A Skate Story (Full Documentary)

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thank you [Music] oh my mama now on the game too on Andromeda slide with me I just said to Jerry with a Tommy now I just said to Jerry with a Tommy now I just said to Jerry with a Tommy now we'll be with the rats catch me with my cats in a slide with them I just said it pop up and I leveled up I just got some words for my medicine man [Music] [Music] surfing on the way time zones getting paid big clock on my neck flavor flame she don't get to see like okay imma send my image is important stepping on my toes but they still talk relationship goals [Music] [Music] I just said catch me with my cats that's good we are not open for business for you now working here is probably my favorite place to work because it actually involved what I actually like to do and [ __ ] I would much rather work here than work anywhere else I've been here since it opened like five for like five years now and if I could work here every day I would if I could own this place I would for sure because it's just it's what I want to do it's like has a lot to offer for the community and stuff like that um but yeah setting up boards I'll just talk about setting up boards setting up boards is fun it's fun seeing people just watch but it can be nerve-wracking because sometimes people will just stand on the other side of the counter and just stare me as if like they're at a zoo or something just watching the animals do their thing but other than that it's it's pretty cool but just seeing people like grab their board when I'm done with it and then stand on it and see them be all giddy and whatnot it's [ __ ] sick that's how I was when I first bought my my board it was like it's like Christmas every time every time you get a new setup or a new deck it's like a brand new person you've been born again setting up board can be kind of annoying like I said when they stand over the counter and they just stare they just stare at me it makes me kind of nervous because I don't want to [ __ ] anything up but they also don't know what I'm doing so they like want to know if I was [ __ ] anything up but sometimes I'll start sweating profusely I don't know it's weird people are just staring at you while you're trying to set up their skateboard even though I've done it a thousand times it's still nerve-wracking for some reason I guess it's just having people watch you do something and not speak either sometimes people don't talk and there will be no music in here because I have no music and it'll just be dead silence and I'll just be sitting on that couch right there just trying to set up their board trying to make small talk and [ __ ] and it's just really awkward all you hear is the sound of the AC going on in the background you know people staring at me at the deli in comparison to this is it's honestly I don't know that's actually I've never thought about it like that because I don't get nervous when I'm just sitting there behind the deli just wrapping meat up dang I don't know that's weird I guess because I am setting up the board and like I don't wanna like I've had a I've had a few times where like the the nut won't go onto the axle and I'm like panicking because I don't want them to be like oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] up my deck that I just spent 200 on and I'm just sitting there like trying to get it on and I'm like having to re-thread their like brand new trucks and it just kind of scares me we're like I've had times where I've almost [ __ ] up their grip or like it's lopsided or they get like a sheet of uh the single sheets with the graphics on them and it's like kind of crooked and I'm like oh [ __ ] they're gonna be pissed off because their flowers are tilted a little bit to the side or something like that yeah [ __ ] up meat is a lot different than me [ __ ] up someone's 200 setup that they're buying and watching me put together but I haven't [ __ ] any of them up severely so we're chilling not yet anyway I don't think I would honestly five working here is completely different because Elliott is cool as [ __ ] with us needing like days off or if we can't work or anything it's normally not a big deal unless you know he has something super important to do but just the environment itself and working here and being here all day is just it's everything I've wanted just a skate shop to sit in and stare at skateboards and do whatever and chill out [Music] I can grab food whenever I want I can take a break whenever obviously not when I first come in but or like before I leave but I can take a break and [ __ ] whenever I want it's just super lenient it's honestly what I thought working at a skate shop would be which is sick it's just it's kind of like going to a coffee shop and just sitting and vibing out because sometimes I'll have a speaker and I'll actually like sit and listen to music can I turn on like Lo-Fi music just have them play in the background by about until a customer comes in or until like a the local kids come in to harass me and annoy me all day which I'm fine with and I look forward to because it's it's nice to see the community come to the skate shop and interact with it because that's the whole point of it being here is for the community of skaters to come and hang out and be around people that are into the same things that they are because at the at the end of the day skateboarding is just like any other niche and it it's a lot more fun when there's people around that are you kind of like you and probably think or you know they you at