A Thousand-Mile Adventure And A Fear Of Extortionate Prices! πŸ—ΊπŸ’° | Salvage Hunters | House to Home

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there are changes afoot to drew pritchard's antiques in north wales while it's business as usual for his team of restorers drew is about to go off on a foreign trip i've been invited to an amazing ancestral home in solheim norway this is a great privilege because no other salvage dealer has ever been invited there before i'm a little concerned because prices in norway are very very high so this really is going to be my biggest challenge yet passport passport yes yes passport phone yep cache and even black file in it's in your briefcase is it yeah cool all done right cool i'm off okay have a great trip we'll do um sell lots we will uh drew's very excited about the trip to norway um but at the same time very nervous um not sure what he's going to find and not sure whether he can actually come back with enough items drew's taking his sidekick tea along with him [Music] norway famous for vikings fjords mountains and of course pickled herrings a large country with a population of just 5 million it has one of the highest standards of living in the world so prices are high and there isn't the same salvaging culture as in britain so drew's team have worked hard to map out places for him to visit as he makes his 1100 mile round trip north to sulham and back again after a two-hour flight the boys waste no time in getting on the road i mean we've got a lot of driving to do on this trip to be honest with you we have got a lot of driving there is a huge distances to cover they're all nutters as well i found they all driving on the wrong side of the road so i'm having to do it avoid hitting one of them coming the other way we're buying lots of norwegian stock this weekend well yes what i'm looking for is folk art painted furniture country furniture got to be some good lighting out here though so we're looking for norwegian rust of rubble and woodwork starting from the capital oslo the first stop is near sapsburg just over 60 miles south we are going to the solly brook gallery very well right and it's owned by a guy called wule my name is my name is simon and we are at soul libreuk which is our art gallery the gallery is on the site of an old sawmill which dates back over 400 years by the 19th century it was one of the biggest sawmills in northern europe and employed 600 people drew is hoping he'll find some original gems but it will be his first taste of norwegian prices i think this is it wow it is beautiful isn't it [Applause] you've been waking up to this every day [Applause] hello hi oohle hello drew nice to meet you auntie welcome wow yeah thanks this place is absolutely staggering so this was the sawmill yes so this i'm assuming here that's the left of it yes where do we start do we start inside the house you can have a look welcome drew's keen to get a sense of norwegian style their antiques tend to reflect the country's farming history so are usually simple and practical in design wow it gets better inside too somehow i love the color you've painted everything well this is sort of thing i can see straight away there's a couple of things i'm looking for furniture like this see this lovely old paint you have on here and really nice worn timber 19th century or earlier let's have a look around there yeah please should we be starting with the dining room here yeah okay [Music] oh wow a lovely room it just gets better doesn't it every room you going gorgeous this is this is the private part of course so you're the only one that's coming here well of course i expect it but this is i can see some furniture here so this so this sort of old this this old painting and everything on this this is sort of thing that type of thing we're looking for um this this stuff that has lots and lots of painting on is that a typical norwegian style thing yeah yeah i really love old paint you know when the old paint is all just falling off and crumbling that's what i like that's what this van's like it's like most of my shops like so this is what i'm looking for oulay is a dealer in fine art and contemporary art so he's clearly got an eye and he's able to spot things that are right he says the furniture he's mainly found himself and it's there was nothing at the property they brought everything in so all in all a very good start because instantly i'm seeing the sort of things i want to be buying but nothing in the house is for sale so they head off to the outbuildings where drew hopes there'll be rich pickings oh it's beautiful isn't it thanks so this is all gallery space yes wow so this was the offices for the sawmill yes okay in here we have the office this is this is your office in here this is where the money comes this is interesting this safe synthetic to fit in here this is all just wood graining they'd put this stuff on all the paneling to make it look more interesting than it was or more expensive to make metal look like wood that's the sort of furniture we're looking for so things like this to see this sort of little things like look how narrow that is and this really nice tapering leg here and then just the cutout like that all just really simple forms that i like so if you have any of this i'd love to see it i believe we have