4-Day / 50km Wilderness Canoe Trip in Patagonia, Argentina

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this adventure begins in buenos aires  argentina with my best childhood friend   from here we're going to fly  1300 kilometers southwest   to san carlos de bariloche and drive a further 200  kilometers south to our start point lake cholila here we will put in and travel 27 kilometers down  the Carrileufu river to its mouth in lago or lake   rivadavia after crossing the 14 kilometer lake our  route continues down the river rivadavia for seven   kilometers before hitting lago verde a short three  kilometer paddle should get us across this remote   lake to our finish line and final campsite join  us on this epic 50 kilometer canoe trip across   the remote patagonian wilderness 50 kilometers  three days two paddlers one tent here we go tell us a little bit about your your clothing  for the trip the first thing i found in my closet this is gaston panicking we have no time it's  getting dark very very quickly we just made it   to a campsite uh it's an established campsite  it's getting really late so yeah we're gonna   take it and we need to go get the tent going  and somehow get a fire going it's gonna get   cold tonight you can feel the temperature dropping  really really fast so uh get a move on let's do it dinner all this breakfast now and the rice is too long put the rice  away [ __ ] how are we gonna open this now   oh my gosh we can open it with a knife we need  to go get water to the river though it's like a   400 kilometer walk 400 meter walk let's  go no water now let's find our way back trick whatever yeah i should go quick now fake though this is  too much water man it's not freaking weird it's correct oh yeah i'm going to be generous with  the oil in this more we're getting smoked out am i going straight into this  absolutely sucks taste of nothing   take care man that's too much of nothing ah smoky so morning good morning we just woke up a  few minutes ago we are packing everything all   and we are going to another spot site to  prepare the canoe it's about minus two right now   you can see on the reading there so uh we're  gonna try and get camp sorted out really quickly   and make it to the water build the canoe have a  little breakfast and get on the water let's go so what you doing man my fingers um very good huh all right um my gosh we're finally floating   so much gear and so much preparation  for this moment and it's finally here so   now it's time to enjoy we're going to gear up  with some sunscreen because the sun here in the   south of argentina is brutal so now we got 27  kilometers of this river and we're very tempted   to do some fishing but unfortunately we are behind  schedule and we need to make some serious progress plum coming up quick wash oh yeah okay big goal very lucky yeah beautiful beautiful buddy again became super shallow and then immediately  like super deep like a freaking   wall you know there was crazy so   oh see me it's about 3 30 pm here and  we just got hit with some   headwinds we still have a long way to go  basically so our goal for today is to reach   the lake so we'll do our best to  fight these winds come on let's go you can do it man you're gonna be  winning a couple kilometers man there's some really nice um roast  hips that i'm just gathering   high in vitamin c which we  don't have at the moment so   just gonna gather a few and eat them as i go  along if you take the seeds out you're left   with kind of just the outer bit don't eat that  don't eat the seeds but that is fine mr dishes made it to laguardia after a long day paddling  and the headwinds that were really tough actually   so here you can see this is whole this is a whole  of lagori we have to go around this kind of bank   payable bank that is formed here and then it goes  all south we have about 14 kilometers that way   um to do until we hit the next river but we are  assessing the options it's already about almost 5   30 p.m and uh sun's going down pretty quickly and  on the far western side of the lake there's really   nothing there it's super steep so i think we're  just gonna cash in what we have here we've got   this looks really good here and it's inaccessible  by by foot so it should be pretty pristine let's   go explore let's find the campsite i'm  going to help gotti come out of the water   and take advantage of setting up an earlier camp  and a quality a quality camp that we need we need   to chill out make a fire relax make some food  and recharge it's been a bit of a rush since   we started traveling so we wanna unwind okay  all right let's go give me five good job buddy there's so much driftwood everywhere what's not going to be a problem  at all gonna be easy to get a fire   going if we can find the next spot for the tent there's already a fire pit here so  clearly somebody's already camped here   more than one person thought this was a good  spot so i'm gonna take it and get set up do   so   do do a got some satan sausages i it's too hot nice dinner this is great dinner man good save from yesterday  yesterday was polenta madness man oh my stars are crazy what's up guys it's about  seven in the morning right now   the sun is coming out in  the east just behind there   and uh it's absolutely freezing it must be zero  or close to -1 right now the lake is steaming   it's absolutely quiet and we have to take this  opportunity to try and cross it because yesterday   the wind was raging quite a big lake needless to  say with the cold