least have something in common like right out the gate when you come to a skate shop which is obviously skateboarding over the years working many places I really didn't come to terms with like oh I gotta work here to make money to do this but now being 23 it's a little easier to what's the word it's easier to manage you know yeah you know I come in this is a pretty good place to work too so makes it easier just come in and do my job make the money that I got to make and then go do what I actually care about I want to move to a bigger city and I realize that it's going to be stupid expensive but it coming to like my hometown where like things are stupid cheap it's kind of like well [ __ ] like I'm gonna have to it makes me scared of having to bite the bullet and get like a normal ass job and like have to work that job forever because of just how things are and where they're going like for our for our economy and how like my generation is gonna have to see this [ __ ] unfold and deal with it you know bratwurst water gotta love it like you could get a cool job being a tech dude or coding or or some other [ __ ] you know mortgage and it's like CNA factory worker or CNA that's that's about it it seems like we're working at Walmart a lot of people work at Walmart like a lot of people and it's just like I don't know there's not a lot of options here that's all that they're doing and it's whatever but damn I wish there was more [ __ ] like a cool little art gallery or something we don't even have those anymore like where they put the stage what's the what's the uh art gallery that thing was sick like they had all sorts of art shows and stuff and then there was cat's Art Gallery which I was like an intern at and was like helping her do artsy [ __ ] she always let me skate at the top of the building or not the top of the building but there was like an upstairs and she would let me skate up there and whatnot and be creative shout out to her her name's cat I don't really remember her last name but she was awesome and then there was a art gallery that Elliot did shows at it was Mark Morganton at one point was all about art it was like yeah I don't want to live life and love okay I want to skate art and fart you know I don't Southern Living okay like Southern Living is nice like hospitality is sick but you know I could do without everything else the drinking the [ __ ] not doing anything you know I don't know shit's weird here every time I go to like another city it's like a it's an eye-opening this morganson's just damn man it's just Bland man playing and boring but pretty you know I can't really complain about the sides because the mountains are nice and whatnot which is more [ __ ] to do instead of drank my life away stress out Liz allender laughs [Music] [Music] anything else for you let's do this salmon you come to pick up the turkey they're actually what's up here we can't sell things that have like nitrates or additives in them and I'm pretty sure sardines is one of those things sorry about that you have a nice day [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign I've stopped doing that that's a habit I've stopped doing very proud of myself I know when to call it a quits when I have somewhat injured parts of my body what's been wrong with that there's nothing wrong with that no but I am [ __ ] itching to do a kickflip or just to really just skate hard like I normally could bro I want to do it I gotta think about it like if I do it now you can't do it later exactly it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood triplet let me see like it's mentally ill how good people can be on these Waters it's just wood man but it does magical and wondrous things [Music] [Music] and Jacob sure Jacob's also very bad for that Jacob asks for money [Applause] can I have money to get food in the fridge take it can I have a second yeah I brought him for everybody [Music] it's the vibe now have you ever had the strawberry ones nothing I think they're really not bad but it's like I like oh [Music] anyways there's a cool rail that's behind the SunTrust Bank you know the real you know the real um you know the hot boxes you know like behind it to the left that new one they built on the ramp oh yeah oh yeah it's like an inch tall I want to skate really bad yeah I took right on the road though but it seems like Mega Fun the only difference is like cops didn't care because the plaza was a built as soon as they built as soon as the plaza it was out and people could sit there and [ __ ] everything he looks like a skatepark I mean yeah like I've skated it like four times and I've gotten cops have came three times it was like one time with me and Levi where we like left on our own and we didn't leave because there were cops like they're heavy yeah I went through like three times and cops got me twice I haven't even tried to skate it me Abram and Riley went there at 12 o'clock at night no 11 30. you ready for three minutes and two cops came really skate street because the way I think about it if they're gonna do that to these little white boys if if I'm out there trying to skate street it's not gonna go well or at least that's what I assume yeah you know that's I don't want to test my luck some drum dudes from a bar came in like a cactus oh yeah that was crazy and grab Jag grab the poor boy on Morganton H Street we're into H Street so much I don't know why I guess it's because of all the old people but they hate Street they hate skateboarding a lot here like there are so many other surrounding areas even like other little small towns like