"A Touch of Transformation" with Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts)

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often I come out to 3abn we do a Thursday night live which you know starts late for us and then I get done I turn around and head back but we knew we were staying a few days and so Karen said I want to come and so it's been a joy to meet with everybody amazing facts and 3abn go way back I don't know any of you who've been watching we had one of the big dishes from the beginning but no Danny told me he says we were playing Joe Cruz 24 hours a day because we were trying to find Adventist programming back then and there was only you know faith for today it is written amazing facts a few programs and so we just enjoyed watching the way the Lord has blessed and working together and thank you you know I'm not going to come here without putting in a plug for amazing facts pray for amazing facts it's been and just a wild exciting ride of evangelism and we just are it's such a privilege for us I'm so glad Karen can travel with me now we just came back from three countries in Asia last year went to Africa and India and the Seychelles and France and Spain we're going all over the world we're meeting people all over the world that are coming to the Lord and it is neat we were in Spain and someone said you need to come here and talk to this lady they're translating for us I speak a little Spanish Chinese lady she's crying she said I accepted Jesus and China from watching amazing facts I never dreamed I'd see you and Madrid and I got a picture just so where we hear these wonderful testimonies and so keep the ministry in your prayers it's it all belongs to God just like this and and and belongs to God's people really well we're talking about living above the crowd and tonight's message our final message in this series is a touch of transformation so often when jesus healed people he touched them he didn't need to you know we sang a little song that was sort of impromptu a few minutes ago Karen didn't know we were gonna do that and she was probably back there fasting and praying and there's a there's a word in there it says your touch is what I longed for to have the touch of God a leper came to Jesus and Luke tells us the physician said he was full of leprosy and that of course renders him unclean and everybody saw this man full of leprosy coming towards Jesus and he's violating the law that says you're supposed to keep your distance but he knows his only hope is Jesus and he comes as a son of David have mercy on me says Lord if you will you can make me clean falls down at Jesus feet and all the crowd is shrinking back they think he's hopeless the crowd they seem to factor into each one of these stories but Jesus didn't run and he said I will be thou clean and he touched him he didn't need to touch him you could have just spoken the word it's like that Centurion he says Lord you don't even need to come you've got Authority speak the word and my servant will be healed Jesus didn't have to touch that leper but he touched him now one of two things was going to happen either Jesus would become unclean by touching him or the man became clean from touching Jesus so if you get the touch of the Lord it's reverse-polarity he does not become defiled cuz he's already taken our sin he gives us his righteousness you know there was a very it's a cool experiment that was performed in 1958 on affectionate response by a dr. Harry Harlow and they were trying to understand something about how creatures respond to physical touch so they took these baby rhesus monkeys cute little monkeys and as soon as they were born they separated them from their mothers and they put them in these cages and in the cage and one experiment anyway they had a wire monkey it was kind of like sculpted chicken wire monkey and right about chest level it had a bottle so the monkey could nurse and they kept the room warm enough so the monkey would not be too cold and then on the other side of the cage in the same cage they had another wire monkey but it had like a terry cloth covering to it so they thought you know what's the monkey gonna want more is he gonna want the food is he gonna want the touch and the monkey of course would go to the one wire mother and drink but whenever there was any threat you know they put a little mechanical bear in the cage little monkey screamed he ran over to the cloth monkey and whenever they introduced any kind of a concern or fear the monkey ran to the cloth me it was the touch that it wanted you know as you might imagine those monkeys as they got a little older they tried to introduce them to normal monkey populations and they were totally mixed up they just hugged themselves and rocked back and forth and didn't know how to interact and without growing up with that sense of of touch so we're gonna look at a story one of the most important stories I believe in the Bible if you have your Bibles turn with me to the book of Mark chapter 5 and we'll be starting with verse 21 mark 5:21 and you find various editions of this in some of the other synoptic Gospels now when Jesus crossed over again here he is still ministering around Galilee by boat to the other side a great multitude and gathered about him there's the crowd and he was by the sea and behold one of the rulers of the synagogue came gyruss by name and when he saw him he fell at his feet he may have even reached down grabbed him by the feet like Mary when he she saw him resurrected and Jesus said do not detain me do not cling to me he fell at his feet and he begged him you remember the story of that shunammite woman