a let's have one for children that's school bench school bench okay we could have a look at that yeah uh before we see that item i'd like to show you upstairs we have some nice paintings there oh yeah i'd love to i really would love to see it please i see so this is the gallery what should i do what's your head yeah doesn't happen often this is a great space isn't it so all the artists here are the old norwegian or swedish aware of them um mostly norwegians okay uh we have one swedish i love the log burner as well this is great was that here yeah so simple very simple and you can have a very nice heat from it really effective aren't they log burners really super efficient lovely like that we buy a few log burners here not many just the really something that's really interesting that one belongs there though yeah oh yeah definitely i'm not carrying that downstairs i'm sure you even think about it takes them to an old barn that's used for storage ah so old furniture [Music] is this the one you mentioned earlier yeah did this come out of the office you can smell the old school there yeah you can imagine yeah i didn't like school a lot it wasn't that keen on you either no me and school didn't get on yeah i like some of it lots of keenum so all of this furniture in here you're not using any of this here um we're using some of the tables oh okay drew has no idea whether the prices will be affordable and he needs to make this trip commercially viable so it's a crucial moment when they start to talk money so say if we were if you were selling these things what sort of cost because i've not priced anything up in norway at all so i really don't know where to begin i know my margins back home and what i have to buy it for but here i don't know well i mean it's difficult to say because we've never sold a table before okay no it's difficult to sell it yeah so roughly because really i just have no clue i would maybe say well it's kind of special that one because it's belong to this place it has its history but we actually don't use it but it really belongs here but maybe since we don't use it we use this more we probably could sell it but it should be it's for two pupils you know let's say uh what would you say simon four thousand four thousand that's four hundred as drew's not used to norwegian currency he rounds it up to the equivalent of tan kroner to the pound that's too much for us we'd have to buy it if i was going to buy them and i don't want to buy this one i'm just gauging costs that would be more like 2 000. that's that's the where it would be in britain that's that's sort of so it's about and that one would be probably about the same at twice as much as he's prepared to pay unless drew can find more affordable items it's not looking good for the norway trip i'm not sure if i like the top i don't quite like the draw fronts late 19th century early 20th century i'd say quite like the fact that they put this green in which is unusual this could be restored though yeah i like it as it is i like to leave things original i'd rather the where and the passage of time to be shown this neo-classical edwardian table would have served as a writing desk back in the uk it could be worth up to 275 pounds or around 2750 norwegian kroner so how much would this be then i know it's not a painting it's not your usual no no no more close to what you suggested on the eastern and uh yeah i think probably could be a less than that yes i think it's worth um i think it's worth to me so it's 1 200. not pounds not pounds i'd rather spend more money i'd rather buy something really good that's i'd rather buy better better painted period furniture you know it's much better to buy the best just that's interesting that's interesting okay 1200 1200 so that's 120 pounds terabytes i would be okay with that okay deal yeah there you go my first piece of norwegian furniture that's it ever maybe it's swedish this is the first piece of furniture i bought in norway so i just because it's quite an expensive country to live in so price wise i really didn't know where to go with it and i thought well hang on no just pay what you pay for at home maybe pay a little bit more just seat and try and then i can gauge the next piece of furniture maybe i've got to buy somewhere else i'd like to see any more furniture if you've got any more painted furniture might have a look at that as well anything else um in our private house okay i'd like to see that too should we come back for this then yeah okay okay cool thanks guys so it's back to the main house to see more painted furniture that's the one oh yeah i love it the second i see it i want it it's completely original it's never had any repair work it's never had any damage and the wear that's on it is absolutely beautiful so the wear just on the ends of the arms is just perfect where did you get this from actually it's bought an antique shop okay just the form is good isn't it the shapes good i like it it's a bit unsteady yes it's okay it's okay i can have a sit in it it's what people don't do when they i've just been saying you should always sit and try furniture it should work i'll catch you office furniture for you that and that's nice but look my feet can't touch the floor that's not unusual though it's not cinema seats restaurants no lovely painting roses and