I was doing my masters of theological studies and my other masters of systematic theology here's a bunch of John Calvin books and a little frog these are going to be like pretty heavy theology books and textbooks and then some Gordon Clark down here too got some extra Bibles Richard Mueller's post-reformation reform dogmatics so this just overflow I don't really know what to do with these ones G archipelago all sorts of fun stuff but moving back into the office you'll see some saddleback leather stuff no surprise there if you know me you know I love Saddleback leather this was my first one ever this is just their classic leather briefcase I got this one back in 2015 and I paid for it with a frog video that I made it's called giant African bull frogs eat everything in sight you may be able to find that on YouTube actually I know you'll be able to find it it's got 34 million views just search frogs eating and you should be able to find it or I don't know maybe I'll put a link in the description maybe you've already seen it uh that's me yelling get them son I get all excited please don't hate me here's a picture from Stone Ridge art studios these are two wood frogs breeding I love this picture so much I'm going to get a bunch more of his work for the office here's a print from Frank fretta this is Conan he's in this dungeon he's sitting on a snake about to destroy him it's awesome grandfather backpack from Saddleback a thin front pocket leather briefcase it's got two pouches in the outside there's the uh double or big thick I don't know what it's called but there's another Saddleback briefcase and I've got books all over the place yeah it's a mess I need to organize my life a little bit better but I have so many projects going that I just like stack up the books in order to help myself remember what I have going so here's let me just give you like a panoramic here is the office itself and then maybe I'll just give you an overview of the bookshelves and you guys can let me know in the comments like what else do you want to see do you want me to go through each individual book that would take forever but maybe I can just go in more depth into the individual bookshelves that could be helpful and give you some book recommendations but yeah for now I'm just going to give you a broad overview here is like my history of philosophy type stuff got my Frederick ceston that guy's the man got some of these primary texts the penguin Classics I think are really good I love a good penguin Classics got some philosophy of Mind artificial intelligence stuff over here some more philosophy platonism type stuff going on here and this is just general philosophy I need to organize it better but I know where they are so if I need to find the Philosopher's toolkit I know it's on this shelf right here but I'm sure there's a better way to organize them here are a bunch of these very short introductions by Oxford I love these I've read through several of these and they're awesome I'm going to read through them all here's my uh British idealism Bradley and bosen Q over here my philosophia Christie collection that's an Evangelical philosophy Journal got some more free will stuff here some n down here we got a whole bunch of p and transcendental arguments my copy of the critique of pure reason I'll beat up maybe from being frustrated and throwing it maybe from reading it extensively maybe from both but uh there's much transcendental argument stuff over here we got truth makers thought and world like these are this is a whole stack of books I really want to read on truth so I can get clear on that here more General philosophy stuff stuff I want to work on books I want to read like there's not really a whole lot of Rhyme or Reason here if anyone has a method of organizing their books that they like then let me know but as it is right now it's just like philosophy and I group them together by topics mostly going to be some more logic type stuff and then down there we got history of philosophy and Michael Pani and those kind of dudes over here we have some Christian philosophy we got apologetics you may see a bunch of these Thanos and dark sides I love those guys so maybe sell them over here on Luke Russell's being evil a really good philosophical book on evil and what it means to be evil I'm still looking to get him on the podcast to talk about it so we'll see fingers crossed down here more Christian apologetics type stuff over here I don't really know the cart is like just books that I definitely want to read this is like kind of my TBR Tob read they're all on the TBR but these are books that are all over the place to help me have like a broad swath of knowledge so I don't get too obsessed over one thing so you see like some eschatology coming in in here with Sam storms but you also have British idealism you have uh solar scriptura book I am a strange Loop by Douglas hoffstead god without Parts by James Dole is all got some John Webster the domain of the word he's a really good systematic Theologian so I have a a wide variety of books here all non-fiction but books that I want to read to be a well-rounded thinker moving over here I have one of my favorite pictures by John showing her this dude's the man this is a cover that he did for analog science fiction science fact now if you don't know Dune was serialized in a magazine called analog and it was actually serialized in two parts one was Dune world the second one was the profit of Dune and I have all of those over here in my science fiction section all these guys are going to be that serialization of Dune but out of all the covers that John Shen her did this one is the best it's just giant oil painting of a sand worm and I bought a print offline and had it dry mounted cuz that is super beautiful down here I have a lot of my comic books not all of them but a lot of them I also have this uh chis knife so may this not chip and shatter cuz it was kind of expensive down here is kind of another overflow of books I got my n testamentum gra my Greek New Testament right here my Nestle Allen I haven't read this a whole ton my Greek is pretty bad got the Dune popcorn bucket of course over here I got a lightsaber in the corner look forward to using that in a future video more