A Reagan Forum with Judge Jeanine Pirro — 09/05/2018

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ladies and gentlemen please welcome judge Jeanine Pirro [Applause] good evening everyone my name is John highbush I have the honor of being the executive director of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation Institute I want to thank everyone for coming this evening and I also want to ask if you'll please stand and join me for the Pledge of Allegiance in honor of our troops I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thanks please be seated [Applause] if you'd like to know how to pack an auditorium with a thousand people and near an instance I have the answer for you invite judge Jeanine Pirro to come speak [Applause] [Music] quicker than you can say lock her up or build that wall well here you have it the Reagan auditorium is filled let me tell you that's a testament to Judge Bureau we have had former presidents of the United States up on this stage presidential candidates first ladies foreign dignitaries famous authors of famous books TV personalities Network anchors fortune 500 CEOs war heroes and pro football quarterbacks except for Colin Kaepernick but few of them very few of them can attract an audience of this size so quickly it's a testament in part I guess to the power of Fox News but Judge Pierrot didn't just materialize before us as a legal experts and news personality on-air out of thin air she's come to us as a woman with a long and distinguished public service career earned the hard way now by the hard way I mean the crucible where personality and character and just plain true grit are forged in the hottest and most intense political fire in existence that's something called the New York State politics in a state known for its unforgiving hand-to-hand political combat and tabloid press judge Pierrot is a woman of firsts she decided she wanted to be a lawyer at age six and never looked back she got her start as an assistant district attorney for Westchester County where she started the first domestic violence unit and a prosecutor's office in the nation the first woman to prosecute murder cases there she was also the first woman to serve as a Westchester County Court Judge now while some pundits have opined she might one day be appointed as president Trump's first female nominee to sit on the highest court in our land [Applause] it seems boy what I like to go to those confirmation parents [Applause] it's in New York where she was granted the title of judge for the very first time speaking of president Truong one would be mistaken if they believe that his admiration of the star of Fox's hit show justice with judge GE began when the program first aired in 2011 no in fact they have been close friends and supporters of one another for decades long before he even considered the presidency or he could tune in as he most often does to watch her program on Saturday nights tonight judge Pierrot comes to us with another first in hand this time it's the number one New York Times best-selling book six weeks running of called Liars leakers and liberals [Applause] it is absolutely worth picking up a copy and staying after for her remarks this evening for her to sign it I mean given this week's new news about the president's well known and long-held frustrations with Jeff Sessions how many books do each of you have on your shelves at home signed by a possible future Attorney General [Applause] but don't take my word for it take president Trump's recent tweet and I quote our great judge Jeanine Pirro is out with a new book it's fantastic go get it well I did ladies and gentlemen please join me and welcome me to the Reagan Library author and judge Jeanine Pirro [Applause] I don't even need to be this chair [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I thank you no thank you thank you I'm stunned I really am I didn't realize that there was a second floor here and I didn't realize there were this many people in California that I had anything in common with first of all thank you John thank you for that introduction and and let me say that I couldn't be more happy than to be here tonight at the Reagan Library I am late for which I apologize but I can blame other Californians and but I look forward to spending time here even after the event is is done this evening I have always been a huge fan of Ronald Reagan huge to even is and I will never forget and I had it on my desk when I was a sitting da his horse with his boots backwards in the stirrups and that was out of respect of course for him and a recognition that he was a man who loved horses who was into ranches but I don't have to tell any of you that you're here the man was an all-american hero from beginning to end without a doubt without a doubt so as John indicated my friend Donald Trump who I've known for almost 30 years is someone that I never expected would run for president but I'm not surprised and it's almost as though everyone knew from Melania to his sister who is on the circuit court of appeals I mean which is obviously one down from the United States Supreme Court they both said once he announced he was going to run that he would win they had no doubt at all and while the press and the media you know pontificated about this man everyone who knew the man knew that he could win and he came to us at just the right time we would have to be we had come out of 8 years of an economy where the normal the new normal GDP was 1% we had just come out of 8 years where people were working two and three