flowers on interiors is known in norway as rusa marling and started in the renaissance it later became popular on dark furniture to create a festive feel with minimal restoration back in the uk this could fetch 450 pounds or around 4500 kroner so well you know what you paid for it so what's it going to cost me today ah it's a long time ago and they've gone down so much in price [Laughter] so yeah okay what would you like cola we should have i would say at least 200 pounds 200 pounds so that's 2 000 is that right that's right there abouts yeah it's 9.6 isn't it the convenience deal wow i'll take it that's great lovely it's lovely yes yeah look at the shape inside i can see that ended up in your house again no no this is stock this is stock we have a lot of costs here you know uh to get me t the van over here stay here and get back is considerable so i'm 200 pounds to buy a piece of 19th century original scandinavian furniture in its original condition that's that good looking is a bargain with his first norwegian deal a success for now drew can breathe a sigh of relief a big nail sticking out the back now i think that you really really like this don't you i really like the chair very happy we bought our first piece of norwegian furniture so all in all spot on absolutely perfect day it was interesting and they're nice guys so i think it was uh a different and a nice day to be honest yeah yeah it was it was cool to meet them bye-bye thanks guys see you later [Music] bye well that was good wasn't it it was yeah it's a lovely place beautiful [Music] i've worked out now working with you that when you are really excited about an item and i could see you were really excited about that really how can you tell it's just something about your demeanor when you see something you suddenly start touching it and rubbing your hands all over it like you you you want to take it and make it yours really yeah i must stop doing that yeah it's a bit it's a bit scary actually yeah that's called a tell yeah maybe rubbish at poker yeah [Music] the next day drew and t are back on the road [Music] they're driving 120 miles north from suleiburu past oslo and east to river road what's this place then today uh this place is a guy called arnie and he's a classic american car collector i'm not sure of the age of the cars but he's a collector hoarder he's bound to have something else for the and center loves cars but he's not come all this way to buy an american car he knows salvages often hoard a lot of other treasures there seems to be this massive american car culture out here wow this must be the place oh my word look at all this [Applause] wow to help with translation rna has roped in his british mate ray east good morning hi um thanks for letting us come over no problem talk for it and yeah there's just no pages coming up that's good of you good of you and as soon as we pulled in i like this as soon as so it's not coming in there chrysler from 1937. really i love the color look at that was is that the original finish had an oregano no i like it didn't it since it was she was extra in 67 it was repainted i love it yeah look at the size of the cars here too this beautiful actually cars of this period the american cars this period are really well made as well does uh arnie buy and sell yeah on uh all of these is are they all trading cards no it's gonna say good then no no no no you can buy that car over there so what's this is this this is a 1923 yep thick leather that's been redone i've not seen these so how much was something like this then guys 275 000 corona 275 27 and a half thousand pounds do you know that's not bad is it really take yourself i've done that not such a bad price that's not bad at all because it looks nice because it looks in great condition it won't fit in the van you could drive it back for me okay i'm interested in old cars and collect vintage and classic cars as well um but anything else we're always looking for other things and i believe you're trading at markets as well are you yeah we trade spare parts on market it's not complete cars not complete cars okay there's a lot of american vehicles here is there a particular reason for that people are american crazy really yeah they love american cars it's always like keeping up with the joneses right neighbor's got an american you buy an american simple enough of cars drew's here to buy cool so these are great old coats definitely from the swedish military do you sell these as well get inside yeah yeah maybe yeah maybe beautifully made so what were these made just for the army just for the army the swedish military it's not heavy no practical item yeah how much health things like this he wants to uh think it over before you can make an offer okay that suit you know i've got the whole thing that's actually lovely that's really nice look at that leather flying caps like this would have been used in aviation or motoring and in good condition could sell for 120 pounds in the uk market around 1 200 kroner yeah it's the whole look you like that yeah you can see you swanning down the catwalk like that and there's some gloves as well if you want to try them is it they're odd enough and they're original enough that even amongst the sort of furniture and lighting and garden stuff that i sell one of those on an old mannequin you know