A timeline of visual art movements

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hello there in this video I will be going through a timeline of some of the most important art movements in history as well as some of their characteristics there are many forms of art but we are going to focus on the visual ones especially paintings and what better way to start a timeline than by what it's probably the most famous painting of all times the Mona Lisa this iconic artwork was created by DaVinci during the Renaissance period which means rebirth it was characterized by introducing depth in the painting since the medieval artworks that came before this period were all chip Fleck and had a little sense of dimension period oil paint allowed the artist to trade many more complexities and using this medium on canvas also means that the paint can be much more manipulated by the artist so they could transform a two-dimensional surface into a 3-dimensional picture the good use of perception light and shadows was important for the illusion of depth as well since they emphasize the main object of the painting and draw your eyes to it after the Renaissance King the Baroque which used exaggerated motion and clear easily interpreted details to produce drama and tension the Catholics search encourage the popularity and success of the Baroque style and aristocracy viewed the dramatic style of Baroque art in architecture as a means of impressing visitors by projecting triumph power and control the Burrow contains dramatic contrast between light and shadow and it tries to draw the viewer to participate in the scene then came the new classicism the characteristics of neoclassical art include a concentration on the Greek and Roman mythology history for subjects some want dramatic lighting in a rather clean style with hard edges and bright primary colors artists sought to faithfully reproduce their architecture in clothing of ancient times showing reverence for traditional artistic ideas romanticism was characterized by its emphasis on emotion individualism and the glorification of all the past and nature romantic art can have dark style showing a preference for the mysterious some artists also use the occult and The Satanic as a regular feature in their works many artists painted pieces of art there were portraits of royalty or moments that capture the spirits of nationality realism is broadly considered the beginning of modern art due to its conviction that everyday life and the modern world were suitable subjects for art realism in the art is the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully without artificiality and avoiding artistic conventions exotic and supernatural elements realist works of art may emphasize the mundane ugly or sordid and fringe artists initially used realism - sarcastically depict political issues now let's talk about one of my favorites Impressionism distinctive brushstrokes are one of the main characteristics of impressionist art painters used rapid spontaneous lose large and visible brushstrokes these techniques separated them from the traditional painting style which demanded invisible brushstrokes to make the painting look lifelike lighting in the sense of movement or focal points of the impressionist art movement impressionist painters usually separate the colors allowing the viewers perception to mix them a few years later another art movement emerged as a reaction against Impressionists concern for the naturalistic depiction of light and color the post-impressionism post-impressionists extended Impressionism while rejecting its limitations they continued using vivid colors and often take application of paint but were more inclined to emphasize symbolic content and the use of unnatural colors post-impressionists believed caller could be free from form and composition as an emotion in the static bearer of menu and then fought ISM took this idea of separating caller from its representational purpose even further allowing it to exist on the canvas as an independent element above all for fizzle valued individual expression the artist direct experience of their subjects their emotional response to nature and their intuition were all more important than academic theory or elevated subject matter and the arrival of Expressionism announced that as new standards in the creation and judgment of art art was now meant to come forth from within the artist rather than a depiction of the external visual world paintings are distorted radically for emotional effect in order to evoke nudes or ideas rather than mean faith with physical reality and then cubist artists abandon perspective which had been used to depict space since the Renaissance and they also turned far away from the realistic modeling of figures Cuba's explored open form piercing figures and objects by letting the space flow through them blending background into the foreground and showing objects from various angles these innovations may represent a response to the changing experience of space movement in time in the modern world developed in reaction to world war 1 the data is a movement consisted of artists who reject the logic reason and style of modern capitalist society instead expressing nonsense irrationally an anti-capitalist protest in their words Dada artists are known for their use of ready-made objects which are everyday objects that are represented as art with little manipulation by the artists using the ready-made force questions about artistic creativity and the definition of art and its purpose in society the surrealist sought channel the unconscious to unlock the power of imagination the work of Sigmund Freud was profoundly influential for Surrealists particularly his book interpretation of Dreams published in 1899 his exposure of the complex and repressed inner worlds of sexuality desire and violence provided a theoretical basis for much of surrealism Surrealists really like to put together things they are not normally seen together like a lobster in a telephone dolly once said I do not understand why when I ask for a grilled lobster in the restaurant I am never served a cooked telephone are you confused don't worry we all are as well despite its name Abstract Expressionism mostly only abstract nor expressionist and comprised several different styles what United them in one art movement was an intention to redefine the nature of painting born out of profound emotion and universal themes the most were shaped by the legacy of surrealism in their success these New York painters robbed Paris from its mentor leader of modern art and set the stage for America's dominance for international art world pop art the movement presented a challenge traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular and mass cultures such as advertising comic books and mundane culture objects in pop art the material is sometimes visually removed from its non context isolated and combined with unrelated material and then we have photo realism photo realism is a genre of art that encompasses painting drawing and other graphic media in which an artist studies a photograph and then attempt to reproduce the image as realistically as possible in another medium these are just some of the art movements there are many more history and yet to come and technology is introducing many more means to produce art nowadays we are able to create illustrations using digital devices such as iPads we can push perspective to its Forrest's using virtual reality or even print a three-dimensional object using a 3d printer all of these are great opportunities for new artists to experiment with arts limits and that makes me really excited to see what the future B holds regarding art thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Video Lessons
Views: 39,614
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Id: zyabu9mU1bk
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Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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