and the Bible says that Elijah through a miracle she gave birth she had a son but then the boy died and she rode a donkey furiously across country to get to Elijah's house and she came to Elijah and she fell at his feet and she grabbed him by the feet and would not let go and when you have a child that is desperately sick this father normally would have been he's a ruler of the synagogue you know had a little dignity he falls down at Jesus feet and he begged him he's pleading earnestly with all of his heart he's a desperate and he said my little daughter is at the point of death he's going through labor breathing she's been fading she's one breath away from her last breath he begs him come lay your hand on her touch her that she may be healed and she will live so he's got faith now how does Jesus respond when someone comes with faith I can't overstate mentioned it earlier today the importance of coming to Christ in faith even as Jesus hung on the cross flanked by two other thieves both of those thieves asked to be saved one will be the other will not what's the difference one thing one thief said if you are the Christ if you are the Christ save yourself and us and the other one he said Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom you know how much is packed up in that did Jesus look like a lord and a king that day hanging on the cross beaten and nearly naked they called him Lord he saw the sign above his head this is the King of the Jews he remembered Psalm 22 my God my God why have you forsaken me his mind was quickened by the Holy Spirit you heard Jesus say those words he thought this is the Savior this is the king of Israel and then it says in Psalm 22 they gambled for my clothing and they parted my garments among him he saw them gambling for his clothing and all came together for him and with total confidence he said Lord remember me when not if you come into your kingdom Jesus turned to that thief and he says verily I say to you today you will be with me in paradise now they both wanted to be saved once it if there's a father that want a son to Jesus who is paralyzed or he was he would go through fits of paralysis and the devil sometimes possessed him where he would have an attack and he'd fall in the fire or he'd fall in the water and he came to Jesus and said Lord I brought him to your disciples but they can't do anything if you can do anything help us and he said you said a dirty word you know how Jesus identified the devil when he came into temptation he said if you're the son of God father says Lord if you can help me jesus Whaley if you believe all things are possible then he says oh I do believe that's why I'm here but I do have some doubts lord help my unbelief in jesus healed his son so at least if you come and confess your limited faith if you got faith like a grain of mustard seed you can move mountains and that includes mountains of sin Bible says you can say with faith to this mountain be plucked up and cast in the midst of the sea and it will be done and the mountain we wrestle with it is not Mount Shasta or Mount Whitney or Mount Everest it's a mountain of sin God will take our sins and cast them into the depths of the sea but you need faith so the father came you know what I love about this story as with many stories in the Bible I don't see too many examples in the Bible where Jesus was asked anything and he said no one occasion someone tried to get Jesus involved in some dispute over a will with their brother he won't divide the money with me Jesus said look I'm not a lawyer and he didn't know record did he help that guy but everybody else that came with a legitimate concern Jesus heard their prayer Jesus is infinitely more willing to answer your prayers and we typically are to pray them I think when we get to heaven angels are gonna take us to a warehouse it's just bursting over we're gonna say what's that and so that's all the answered prayers we wanted to send but no one asked for him wasted Karen and I just came back from Taiwan I mentioned and after you know when you get this you gotta sometimes convert your money so we converted some money so we could get around and then as we got out of the airport we thought got 200 Taiwan Ian dollars we forgot to convert brought it back to the office he said it's worthless he said the banks won't take it and I felt so bad you know I'm half-jewish I just thought oh man all this money that I'm what am I gonna do now what a waste if I hate waste don't you and I haven't told care yet but I threw it in the garbage I know but that's a lot for me just think of everything we could have done with that I see it sat on my desk for two weeks I thought what am I gonna do I took it to the office I said if we got anyone else going back to Taiwan make sure and tell him about this six dollars but we like Chargers had dug just thrown weight I hate waste think of all the prayers that are wasted because we don't pray how many miracles God wants to perform for you but you won't take that step of faith this man came and he said lord help my daughter my little daughter turns out she's 12 years old touch her she'll live so Jesus went with him and it mentions now for a second time for a reason a great multitude followed him in throng to him he's being pressed in on every side and jostle then crushed I don't hesitate to say this but when Karen white went to New Guinea a few years ago I don't even remember what year that was before three four years ago and 60,000 people met us at the airport a hundred and that was in their newspaper a hundred and fifty thousand people we couldn't get through the crowd and they had and it was it's