A Retro KINGDOM | Kingdom Eighties

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a bit too bright for my liking today stop being such a bright shining star wow oh okay sorry damn they went all out for this didn't they uh am I going for this okay all right hello everybody and welcome to Kingdom 80s the summer of greed how do I change your volume because that's very loud difficulty normal hard or easy normal no difficulties it is a unique Kingdom experience we recommend normal difficulty for players who are new to the series veterans want to increase their difficulty to hot or curse I wouldn't call myself a veteran but sure let's play Let's Play casually oh hell look at this so this is basically a kingdom game but instead of like a kingdom it's just the 80s oh my God this is so loud I'm turning this down I'm sorry look at this like whoa It's all the greed look like whoa dude you're dead I'm sorry you just died I just I just switched some motor and you're just gonna intro me like that damn oh he's a lifestyle I'm sorry Camp Kingdom this is awesome wait this is so cool sorry I'm talking over I better see some every enemy variety of the Wazoo okay dude's face turned into a butthole and then died episode one a summer at Camp Kingdom oh hello oh uh we gonna talk about that I've been looking for you let's move you have the bloodline of the monarchs you must take the crowd of a creation ah what does that even mean you pull my leg or something you jacking my ding hold my dog stand here old Ada set up a camp whoa whoa this is nice this is spicy I thought that was a creeper's face stand here or to recruit two kids oh yeah child labor stand here I'll just defend the wolves and hunt for coins okay you can tell me that in due time um yeah this way okay I can do that stand here yes a builder workers build walls and chop trees and coins used by a hammer watch until the kid picks up the hammer look at this little nerdy kid I got a hammering games I got a hammer I'm gonna go work on this wall what a loser um where are we headed weird ghost of Christmas Past I think uh almost stand here is this a wall keep the walls to keep the greed out at night wolves keep the grid out at night yes wait for the worker to finish building work I get to work on that man oh thank you for your doubloons what is this currency these don't look like are they like arcade tokens oh this is sick oh you killed a rabbit the rabbits and squirrels have on them man they're covered in goopy stand here yeah the tree cut trees to improve I just watched a bug flag to watch yeah cut trees to Something I Don't Know expand to improve your account with work for finish clutch finish chopping stand here this way give me my coins first stand here recruit two kids tap to drop coins oh okay stand here in Dubai boo okay let's let's get some more options up in here okay get your bows get to work kids stand here okay this is really slow tutorial I kind of know how to play Kingdom it's just this is really weird looking stand here what's this call home I like it [Music] do I read this oh Bob why would I have right now but leave your name and number well we'll get back to you real soon wait there's no voice acting in this game come on up the budget I have to find a way to get to get there if only the roads weren't blocked also I'm lost in the middle of nowhere okay okay I'm picking up the story I'm getting it maybe I can get the canoe back and follow the river home they did steal a canoe okay so you turn you're just gonna try your first option is to choose to try and Slaughter the weird demons that's really far away that is really far away you'll need to get that canoe to get home yeah they just took it to their own dimension they just took it through a dimensional Rift and some help from a friend oh there's someone up there hey hi do I know you oh oh or maybe two who are you what are you doing out here but how are you not dead damn it's up to you now get our canoe back I don't think it's yours you're a ghost you don't need it left trigger to boost okay cool uh and this is just Kingdom I just get to work I guess then right okay let me try to upgrade this because let's let's increase the power the power that we hold with an iron fist I shall rule this Kingdom this uh and that one kid who's in like the role-playing he's just two over the top it's like yeah you you're right after you work for me killing it hand me your coins uh should I try and expand that what's what's this hello what is this what is this wow look at the trees they're covered in goop and sploogie oh this is so cool I like this hey I saw that give it to me hand it off oh you weren't holding back on me can I read the Wolves a bit more yeah let's upgrade the wall from a pile of trash to a wall maybe I'd like to survive this ordeal you're too bright I'm gonna turn you down I'm turning your lighting down that's right you're doc now wait no the game's too bright oh okay um yeah we doing good can I get some more watches I don't have enough people I need to hire some more people to work here hello does anyone wanna more Builders Maybe I probably should get some more Builders too what is this thing so I can call home occasionally there's a building here this is a canoe building oh this this is a good wall this is a wooden wall this is cool uh let's cut down some trees let's expand outwards this way you guys work for me right now you kids oh I refill my I just drink some energy drink drink some Gatorade I'm in the middle of nowhere but I have like an infinite supply of energy drinks I'm making the brighter again I can't decide I'm a bad YouTuber all right shut up I'm allowed to do whatever I want channels got like not enough subscribers where I care okay a professional you're a professional shut the up give me my money get handed over give me the dough yeah that's right I'm gonna hire some kids with that no way in the back I didn't mean to drop that thank you uh let's get another tree down and let's let's hire you two you work for me you work for me now you work for me sorry