A Surprise for The Minimal Mom

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[Music] foreign hey Dawn do you uh do you know your YouTube video starting this is weird um yeah you're gonna come record your YouTube video it looks like it's starting oh hello if we haven't met before my name is Tom I am the dad to four kids and the husband to Don yeah yeah no no she says four kids at 7 to 12. oh man all right try it again take take three hello if we haven't met before my name is Tom I am the father to four children ages 7 through 12. I'm also the husband to Don the minimal mom Don is currently out of town she is on a Women's Conference she's only gone for like 29 hours but we're losing our minds here because we don't know what to do without her so we decided to complete a project of hers we're in the entryway of our house and it is our closet so what we did earlier was we tore the closet doors out the sliding doors now we have uh two French doors that are gonna go in here and we need to widen out this opening because the opening was not wide enough for the doors going in there doors have been sitting in our dining room for three months so we're gonna finish this for Dawn while she's gone so hopefully we can get it all in get it trimmed out and stained by the time she gets home Pro tip guys when your wife goes out of town you gotta do the honey do list that you've been putting off all right we're just going to take this piece off here we gotta take this off this is the top plate from the other one and then we are going to cut a couple inches off this side all the way down so we can widen out the door frame so the new door will fit we also already laid new flooring down here so that's our new flooring I'm gonna have to take that flooring off in that corner because the the door will get wider so we're gonna have to peel the flooring back up replace like two pieces no big deal we have plenty extra of it and then once the flooring is done the door is open big enough we can show you what is wrong with our new set of doors um let's roll the rug out and maybe set it outside on the deck because we're going to make money to dust here we don't want to have to clean it up all right hey Milwaukee I think you guys should sponsor us mom's not gonna put that in the video This is for Mom she's editing this out right now everything I'm saying right now she's like cut it out okay and we are gonna wear our Squints for safety oh we gotta cover oh I'm gonna open up the door this is why we do these things when Dawn's not here poor decisions well maybe that wasn't the brightest decision the kids the kids already told me that was not a good idea because now the house is full of dust so we had a fan running trying to suck it out of the house probably not working super great but now we're gonna cut the corners out so we can pop that piece off we can recap too so the main reason that we wanted to switch out these doors was that there was two sliders before and so you could only ever see half of the closet at any given time and they were really heavy and they would come off the track and what else would happen because you can only see half at a time the kids they would pitch all their stuff on the other side yeah so then that other door would get like wedged with backpacks and coats and Boots so they'd only operate the one door and then you would go to open the other door and everything just puke out yeah all right well Corbin just vacuuming the floor up for me so that little section uh right down there that's how much further the Wall came out so we're gonna peel the flooring up and then we're gonna put down two new pieces of floor there and cut them correctly so that it fits right and we'll put all the flooring back down then we will show you our doors so we got the floor put back down these are two new pieces here um that's all that's all back to normal so we should be able to bring the door in now let me show you though what the problem with our brand new door is so we bought this in June it is currently uh October so we at the time came and broken like this and Don didn't want to wait until they could get a new one brought in um so we could just get it installed quickly so we have uh the the piece a new one of these to replace this with but uh now I have to fix it to be able to install the new door and Tom if I can sneak in for one second today's video is sponsored by blinkist I have to tell you about this book that I've been reading but first blinkus is such a powerful tool it takes over 5000 non-fiction titles and boils it down to blinks or the key insights and so you can listen to the blanks like when you're getting ready when you're driving or you can read them as well they all take about 15 minutes or less so I've been listening to the links for the book The Comfort crisis it is fascinating and basically what it's talking about is that we are all way too comfortable with our climate controlled houses we never have to search for food and we don't even listen to the radio anymore right if we can't skip past a song we don't like we don't want anything to do with it so we have all of these Comforts and it's actually making us unhappy so it's really fascinating to read and listen about how we can overcome this so we can find more happiness and satisfaction in our life and something else that's really cool now is that they also have this feature called guides where different people myself included actually help curate some different resources and guide you through so talk you through from one to the next to the next so I'll put the name of my guide down below and what I love about blinkist is I often go there to track down a specific book like the Comfort crisis I wanted to find that but then once you finish it it suggests other books and some of the suggestions are books I had never heard of but the ideas are so powerful so if you want to become the best version of yourself whether it's at home with your parenting and marriage relationships friendships or at work I highly recommend that you check out blinkist and don't forget that you can use blinkist connect which allows