A Studio Ghibli Tribute

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[Music] this place is magical you must have met one of the spirits of the forest that means you're a very lucky girl but you can't always see the spirits you can only see them when they want you to the earth speaks to all of us and if we listen we can understand [Music] in ancient times a land lay covered in forests where from ages long past dwelt the spirits of the gods wow this is one weird place interesting yes this is a dream this world's a dream welcome to my kingdom life is mysterious and amazing we have work to do now it's been around since long ago back in the time when trees and people used to be friends the balance the [Music] [Applause] you seem to have forgotten that all life is connected life can't be hoarded it can only be given denied death and you deny life back then man and beast lived in harmony but as time went by most of the great forests were destroyed those that remain were guarded by gigantic beasts who owed their allegiance to the great forest spirit for those were the days of gods [Music] but now men hold the power to control the world man must learn to do what leaf and whale women do naturally it is for us to keep the balance but use that power irresponsibly the balance of the world is easily done the anger of the all reflects the anger of the earth the earth knows it's wrong for us to survive the whole world is [Music] this life that is both our torment and our treasure is never meant to endure for eternity life is away from the sea would you force the sea to grow still to save things are desperately out of balance strength is a being from the world as if the sun's light were failing this war is terrible they've bombed from the southern coast to the northern border it's only flames now we're all going to die someday so nothing we do now really matters why should we fight to preserve life when we know it's just going to end someday sometimes i feel like i can't forgive them for leaving me all alone i don't understand why would i do something so horrible sometimes i think the gods are laughing at us young men like you i know what rage feels like grief and helplessness my father was a great man but i am nothing like that i failed my father these days there are angry ghosts all around us bed from wars sickness starvation and nobody cares so you say you're under a curse well so what so the whole damn world it's as if our blood were flowing out from our very veins [Music] and yet sometimes i'm filled with a rage i can't control it's as if there was some other person hidden deep inside me well the nice thing about being old is you've got nothing much to lose first you steal the boar's forest from him then transform him into a demon now you're making even deadlier weapons how much more hatred and pain do you think we need you turn your eyes away from light to see only darkness life is suffering it is hard the world is cursed but still you find reasons to keep living without even thinking about it i used to be able to fly now i'm trying to look inside myself to find out how i did it what do you plan to do what exactly are you here for to see with eyes unclouded by hate maybe i can stay and find some other nice people who will like me and accept me for who i am what is the most important thing in the world you know life is what's most important [Music] [Laughter] everybody try laughing then whatever scares you will go away you cannot move into the future without first knowing the past destroy everything old and you dishonor those who lived and died before us it's like a circle just when you think one ends another begins again you can always count on it you mustn't give up we'll find a way the forest spirit is with us just follow your heart and keep smiling you're in love don't deny it you've been sighing all day [Music] someone is waiting for you pure love it broke an evil smell i'm in love with you nothing's ever going to stop me i've loved you since the day the wind brought you to me but my mom wouldn't let anything stand in the way of true love could you love her if she moved between two worlds i love all the ponies it's a big responsibility but i really love her the way you felt from the sky i thought that maybe you were an angel or something once you've met someone you never really forget them it just takes a while for your memories to return [Music] just put your hand in mine and trust me thank you thank you [Music] they were the best friends a man ever had i think about them every day they were brave and honest and i'm honored to have known them when i look at you what i seized the legacy of those two great men and i know they would be very proud i'm dreaming i think this is my dream i'm really sorry it's my fault getting you mixed up in all of us are you kidding this is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me i wouldn't miss an adventure like this for anything in the world so i'm going to leave you here in charge you'll do the right thing i know you should be very proud for all your hard work you've dug inside your soul and found some real gems somebody's got to protect your friend everything that exists says it's true i am going to prove that my dad was no liar i will never forget what i saw today it's like an endless road has opened up before my eyes today is bad then tomorrow will be better and if tomorrow's bad then try a little hop [Music] trusting your spirit yes yes that's exactly what i'm talking about that same spirit is what makes me paint and makes your friend vape but we each need to find our own inspiration matter how many weapons you have no matter how great your technology might be the world cannot live without love [Music] go ahead and do what your heart tells you and tell me how is it more than just a building because we all love it and it makes us feel connected to our past like me belong to something [Music] connected to our past [Music] she lived life with a smile determined to be happy i'm not being rebellious i'm going after my dreams [Music] it's not really important what color your dress is what matters is the heart inside always believe in yourself do this and no matter where you are you will have nothing to fear it's not impure there is grief and sorrow here there is also joy and happiness all who live on this earth experience them in different shades all feel compassion i guess i never gave much thought to why i wanted to do this i got so caught up in all the training and stuff maybe i have to find my own inspiration but am i ever gonna find it and is it worth all the trouble the best plays brightest when circumstances are at their worst [Music] not everyone needs to follow the same path you cannot alter your feet however you can rise to meet it if you choose [Music] just have a little patience your father was impulsive but he always did what he thought was right perhaps my fifth grade self is trying to tell me to find a new way to fly darkness cannot exist without light [Music] i know you can do it i've never seen a fire with more spark don't worry we've made it this far it is destiny thank you you have a big heart [Music] i know you can do it you must leave [Music] the legend just come true you have courage look how free i get to be [Music] river that is the only way we can live forever you
Channel: VALL- E
Views: 28,959
Rating: 4.9933071 out of 5
Keywords: studio ghibli, tribute, animation, anime, spirited away, amv, ghibli, princess mononoke
Id: lHme9vPW068
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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