there was something about it was something interesting but we'll we'll let's see let's see what he says so where where are we going to next you've got some outbuilders whatever you'd like to see we want to see these cars or the ones over there uh if we could see around the outbuilding side keep out of this rain and the mozzies for a bit that would be great these mosquitoes are vicious one's just got me in there oh they'll bite you everywhere there's nothing drew loves more than a good rummage and rna has just the place for him lots of lock-ups strange door it is it only opens halfway what we got cool tons of stuff god knows what's in here why me charlie should be right i wonder what this lamp is in the back yeah he's got some uh some really cool stuff in here but it's just bits so just like a single headlight yeah it's a great shape yeah but there's just the one just ones singles it's just still all car parts again anything big spiders again big spiders people collect big spiders they're doing here drew isn't about to give up just yet he needs to find something to buy under all this okay let's try the next one too all right raymond hello there how are you getting on jeff oh we're having a rummage you'll find lots to look at a lot to look at nothing i can buy well that's uh that's the nature of it scavenging at least at least the door is open that's one thing more cabinets with just bits and bobs there's nothing lighting drew's fire so what's the what's the deal with the truck uh we actually sell on the markets in oslo and around the country so uh you're welcome to have a look in the truck as well you'll find parts that are for sale it goes to the markets and people buy this stuff off the back of the lorry all right i know have you always collected car parts how do i did some let's build them in the last 50 years he's been collecting just 50. yeah there's a lot here so all these caps here what's what's something like that gonna it's going to run out say costly yeah 415. 250 kroner 25 pounds 25 quid the bargain not bad drew has some fun asking arne to date the hubcaps 51. 54. see that's good his knowledge is amazing the catalog is in his head ana's got this incredible knowledge that you can pick anything up and go what age is that what age is that what card did that come off this one i'm just testing him now what's this one 37 that's good left or right hand side that's great more more stuff just let me get that one out yeah okay well no no don't push it don't push it off the other side i'm aware of such things [Music] this swivel searchlight would have been from a wartime landing craft or fire engine and used to direct a beam of light in britain it could retail for 850 pounds in working order around 8 500 kroner how much is it ah how many feet half of them went to me it's not his he doesn't know it's not mine he doesn't know oh don't worry we can make a phone call maybe yeah oh okay worth a call you never know just wondering how i could mount it yeah they're a long turn and somebody get what has to be ready 750 750 75 quid 75 quid yet how about uh six hundred teletastics on the corner of an end we're there a little section we we're going to split the difference let's put the difference when i came to norway i didn't really expect to be finding items like that but for something so stylish so beautifully made with fabulous patina happy to buy it wherever i am any more places we can go to yeah plenty of places uh just uh hang in and we'll go and see them great good excellent i'm happy with that with some common ground established they move on to even more lock-ups wow [Music] wow we might be here sometime mostly cars by any chance uh yeah nothing but spare car parts but drew can't afford to miss any gems which may be buried away oh you're gonna get in there do we start man i can only get that far it's just body panels in here at bollocks fit the stuff the stuff uh rna's got here yeah it's not just rare in norway it's rare in rare everywhere yeah anywhere this is rare in america the stuff he has here it's unbelievable drew would have struck oil if he dealt in 1950s american car parts but that's not his thing so where where's where's for me to look then for peace well take a look in the garage for example just to have a look and see where we do the business it works on all these vehicles down here oh yes we got work at this does the work yes what age is the motor in there [Music] but it's not for sale apparently no strange looking thing there you go before he leaves he tries to do one more deal the only other thing i was interested in was possibly the coat and that i liked the little leather flying cap actually i thought yeah it's quite original nice spot with anna and the coat is for sale for uh corona 1 500 150 no too much and the heart is for sale for corona 350 350 335 35 pounds for the house he will shake his head he's hard i'm going to shake it anyway entire hats honey there you go i'll take that only so he has to wear it he looks so good in it i've had an unusual day it's just norway all over it's just continues to surprise me welcome all right you're welcome no problem cheers bye-bye lovely to you thank you [Music] do you not think it suits me yeah you look you look great mate i might take it off before we get to the main road actually because there take it