a REAL day in the life as a freelance filmmaker

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there's something about the daily routine that has  always overwhelmed me an instinctual need to over complicate simple tasks to push for exceptional  productivity it's like we aspire to make the most of every day to never waste the thing that  always seems to slip by faster and faster truthfully the longer i've been here on this  earth living in the pursuit of happiness the more i've realized that sometimes the simplest days  are the ones that fulfill me the most being an entrepreneur there's a sort of shameful stigma  around being someone whose routine doesn't involve waking up at six am and attacking the day like  a feature on forbes relentless there's something to be said for that kind of lifestyle but for  me this is what a typical day looks like a real day the routine that keeps me motivated  and productive but most importantly just happy i'm a night owl and probably one  of the worst of them i'm not gonna lie i've endlessly fought to be a morning person but  over the years i've just found that my creative brain simply tends to function better in the  evening so getting started just a few hours later allows me to better take advantage of the creative  boost i tend to feel as the day progresses not every day looks like this but honestly  these are some of the days i look forward to the most the days i find my balance a chance  to breathe to some simple can mean mundane but the simplest of things can also be the  most beautiful and complex in their own ways after waking up and a quick breakfast kylie and i  like to head across the street to grab some coffee i'm fully aware that this isn't  the most economical choice but in many ways the pandemic has changed the way  i live my life even in the smallest of ways and i'm sure it won't last forever but for now  i'm glad to spend three or four dollars on a coffee every few mornings in order to spend  you know 20 or so minutes outside to stretch my legs and feel the fresh air exchange a  couple of hellos some casual conversation to me it's a small sacrifice worth making most  of the afternoon is spent taking care of the most urgent work on my plate sometimes it's editing  a client project or emails writing or filming a video for youtube i tend to allow these hours  to be my most flexible as the day-to-day work that needs to be done varies pretty drastically  depending on the current projects it's sort of the blessing but also the curse of freelance like the  need to be strict with your schedule is imperative but it also gives you the freedom to work the  hours you choose speed bumps and roadblocks are bound to happen taking breaks is a good thing i  found that i'm my most happy and productive when i don't force things allowing the day to unfold  and simply working my way down my to-do list admittedly as i think many of us my habits with  fitness and the gym have definitely slacked a bit i do my best to get in the gym maybe three times  a week for if i'm feeling good as time has gone on and my schedule has gotten more filled the i don't  have time excuse definitely tends to slip out a little too often the more i've been doing this  and the more that i've been prioritizing my mental health and just my happiness i realized that  finding a routine that works for you that keeps you motivated that keeps you excited to wake  up and not feel overwhelmed with the work that you're trying to accomplish is the most important  thing you can do for your life and your career as the day progresses on i aim to try and wrap  up my work before dinner spending time with my partner maybe unwinding with a glass of wine i've  been making an effort to disconnect from things sooner but it's not uncommon to find myself  editing or shooting well into the late evening being 25 years old and working in this  creative industry where you're surrounded by people who are pushing the boundaries who  are posting on youtube multiple times a week it can be hard and almost discouraging to feel as  though you're not doing enough on a daily basis this is something i've struggled with for so long  in my career especially as i've continued to grow could i do more every day could i make more money  and take on more work each week the answer is probably yes but is that a decision that's going  to keep me happy and keep me wanting to pursue this whole thing which ultimately started as a  passion as the years go on my work and my routines will forever be in flux not fighting it and  allowing yourself to relax and find comfort and even the simplest of routines is something  i think we could all strive to do a little more you
Channel: Ryan Kao
Views: 70,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ryan kao, cinematic sequence, ryan kao cinematics, A day in the life, A real day in my life, Day in the life, Day in the life of a filmmaker, Day in the life of a content creator, Cinematographer, Cinematic day in the life, Cinematic vlog, A day in my life, Freelance filmmaker, A real day in the life as a freelance filmmaker
Id: n1qRe0ovowo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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