you to share your premium account with another user we have a link down below where you can try out blinkist completely free for seven days and get 25 off a premium membership all right we better get back to work all right I took the doors apart because they don't actually move together super well so I'm going to bring the top plate and one door in then we're going to get it set and screwed in place maybe I don't know if I have shims or not I think about it we may need to go get shims but anyway I'm going to bring it in and we're going to see what we can do all right it is day two Dawn will be back in maybe six hours or so seven uh we're probably not gonna get this done let's be honest the doors are all shimmed and screwed in and good and then um we got some stuff to make the casing because we use okay do you have one of those one of those Toppers all right so we we've been using these things for like the tops of our doorways for up here they don't make one long enough to do that whole thing so we uh grabbed one of these at the store and I got three pieces of material we're gonna build our own so we can make one that'll go across the whole top and then all the doorways in our house will match this is the only other one the entryway door that needs to be completed yet but we can do all that other hiccup we had was I went to get more stains so we can stain these doors and the stain that we use on the rest of the doors in our house apparently it's discontinued so I got a stain that looked super close so maybe we will on like the back side in here test to spot out see if it looks like it'll work or not all right well as luck would have it I found a little piece of our stain a little bit of our stain down in the basement I forgot Don had rearranged everything which is why I couldn't find anything so I did find I it sounds like it's mostly full so I'm gonna see um how far I can get with this because I do have the other stain I got today that is not the same stain but it's close so we're just gonna run with the one we have that we know will match I'm gonna do the outside first because then if the other one isn't like exact we put it on the inside so that's the plan um we're all taped off the floor is plastic off even um because I don't want to get any of this stain on the floor and I'm just going to get the staining all right we have the doors all stained um they look pretty good it's hard to tell in here I mean it's it's not a big room so the doors are all stand up um I ended up putting all the shoes and coats and all that stuff back into there I cleaned the entryway and everything I have to go get Dawn now I actually backing up we have our oldest daughter Adeline she is in a play right now which you parents who know uh when your kids are in place it's a huge time commitment and especially for us because we're like a ways out of the cities and so um it's at least an hour round trip for us to run her to and from practice which is kind of a lot anyway burned a couple of hours today so Donna's actually on her way home now I just found out that I have to go get her from our church so I'm gonna wrap up here run through the shower quick and then go get my beautiful bride oh well this is cool I had no idea you were working on this this weekend I mean I figured you waited three months so might as well get it up right this is like you haven't surprised me for a while I don't think with a home project it's because you hate surprises well it's you've had other stuff I don't mean in a bad way but this is fun I haven't come home to a good old-fashioned surprise in quite well actually not to say that we haven't you haven't gone anywhere without us in a few months so so I need to go away more often no no no no no no I've never I will never I'm never gonna say that wow this looks really good though yeah it was nice having it opened like you could just hang stuff up and put it away but like I really got tired of seeing it also yeah this is awesome wow so you just have to yeah so um I actually need to run and get more trim I thought we had enough I need more trim um and then I need to go get my uh finished they are cool wow this is gonna look really fancy hopefully awesome thank you okay so we had this extra like shelves and racking on that were in here before we decided to add the second row of hook so Tom is gonna put it here at the end of the closet so that we can hi yeah still got it might have turned 39 this week but still got it so uh we're gonna put that up over here excuse me and then we want to show you our fancy other shoe racks we got that we're gonna test out too okay so I had C little shoe rack organizers someone on Instagram linked to them on Amazon is a dangerous place to be when we're trying to live simply but they actually looked kind of cool I like the idea of having like the shoes stored more vertically to take advantage of vertical space and not have to take up so much floor space so um I think between the white racks on the sides and then these shoe organizers I think that we're gonna have plenty of space for all of our shoes again I don't want to actually keep too many shoes um the only thing I regret they do come in white and there's different widths and sizes I just got this like medium size I wish I that I had gotten the white ones I think they would have blended into the closet a little bit better but once the doors are shut No One's Gonna see it and they actually do create a lot of storage so I like them I want to figure out a way to use them in the camper because shoes are always a big problem in there yeah they have like wider options but I wanted to test them out um give me a pair of shoes gauge monster they also I should have got the white ones they have them with white ends especially yeah oh yeah because that would make them hold more oh do little shoes kind of fall through do you want to show how the flip-flops can go in the front yeah I just don't see our kids doing any of that yeah I guess I figure it more and the only thing we're not quite certain about is that these actually stick on with adhesive they're not screwed to the wall so