A Realistic $500 Console killer pc

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I recently made a video about this gaming PC originally I had built it for $360 and it was supposed to be a jab at a console killer PC of course at the price point it's an absolute steal but you obviously couldn't repeat that build for the same price that I did so today I'm redeeming myself with hopefully a better computer and a better video today we have this and this is my new $500 console killer PC and let me tell you the performance on this thing is actually pretty good from Esports titles all the way to AAA titles this thing will have you covered and this is a build that you can replicate today and I'll have everything linked down below for you to check it out let's get into it this video is sponsored by super cdk if you just built a new computer whether that's a flip or one of your personal builds and you need to activate Windows then visit them down below they have Windows 10 and windows 11 keys but before you check out be sure to use the discount code SP to save some extra money on checkout and once you get the key activating it is super easy just copy and paste it straight into the window activation settings on your computer thank you super cdk for sponsoring this video and be sure to check them out down below so that first PC I built it was pretty sick and it performed great price to Performance was awesome and it had a really nice upgrade path thanks to am4 but if you can't build it for a repeatable price then what's the point well here's today's build it has the same awesome upgrade path thanks to am4 but it's actually a realistic build starting off this build is a CPU I went with the ryzen 55500 and I got this brand new off Amazon for $99 and since I got it brand new it also came with a wraith stealth cooler and this should be enough cooling for the ryzen 5 there's a 6 core 12th processor that is built on am4 so you have a ton of different options for CPUs if you want to spend a little bit less than 100 bucks then you can pick up something like the ryzen 5 3600 or if you want a new one you can pick up the ryzen 5 4500 which is around 80 to 9 brand new I'm going to be pairing this ryzen processor with a b450 motherboard for $65 you can either buy used or new and expect to pay around that $65 price range but you shouldn't be paying more than that especially with how cheap you can find b450 boards on the used Market the exact model I went with is a gigabyte b450m ds3h Wi-Fi it has four dim slots one m.2 slot and a total of eight USB ports on the back to finish out the motherboard I went with 16 G of ram in a 1 TB SSD my kit of RAM is a 2X 8 GB kit and it's clocked at 3200 MHz and the nvme SSD I went with is a 1 TB from silicone power I recommend finding the cheapest Ram kit you can find that's at least at 3200 MHz and for the SSD just find the cheapest 1 tbte from a reputable brand for the power supply in the build I went with something that you might not like it's a thermal T smart 600 wat unit I'll give you guys a second to drop all your comments down below about me using a bomb for a power power supply if you're watching this video then the power supply was fine and I didn't blow up if you're worried about it for your personal build then you can just spend a little bit of extra money on a better unit I just went with the thermal take unit because at the time of recording that was the only inst stock unit on Amazon and last but not least is the case since a PS5 is white I also decided to go with a white chassis it is the antech nx2 200m and I scored this bad boy on a sale for $55 so my Carex out with one included fan and overall it's pretty good value for what it is and now the final part of the build the GPU well it's in this box I bought it from eBay for15 and 725 for shipping and let's just say I had a scare with this package I did not think it was going to show up when I was deciding what GP to go with the options were pretty slim in my price range on the Nvidia side I could have went with the RTX 2060 and then on the AMD side you have the RX 5700 XT so what GP did I go with well let's open up this box and take a [Applause] look the card I just decided to go with was the RX 5700 XD team AMD baby exact one I got is the ASRock Phantom gaming triple fan model when I was on eBay looking for a GPU I came across this ad and it was titled rx5700 after looking at the ad a little bit deeper swiping through the pictures I zoomed in on the sticker on the GPU and I saw that it was an RX 5700 XT and then the seller also had some like screenshot benchmarks which confirmed the GPU even more well fingers crossed all the parts were work together let's build [Music] it [Music] I didn't think the GP was fitting oh my goodness wow the build is done and I'm happy that GPU fit it is a tight squeeze the one zip tie I used right here for the pcie cables was actually the only one that I used in the whole build this PC build was so Simple Man Simple fans no RGB and no stated cables for the storage drives you got to love it in good news it all works too here's a quick price breakdown of the whole build so for the ryzen 55500 it was $99 and I paid 106 after tax rx5700 125 141 and 31 after tax and you can just go down the