A Special Look at CM Punks first Appearance in AEW | Road to Dynamite: Milwaukee, 8/24/21
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: All Elite Wrestling
Views: 922,891
Rating: 4.9560976 out of 5
Keywords: aew cm punk, aew darby allin cm punk reaction, aew rampage, aew rampage 8/20/21, aew rampage cm punk, aew rampage highlights, aew rampage the first dance, cm punk, cm punk aew, cm punk aew debut, cm punk aew debut reaction, cm punk aew entrance, cm punk aew reaction, cm punk debut aew, cm punk entrance, cm punk ice cream bars, cm punk is all elite, cm punk reaction, cm punk return, cm punk returns, cm punk theme song, cm punk ufc, AEW ALL OUT, CM PUNK VS DARBY ALLIN
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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Man, the director's job looks fucking exhausting.
This production segment is really fascinating.
Love seeing that backstage content and how the camera work is done. Everyone was excited for this.
I'm actually going to comment on the non-CM Punk portion of this:
Holy shit that history between Christian Cage and Don Callis is INSANE. Like, holy fuck.
You are better than the Smackdown Hacker?!
Holy shit this Callis-Kenny-Christian story they've weaved in is brilliant.
UPDATE: Looks like AEW changed it back to a premiere. Sorry for those who missed it