amazing to me that you know here's so many poor people but they're watching on their phones on the internet and they live under a leaf somewhere but they've got a phone and they're watching the programs seriously and we couldn't get through the crowd they had police cars and then they had deacons I've never seen deacons that have the assignment I wanna say hi to my friends in New Guinea today they're gonna be watching this you know and they had deacons that were assigned they had switches to whip the church members to get out of the way new job description husband of one wife good with a whip and there they're going like this and the people are smiling and they're kind of getting out of the way and but I've never seen anything like this is that right we got it on tape and so when I hear these stories I mean and at one point as we're going by we had the window down because I want to you know greet people as we're going by and they're just running up just a car and they're singing it was we were in tears I'm telling ya it was really really exciting even our camera guys were in tears and we'd never seen anything like it and they're coming up the car and I'm trying to just put out my hand so I could touch him but so many of them grabbed my hand at the same time it nearly took it off might the elbow finally the president said that karma days just don't do that this video said open the window that much touch come and touch her she'll live but he's got this great throng now there's a certain woman in this story has another story buried in it there is a certain woman that had a flow of blood for 12 years this is that flow of blood that Leviticus 16 or 15 says what render you unclean you could not go to the temple you'd be considered cursed by God and separated and she had this problem for 12 years a continual flow of blood and in her efforts to find some healing she submitted to the treatment of many doctors and I expect that sometimes that must have been humiliating and she didn't get any better but she grew worse and she spent all that she had she was drained in every way she was anemic she was discouraged she was weak she was broke when she heard that Jesus was passing by and she thought if I can just get a touch from him I could be healed I could be reunited with my family I could go back to church I could come back into the presence of God but there's a problem if that old crowd again is in the way and she just can't get through she'd like to talk to Jesus and kind of explain what the problem is but she had a kernel of faith she says I'm obviously not gonna get a private audience too much going on but Jesus knew that there was someone in that crowd that had a special need you know it's always amazing to me I remember when I was a kid my mother tried to teach me to read Hebrew and she sent me to the temple I said I can never read backwards but I remember asking the rabbi how does God hear everybody's prayers at the same time you know I was kind of an agnostic smart-aleck back then and only reason my mother sent me to synagogue was to get back at my father because he sent me to Catholic school so you know why I'm so mixed up don't you it wasn't because either of them were religious and so I thought how does he hear prayers but you know God hears your prayer as though you're the only person that ever prayed you have his undivided 100% attention when you pray and Jesus in spite of all that was going on and all the distractions of the crowd that day he heard the plea of that woman's heart and it especially touched him it's kind of like when he went by those five pools and there was all kinds of sick people but there was one man that had been there 38 years and he could not get anyone to even help him into the pool jesus knew about that man an especially desperate case perfect opportunity for him to demonstrate his mercy so she's trying to get through the crowd and everyone's jostling and Jesus got his disciples around him and then there's the you know the the inner circle of his apostles that are doing block for him and Jesus told Jay I was he said okay I'll go to your house and they're painfully making their way up the street and every now and then people are coming out and they're there asking Jesus for a photograph or they're you know wanting to signature and or they're saying could you please you know I got this prayer request or whatever it is you know he's I used to wonder sometimes how Jesus was so graceful with so many people and that he didn't finally get okay guys I'm tired now I'm going home it just seemed like he worked until he fell over in the boat and fell asleep he loved people and she thought I may not get to talk to him but I believe that he's such a holy man that if I could just touch the hem of His garment now a lot of rabbis back then there's no proof of exactly what Jesus wore but a lot of the Pharisees a lot of the rabbis a lot of the scribes and the holy men they would wear a border of blue you didn't have to be a professional any loyal Israelite could do it that border of blue on the garments that was to remind them of the word in the law of God a loyalty to the law of God and so it's very possible that Jesus on his garment he had a border of blue symbolizing for the word God the promises of God and so she decided I'm not letting he can get away and she's pushing through the crowd and she's trying to make her way to the front and others are pushing her back and said we were here first and you know women didn't get the same kind of respect that they get today and so she's just went through the crowd and finally she sees an opening and she sees him and she sees his clothes