Подборка нападений животных на автомобили. Животные против машин
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Channel: Podborkın TV
Views: 7,378,729
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Keywords: нападение животных, атака животных на машины, нападение животных на машны, атака слона, атака носорога, носорог напал на машину, слон напал на машину, медведь против машины, animal attacks on cars, буйвол напал на маину, бык ломает машину, животное ломает машину, слон перевернул машину, носорог перевернул машину, the elephant attacks the car, Rhino attacks the car, бегемот атакует машину, животные бьют машины, животные против машин, лось бьет машину, животные атакуют
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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Man: Drives car closer and closer to alligator, intentionally edging tire at it.
Alligator: Rips off bumper.
Man: Surprised pikachu face
For real though, some of these are people driving forwards when that was definitely the wrong move. Crazy to see bovids lifting up cars though, moos are every bit as strong as they look.
2:43 hits close to home - my sister's car was destroyed by a pack of dogs trying to get a cat that hid out in her car's wheel well. I couldn't believe how badly they tore that thing up.
rip to that jeep’s washer fluid
How much is Geico paying them?