"A Short-Lived Funeral" - Acts 9:36-43 (1.29.17) - Pastor Jordan Rogers
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Channel: Dr. Jordan Neal Rogers
Views: 3,773
Rating: 4.625 out of 5
Keywords: Tabitha, Dorcas, gazelle, beauty, death, dead, resurrect, resurrection, Apostle, Peter, Simon, Jesus, Christ, Yahweh, Jehovah, Lord, Yeshua, Christian, Messianic, Jerusalem, Joppa, Lydda, Sharon, healing, funeral, arrangements, casket, preparation, Acts, Apostles, miracle, raise, life, salvation, grace, mercy, hope, help, preaching, expository preaching, exposition, biblical, scriptural, Bible, Scripture, Hillcrest, Baptist, Church, Jordan, Rogers, Jordan Rogers
Id: ukGJubZ19XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2017
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