and she gets there through all this forest of legs and he's passing by because the Bible says that when she finally touches him she evidently he's on his way past her he she reaches through the crowd she lunges and she just gets to him of his government but that's all it takes you know there's a place in the Bible it says that when Peter was healing they would take handkerchiefs from Peter and he would bless them and now I wouldn't recommend this today but that's right they would take hankies from Peter he'd bless him and they'd bring it to the sick person and then they were healed I was once I don't know how I got on the mailing list but this televangelist he sent out his envelope to me asking for a donation he says I've sent you a holy prayer cloth that I've blessed I thought this should be interesting that's opened it up I won't say his name I'm real tempted and and he said so open it up and he said there's a letter in there and it says I've sent you a holy prayer cloth that I prayed over and God is going to answer your prayers all you have to do is by faith now reach in your wallet or purse and take out the largest bill you have wrap it up in the prayer cloth and send it back to me and so I'm looking through the envelope for the prayer cloth I saw this extra piece of paper and I'm gonna wear my prayer cloth and then I looked at I saw they had Xerox a piece of tapestry on a piece of paper it said this is your prayer cloth you know place your money here also man some people believe that I used to think televangelists were the lowest form of life in the world because the things like that then I became one you know it's kind of sad but hopefully we don't we don't we don't go that far but it does say in the Bible they would take these cloths from the Apostles and people would through faith they'd be healed so she thought if I can just get the hem of His garment and she reaches out and it says if I could but touch it I'll be made well and immediately power and virtue go surging through her body and strength her color returns she knows instantly within her that she has been healed she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction and Jesus immediately knowing in himself that power noonim 'as dynamite virtue had gone out of him he turns around in the crowd and he said who touched my clothes now you got a you know read picture what's going on here the Bible just said twice is a great multitude and he's being thronged and the streets are narrow and they're pushing and jostling him so they're probably nearly lifting him off the ground and for him to look around at the apostles and say who touched my clothes they're thinking oh we knew he'd snap eventually the pressures finally got to him it could be the heat he could be low blood sugar but when Jesus said who touched my clothes the disciples are kind of mystified but what he's saying and they said to him you see the mat multitude thronging you and you say who touched me and Jesus stops now he's moving up the street Olsson he stops in his bike everybody stops and they all have rear-end collisions with each other is going to the street and he's like he says look I'm not going any further and he said it loud enough she hadn't gotten away yet I think just after she touched him notice how quickly this happens she immediately receives a miracle because she said if I could but touch him and he stops and says who touched me and knowing that someone did it and she hears the conversation he says no one someone has touched me and this is the voice of God and when God says Adam where are you you better answer and when Jesus said who touched me now she was probably terrified it says but the woman fearing and trembling she was terrified knowing what had happened to her she I don't know maybe I was supposed to get in line get a number he might take it back did I do something wrong he's terrified she's also not real excited about explaining the whole story you weren't supposed to be in this crowd because you're unclean what are you doing here see what I'm saying fearing and trembling knowing what had happened to her she came and fell down before him and she told him the whole truth the reason you got the story in the Bible is because she shared her testimony now after after the Lord performs a miracle for you you've got your first sermon everybody ought to be able to share a story if you've been saved then you've got something to say and it might be I was lost and now I'm found I was dead and now I'm alive I met Jesus and he saved me it might be short in our evangelism training program we tell everybody first sermon you can preach everybody can preach is what did Jesus do for you it doesn't matter if you've been in the church all of your life you need to have a testimony that you know you're saved and that you've had an experience with the Lord now some say well pastor Doug I never saw light on the road to Damascus it doesn't mean that have you made a decision to save Jesus have you accepted that forgiveness that should bring a peace into your life and give you a purpose and a power and you just tell them that you've got the joy and if you don't have that story well you need to get on your knees and ask him for it because Christians should have a story to tell and Jesus don't you go slinking off tell give glory to God tchau what he's done for you jesus heals the demoniac he says oh lord I want to ride around with you in the boat you and the apostles just sail around you and me and the apostles and she said no I didn't save you to do that I saved you so you can go tell what God has done for you and so he went everywhere telling what Jesus