A Tour of My Base and Quick Guide on How to mine resources Easily 2024 | No Man's Sky Orbital Update

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hey guys this is and fox and welcome to another video um in this video I just thought maybe I should do like a short tour of my base um yeah it's nothing fancy guys but I just want to show you like what you can also do with Norman sky so essentially all this structure that you're looking at right now so I've literally built this from scratch uh so I will just walk through some of the things that you can do in order for be able to build a nice bace so I will be putting in more time and I'll record more videos in the future uh where I'll show you guys you know step by step as I'm going to be progressing because I do plan on making this um entire base like a quad story structure not triple story but know I want to have like four flows uh perhaps maybe even like Penta floor where five flows all the way and build a skyscraper and it's all possible in Norman's SC so essentially as you can see right here um just going to move my spaceship let just move forward so that it doesn't get in the way so I just put out you know like this flooring here so that I don't have to like dock my ship on the snow but for now now let's just move it out of the way so literally guys when I first came here this was an entire Mountain this planet I mean as you can see it's only ice and mountains all around there's nothing here so I had to literally you know um carve on the side of the mountain and start building my base from scratch uh so this is where I'm currently at at the moment so I've got two flows so you can either just go up the stairs from here then once you're here it's still quite nice and simple inside mostly empty so I just have like utilities things that I really need uh I've got this um warping gate over there I've set up two batteries uh well I've got three batteries in total but let me just show you how I've done it so this battery right here is only connected to this battery and they already fully charged I've got a bio reactor which is a generator working over here and it's charging the Batteries Plus also powering everything else inside this building so the way that it's powering it you can see I've got these cables over here and on these cables I'm literally just connecting my lighting from one lighting to the other all the way around the entire building got cables running and then until we we get here we've got another battery that's connected to this lighting pole in the middle then as you can see there's a power power cable going all all the way to the roof so what's happening is there's a solar panel solar panel that's generating whenever it's like during the day generating power and storing that power inside this battery so that at night when there's no uh Sun then it can power my lights it can power my entire uh equipment inside my base so you can see I've got a power cable running around here got some plants just for know aics then some more lighting over here I've also set up uh a staircase so that when you enter you can actually come down so you can see got a short wall so this is a short wall that you put around and then I've got my staircase I get down the staircase I've got another triangular wall just to make things look nicer and you know then I've got my portable refiner uh construction Research Unit then I've got my scientist who's Now set up shop over here in this corner then I've got my overseer so my base overseer helps me with grow my base my scientist of course also helps me grow my base by researching new items so essentially the alloy walls uh let me quickly show you guys um the mining units uh Auto um atmosphere Harvester safe Beacon um so a lot of these cool technology ology is this guy it's all the works of this guy so what you need to do is you need to make sure that you stick to the original story line uh because the original story line will lead you to this guy who is the base overseer so it's more like your base manager so he manages your base and then he's going to lead you to find and recruit the scientist so he helps you grow your base and then of course this one also helps you from a technological perspective so yeah guys um if you like my base so far um and you like where I'm at uh please go ahead and smash the Subscribe button if you want to continue uh seeing more content like what I'm making at the point this uh up until this point uh please also go ahead and smash that subscribe button and leave a thumbs up on this video so what I need to do at this point in time is I need to connect my there's a room that's outside so I need to connect that with the power cable so just going to be able to go up here and then we can run my cable into the snow and then from the snow I can run another leading cable to the back of that room so as you can see right there have got electricity now powering this um secular room so yeah this looks good I'm happy with this um I don't think I've shown you guys my rides so here's my ride I've got yeah check this out I've got a really cool ride I can actually get inside it and I've got some nice cannons on there I can reverse my run uh let me take you guys into the uh okay so here's what I've set up so see that I've got a wall right here that I need to remove so let's get rid of that wall all right guys so I set up in underground stret so that I can be able to drive my ride if I want to get out so this how I go out so from here nice we can go back Co right guys check this out got some nice um Nitros ifications in there nice I can also shoot some C and also use it to mine so as you can see right there you can actually mine some resources without having