off before you get to the hotel you want to look i'm looking after you what a lovely fellow yeah it would have been nice to talk norwegian to him yeah it's a little embarrassing a lack of language at times it's a hard language i think yeah not much for you there though no um i'm not sure what i expected but um that's not what i expected and you bought me a hat didn't buy you a hat i bought a hat you could wear occasionally you're really so inclined only if i've been good yeah in lieu of wages a hell of a collection of stuff in the middle of a forest in norway and at least you came away with two saleable items yeah nothing big bucks though nothing else you know we still haven't paid the bills we have not paid for this trip by a very very long way okay a couple of bits okay really really haven't there's a you need a lot more a lot more a new day and drew and tea are making the four and a half hour drive past oslo and east into the central mountains to the remote langer drag nature park near toonhold drew is keen to buy antlers and skulls at source so he has high hopes for this trip so have you brought me out into these woods to put me out my misery then yep to be last day of work it's just me you and a spade [Laughter] so really why are we in the woods today we are going to the alanya drag i think that's right very hard language and this is a sanctuary for wolves and it's a general wildlife park with more of a nordic theme and we're meeting a lady called tuva who runs the place my name is tuba thorsen this is langer nato park this place is built up with my parents and my family and me to build a place where special kids and youth could take a part in a daily life with nature and animal [Music] what do they have other than them wolves do they have anything else moose moose moose but also they'll have the antlers i'm assuming no living things obviously yeah yeah yeah yeah oh living things don't know i'm only interested in the skulls only interested in the dead that's nice you've become a gothic yeah yeah there you go it's the place that's busy blimey isn't it like a national park i like the grass on the roof that's great yeah i like the princely hi hello welcome drew hi nice to meet you guys my name is welcome welcome to the mountains yeah we are on we're climbing wonderful place thank you thank you yes how much to show you here and share with you this is a special life do you want to come in the forest and meet a big moose please do you want to go i think we should go there straight no because he's there and he might go back to the forest and he's huge and he like to say hello okay okay you're keen on a huge moose [Music] [Music] it's big big antlers i like the antlers yeah you have to wait a few years for those ones yeah i like that you can go and get them for today that's as near as drew can get to those antlers i like his antlers so while i'm over here i'm hoping to buy large moose antlers or anything like like that parts of skulls and framed ones and older ones if possible as well so if you have any of that i have some butlers reindeer atlas they're very interesting sure i'll have a look okay can we go there hi muchach that's his name hi muchach and uh here you see big athletes yeah yeah come on in we're gonna see the atlas some of the atlas in here tuvar uses antlers as teaching aids for students so will she want to part with any you know what is the difference between horn and atlas do you know that no the antlers are falling off every year around the horns bone and eggs after mating season they're falling off interesting do you sell these i mean this is something you sell if you really want i might think of it well if you think of a price and maybe uh-huh okay maybe yeah we would buy a few and maybe some of the older ones that you're not using anymore maybe we can bring them down and you think of it okay okay and we'll think of something okay we do that with the antler deal on hold for now drew's desperate to make the visit worthwhile and search the site for items that are for sale bar introduces scouser martin who will take them around come with me guys cool yeah cool just dump these here yeah just put them down on the floor that's no problem they'll be safe today then we can have an explore wow look at these buggies yeah they're cool aren't they anything to take you fancy yeah quite like the little sled in there that's interesting isn't it yes yeah is it a spike arrow yeah farm equipment i don't buy yeah i'll buy some bits from farms but not the tools not the tooling right or machinery it's too specialist yeah i do have something which maybe would be a bit exciting yeah a little bit further in say this is very norwegian this is a bruin it's a brown cheese um pot that you you cook the brown cheese in this pot was used for boiling whey from a mixture of cow and goat's milk so it caramelized and made the traditional norwegian brown cheese every mountain farm would have had a pot like this in the uk it could sell for up to 500 pounds or around 5000 kroner that is a very big example actually that is same that's full of jobs we do have a forklift yeah but i don't think we could drive her in here though the door's a bit small but yeah that's going to be a full man five my job i like it i think we're gonna have a problem moving it yeah i'm getting it in the van yeah