had done for him after Peters saved from prison Acts chapter 12 you know the first thing he does he goes to church and he tells the story of how God saved him from prison have you been saved from prison how many of you will admit you're sometimes afraid to share your faith my hands up you know I am NOT as afraid talking to you in a setting like this if you asked me to go knock on doors I'm scared I mean I like to be liked I'm always afraid of rejection I used to do door-to-door sales I wasn't selling Christian things out selling meat Doug Batchelor is prime beef steaks and did this go cold knocking on doors and have the door slammed in your face and scared and I really respect I've got great admiration for some of these people that are fearless we got people to teach that part of our program that do better than me knocking at doors these coalporters they're fearless how many of you remember ingathering I don't know whatever happened it doesn't happen much anymore but come on I've been out in gathering with some saints that were at Karen's grandma she was bold she knocked on the door and she had a little plastic purse so they could see through that there was money in the purse so they know why she was there she'd stand there sweet old lady she'd knock on the door and and they'd come to her she put her foot the door since we're here to sing Christmas songs for you and we were taking donations and she's I knew one dear lady she lived 105 she looked through the window see if anybody was home let me say don't do that you know this is a country where they only got shotguns she'd knock on the door and they didn't answer the door she tried the doorknob she was brave she's I know they want us to sing for him who wouldn't want that God's given some of these people that courage so she came fearing and trembling you don't need to be afraid Jesus didn't want to take it away from her he wanted a bless her she fell down before him and told the whole truth he said daughter you notice again immediate adoption daughter your faith has made you well go in peace don't be afraid be healed now when God says be anything you know how the world came into existence God said let there be light and when that leper came to Jesus he said Lord if you want to make me clean you can make me clean he says I will be thou clean and when God said Let there be land let there be a firmament let there be and jesus said be that was sealing it the Word of God declared that what she was clean and he said I also calling you a daughter and this has all happened because of my great faith is that what Jesus said show me where in the bible jesus healed someone he says my faith has made you whole nowhere Bible tells us that God has dealt all men a measure of faith and it is absolutely crucial that you learn to trust God for God so loved the world he gave His only begotten Son that whosoever be lives in him believe have faith in Him should not perish if you have faith in him you will not perish but have everlasting life it's crucial he said your faith now I tell you faith is an amazing thing there's a power even the world has understood that there's something to be said for what you might even call positive thinking I'll tell you it's true if you believe so often when a person experiences success then it's like Christ said be it unto you according to your faith I think God honors faith in people some may not even be Christians but they move forward with a certain amount of confidence and belief and purpose and Lord says I'm going to bless your face even though they may not have everything else right I believe that some people that have gone to healing services and the evangelists might even be a sham I know someone that I believe was sincere they said I went to a healing service of an evangelist I won't say their name they were later exposed as just a real scoundrel but this person says I went in the faith and I came forward and I was healed and I'm still healed today it wasn't the evangelist faith God can speak through a donkey isn't that right it was their faith in Christ so some people think I've got to go find the right preacher to heal me no you don't jesus is the preacher you need faith in him I learned a lesson about this years ago the power of faith yeah you know you know what the placebo effect is even science atheists understand that there's something about the way that humans are designed that if we have a of confidence what's happening up here can affect healing other places in the body so whenever they test some new medicine they found so many people got well from artificial medicine we don't know if it's really the medicine or their faith in the supposed medicine that's healing them so whenever they approve a new medicine they do a placebo test also they get people a phony one to see if they have the same degree of healing I know for years they used to perform a procedure called the mal marine incision where they tie off some arteries to get rid of Aegina mal murray ligation and dr. Cobb I think first introduced it people had I Jenna praying they'd make an incision they'd tie off some arteries and they've got rid of the the angina pain their little arteries and then one guy got a little suspicious and he said I'm gonna do some placebo tests I'm gonna pretend I'm performing the procedure make the incision sew him up and say you should feel much better and they found it just as many people said they felt better from the phony process as the real one there's some people that had warts and they painted their words with discipline old dye and they said this is a powerful wart removing medication that people believe it in half