to actually exit my ride um you can fight some enemies with this Canan powered uh yeah so let's go guys I'm going to show you now my miniator which is my pride so I check this out I'm top where's my base all right where's my base oh all right see get back to my base so yeah guys this is my pretty cool ride just going to use it let's just turn around and go back to pocket so essentially yeah we have to go underground we to go and Po and then from here all right guys I think what I'm going to do uh I'm going to make this like a man cave right like a literal cave right so already main C so what I'm going to do is I'm going to dig under this mountain I wanton to C the entire Mountain but I so that we can open another a cave that I can have this ride literally Under the Mountain what I need to do I need to Flat this a bit better that don't worry about the top of the mountain guys I cannot restore that so literally what I'm going to then do is I'm going to restore top of the mountain so what you can do on your keyboard you just press V so you can see if you press V it changes um all right see like he are exporing even the bottom section of the mountain what I'm going to do is I'm going to have to Red all righty think right body here is fine careful then I'm just going to place some of floor boards just Place some slow boards right here and there and another one right there all right all right guys so I mean we just say this is a skylight you know leave it like that we are still underground anyway so it is now lital main cave so all right um just going to move this to underground so that I can get some nice underground parking right apart I think this is perfectly Underground okay guys now I can literally post and say I've got underground parking uh all right so let's rotate this my control panels facing me and then I'm going to sumon it back and I'm going to move my exor to I can also my exit underground okay this is perfect right just going to rotate I can get my control panel Z as well basic and I'll it place it right there and then for good measure let's just summon EXO so that they all here perfect that's my exit C guys all right so I'm happy with this so now I just expanded my base a bit bit further under ground so as you can see guys technology recharge technology rechar up a bit so those are bad AI this exocraft can literally move away all right so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to disable my a my autopilot just for now Jee I don't know why the other one get on top of this thing I want to take a nice picture so all right there we go guys so now I just got my ex C properly set up shop over there um it looks set though without the AI so I'm just going to turn toggle it back on so that it can step upating again but this AI does not listen so well that that should be good enough that that's fine I just took a picture with my ride doing okay guys so yeah this was it guys um if you enjoyed this video if you like just watching me set up my base critique my underground pking and yeah feel free to go and smash the Subscribe button actually please go and smash the Subscribe button uh and like this video so if you want to stick around stick around I'm just going to be going around to mine some resources and complete some missions so that I can be able to set up some autonomous mining unit around my place so at this point in time I'm going to f um actually you know before you go um I need to show you guys how you can efficiently mine resources okay so there's different ways that you can mine resources so you can see at this point in time where I'm at um I can now start to use autonomous mining units because of my um you know advancements uh advancements in the game but if you just have M two and you manage to get yourself minut so get yourself one of these bad boys so I got one of these bed Boys by following the original story story line so that's how ended up getting the um yeah this bed for but as you can see guys if I want to mine resources right say I want to mine um carbon and iron um here dust so you can see that it takes me a little bit of time to check this out especially when I'm going after the bigger um elements if I'm mining that see how long it takes me see how long it takes me to even mind this check this out so there's a good few seconds right um right but I'm I'm also even using um an S class so I'm using an S Class to um I still need to fix it up and get more technology upgrades on it but it's still quite efficient right I mean for the other guys out there I think if you don't even S-Class this is significantly faster right it makes my mind speed um feel very uh marginal um as compared to what I was getting when I was using um a b class or a C class so essentially get yourself an S-Class to is very quick all right but if you want to make your mining even more efficient get yourself one of these bad boys and then you need to equip it with uh the advanced lasers and the mining lasers right so check this out let's find one of those bigger uh structures that I was trying to mine or just observe on here right see how long it's taking it's almost instant guys so it's always much better if you can get yourself one of these bad boys uh these mini they mind look at this look at this so you can literally level the entire mountain with just one of these B boys like it's it's insane check this out check look at how efficient this is this is the biggest one that you can get check how quickly it's going take literally guys under two seconds literally guys like this is insane so you can use one of these bad boys to um effectively and efficiently the M resources uh yeah you don't have to use your mtit to anymore if you've managed to get to a