do you work all right uh can I have a coin from that I want to cut down some more trees okay so I don't want to cut down too far in because then they'll get rid of that building right so cut down this one that'll be it you work for me no you do okay how long till sunset when does the Sun go down because that's when I need to worry that's what I need to be scared of things let's bring the microphone into my face you want to eat some mouth it's mine hi uh okay so the plan is to survive the night to survive everything I can I call home again I'm homesick I don't like dying Mom Dad I'm dying out here do you have money wait dude work for me you didn't even work for me what a oh you threw that way too far buddy oh oh thank you thank you oh weird lady that I probably don't pay at all I pay them in that infinite supply of supply of Gatorade that I have so I move my background a lot I'm just like I've got my setup recently it's really fun like I'm loving it like having a mic having this microphone that costs like 20 like this like whole like mic stand setup is life-changing it's a whole different thing I had a Pringles can before this you want to see what I had wait I'm gonna get it during the night because I don't think I can do much right you guys can watch okay you can watch while I show up my Pringles can this was where my iPhone used to be inside my microphone used to be inside this it's a half painted with black marker because I was like I gotta make it look professional so I'll paint a part that you could see it was a good night by the way I think I survived the night without any issues uh I don't have any money though so that's probably problematic but I'll figure it out more more hammers please I need some more people working on those look s the Moon is wow I forgot how fast the Kingdom's games go these games chew up time like it literally just this game devours your life and then spits it back out as like money under Kingdom wow uh I think it's Daytona I think I can go out I gotta explore I gotta find something oh look day two is that toaster is that like a cartridge hey dude you want to work with me you want to work for me slavery oh oh cutscene I initiated cutscene with that whoa that looks like a fun park dude this guy's sick whoa dude you work for me now buddy this is awesome champ how's it going down there want me to help you get that canoe yeah yeah maybe I could accept all those weird stuff going on I'm not sure of myself no buddy keep that keep it up may not look like it to you but I'm original rowing champion and you know don't laugh but I think I could just hold that trophy again if I get that confidence back all right all right champ is your name champ really what other creatures even want my trophy oh I need to get you a trophy I pay you a dollar just so you can tell me to go get more you dude you I don't want that guy on my team what an oh hey oh oh doubloons free into Blues you guys work for me now get on head back over whoa okay so I need to find his trophy somehow hmm where would I find his trophy also the trees covered in the like purple lit Is Amazing by the I love it hey you work for me slavery uh can I upgrade this building at all can I keep it no like exhausted myself riding a bike isn't that hard man come on well I could I can pay for a traffic cone and a lock I don't get it I don't know what I'm doing I don't understand but that's okay how am I gonna go find him a uh a trophy because where would I find a trophy in this place oh I need I require him to level this up oh okay did you see that there I'm not gonna go back but I I require the next person to be able to upgrade that let's get a couple more Bowman because that'll be useful to have and uh do you guys have enough money for me to like okay good good good do you not throw it so far it's really aggressive uh let's build a wall out here a little bit just quickly and I don't know this building does so I'm just gonna ignore it and just destroy it I guess okay let's let's push out a little bit I think I have time what's this oh it's like a local pool oh this is sick the 80s Vibe that's beautiful it's a diving board you just gotta dive into the river what a cool game I mean so far at least this feels like it could have just been like a skin like a teary texture for the original game but I mean like hey that's cool I'm glad they put effort into it the kingdoms games have always maybe so then go like I feel like you could do more with that but like hey whatever floats you brought what's this building oh okay I guess I'll never know let's upgrade this wall again because I don't want to die overnight fix that guys builders get on that get on that stuff get on it slave away can I one of you guys come out here and break this tree real quick because I know I still like it it breaks it blocks my view okay cut it down cut down this tree cut him come on cut it down you iron fist I'm telling you iron fist there we go good man good man you're lucky I don't break your glasses today am I just a bully I'm just a bully I'm just like get to work okay I'm not paying you but you better boy do it hey hand me those coins I saw that okay there we go so what's this building oh my flashlight turn on I think it's night time get inside kid get inside kid look at the moon's out get inside weird um so now what now what would I do I just keep expanding outwards until I find his trophy find atrophy oh hey where'd you come from all these people just inside this building why are people's why are children sporting out of that building I don't know me why don't you answer that question uh any any greed over here in the in the um two crowds game on the first island the greeter only on one like side of the map well they're on the side where the cliff is so and when we saw the cliff they took the canoe inside the cliff on the right hand side so maybe that's just the only side I really need to defend I don't know I mean I'll try and push out the left side as well but I guess I'll defend primarily the right have they been passed I think