of them lost their warts I got a whole series of tests I can tell you about that oh they did something where they did tests people that were struggling with asthma and they said we've got this very powerful bronchial dilator inhale this and it'll help you breathe freely your lungs will open up and you'll brief it and they told them this they had faith and they had a laboratory all clean and they had faith and doctors they really had faith that this is gonna work and they'd come in wheezing and they'd give them this it was salt water with some flavoring or something so they think it's powerful medicine they didn't hail it and go oh praise the Lord there's nothing in it and so doctors had been mystified by this power of faith I learned to listen about this years ago my dad put me on a school that was on a boat and it sailed around the Mediterranean and I was a young hippy and I was using drugs back then a drink you know that being a pretty bad character and when I got on board I started school late all the other kids were there and I kind of joined late in the season and they kind of frisked you and they took all your drugs away when you you went the schools a lot of boat politicians and millionaires used to send their kids there to get them out way from drugs and some of the problems you were getting in try and straighten him out and after I was there I realize a lot of the other kids were you know I come from the same background as me and I used to use LSD not a lot so I don't want you to think that's where my vision has come from but I did use LSD pastor doug joined amazing facts and have a flashback yes anything god no and and we all owe sneak comes in one form it's called windowpane they're just little bitty squares about a quarter inch it's thin it looks like a thin little piece of plastic and you put it in your mouth it dissolves and it's got D lysergic diethylamide 25 in there and it's very dangerous it make you hallucinating and one of my friends Eric he was what we called an acid head and he said Oh Doug man you got you bring any acid with you when you came from Florida I said no I said and then you know what I realized I used to go to concerts I'd buy it and I put it in my wallet in my little picture holders cuz you could hide it there from the police because it looks like plastic and and when I went back to my room I thought oh no I don't have any I checked my wallet but then I got an idea and we were so desperate for good food and the the medium of exchange on this boat was Snickers candy bars we'd do anything we'd trade each other for Snickers candy bars we were sailing around Italy where there's nothing American except Snickers candy bars and you know those little picture holders in your wallet I got a pair of scissors and I cut two of those a quarter inch by quarter inch and I told Eric one day so he come to my room he came to my room I wait until I was alone said you're never gonna believe what I found in my wallet which was true it's where I found it and I said I've got I've got two hits of LSD I said I don't want to seem too eager I said I'll sell you one of them for one not two I thought I can only do this once - Snickers candy bars all right so he comes he gives me the candy bars and as he's leaving my room I give him this little piece of square plastic you know I said now this is not the kind that dissolves in your mouth this the kind you just swallow it you know and he was you know he said he didn't know any better and so he takes it and then I I ate my candy bars right away cuz I thought it won't be very long before he realized why doesn't another thing I was a little sick so the next morning I hear on my cabin door I knew it was coming he comes and he said Doug you know that acid that you sold me so I took it last night he said nothing happened I saw and then he said at first he said but then I woke up and me and what a trip and he he starts to tell me about all these patterns and things that he saw the places he went I'm going oh yeah and he left my cabin I ate the other one thinking it may be who knows there could be some hallucinogenic properties in wallet sweat or something and I used that later I learned about the placebo effect I said he really believes something was gonna happen and it happened now that's not the way that jesus heals us but there is a power of faith don't underestimate it there's a lot of people in false religions and they believe and things happen jesus said your faith has made you whole so she she goes in peace and just as she's leaving while he's still speaking someone came from the ruler of the synagogue's house and they said your daughter is dead after this wonderful testimony and this miracle iris oh say lord please come she's at the point of death and Jesus stops to talk to this woman and then they come and they say don't bother the teacher anymore it's too late now friends I'll tell you I know the feeling of hearing that you've lost a child and there's no no words to explain it's like a freight train hits your whole being and there's nothing in life is it can explain the tsunami of emotions that you feel did the utter shock and I kind of I can understand a little bit about what Jay iris was experiencing Jesus saw the expression on his face and his shoulders slump and probably began to heave into sob and Jesus said do not be afraid notice the next words only believe don't stop believin even in the face of death even in the face of hopelessness Jesus does not want us to lose our faith so now Christ permits no one to follow him he dismisses the crowd because the crowd you know they don't always have the faith and he brings no one