list my price with tax was $ or new pricing and it's all linked down below but now let's test this thing out and see how it performs before I show you the FPS numbers I do want to mention that the GPU in the PS5 is equivalent to the orx 6700 non XT so on paper it's better than our gaming PC and speaking of gaming the PS5 States 120 FPS at 4K but we all know that's not real we will keep that 120 FPS number in the back of our minds when we test out games I quickly tested a couple of games to see if the system was running stable of course I ran good old fortnite to warm it up and it all seemed to be running good it was playing really smooth and the temps were pretty good but the only issue is the CPU fan keeps ramping up and down and it's honestly just super obnoxious other than that the system seems to be handling it well I also decided to test out a harder to run title so I loaded up cyber Punk and this is this is where things kind of took a turn so the temps they were good in fortnite but man not in cyberpunk our poor little GPU was starting to sweat before continuing to test I decided to just shut it down and do some maintenance on the PC since the GPU was bought off eBay I gave it a quick cleaning and applied fresh thermal paste and since the case only came with one fan I decided to add an extra one in the front this should help bring the GPU temps down considering there isn't much clearance under our graphics card the heat is kind of just sitting there so fresh air shouldn't hurt I also downloaded this Control software and set both case fans and the CPU fan to run at a more stable curve this software is super cool it allows you to tweak the fan settings without even having to go into the BIOS I highly recommend it and then the last thing I did was applied a slight undervolt to the GPU with a Target voltage of 1100 Ms after making all those changes I loaded back into fortnite I ran the game at performance mode with 100% 3D red scale far review distance and everything else on low I tested a handful of times at 1080P and some games at 1440 p and at 1080p the system averaged 178 FPS and then at 1440p the system averaged 139 FPS yeah this PC absolutely wins over the consoles we were averaging more FPS than the PS5 can even output so if your main game is fortnite then I definitely recommend this PC over the console let's move on to another game I decided to test Apex Legends and I sort of tested it the same way I did fortnite I was running the game at competitive settings which is all Shadow settings turned off and then basically whatever else you want I had everything else at medium and I kept the settings the exact same across both resolutions at 1080p our PC averaged 223 frames and then at 1440p we still kept a pretty strong FPS average right at 190 and once again we absolutely crushed the 120 Target FPS from the PS5 now let's retest cyberpunk and give it another whirl my main thing was keeping an eye on the GPU Temps and well they slightly improved it is still running hot but it's not as bad as it was I first ran the game at 1440p with high settings and I enabled upscaling because we know the PS5 uses it too at high settings the system averaged right under 60 FPS I wanted to get above the 60 FPS Mar so then I tested with low settings and averaged 89 FPS in Hogwarts Legacy the temperatures were another issue again I was running around with high settings and of course upscaling and it was doing good the game had defaulted to me ium but I wanted to see what our system was capable of and it averaged 77 FPS with high settings overall the PC I mean it performed great you guys saw the FPS numbers temperatures were kind of scary though so is this PC worthy of being a console killer I don't know what do you think should you build this or just buy a console in my opinion you should build this but I'm saying that and it sounds unfair cuz I'm a PC guy so you just have to ask yourself if it's worth it with all the extra steps involved and the extra cost consoles are just plug-and playay in your gaming PCs aren't I mean I had to build this thing I had to mess with it to try to get it running correctly and I even had to take apart the graphics card it's not hard but if you are a beginner then it can be challenging so consoles are definitely easier but I do recommend this PC build especially for the money it's really good value and as far as the temperatures go I just have to say this so the temps are bad but I've been playing for hours and it hasn't shut off on me the temperatures could have been my fault or just a GPU problem I did everything I could to try to help with them anyways if you enjoyed this video then smash that like button and please leave any feedback Down Below in the comments it may not seem like it but I do read every comment and I do appreciate it if you want to see more content like this for me in the future then be sure to sub and turn on noties and I'll catch you in the next video peace
Channel: Elijahs Lab
Views: 136,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming pc, console killer, budget gaming pc, best gaming pc, how to build a gaming pc, gaming pc build
Id: 661t93XElSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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