A Thriller!!! (Anand Vs Kasparov - 1996 Blitz Chess Final)

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Beautiful and dominating play by Kasparov and then one (relatively) small miscalculation and it was downhill. Those kinds of losses are infuriating.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2013 🗫︎ replies

Here is the link to the chessgames.com page for those who want to see the position before 34. Qg4.

Hardly "elementary" as noted by the commentators, it's an amazing in-between move,, considering this is blitz..

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/-o0_0o- 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2013 🗫︎ replies

Wow, I haven't seen that before, it is amazing.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2013 🗫︎ replies

The infamous reaction.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/jargonaught 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2013 🗫︎ replies

I really enjoy the commentating of this game.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NiceHands 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2013 🗫︎ replies
in the first Blitz game Kasparov had white it was a fluctuating struggle very tense game which finally ended in a draw probably a fair result Anand showed in that game that he has a blast Britt's player who really had Kasparov worried if you like playing bliss maybe you know we got onto the local Geneva chess club and some information about it outside it's worth going log there's also descriptions about some of the games that we've played in this tournament look at the opening down interesting back to this one they're repeating home excuse me they're repeating the opening from their first game we're really Kasparov won one a beautiful girl quite convincingly and they're playing exactly the same way I wonder it so far exactly the same way first 15 moves I could say and then hasn't that really had time to prepare anything no maybe he's got a second idea what's the tryout in this game now Kasparov having to think again what should he play in exactly the same way is this position easier to play for white or black this is often he's pushed on with g4 immediately though before he played 86 first he's changed I guess what's the first here's a new ruling Oh and Anand offering the porn on b2 what happened tonight xbg 5 no ATK you could have ever appeared first true yeah that's another story well okay we might be possible but uh create a safe move and attempting to improve his play in the first game but I'm not so I'm not totally convinced by this b3 has come all the same well it's my move back to b6 then a three mmm I suppose you just go for a simple wear something take C to it so what do you play Queen d2 followed by 95 i d5 actually II six but now are you going B for chasing around the board yes it's almost comical how these two nights I've been hopping all over the place everything else is do that but okay this I think is okay for an item a3 looks very August ease like is getting critical very quickly nice dad's d3 what what do you think 93 maybe then Bishop takes d4 and book take c2 and Queens come to e1 defending the item b4 advancing those pawns again often you can take an H Forks you lose the C for the 1983 model bit silly later on then we wrote d1 should be threes try to play are we gonna get the same switch our palm down to h3 than g3 we almost got the same instructors in that first game and somehow I I mean I was very skeptical about White's positioning that game no b5 you know they might be 5 this is quite dangerous now it takes be 5 is possible with ideas of if the bishop takes a one Knight to d6 check XB v this bishop takes me 5 are both white rooks wrong priests so ok what do you want bringing this said economic lines of business where it's III hold it up in its it is a teller with it for this lift looks off I don't I don't like the way an ins maybe you should say late this this knight on c3 is tremendous and now the rook on d1 is attacked the pawn on e4 Zatanna cannons are all kinds drop this is this is a repeat performance over the first game look at an ins King is wide open I think it was a mistake to you should say the exchange note of the G ported conversation was open again he'd obviously didn't have a something beat happening on the e-file is that on the F oh it's also funny things are happening here nice have fun okay Anand has given up a couple pawns just try to get some played it looks desperate Queen C 6 there we go we got a same make again is the same as in the first game Queen e2 defending against the mate this is pretty ugly on Queenie force I can't move it's in the rook they're hitting the bishop there could be all sorts of exchanges here just er group to f1 rook Bishop h6 just wins on the spot because oh I think and it's completely collapsed in this game I think he should have wrote it as a better square because at least you know ID 5 is the horrible because part of changing almond 18 dominating the position that's right are we just a series of exchanges you've got a very nice ending there's no longer any problems take it off horns up technically winning position he's just exchanging pieces now it's all over your keeper as well what's the Queen's xg4 what's Y over looked this is incredible the Queen on g4 attacking the rook on c8 now what blacks queen is attacked on the e3 or I should have played though in a second Queen the black Queen moves back Queen check Queen takes III was just - laughs big advantage of the club is suddenly what an elementary blunder from Kasparov he had a winning position and now how is it working completely unclear cuz barb still has chances here it was a rook and a bishop for the Queen but and moving the Queen in by default maybe now efore likes move the idea of bringing the Brookdale is see and designs emerge in these pawns good move the Queen on pinging for stopping he holds the pawn on e4 good c3 145-pound two and a half minutes for Kasparov you better get active rooks III come on geese is going double the rooks maybe oh no double Rockies disastrous f7 drops well this is night c4 Cup I think Casper was completely lost what an extraordinary blunder an elementary oversight 96 - they're not a c5 only I don't know but the black pieces aren't really working on harmony are they I think the most important thing Anand has got rid of those pawns that were cramping his King so and king is safe and I just can't believe that that move from tomorrow it's blitz and in blitz all all is fair okay night c4 there we go d boards all now aging roads night very nice rate it takes but Knight d6 what about 96 and then the f7 throws Knight d6 looks good there we go check th three the king is pretty safe on this way you can't get a rub to the another f7 is caving in and threatening rook takes f7 f Kasparov wants to play rook f6 rook h6 yes what can do what are some way to confuse the issue more to play Queen to e7 or something Queen it at least some now what about rook f/64 played f4 Kasparov fighting for his life here is incredible resources again I guess seven I'm now 95 five across that's dangerous 95 checking Quincy 622 man hands now going on the attack that's right a look at the times one minute and a few seconds each it's enough time to get something missing a half Gaspar a minute given up and he's giving out now Rick it x6 he gave up his rook to get some play but he wants to play rook h6 check check check corn what's going on this is extraordinary Kasparov managing to keep chances alive just when you think of the positions Oh Burke it's murky but what can you do with efore followed by rock h6 with some sort of perpetual that's cutting things down good move d4 those depots go across managed to get rook F for Queen e7 he just wants to play Queen takes pawn on e4 and with a material advantage here Queenie gets Bishop a night that casbah fighting for his life here how about d3 Queen takes e4 d to rook takes you to a rook check night if one check that know it takes Rock On Dude maybe possibly respond blotting the clock he's under a minute Hanan only has 47 seconds left 47 is 55 54 when credible stuff rook h6 check King goes to G spring can you find a move that you're a bit late okay 63 night 191 what's this difficult look at for maybe white straighten rook g4 over the end of the world rookie for a wins rookie for Alex oh and he's reside destroyed let's just go back to that critical position in the final game here Kasparov played Queen takes III blunder and then V she played Queen it takes G for so the rook on c8 is attacked by the Queen on g4 and the route and E one has been uncovered by the Queen and is now attacking the Queen III so something had to give and that's why Kasparov gave up his queen but a really terrible mistake instead of that it was possible just to play Knight takes III just exchange the pieces the other way around and now Anand really must recapture Queens X III Queen takes Queen rook takes Queen and simply castles King side Kasparov is two pawns up here I don't think it's gonna be terribly difficult for him to win and next move he'll be able to play pawn to f5 and just steam those palms down the board it's just a completely winning position for black there was a time when Kasparov was considered to be invincible he just went from tournament to tournament leaving a trail of destruction behind him times have changed the cracks begin to show and his rivals consents gap between them and the world champion is now this was the big prize absolutely delighted [Music] you
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Views: 2,367,565
Rating: 4.7655034 out of 5
Keywords: Anand Vs Kasparov, Garry Kasparov, Anand Blitz, Kasparov blitz, Kasparov funny, Vishwanathan Anand
Id: DxbMzZ5a2Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2012
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