with him except Peter James and John the brother of James and they came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue and it evidently was a little distance and from the time that the girl had died they'd already notified the local mourners in the community and the neighborhood is a gathered to share the sorrow with the family it says there's a great tumult they've already hired mourners and they come in and they played their doleful sounds on the flutes and the women are wailing actually paid mourners and they'd come in and they wanted to have good crying so everyone in the community knew there was crying and there was a loss great tumult and those who wept and they wailed loudly weeping and wailing and he came and he said to them why do you make this commotion commotion and weep the child is not dead but sleeping yeah what someone's sleeping there waiting to wake his Parkes I thought and they ridiculed him I said now she's dead we saw the girl she's she's dead no life left and he put them all outside why you know when Peter resurrected Dorcas he evicted everybody when Elijah raised the boy he went up there to the room by himself he did not let get his I go up cuz he's I tried nothing happened he said I don't need nobody in this room but doesn't have faith that was bad English but you got the point and they ridiculed him he put them all outside he took the father and the child the father and the mother of the child and those were with him meaning Peter James and John and he entered where the child was lying and he took the child by the hand he touched her and he said Talitha koum i his gentle little girl i rise the words that jesus used in greek it's something like you might say when you say to your child as they're getting ready for school honey get up it was tender it's like school's coming time to wake up little girl arise and immediately the girl or oh she pops up out of bed and it's not like she's going through this convalescent recovery she jumps up when she's walking around she is not only healed she's completely healed and she gets up and she starts to to move around and it says for she was 12 years of age now I just saw that number somewhere else a moment ago and they were overcome with great amazement but they commanded he commanded them strictly that no one should know it and said that someone should give her something to eat now I want to talk about this story just a little bit now that I'm giving you the whole panorama Jesus is in route to resurrect a 12 year old girl and along the way he encounters a woman who has been bleeding for 12 years which means at the same time that girl was born the other woman started with her problem you with me twelve is a number that typically represents the church you've got the twelve tribes in the Old Testament you got the twelve apostles in the New Testament you got the New Jerusalem that is twelve thousand furlongs with twelve gates it's got a tree inside that gives twelve kinds of fruit twelve times a year on twelve foundations you have twelve judges and so you've got this number twelve as a symbol for the church Revelation chapter twelve not that that means anything but she's got a a crown with twelve stars around her head that woman it's a church you get two women in this story you have one woman who has struggled with a continual flow of blood she is the older of the two she represents the Old Testament there's another girl who's dead and there's a resurrection and that's what brings her story to life the New Testament begins with the resurrection of Christ you realize all the New Testament was written after the resurrection that's what I'm saying they both touched Jesus that day the Old Testament is something like that woman in in the Old Testament how did they deal with sin I had the sacrificial system and they had a continual flow of blood I've been to Israel I've been to the Dome of the rock where the temple used to be and and years ago you could go inside it's a little harder to get in there now but right there they built this mosque of Omar there's no mother Rock on top of the spot where Solomon had his temple Solomon built his temple on the place they believed that Abraham Mount Moriah offered Isaac and from that holy spot where one time David when he numbered Israel Jerusalem was dying off and from that spot David saw an angel with the sword in his hand and he offered a sacrifice that the plague might stop and later he bought that place he said this is where the house of God is gonna be God said I will choose a place that was the place they drilled a hole from where that altar was and it went from the altar down to the Kidron Valley still there today the tunnel that was meant to carry the blood away down to the Dead Sea it was a river of blood a continual flow of blood but what can wash away my sin was it the blood goats and bulls and lands and calves are nothing but the blood of Jesus that woman had spent all but she was no better only grew worse anyone in the Old Testament there was thinking that it was going to be the sacrificial system of animals that all pointed to the day when they would touch at the cross when Jesus said it is finished there was during the Passover and the temple curtain was ripped from top to bottom indicating that it was no longer that temple the high priests ripped his garments new temple you are a temple of God new priesthood you are a holy priesthood high priest tore his garments of Aylan temple was rent that was the moment when these two great economies were separated the New Testament church was born that's that girl he said give her something to eat what does God feed us you know