A terrifying prediction for 2030 (the Great Reset)

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by now i'm sure you have heard some of these taglines the fourth industrial revolution the great reset and the great narrative and of course you will earn nothing and be happy and i'm sure you've seen the face of this guy being praised as a visionary who will guide our world into a prosperous future but what does that really mean and what is the world economic forum's plan for the world in 2030 will it be a world of increased inclusion equity and freedom for all or as many people fear will it be exactly the opposite i'm not here to answer that question but what i would like to do is propose a hypothetical future scenario a scenario that the wef is promoting and the type of world we could be living in by 2030 a world where your property your identity your money could be owned and controlled by your government at the end of the video i do want you to make up your own mind whether you think the wef is a force for good on the planet or if we should be having some concerns and if we should be asking some questions so let's get into it shall we but before we do we do have an amazing newsletter that people rave about 60 000 people and counting so if you want to join a fellow freedom seekers there is a link in the bio to make my case today i am going to be speaking about what i believe could be the three main pillars that surround the world economic forum's agenda for 2030 and discussing some of the things that they are promoting around the now famous event called the great reset before i start though i just want you to keep two things in mind number one the world economic forum and the leader klaus schwab haven't been elected by anyone yet despite this fact they are trying to influence politics all around the world in order to transform the planet that we live on secondly all of the resources that i'm sharing in this video are coming from verifiable sources many of which are directly from the wef's website if you want to confirm any of the information there is more info in the description so let us discuss the three hypothetical pillars and how it might affect our lives pillar one surveillance the first pillar in the 2030 agenda is the possibility of total surveillance of every single one of us and the way the wef could achieve this is by us requiring a new form of identification the world economic forum suggests that every single person on the planet will receive a new form of digital id which they say would help promote a world of inclusion where everyone has more access to basic services but they also suggest this id could be linked to absolutely everything in your life it could be required to book plane and train tickets and track where it is you're going this digital id would be needed to access social media the internet bank accounts and even a requirement in order to spend your money and without your id it's possible you may not be able to buy anything at all and who would control your digital id and the data it contains well of course your government would in short absolutely every action you take in your modern life could be tracked by this new type of personal id what your online habits are where you go what you buy online what you say online and so much more and if you think this kind of a system is a little bit worrying well you're not the only one that thinks this way just recently kenya's high court ruled a digital iv system to be illegal in the country because they fear it could be abused by the government in order to violate a person's basic right to privacy but the wef doesn't agree they think it's going to do more good than harm but anyway where would you be carrying this new form of id well according to the wef you could be carrying it inside your body in his book the fourth industrial revolution schwab talks heavily about how rfid chips could be used to track goods and packages around the world enabling our economy to become significantly more efficient but in referencing the same technology he also said this in the near future similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people he also says that the fourth industrial revolution will lead to a fusion of our physical our digital and our biological identities echoing this on the website the wef discusses a future where electronic implants could become a relatively normal part of human life lastly i want to mention something i've spoken about on this channel before which is in regards to the wef's potential forecast for a future of surveillance which comes from an article published on forbes which is written by a wef contributor the article is titled welcome to 2030. i earn nothing have no privacy and life has never been better and the line i want to highlight is as follows once in a while i get annoyed about the fact that i have no real privacy know where i can go and not be registered i know somewhere everything i do think and dream of is recorded i just hope that nobody will use it against me to be clear this article was written by ida alkin who is a danish politician and also a member of the wef writing as a contributor for the world economic forum so this is pillar number one surveillance and later on i'm gonna be talking about how the world of surveillance ties in with pillar three but for now let's talk about the second pillar which is finance pillar 2 finance the next pillar of the great reset agenda could be around finance and more specifically putting more control of money and assets in the hands of the government so you know the line you will earn nothing and you will be happy well this is the pillar where this could be playing out in multiple articles on their own website and elsewhere the wef predicts a world where people will no longer own most of the things they use in life instead through a sharing economy items like clothing and cooking equipment will be owned by your government and delivered to you when you need them but according to a wef member sometimes you won't even need to decide what you need because an algorithm that knows your tastes better than you do could make these choices for you instead and your home well soon that could be owned by the government as well but you won't have to pay rent because someone else will be using your space when you're not there in short everything that you own now could soon hypothetically be owned by your government but the most important tool asset that you have which we use every single day to exchange value which is money seems that the wef might have a plan for that as well the wef talks heavily about how cash in the modern world is risky and how it should be replaced by digital money and even though statistics show that many countries around the world would prefer to use cash over electronic forms of money the wef believes these people just don't know what's good for them instead they believe we should all be switching over to electronic payment systems as it's the way of the future so what could replace a world where we no longer have any kind of physical money well the next step would be to develop a secure digital currency that everybody can use it's kind of like crypto except the future digital currency proposed wouldn't be decentralized it would be completely controlled by your government and this is called the central bank digital currency or cbdc a cbdc would be fully trackable traceable and a secure form of currency that like bitcoin lives on a blockchain but it would be also fully centralized there will be money controlled by those in power instead of being in the hands of the people with a cbdc your money would no longer be held in a bank account either instead proposals suggest cutting out what they call the middleman with your government becoming the bank that directly holds your money for you nations like united states brazil china canada germany