Franklin North Carolina they actually support their skateboarding which is insane because they're just as small as we are and they like have an overwhelming amount of support from the city and even the cops the cops support the skateboarding there which is weird so if you want to skate a park with a bunch of ramps we gotcha solid ramps though but [Music] well I'll take you to some of the Ye Old legendary spots oh legendary and like the eyes of a Morganton local some of the spots that I like grew up on and like one of the only things I could skate really it's not a lot but it's like a couple of good gyms and there's one at this church it's like a forced air probably can't really skate it because it is Sunday but we can drive by it and stare at it in the vehicle [Music] it looks so nice yeah good old Force there I think solitude oh I wish I could skate it [Music] nice I guess we'll go to a different one I honestly forgot it was Sunday I used to scale up down these streets these screws needs [Music] vlogs I wish there was more spots there's so many like different roads with no no spots really all the spots are like in front of people's houses like stair sets and handrails and [ __ ] like that like that perfect handrail I should have drove slower that was perfect it's going straight yeah [Music] I guess we'll go to Catawba Meadows that's like the number one spot honestly it's all beat up and [ __ ] from people skating it years and years and years [Music] because it's such a good spot dangers people here too thanks Sunday is the day delivery tomorrow [Music] I would just scan around in town and just look for stuff that would spot my but then I wouldn't try like I'd also looking for skaters too Morganton is like Pokemon go where you just walk around until you see Pokemon that's how it was like like when I was a kid just scared around until he found something that looked like a spot but half the time it wasn't a spot and you really couldn't skate it I mean it's just like a rock Gap type of thing and there's like some stairs and stuff but The Rock gaps like the main focal point of the spot really and then there's like picnic tables and [ __ ] but you know they're like that weird plasticky coated picnic table you can still grind it and [ __ ] but it's not like real optimal for skating and whatnot so there's also like a cool wall thing too oh there's a little wall thing that's fun that's cool oh you wanna look at this thing huh this little wall thing it's not much but it's like a little wall and this thing this whole thing would be so sick if they didn't put that curb there absolutely insane [ __ ] bro what's up [Music] [Music] thank you sick I'm not really too pressed to not have street spots it would be nice because kind of the core of skateboarding and where skateboarding started was in the streets but I mean we got spots just a lot of them are Hefty and just way too big no they're just you gotta like be prepared to send it if you're gonna like do the spot and you got to be prepared to like really eat [ __ ] like there's no like that's not like Charlotte there's like good ledges like good handrails and like like sets that are just not terrifyingly big like we got we have a lot of like 11 12 stairs here that's just too much no one wants to jump down in 11 or 12s there all the time every day so that's why I'm in the park all the time [Music] even though our park is kind of crazy big still not as big as some of the spots here and plus Morganton like they don't really support skateboarding so it's just a it's just a hassle all around to go out and skate Street and actually enjoy skating Street and so that's why people who live in Morgan's and just travel around to like Asheville so Raleigh or wherever they wouldn't feel like going because those bigger cities don't really give a [ __ ] about in a sense where they just kind of let you skate the street spots and stuff and you might get kicked out but it's not going to be like mortgage and where if someone sees you at a spot it could become this whole big thing that it doesn't need to be and you know cops are getting called and you're like staying at the spot for a while or all this unnecessary [ __ ] so it's you know it's whatever a retirement community so so kind of expected that they don't give a [ __ ] about skateboarding and treat skateboarders you know there's some spots especially now that the the [ __ ] the the stage things built it just looks like a skate park so people come down here and they're like oh spots it's like knock down she escaped those spots like on a busy day where you want to get Clips because the sun's out and [ __ ] you know now night time I guess is a different thing but the the stage at least is like it's in the middle of town so there's cops it's always patrolling it they know someone's gonna try to skate it this would uh this would be the situation I'd have to deal with when I was younger like on a Sunday you know Sunday I don't have school middle of the day Sunday and this would be the time that I would be like skating with my friends I guess for like skate spots everything's like all the way over there and then there's other skate spots all the way over town like the train station that's another like yeah classic skate spot and it's all the way across town the Geppetto stairs yeah that that place all the way across town so I'd have to escape from like all the way here go on to like the the sidewalk on the busy street and walk all the way into town like up those big ass heels and then up skate down those big ass skills which I'm not I am I loved it and I would