after the resurrection every time Jesus appeared to the disciples it says he opened the word he opened the word he opened the word he gave her something to eat they both touched Jesus that day you know it I think sometimes we wonder I'll tell my parents were not touchy-feely I remember when I first came to Sacramento Central we had a few members there that were just really they'd hug hug everybody and I just you know and they could see I was a little like how do you do this you know it just wasn't sure if I didn't dad never hugged me as we got older I started hugging him whether he liked it or not but he growing up he didn't have that and they had a hug Doug campaign to try and help me get the victory and to this day I still remember when I just we're starting to date Karen I mean we didn't even say we were dating but for some reason we were in my truck driving to dick together and and we were driving along and we knew that we were spending a little more than normal time together and this might turn into something and and while we were driving along for whatever reason she reached up her hand and she put it on my shoulder on the back of my neck I nearly ran off the road now she's a physical therapist so Karen you know she's always rubbing people's necks it yeah I married someone gives me massages touch I still have that truck it's our property it hasn't given me near as much trouble though as someone else in the story when I went to India oh come on I couldn't just come on she can take it when I went to India and I would see all these people 1999 they come by and they'd stand there and they'd go like this and there's been one and then my translator said they want you to pray for him and so I I started to pray and just the first time praying these long prayers that's not what they want they want you to bless them as well how do you do that he says you just touch him say the name of Jesus in touch him they went away happy okay I touched thousands of people they were just lying up and they just wanted you to bless him it day for them it meant something they go like this and and I put my hand on their head and you know I just started moving to me to tears and so many people came to Jesus and they just wanted that touch it meant so much that touch of faith and he wants to touch you I remember not too long after our son died Micah I was doing meetings overseas when he passed away and after we kind of recovered from that blow we got involved in evangelism I was doing another overseas trip and I have trouble sleeping on the plane and sometimes it gets pretty lonely you know you're halfway across the ocean and I'd get up and I walk around the plane you see everybody's got their little entertainment systems and they're all falling asleep and it's dark they got all the lights down and and I sat down I opened up my laptop and I had a whole PowerPoint program that I had put together of Michael all the pictures we had of him from birth until the last time we saw each other and I was just flipping through him a handsome young man he's indicted 23 and we're flipping through and we're looking at the the pictures I'm by myself I didn't know the flight attendant was behind me she was doing a check going up the aisles and she stopped and I saw her there and she said handsome young man ah who's that I said that was my son and because the way I phrased it she said she said something I said well we lost them and she just stood there for a moment and I didn't it created a very awkward moment and I thought I didn't mean to embarrass her make her feel better but you know what she just reached over and she put her hand on my shoulder she didn't say anything and I was just to say you know I just want to put a little love into you the Lord wants to touch you he knows how you feel he knows what you've been going through he knows about your good behavior he knows about your bad behavior and he loves you he wants to touch you and he wants to raise you and give you a new life you got to get through the crowd don't let people say you can't do it don't let people make you think that he didn't come for you if the Sun will make you free you'll be in free free indeed Jesus wants to touch you today he wants to touch you who are watching you just got to come and face Jesus if you believe only believe your faith has made you whole that means whosoever the Son of man has come to seek and to save the Lost you are all qualified trust me you just come like you are and you say Lord will you touch me today how many of you want to have that touch of Jesus can we ask him together as we close please bow our heads together loving Lord we just thank and praise you for these promise in your word that first of all the whole gospel is in this story we see the picture of the Old Testament church a continual flow of blood grew no better but worse until she touched you we see the New Testament church dead until you touched her and all came to life through your touch Lord we believe your touch is still powerful today and that you want to reach out and touch us help us to have that touch of Life that touch of healing that you might restore us that we might walk with you bless us now we thank you and pray in Christ's name amen [Music]
Channel: Doug Batchelor
Views: 54,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazing facts, doug batchelor, ellen g white, A Touch of Transformation, with, Doug, Batchelor, (Amazing, Facts), best sermon ever, sunday school
Id: XAtX9Tm4lCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 34sec (3094 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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