austria and australia are already at certain stages of research or developing a cbdc meaning we may be only a couple of years away from this becoming a reality but potentially most worrying of all a cbdc would also be fully programmable meaning your government could place whatever rules they wanted on your money potentially allowing you to only spend your money on the items that they deem appropriate or even worse cutting off your access to your money altogether in short it would become the perfect tool in order to track and control your money the very thing that we need in order to survive in today's world if you want to learn more i've recently made a video about cbdc's feel free to watch that one after you watch this one now let's move on to pillar three but before i do i want to talk about today's sponsor which still has a very heavy focus on decentralized money that is firmly in the hands of the people a part of my diversification strategy for growing my wealth is to invest in crypto and recently i've started using ftx as my preferred way of doing so one of my biggest peeves with buying crypto is the massive fees that many exchanges charge sometimes up to five percent but this is not the case with ftx via the ftx app you can buy and sell crypto and nfts with absolutely no fees even better by using the ftx app you'll also earn free crypto on every trade you make over 10 i love that i can also set up recurring investments so i get to choose how much money i'd like to invest and then the app will automatically buy the crypto for me at predetermined intervals i choose so whether every day every month every week they also have a crypto debit card and a trading platform for more advanced traders over 6 million people trust ftx to buy sell and hold crypto and it is for customers of the us as well as people from around the world if you'd like to get started today creating a crypto portfolio with ftx there is a link below this video pillar 3 scoring finally the last part of the wef's hypothetical plan for 2030 is scoring basically ranking human beings against each other based on almost every single action that they take and this is called the social credit system simply put it is judging how good or bad of a citizen you are based on almost every single thing that you do in your day-to-day life rewarding people who are doing things that the government likes and punishing people that do the opposite sounds depressing well there is already one place on earth that has implemented this system china today china has already the world's most restrictive social credit system it's a system where citizens are ranked based on almost everything they do in day-to-day life from how long they play video games to how well they drive what their shopping habits are and whether they buy too many luxury items and especially what they say online as well as who they associate with if a person's score gets too low they can lose access to things in life that many of us would argue are human rights things like a passport bank loans or access to putting their children in a good school and if your score gets low enough there are even reports the governments can come and take your dog away only a few years ago china was already banning upwards of 20 million people a year from buying a plane or train ticket because their social credit score was too low and guess who is a big fan of china's system and the country's current leader you guessed it this guy klaus schwab recently gave china's president a glowing introduction at world economic forum event and praised chi's leadership as well as his nation's economic achievements don't like the idea of a credit score well unfortunately they soon could be coming to a country near you the first social credit system in europe is set to begin rolling out in italy later this year and the australian city of darwin has also proposed one as well a social credit system like this would neatly slot in with the surveillance pillar and it would make the scoring of every individual very easy because if we all have digital ids we could easily be scored on our every action now i personally believe that the very idea of a social credit system is disgusting pinning humans against each other and ranking them based on their behavior no thank you but whether you feel as strongly about this issue as i do or not there is one thing that really can't be argued with that a system like this would eventually mean that the government would control the people and how they live it would mean that people would have to act the way that the government would want them to act and those that don't tow the line they would lose their rights and privileges financial privileges economic privileges and basic human freedoms to me this sounds like the perfect way of controlling a population and removing everybody's individual free will but hey maybe that's just me i'd love to know your thoughts the conclusion in the end these three hypothetical pillars seem to be pointing to one eventuality absolute control the control of people by tracking their every move the control of a society by locking down its access to money and the things they need to survive and the control of an individual's behavior and choices with a restrictive social credit system and to me it does seem like the wef is promoting things that could make this kind of a system a reality as i said at the start of this video i really want you to make up your own mind about what you believe is going on but as you do just remember this the wef is an organization that none of us have elected an organization that is funded by some of the richest and most powerful companies that have ever existed it's an organization that is installing its young global leaders in political cabinets all around the world to shape the laws of our nations and seemingly it's an organization that thinks it knows better than we do about the individual choices we should all be making personally i want to live in a world where i get to make my own choices that i get to decide what i want to do and what i enjoy and not having some government or algorithm deciding this for me where i get to say what i want where i get to associate with who i want without the fear of having some imaginary brownie points taken away from me and where my financial future is still in my own hands so i can decide if i want to buy or own things that bring me joy i could be wrong but it seems that the wef doesn't want this for us so do tell me again who elected these people in order for them to dictate the kind of future that we are going to be potentially living in not me and i guarantee not you either so let me know your thoughts below and stay tuned for more on this topic very soon thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed if you did please make sure you like comment and subscribe and share this video so more people know about this also to let you know currently we have 30 off pre-sale of our brand new course the manual to teach you more about how to take control of your financial future and of course we have the newsletter that people rave about so you can check it out link in bio and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Sorelle Amore Finance
Views: 1,347,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the great reset, world economic forum, davos, wef, great reset agenda, great reset 2030, great reset, klaus schwab, wef agenda 2030, agenda 2030, own nothing and be happy wef, the great narrative, 4th industrial revolution, fourth industrial revolution, own nothing be happy, you will own nothing and be happy, ida auken welcome to 2030, ida auken 2030, young global leaders, 2030 agenda, economics, great reset explained, 2030, world economic forum 2022, the great reset 2022, reset
Id: DpE5cBgl11U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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