still do it and I still do it now but but the disappointment yeah the disappointment of life coming to these spots like coming here on this day and then being excited to skate those benches and basically not be able to escape those benches like would be really upsetting because it's the only like these benches are the best benches to grind like there's not a lot to grind in Morganton Street spot wise and these are one of the or two of the best ones because there's two benches on the same side so you can hit one Circle back and then hit the other spot [Music] on every weekend so if you're in school and you are you know it's on your weekends and you want to go film something or go skate somewhere and you we didn't have the skate park you know you're kind of [ __ ] out of luck because we went to katala Meadows here in the church none of those spots you can skate without you know getting kicked out within four or five minutes let's do it but it is what it is I mean that's also a part of Street skating it's like Street skating is not supposed to be easy you know that's that's another aspect like it's not supposed to be easy so and it makes sense and if anything it works out more in your favor for a video if it's not easy but like if I was to go to Charlotte and like skate those Ledges that are I don't even know what the park is called there's like a [ __ ] ton of Ledges you can skate that that park or at least I don't know personally because I don't go there all the time but when I did go there we could skate those Ledges for like hours it seemed like and no one was gonna say anything on any day and we went there on a Sunday and it was just it just seemed like no one really gave a [ __ ] they didn't even like some of the The Ledges uh we went to these two wooden Ledges that were really good and even the security guards were like pretty cool about us skating The Ledges like they warned us that they're like manager person was going to be here or be there in a little bit believe whenever that person got there like it was still pretty chill when you like these little shitty benches they're gonna kick you out like I If he was to get out and walk on there with my skateboard they wouldn't tell us to leave in a heartbeat yeah because there's a concessions open right now it just kicks out couldn't even like they didn't see the skateboard and be like nah you know what you're about to do or do you know what you're gonna try to do which I guess makes sense because you know skateboarding in front of the concession stand while people are trying to get drinks I get it damn there's no stay spots [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you I would like the main spots I wanted to cover yeah because like any other spots like the ones I got on my phone they're like they're like somewhat important but they're not like they're not just Staples like rock Gap train station those two benches behind Ingles and then that church spot those are like for me at least those are like the four main spots that like Morganton has to offer in my eyes well there is a a bench that's over by the comma but even then like that one's not as like I don't know it's not it's not as as much of a staple as like this place like everyone spent their time if you skated in Morganton before the park pad right there yeah the train station was like it was like Catawba Meadows it was the skate park before we had a skate park yeah I meant the majority of the people that I know from earlier Morganton [Music] my mom [Music] um middle-aged white lady Barry mother bear-esque type of care like would kill and yell like my mom wasn't she was very I don't want to say soft but my mom didn't like conflicts necessarily um but when it came to her kids and like the littlest inconveniences or not little inconveniences but just little things that would happen like it could be a my new thing and she would just she would just make it this big thing because she just cared so much and like you know other stuff bigger stuff she like would really you know kill anyone over us you know whether it was me my brother or my dad so in that type of way she just cared a lot and was very passionate about her kids and and her family very passionate about me they didn't matter who it was you know if you were family or even just a friend she cared very passionately about you and I think there's a lot that could go in to that answer why she liked the beach but I think it was a Lighthouse is for sure and just the architecture of lighthouses and just lighthouses being overall a beautiful thing and what lighthouses stand for but I feel like she really loved the beach because of the the freeness of the beach like the vast openness and just how beautiful it was and just like you know you can look at the ocean I guess it's kind of like the mountains you can like you can look at the same Mountain if you like mountains or whatever and you could see that same mountain and be like oh that's a sick [ __ ] Mountain but then you know if you don't like mountains and you like beach you can look at the beach the same way like damn that ocean it's the [ __ ] prettiest thing I've ever seen and it's you know it's the same [ __ ] every time you go like when we'd go to Myrtle and stuff it's like it's just Myrtle but then my mom's having like a [ __ ] blast just sitting in the sand playing with like a pill and a bucket and whatever or a bucket and a shovel in the sand so I think it's just the the overall feeling you get at the beach too like you know it's vacation you think of beach automatically you're like oh this is where