point where you got one of these um minors then just use the laser on that minior it's much more powerful um and also it's easier for you to get around there check this out if if I was walking or or running then it take me longer to cover you know this amount of ground but with this bad boys I can just fly uh and then I can also just go there use this powerful laser mine all of these resources efficiently and very quickly and before you know it I've got a whole bunch of resources right so check how much ground you can cover that's a lot of ground that's a lot of ground that we're covering guys like this is insane check this out so again you don't get this from uh from the box so you can have to go and upgrade your jet in this I'll it now so what you need to do is you need to upgrade your jetp pack and then you can install this uh miniat Thruster system so you can buy this from the anomaly um yeah so the anomally um I think you guys know that it's a space station that you can literally uh sumon as soon as you get into space again to come across the ab normally by completing the original story line so yes guys this was this was a short tour of my base and I also got to show you guys how to efficiently mine resources um I've got an S CL 2 I found this s CL 2 by following some of the distress signals so how do you do that so if you've got a minior what you can simply do now is you press X and then you navigate to your radar so when you click radar you see there guys it shows you uh if you're want to scan for nearby uh Supply Depots that's not where I found my S Class 2 I found my S Class 2 by following the just hold on this is charging recharging I I followed the distress signals so the distress signal led me to a to a ship um that was abandoned and crushed and that's how I ended up finding my S Class 2 so now what you can simply do is you do that as as you can see um it it located a nearby freighter crashed side which is all the way there um so yeah I don't think I'm going to go after Freer chist site there's some valuable Caro you can find on there but I don't want to go there for now another way you can find the stress signal is you can literally um you know find charts planetary CHS you can buy these at a space station and then you can just FL your route just like that by pressing e so it will place um it will find the nearby distress signal if you buy the relevant chart so the one that I had now was just a planetary chart to help me find nearby interesting spots or interesting places so that's why it found an abundant building because I can find it's an interesting place so I'm just going to sumon my let's go back so yeah guys this was pretty much it go ahead smash the Subscribe button smash the like button um if you want to stick around stick around I'm just going to be completing this Mission and then we can R up the video all right guys until then stay safe and yeah I'll see you in the next video those that are sticking around let's go ahead and have some fun so I have to go to the space station all right so I open up my Galaxy map to complete this map this this right here so we are looking for um a viking cartographer uh actually I think I'm already in a no I'm in a GE so I have to get to like a I have to get to the solar system where the dominant population is vicant uh so you can see that I'm looking right there what's doing population here let's look on the solar systems so we have to jump guys into a different solar system so this is G so here the domain population is Cox I don't want to go to the Cox okay there we go this is the vikin so the race here that's vikin but I don't have the mu drive to jump to there so let's look somewhere else okay cool I think this is perfect but uh where is my settlement I think I want to get to my settlement I'm also in Overseer in a different settlement so I need to be able to go there and manage my settlement this is Cox this is Cox uh that's vikin uh let's see I need to okay I think I just get to the nearest that's GE that's VI so I'll get to this nearest um solar system so I'm going to walk here guys let's go all right so literally we are Waring in like into a different solar system at like an immensely crazy crazy speed so um yeah if we can look at a black hole I think that' be pretty cool then I can show you guys how you can enter black hole and watch you can find on the other side it's it's quite interesting uh but I think let's leave that for a different video because usually when you walk through a black hole it takes you to a different solar system and based on uh the conflict level in that solar system we can even find pirate um the pirate dreadn and then yeah you might have to start engaging into B so that you can defeat that pirate D so it's a it's an entire different VI because it might be you know quite long we'll be St here for a little bit longer all right guys so I'm going to go to the space station because this is where we have um B and cartographer so a cartographer person that uses Maps so we can literally find that the space station and then you can buy some of those maps that I was talking about so you can literally buy a planetary map uh or distress yeah map that you can literally find distress signals um and then if you find distress signals chances are you're going to find either a crushed freighter or you're going to find a crushed spaceship or Starship and based on that we can literally okay so here's the thing guys cartographers are right here so you can see there's a location icon which means you can find maps here if you wanted to walk to different solar system or to a different base you can use this right so this um spiral over here is that there is a teleporting uh gate over there