A shelter cat's fairy tale ending

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his owner very suddenly passed away he was thought to be 18 years old very ill there was no interest in anyone adopting him as a hospice case it was me or nobody at that point hi handsome I'm Sarah this is Elliot's story for geob beats in August 2021 he wound up the shelter no one really thought he was going to survive too long it was very difficult as you can imagine to really convince anyone to take this cat home right he's on IV fluids he's on medication he's on a special di he might not live more than a month or two here you go come on he looked really really skinny and sad he lost hope and I was so upset by that I had three cats already all with special needs or seniors and I couldn't even bom taking on another one but I remember at my job at the time of my lunch break just bursting breaking down into tears just thinking about him all the time and how no one was going to step up for him and I said I don't want to alone in the cage guess what you're going home tomorrow the day we brought Elliot home he was just the sweetest you couldn't not love him I brought him over by the window he just lit up that sparkle in his eye gave me a little bit of hope I thought to myself this guy is not ready to go he was so excited to be roaming free [Music] again he had all these toys he picked up one of the Springs grabbed it like a mouse and dropped it in the water bowl did she put in the water bowl he loved the cats you'd think oh the older cats have a hard time adjusting not him he acted like he'd been there the entire [Music] time it was just night and day difference between this sad cat and the shelter cage and it was like euphoric for being our house I would call Elliot the most perfect gentleman he would lick your face the most gentle way possible he had a very soft her [Music] also everything about him was just so soft love bunny love OT none of the other cats picked on him ever they knew there was something about him he was not a troublemaker he loved cuddling with Polly our other senior cat he brought him so much comfort he was very humanlike in my mind it seemed like he things you want food good morning you hungry are you looking at your food he was so expressive in his eyes he looked at me like I love you so much we thought he would have 2 months with him but we actually made his 2-year gacha day we really do think that he hung on as he wanted his party as he declined we asked our friends to tell us the names of their Angels over the Rainbow Bridge and I read Elliot all the names of the friends that he was going to make over there every day we had with him was a celebration of him he literally was a miracle proof that cats have nine lives I would tell him thank you for two beautiful years that we had together our house feels emptier without him here but he also was the missing puzzle piece that we never knew we needed I'll always be his mom [Music]
Channel: GeoBeats Animals
Views: 307,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u6kSmYQfu9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 37sec (217 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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