they've been passed okay do you guys really don't have money okay day three we'll go to like day five or something like that then I'll close the video all right well we'll keep it nice and short I might do more of this I might play I get mini series mini-series micro series Nano series your mom's a nano series hey hey can you help me out I can't afford that all right have fun we have people whoa whoa he's trophy hey it cost me a dollar to get that out man I gotta come out here with money next time is it gross squirrel you um well that's a portal I'm gonna go I was hoping I'd find a chest if I found a chest I could just get both of these on the way back but I guess I'll have to go find some money maybe I'll stick to explore on the left side hey hey girl how's it going it's cool it's really nice I feel like I feel like I just keep sucking this game's dick I'm like oh so basically it's so good it really is like this is really nice this one is games I'm gonna like sit down and have dreams about be like oh it's so beautiful it's so pretty it's so nice I actually had a nightmare about Amnesia last night it was horrible I don't I don't know how to describe it because it's one of those things where it's like a dream where it's like how do you like even word that into things what do I what does this thing do for me is this food I don't know I have two coins wait a minute wait wait wait drink some trick good good job me let's head let's go I gotta go buy some stuff I have enough money to purchase one human probably a cut scene with that as well and one trophy one human quickly cutscene whoa what do you need me to get you how long have you been working up there wow good job tinkerer there I'd like to see why this creeps getting here now hey saw you coming a mile away nice moves yeah want me to help leaving this place won't come down until it's safe for me okay so I gotta build outs around her building and then she'll leave okay I'm still hearing monsters out there okay oh this means I need to have a wall around that around that area okay that's cool that checks out but that means I can unlock the other stuff then I'll try and build a wall I'm just gonna push out the walls then whoa I'll take your trophy no no I got I the trophy okay let's go I didn't even drop it okay have fun up there sorry about that Jesus there's a volcano of those things I'm ready I'm running out of breath okay quick quick quick I think we're fine and everything oh sorry actually cool and it's really freaking scary I don't realize I was gonna cause a solar eclipse by doing that at least I have a trophy now look at this thing look at that do I need to clean it before he takes it now it's fine he doesn't need it hey we had alien things what even are they like zombies aren't they they agreed they're all here for my money and here for my Souls apparently too okay well that was that was a safe night safe day hey weird person have a coin thank you thank you come again I have like no income I need to like expand outwards so I have more money you guys have any money no you got any money no because like there's nothing to kill I don't have any money hello then I don't have any money I'm so poor you need to break trees to be able to like push outwards for enemies just like like animals to spawn but there's no animal sporting because I haven't pushed out far enough there's not enough grassland okay I guess I'll spend the night in here but uh hmm maybe the night will be safe maybe it'll be safe I can hope I hope for a safe and peaceful night without any monsters in sight any money any money you guys have any money oh no yeah oh hell the king shut up losers can't even find me a couple dollars yeah your King's poor it's because of you the poverty rate has increased to 200 because it's affecting me I don't hear any zombies or the greed this fish in the water oh look at that here they are okay greedy greedy men greedy boys how you doing uh there's only four of you only like seven okay hmm I guess I'll push out until I find a chest to get gold out of that'll be the play that's that's a smart decision oh actually I'll give the guy the trophy I'll give him that I might do that then in the video actually that might be smart that might be a smart thing to do this so I can recruit people from those buildings there's like a fishing Outhouse there huh hey dude I got a trophy you found my trophy yes sir I did here you go it's a bit dirty but rad let's get to work whoa hey recruit someone athletic this is cool what do you do for me day four do I just unlock more things by having him I think so honestly oh wow what's this Sputnik what is this is it making noises I don't know if it's doing anything okay I'll look for money there's a bike here hello I can pay four dollars a change bikes it's not the portal okay let's head back before it um turns on then kills me I might end the video here though with me and my new friend and this weird alien ship here I might end this there this is really fun this like just dropped like I literally just recorded dead cells and then my phone like got a notifications like hey Kingdom two Kingdom 80s just came out I was like oh if I could buy that stuff hey here's my buddy because I've been wanting to play this game for a while King the kingdom games are so like peaceful they're so nice it's such like a as I said earlier it just devours time and I like that it's like a good way to spend your time the vibe of the game the vibe it's very atmospheric like the noises something the bushes the trees the bikes the water your people the coins even it's all beautiful the noise of those coins like haunts my brain all right well with that I'm gonna end that there so thank you everybody for watching uh I I'll do more of this if someone wants me to but if not obviously it's here uh what else was I gonna say I don't know what my answer is okay thank you and goodbye [Music] all right [Music]
Channel: Jarq
Views: 109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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