Thanos more Dark Side lots of my Carl Henry books neoc Calvinism Cornelius vantil stuff a lot of overflow Dune books in here I love Dune I love collecting different prints of these they got really cool covers like this one by Bruce Pennington this one's actually like an outline of a John showing her picture that he did for the oated Dune and that's still gar there on the cover so that's cool over here is my Science Fiction and Fantasy section I've recently collected a bunch more of my favorites and like the original covers for them going to see lots and lots of Dune over here little p trades but you'll also find just tons and tons of Philip K dick azimoff and then the classics like uh City by Clifford simac Starship Troopers Forever War all the great science fiction of the last century I'm collecting that reading it I'm going to make videos for it on my YouTube Channel Truth suffers over here I have the serialization of Dune profit of Dune and Children of Dune in analog and Galaxy those two different magazines going to make a video on that as well here's my my folio Society version of ubic this one's super cool can't wait to show you guys this so this is just a mess I understand here's my full collection of Philip K dick short stories those red ones right there moving over to my desk there are piles and piles of science fiction books cuz I'm trying to launch at least one Science Fiction and Fantasy YouTube channel maybe two we'll see but these are lots of books that I'm working on reading right now and taking notes on so I can make videos on them over here we got Christopher Rocko's dis quiet Gods love that dude love this book more analog science fiction down here this is a picture that Saddleback commissioned for their grandfather backpack that thing over there in the corner and it came with it so that's pretty cool got it framed and I got to get this put up here's a little box that my buddy gave me when I performed his wedding and this is where I put all of my letters from you guys so thanks for that if you want to send me a letter find my PO Box in the description of this video up here I got to K's conversation with smog this is a reminder to me that Treasures are cool but don't become a dragon obsessing over your Treasures here in the office over here we got more theology books Systematic Theology Herman bobing Charles hodj Muer's four volume post-reformation reform dogmatics Turin of course one and two of Van mastri Systematic Theology or theological practical theology but yeah it's like a systematic more systematic theology books church history and random theology textbooks all these are going to be theology textbooks okay we have my YouTube award don't show my address this is cool when I hit 100,000 here you go park notes for passing 100,000 subscribers so I got to get that hung up in the office somewhere over here are going to be more theology books commentaries commentaries all up in here more commentaries collection of Spurgeon sermons John Calvin's letters and tracks complete works of Benjamin Warfield moris Spurgeon Jonathan Edwards Calvin's commentary up here the great works of the western tradition over there got some stickers I'm going to send to you all who have written me letters thank you again uh up here is the Encyclopedia of philosophy Calvin's institutes up here we got Conan the Barbarian series Peter creeps Socrates children like a history of philosophy going on over there bunch of my notebooks pocket notebooks with all my thoughts down here we got some like physics type stuff along with some more commentaries and biblical Greek stuff more notebooks one of my copies of my favorite analog issue more commentaries here we have another print from Frank fretta this is the picture from the first Conan book by Robert E Howard super awesome book that always inspires me over here I have S Austin in his study his is way more organized and clean but he lets his dogs in his study and I don't so clearly his dog has never chewed up one of his books like mine have here's where I do my podcast from some more projects over here this is where I write my science fiction short stories as well my stack of wisdom literature that I'm going through for proverb pedaling another podcast that I'm trying to relaunch find some time for this is where it all goes down here are some of my medals from ibjjf Brazilian jiu-jitsu tournaments pretty cool I got to find a spot for those as well I don't think I showed you guys this actually this is all going to be CS Lewis and JRR token so you see planet Narnia over there this is just all Lewis mostly Lewis and then some token his collected letters his novels and then like I said some random philp K dict short stories all right so I don't know if any of you guys like that or not that's just a quick little video for you all I hope someone found that valuable I know you guys been asking for it not really sure what you're looking for but if you want to see more videos on like book recommendations from My Philosophy section I'm cool doing that I'm starting another YouTube channel to talk about comic books that's cool starting a new YouTube channel to talk about Science Fiction and Fantasy as well so that'd be these two and maybe I'll start one to talk about Systematic Theology I don't know maybe I'll talk about on here but let me know in the comments what you guys think because you're the ones who watch my stuff in the first place all right so that's going to do it that's just a quick overview of my office if you guys want to see more in-depth videos on specific bookshelves then let me know I'm not going to do a whole ton of these because I don't think they have like that broad of an appeal I don't know how many of you are uh actually going to watch this but I know a lot of you have left me comments saying you want to see more of behind the scenes type stuff like my bookshelves so I will humor you guys uh for a couple more videos I guess so drop me a comment let me know what you want to see but that's going to do it for now I'll catch you guys next time
Channel: ParkNotes
Views: 12,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 373agLw2BMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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