but it's it is yes doesn't mean that's that's quirky enough because you imagine that just a little bit higher up and then full of flowers in the middle of somebody's garden at first i thought super i found something wonderful there that they're not using get a bit closer to it and it's cast iron and weighs just a ton um we've got a few problems the number one moving it from where it is number two we put that on the van the van's overweight instantly and we can't get anything else on there so even we found even though even though we found something that looks great very much my type of thing i just can't buy it so that happens that's the frustration of being very long way away from home i've got a couple of things on the shelf though um these are not as common as you think these are from muffling sheep these are from the vikings we call them the viking sheep very old breed and if you like them i've got something else that's with the skull intact now you're talking yes yeah proper little devil that um i'd like to see the one with the skull okay we'll have to walk down there then everyone's gonna do that and if there's anything else that takes you fancy that's beautiful that is beautiful but again absolutely beautiful guarantee youtube and sally she made that with her own hands no in alaska she lived in alaska for a year and studied the wolf there this is in the 70s and like everything there is like hand saw oh and uh that's beautiful i can't see about him with that she's not going to part with it no no again we're going to get it mounted at one point but we just got so many things on the go that we never get around to okay lead on next okay next one useful though the thought of skulls in good condition is music to drew's ears [Music] okay so what have we got in here then well remember i was talking about uh i showed you those horns there you seen it yeah you saw it because the skull and horns come from such a rare viking breed of ram mounted together they could retail in britain for 300 pounds or around 3 000 kroner oh yeah so this is muffling again the same breed and uh yeah a male quite fresh isn't it it's it's not that fresh it's a few years old that's interesting you can see the inner carrots and that's right there you go yeah that's it you break it we can clean and clean and bleach that out and mount that that's got a good it's got a good look isn't it it's very symmetrical as well yeah okay most of the time if not all the time i've ever bought anything like this it's been dealt with it's gone through a specialist in the victorian period and it's mounted and it's old so to get one with actually in the flesh literally is unusual yeah i like that okay is that something i can buy or make a donation to the place most definitely make a donation yep all right i think most definitely have a chat with two of it and i think a donation would be yeah two was not comfortable talking about money and uh and it sometimes it's just not about the money so we decided just to make a donation good anything else in here there seems to be a lot more stuff yeah we've got an oven that i like so maybe you like that i don't all good so this is to uh just distribute the heat yeah as much as possible have a kettle standing in the middle there this is an old one is it it's not very old no i didn't think so there's some other examples behind oh there's a few more examples yeah you're getting older with this one as we go back that's the top section of that okay it's just all of a sudden you can look at them and just go well that's just you just that's in really good condition so old design it's very obvious that this is a new one biggest giveaway great big modern metric screws through here and then it's just the quality of the casting i think it's just when you're used to looking at things that i'm used to looking at older things all the time so as soon as you see something modern it's very very obvious what i mean yeah i do yeah it'll just jump out at you when you see an original and unfortunately again they're not it okay yeah hey it's the way it goes sometimes you know that's just the way it goes but thanks anyway no worries no worries we'll take the horns up time to meet up with tuvar to talk business hello hi what did you find well just a few bits and um we might take these with us if we're able to um but i understand obviously it's going to be more of a donation to you yeah um because i know they're teaching aids and things that you might want to use but we can do something with this we can clean this up and mount it because it's a great shape so i think what we'd be happy with happy with donating is about 800. thanks for your time wonderful place i love what you're doing here thank you for today it's been a joy okay thank you very much you're welcome great let's get loaded up okay cheers after you sling it drew may have bought exactly the kind of unique norwegian items he'd been hoping for but just not enough of them to fill the van and pay for his trip scary place for you job done beautiful place i think oh stunning amazing work they're doing wow wow right staggering but just not enough stuff there you know so i'm getting a bit concerned we really really need to fill the van we cannot even consider going home with an empty van rebecca will be wondering what happened what happened