and of course if you want to complete some missions here has a mission log so you can find missions a spaceship right here so what I need what I'm here for is this guy so I'm here for this guy I'm going to talk to him for this is weird so what am I supposed to do I found him this is a viking photograph U cartographer just bought a map for me pend in time so I don't know what want to do as you can see this is a viking cartographer um then what's next I found him what's next I'm going to ask for help he's just going to point the thing behind me and that's it this is annoying look at a viking Galaxy system look at a viking system Galaxy I did that uh find him found this dude he's a viking he's in a galaxy system of Viking I need to exchange a chart I don't have any charts to exchange that's the issue all right guys so I'm just going to switch this mission to a different mission right this is a kind kind of an annoying one um I think at this point in time I'm just going to go back to my uh I'm going to go back to my settlement I can handle some over here decisions on that [Music] all right guys so right here this is my settlement so this is my entire settlement so this is my entire mean you can call it uh Clan or or rather let me just say my Village so yeah I I own this place I run this place I make the decisions of this place uh yeah so I think I stumbled across this place um when I was also Following part of the original story lines so I went to the solar system and I was able to find this place as you can see yeah the happiness of my people is at 19% so I still need to grow that I only have about 39 citizens that I'm managing but I've managed to clear out all the debt uh so we no longer owe anyone we just thriving so this is only Pro profit um but yeah so let's let's make a decision right now so these are some of the decisions that I have to make guys so our researchers are worried about a surge in silicate consumption among citizens the few new Tex would reduce their worries as well as being beneficial for the settlement's finances okay so now guys I have to make a decision right so either I'm going to not tax or I'm going to tax right the citizens for using silicate so what should we do so if I text them that means my settlement is going to make more money but is going to reduce you know my citizen happiness on the other end if I don't Tex it uh that means my people are going to be much more happier by 2% but then I will be in debt uh or it will reduce productivity of my settlement I think at this point in time financially we are doing well on what I need to see is I need to see my citizens a bit more happy uh but financially we are doing so well so what should we do I think but this on the other end I want to con I want to turn around my entire settlement right I want it to be extremely you know modern uh and the only way that we can do that is if we TX and we can get more money so that we can be able to upgrade and improve the settlement so what should we do I think the tradeoff here I'm going to go and text it all right so you can see right there my people no longer as happy but my productivity went up so the maintenance cost is still roughly about half the productivity so at the end of the day I'm making profit so what I need to do is I need to continue uh you know making it because I mean what I need to do I need to make my settlement much more modern so that it can be properly decorated and that's GNA help my citizens feel happier um Sinister AI overload I mean there's nothing I can do about this I have to have my AI um uh Legacy nanobot so this again is Legacy systems so we can get rid of this if my settlement is much more productive so that sacrifice that I did right now uh is going to pay out in the long run okay guys so just check it out this is my entire settlement um Y and you can literally just focus on a person to see their thoughts since I'm the overseer as you can see pleased by overseas decision I already see what this think um I'm just looking for a building that I was constructing before I left that I can see the progress was completed in that building okay you know what let me just get inside my miniature yo come here how you going all right there's the building that constru I'm just going to finish up constructing this building right so guys this is how you do it as an overseer you make decisions in your office and then buildings gets constructed or you can admit new uh you can admit new citizen requests to join your Su and stuff like that but then if you are making a decision to build to construct a new building then you going have to go and provide resources so that your construction continues to happen so the more building that you construct um you know the more profit profitable and like Cal entire cment will become so I've already built this structure I've already bu this one that I'm standing on I've already built a couple of one other structures instance my Landing spots for my ships um dking stations whatever you call them so I going to build all of those structures all right guys so yeah I think that's it for today um if you like this video please go ahead smash the Subscribe button uh subscribe to my video um yeah and I will see you in the next in the next uh video cool cheers guys
Channel: Henry Sparks
Views: 626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #NoMansSky, #hellogames, #steam, #steamgames, #rpg, #mmo, #NoMansSkyUpdate, #nomansskyorbital, #survival, #cyberpunk2077, #cyberpunk, #SciFiAdventure, #universe, #interstellartravel, #youtubetutorial, #gamingtutorial, #nomansskyupdate, #gamingtips
Id: xfGaHYXC0Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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