I'm gonna chill out at and just kind of like not think about the existential [Music] [ __ ] struggles of life I guess I'd say that that's a good way of putting it explain to me a few times will your mom like legitimately made it herself known to you and known to the like everybody else she supported you wholeheartedly Facebook Facebook Facebook she for one she took all my photos when I first started skating like since she's photography was the thing she wanted to do she would just take these like what is it called it's like burst is that what it's called burst shots of like or action shots or whatever sequence shots however you want to call it of me skating and stuff and she just like she'd do Photoshop too Photoshop was like the main thing that she really liked to do and she would just make these like Photoshop sequence shots of me skating with like filters and like backgrounds and stuff and she just posted on Facebook like she wanted to to get good photos like real early and I was like one of the one of the first times and honestly one of the last times that we did something like that because she was just a big bigger lady and you know time and working and you know other [ __ ] going on in her life we didn't really do that that much but it was [ __ ] sick when we did because it was like me and my mom were working towards the same thing and like helping each other out [Music] I don't know it's dope [ __ ] missed this [ __ ] oh my God that that's that's a time where she was where it was like okay she like she's really supports my skating and just her like bragging all their friends and stuff she just bragged to everyone about everything that I did and skating like every every time I land something new or just skate in general I'm just like yeah like my mom's like super proud of me you know like the whole classic she's looking down for me watching me blah blah you know like I keep that in mind and just anytime I accomplish something little I just think of like oh like if I was to tell my mom that she would be super proud of me right now you know and just I just try to keep that even when she was alive I try to I tried to keep that like encouragement with me wherever I went because like she was a heavy set person couldn't really go places with me so she you know she'd have to be there when any time I'd be at a different skate park it was like she's in my mind of like you know if no one else is proud of me I know my mom is so that's how that's how I kind of keep that encouragement with me is just constantly thinking about her as I skate and just you know keeping that mindset that she was super proud of me and still in a super proud of me what's one thing she either said or done or both actually just vote but you'll never forget that like not not like in regards to skateboarding or just in regards to your life anything that you think it back on um being myself for one just Unapologetic unapologetically being myself and like really just expressing myself to to however I wanted to um and just being a good mom like giving me advice on women and how to treat women and stuff and just just how to be a good person just her overall existence is you know like yeah I mean there's really I can't necessarily remember exact like little quotes from her at this point in time right now but I mean just being a good mom she's a solid [ __ ] mom you know just taught me how to be a good person being creative um sticking up for me when I was really shy at one point which I'd say I get from her but then she taught me how to not be shy how to just kind of like live my truth or whatever you know I don't think anyone would call you shy now I'd probably still say I'm shy I can be shy in some instances like talking to women I tend to be pretty sure is if if you could say anything to her now what would you say what would I say yeah [ __ ] I would say I love you for sure there's a lot I would say but I love you for shorts I didn't get to really talk to her before she died so I would definitely say I love you and I would apologize for everything [Music] thank you it was not being there as much of it [Music] it's not being there as much as I could have been I was like the sun and like even like a brother in in some ways just constantly worry about skating and other stuff that like really didn't matter we're just putting stuff putting stuff off with her to go do stuff that really didn't matter and I should have just like went and been with her stuff and everything she knows I'm almost too yeah and she's I mean I I doubt in her heart because she love you that she ever like salted you know never hated you for it yeah I try to keep that without fault and I think that's like the worst thing is because that's never coming back yeah and you know as much as like other people love you there's always there's always this you know something to stick to it like your mom is like she's loving you regardless but yeah it doesn't matter what it doesn't matter if you kill like 40 people she's like nah it's still my son he's never killed nobody she could watch you murder someone who's like it's not my boy then that's what really sucks is just not getting that back you're always having to like fight fight to find that like sort of love that you will never find because there's only one look one type of love between a mom and a child at least at least we have something to give to the world because of them shoes check the strip trick banana [ __ ] water safely okay I think I'm as ready [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] the goal yeah now is to win like it's