it seems like a good adhesive um top knit do it quite in the right order you're supposed to stick the adhesive to the wall and then put these on they have a whole directions for it so I think that would ensure even more success just using something adhesive but I don't know shoot like at least the shoes We're putting on aren't actually that heavy so I think they're gonna be fine but I'm a little more optimistic too okay so why Tom finishes um installing the door knobs and putting up the trim I want to make a curtain so I got a single curtain panel from Walmart and I thought the pattern was just kind of fun and welcoming and so I'm gonna do like my faux Roman shade trick again with the tension rods I'm actually sewing the edges of this curtain this time so it it is gonna be like a legit curtain the only thing is that this material um it doesn't quite hold its shape like perfectly and so it's giving me a little problems to make it like really even but I think it's gonna look good um I put it up with one extra tension rod but I think it needs two we don't want it to be too long and so I'm going to add another tension rod in and then I think it's gonna be perfect I also had gotten a new um like little holder thing to put our keys on so this little welcome sign in this other key mail thing that we've had we've had this since our townhouse so like eight years so I figured it might be time for a little bit of an update so um Tom actually wanted to keep the key thing for himself so that's his analogy but he's like there's actually a lot of keys in that white part for random things so I'm like it's all yours you can have it hang it wherever you want but I like the Simplicity of this one I think it's cute so Tom's like you just like it because it's gold and I'm like like maybe I do whatever what's wrong with that and then I got some rugs to put down in the bottom of the closet and in the entryway just to make it look a little bit nicer again we've actually had this black rug that was in there um for like six years as well so I think we're just gonna use it in the office building so we'll still use it but um I thought it was time for a little refresh with that as well all right so we're still missing a little baseboard trim but um we'll get that down there's some other spots in the house too and then we're probably gonna replace this trim around the window with white in due time but I know we'll get asked the shoe bench is from Ikea last time I checked they still have it we have had it for over 10 years and we love it it functions so well that has been a great investment in my mind and then I also have this uh little like accordion hanger we also need to touch up the paint still so that's on my list as well uh but I have this like accordion hanger that's from Target um and I really like that too curtain from Walmart and this um is from Target as well it feels really good to have this checked off the list and it looks really good it does look good I think the first time I like opened both doors and you could just see everything in the closet was that felt really good that's good it made me feel good to not have this door leaning up against the wall in our dining room anymore it's a reminder and then we also um when we had started this we added in more Hooks and a second row of hooks and then we shortened the Shelf up on top a because we don't need that much shelf storage but it's also where the attic access is for this half of the house so now it's actually easier to get up into the attic we didn't need the extra shelf and so by getting rid of it we we raised that top shelf and hooks and everything too so it did kind of make it all feel a lot more functional and more open yeah and I did like that we've also then had time to test out like the clear bins that I put in place and the labels and those have been working really well and so I'm I really like what we did there and it still takes maintenance right like the you can put organization in a place it doesn't do it for you like you still have to put stuff in the bins and all that but overall it's been working really well and I like the clear bins in there because you can see what's inside but now I didn't like it out in the open all the time so now you can close the doors and not have to see them and we should have ample shoe storage in here now I always go back and forth because I don't want to be able to fit 100 pairs of shoes in here because then we keep 100 pairs of shoes in here so we just need to be able to fit like 42 pairs of shoes how many is that per person I think they're like the size of two pairs so don can have six pairs of shoes because they take up less space in my three are you maybe I don't know I feel good to have this done and uh otherwise we are having a beautiful fall here in Minnesota the colors have been awesome the weather has been super nice so um from here we'll probably turn our attention the garden needs to get uh torn out and uh that kind of stuff but I mean Tom has a list of my life actually we've been making a lot of progress in our office building so it's going to be fun to show you an update of that coming up as well it's I'd say it's like 80 complete and it's getting really close we just walk into we're like what this is ridiculous yeah it's been pretty wild so uh so we'll be excited to share that with you as well but otherwise we'd love to know what you're up to I know in many areas of the country you don't get fall yet and so I we're grateful to live somewhere where their Seasons but we know this season will end it leads to a really long winter but it's good I I don't I wouldn't want to live anywhere else I don't I don't think so I'll convince her yeah well we loved it at Europe too we hope that you have a really great weekend we love you and we'll see you again soon bye-bye
Channel: The Minimal Mom
Views: 129,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minimalism, family minimalism, minimalist, the minimal mom, the minimalist mom, minimalist home
Id: gwDf0eDDKGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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