to all the money other than beer yeah we've come back and we're like two stone heavy and really hungover but we've got nothing in there we've had a great time it's my job to go and find stuff and i haven't done it today that's no good that is no good onwards and upwards and a 150 mile drive further north winding through the mountains to the remote ancestral home of sulham near lom so here we are in the frankly stunning norway countryside it is amazing uh we are going to see a guy called christian solheim at the solheim manor farm right he's the guy who initially got in touch with us and invited me over my name is christian sulaim and i live in birmingham in long community i can trace my ancestors at least back to 13 15 but this farm has been in the family since probably the beginning christian founded the norwegian heritage foundation he's putting us up brilliant very nice of him but put us up anyway he's in this stunning valley you know mountains with snow on him hopefully we're going to get some buying done as well because he's got things he wants to sell as well and uh also he's a connected guy i think we can possibly meet some more leads through this for sure after a five hour journey drew and t arrive at solheim that's pretty that's pretty damn impressive look at those chimneys aren't they strange amazing christian drew hello hi nice to meet you hi thank you so much for inviting us to your house it's a pleasure it's a privilege to be here the place is astonishingly beautiful waterfall in your backyard okay have you been here long my family has started this farm probably 1200 years ago 1200 years ago really wow and the oldest building is from 1250 and up to the 16th century well actually one of the first farms to be listed as a national monument in norway really do you still live in part of the old building i live and i use this farm i still do milk production on beef production and this is a running farm wow and very beautiful i couldn't help but notice these here are they back to about twelve hundred almost yeah yeah dragons the same as on the state churches in norway yeah yeah it's wonderful yeah but yeah please lead on we're uh we hear you're a very good uh host thank you sir i'm very very pleased to come on okay so what do we have here this is uh building from the 12th century actually really you want to look in or should we do it tomorrow okay let's do it some more business tomorrow okay yeah christian leads the chaps to the main house that's that's interesting this door casing on here what age would that be then that's the youngest building on the farm it's from 1865. okay it's such a mix of styles as we've been driving around i've been trying to sort of yeah understand yes the architecture it's so so different but as we came over that large mountain the architecture changed considerably yeah just subtle nuances really to the buildings but for me it's really interesting you know just to wander around and see all these pieces um so which bit do you live in then i live in this i would be pleased to accommodate you in this main building am i staying here yeah okay follow me i will show you sir wow please follow me i will show you your room it's it's upstairs well drew i bet you give you the same room as prince philip stadium when you visit me some years ago so please follow me that'll do for me yeah that's lovely thank you for dinner i'll see you later i'll be in the stables prince phil takes time to marvel at the antiques and soak up the atmosphere in the room [Music] it's very rare that i am staggered by an interior of a house and uh antiques and and the furniture that's in there uh this one did it i absolutely knocked my socks off i walked through the door and i just like man the pieces in here i would take every single piece home it's just there's nothing i can see i don't like so if i've got the opportunity to buy things from the farm somewhere i'm just i couldn't be in a better place and i couldn't be happier for tonight drew is happy but what will tomorrow hold i'd have no problem selling these i'm sorry they're not fair as drew and tea continue their nordic road trip they face yet more highs look look look they're pop stuff wow i think you should look up from the map for a second look at that that is amazing and lows you're keeping this one i'm too used to this shame the conditions quite bad yeah these big green sort of weird shaped lamps yeah i don't think we have any and the stakes are high do you want to find out what the real price is nobody wants them will drew be able to fill the van i bought some great items but just not enough to pay for the trip so i am worried [Music] foreign
Channel: Property & Reno
Views: 66,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Antique bargains, Antique furnishings, Antique hunting tips, Architectural backwaters, Decorative artifacts, Decorative salvage, Extortionate prices, Hidden treasures, Home decor, Home renovations, Home styling tips, House to Home, Interior inspiration, Nordic antiques, Nordic artifacts, Rare antiques, Renovation projects, Restoration projects, Salvage journeys, Unique finds, Vintage decor
Id: rQflg7LdgZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 2sec (2822 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2022
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