always been to win but it was never to the degree of like I'm a competitive person but like sometimes I can just set aside my competitiveness and like just enjoy like fully enjoy not saying that competitive people can't enjoy like events and like competitions and stuff but for me it like takes away sometimes of me actually enjoying where I'm at because if I do lose or if I do set up an expectation and I don't need it I'm gonna get upset it's just kind of how it is I feel like a lot of people are like that so I try not to set that expectation but this time like I don't expect to win but I have a very high level of confidence that I will win and if I don't it's fine why don't you expect to win is there a reason like mentally why you feel like you don't expect to win I don't know I just I don't know I feel like if I do say like I'm gonna win you know I'm putting it out there in the world and then like I don't know I don't know it's a good question I've never really I don't know I guess it's a humbling type things like Spain like you know I could win I could not win yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] how does it feel to be here it wasn't really good really good I need to calm down below because I don't need to get hurt yeah you're going pretty hard on the practice bro I'm not gonna lie I just want to get my I just want to feel comfortable you know but I already have is just like just because everybody's here yeah [Applause] dude if I had money I would definitely pay for your entry yeah it's all right hey hell yeah [Music] thank you [Music] all right we're gonna get started start getting everybody together for the first heat of the advance and sponsored category judges are you ready over there all right first heat for the advanced sponsored category is going to be William Garrett giovanti Alexander Daniel Harrell went home so we have Logan Scruggs see Lance if you are in the first heat [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] you want to tell me about how you feel about that first round it was not good but okay it was okay it wasn't the best but why are you not so good about it I I don't stay on my board as much as I wanted to but all right if I get a second chance [Music] everyone here is killing it and I love each and every one of you here [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] final four how you feeling I feel pretty good I think I got this we got this one I'm gonna do my same run do it [Music] foreign [Music] ERS for the final category Advanced monster division we'll go ahead go ahead and hand out all the prizes [Music] all right after we announce all the prizes open skate for everyone all right with the four contestants come up with Will Gantt come up good I wish I would have done better but it's whatever I had fun it was all fun that's all that matters having fun and doing this [ __ ] you feel disappointed yourself or anything like that or yeah yeah I got next year and whatever contests come go ahead like in October oh yeah like that one right there I'm just gonna practice and practice practice oh nose man [Applause] and I just want to skate that's all I want to do I just want to stay for the rest of my life whether I make it or not or they don't care I would love to but I just want to skate and do what I love for the rest of my life my mom didn't get a chance to do that and she passed away last year so I just kind of want to follow that and do that of what she couldn't do and I just want to just keep doing it and maybe I make it maybe I don't but I think she would just be really happy that I kept going and regardless of the fact that I just didn't stop I did what I love or do I'm doing what I love and will continue to do what I love regardless I like it or I break something or I get a crazy disease or something like that I'll just keep skating and not really worry about much of anything else sick dude everyone needs a creative outlet and [ __ ] you know like if I didn't have skateboarding I'd go insane like I don't know what I would fill my day with I don't know what I would daydream about I mean I like making clothes and drawing but skateboarding has such a grip on my whole soul it's crazy it's weird and I think everyone needs that kind of thing to keep them sane in this really weird unexplainable thing we call life you know you just need something to take your mind off of existing because existing's hard existing is like the hardest thing in life people say bills and taxes are a headache but just existing is a headache you know [Music] thank you [Music] fears were lost [Music] yeah it actually looks kind of sick [Music] [Music] I don't know about that brother [Music] [Music] anxious [Music] I got a trick I think would look really sick everything [Music] yeah [Music] uh further back before I can yeah will you get like that there you go that's where I'm able to see you is 19 years that goes in [Music] this case [Music] [Music] [Applause] stay stay and when to leave foreign [Music] no well I hope the shots that we do have are good because I can't do that anymore hey my phone's good though
Channel: A Hometown Productions
Views: 6,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skateboard documentary, skateboarding, indie film, no budget film, low budget film, low budget documentary, Morganton NC, North Carolina, North Carolina documentary, skateboarding movie, skateboarding film
Id: v0h1NZbDD28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 55sec (3775 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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