temperatures it's a risky risky   thing to do especially towards the end of the day  so taking advantage of these good conditions and   it seems like the wind has shifted to to the north  for northerly wind helping us push south so i mean   it looks ideal we need to get on the water and  make the best of these conditions so let's do it okay okay well should be all right should be swimming nicely thank you we're so blessed with this light uh northerly wind  it's pushing us straight south to our location the   sun is on our back the fog is now burning off from  the sunshine we're trolling the fishing line as we   go we're surrounded by uh you know two and a half  thousand meter peaks with snow-capped mountains   and uh everything is wooded and green just  unbelievable guys we couldn't be more lucky   right now with the conditions yesterday we came  and the wind was uh was coming from the south   and we were a little bit worried going to sleep  last night thinking how long it would take us   to cross this lake this is a huge blessing this  would have taken us probably four times as long we're just reaching the southernmost point of the  lake where the lake ends and the river rivalria   starts so really good progress actually we've been  paddling probably for about two and a half hours   perfect conditions hey we've got some couscous some  egg and some seitan sausages and for second course we have some more couscous  some soya schnitzels and some kind of veggie   burger that got destroyed in the pack and  made into some kind of scramble you know   it tastes good though as always no time like the present  to suffer a little bit let's go trusty doll that's all you need guys the crossing the lake that traumatized us we heard the rapid and we were informed of this uh  spot by a local to be careful there's a there's a   stream over here that pushes water and the flow  combines and pushes that's super dangerous i'm   pretty sure we're gonna have to take a portasha no  way that's an accident what do you think happened no way you see the flow comes all the way here  pushes right into that trap with the trees   that's super dangerous man look at these chips  you know what i have to do man for this guy he   doesn't have a waterproof waterproof soft man or  anything oh shoes i'm people falling yeah come on   you're strangling me i'm sorry you get on there better safe than sorry we came to another rapid another logo pretty  dangerous again the flow goes that way   straight into some foiling trees it's  going straight straight straight into   there and then again again there don't run it  you get trapped in there you drown game over okay the right yeah there's no fast  water so we should be okay here oh this river is absolutely  beautiful but it has it's uh   it's dangerous you definitely have to respect  yeah we're progressing well the flow's beautiful   super wild river it's wooded everywhere  not one sign of civilization it's beautiful   the water is crystal clear there are trout  pretty much everywhere every five minutes   we see a trout somewhere tricky spot number three  you know this probably looks a bit more doable but   again this late in the day there's no need to  take any additional risk there's like a ledge   over there that looks sketchy man this the flow  goes right over here the trouble area goes this   way and there's a little like stream here that  kind of bypasses the danger so we welcome that nice beautiful awesome wow so i'll find out so another tree right right there man right in the   right in the middle of the flow it's kind of full  of passwords it's kind of funny right five five worth yeah we just need to control  okay go ahead put your head okay watch this one right perfect let me think good to be here we're only a few  hundred meters away from our finish line   feels good baby i'm oh we made it are you happy that we made it  we made it to the camp come on all right we're doing a little bit of camp admin over here  we've successfully dismantled the canoe only took   about 15 minutes to do and another five minutes  to clean it tense drying here with the last bit   of light and warmth of the day grassy is cooking  us some much needed peanut butter toast to give   us some energy for the next stage which is putting  back the tent and sorting all the gear on cooking   and finding firewood we are completely spent  we're exhausted you're a freaking expert by now   that is perfection man five-star  restaurant very good so good   oh man thank you for cooking that one you're  welcome it's hot it's really nice perfect yeah so we met the campsite manager and it's off season  here and the site is completely closed and   he's basically letting us stay here for free  but we still insisted to give him some money   to have some beers on us but it feels great to be  here it's an absolutely beautiful lake to be in   lago verde which means green lake   beautiful there's no one here so it's amazing yes and just like that like the blink of  an eye our trip was coming to an end   50 kilometers of pristine wilderness had  lifted our souls and provided us with   a much appreciated factory reset it was a  privilege to witness nature so intimately   this is a trip neither of us will ever  forget i can't wait to do it again you
Channel: Eze Adventurer
Views: 11,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AUXniQ52hEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 9sec (2469 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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