jobs to pay the rent to pay their mortgage to put their kids through college we had just come out of a scenario where the fact that Isis was out there it was not nothing more than a JV team when the president couldn't figure out whether he could contain them dismantle them or destroy them none of which he even did we were at one of the lowest points in American history when this guy shows up in his politically incorrect way when it was a relief he thinks the way we think he even talks the way we think it's almost as though he is us and indeed he spoke for the Forgotten man and woman in America for whom no politician has spoken for since Ronald Reagan The Forgotten and women who worked in the coal mines who worked in the factories who went from paycheck to paycheck a billionaire imagine who understands what it's like to need security and the an economy that allows them to take care of their families up to that point everyone was establishment everyone and had planned for decades to run for president this man just said like Ronald Reagan although Ronald Reagan certainly was a governor when this state was great he says I'm gonna run for president now what's the similarities why do people say they're similar well for me they were similar right off the bat there were strong men who had charisma who had in a certain magnetism who could bring you along they had both been in fact in the entertainment industry obviously Ronald Reagan a little more but Donald Trump at a number-one show for years both of them believed in the military they believed in a strong defense our president Donald Trump's 700 billion dollars in the military Ronald Reagan a strong defense both of them law and order law enforcement all of the things that you and I grew up to believe in what's hard about this nothing just say what you're gonna do and do it [Applause] I just said just say what you're gonna do and do it not just do it but we'll get to that later now both of them were in their 70s when they became president both of them were divorced and amazingly hooked right into the evangelical communities because people saw that they weren't talking out of both sides of their mouth they said what they meant and they meant what they said there's a realism to these men they're earthy these are guys and I know Donald Trump in a way that a lot of people don't it's not the caricature that you hear about in the news this is a guy who would go on a construction site what a hardhat and shake their hands and thank them for their work Ivanka told me that she was taught how to use a machinery on a construction site when she was a kid and she's teaching arabela the same thing these are strong people with an incredibly strong work ethic and if anybody has any question about Donald Trump and who he is as a man all you need to do is look at his kids the proof is in the pudding [Applause] one of them have an alcohol problem a drug problem a run-in with the law domestic violence problem they have a work ethic that's crazier than their dad's and I know their dad's work ethic used to call my house all the time when my then-husband was his lawyer was the fly down to Palm Beach and on the plane he'd say to the kids don't talk to her like that you don't talk to him like that you just lost your your allowance and we're going I said this earlier I'd forgotten it we're going to Kmart to get school supplies I remember thinking Donald Trump goes to Kmart I don't got it you know he's real but in addition they both understood the importance of the economy and right now we're at a four point one GDP and going up folks Ronald Reagan a six he went up to seven as a result consumer confidence at an incredible historic highs the stock market now higher than it's ever been animal instincts or animal spirits I would say instincts for you economist out there I never understood economy I was never good at that but you know the energy the enthusiasm the belief in America all of the two of them they shared so many common denominators both of them were Democrats before they became Republicans all kinds of similarities and parallels and what's interesting is both of them were anti-establishment the establishment and the media were after Ronald Reagan both of them suffered from untruth but it took a guy in marketing to identify fake news it took a guy in marketing to get Americans to come along with him to understand the the the untruths that were being printed and in my book liars leaker I talked about one of the elections I was in for about six weeks I ran against Hillary Clinton and I got out of it I didn't I didn't run against her I mean there were several people who ended up in a primary but I remember coming out of the dairy and then for those of you don't know me I worked in a dairy I grew up in upstate New York which is very different from where I work in midtown Manhattan these days but I went to a dairy and I came out and one of my press people said to me in the car they said she needed a there's already an article on what happened at the at the dairy farm and I'm like really what'd it say and it said nothing that I said but they alleged that I said XY and Z and I remember sitting in the car I didn't realize that it was fake news but I said how can I possibly run against someone where the fix is in it's already rigged they're saying I said things that I never said that I did things that I never did five minutes ago and that's when I knew that I was not going to run against this woman it just wasn't worth it because I had spent more than three decades as a prosecutor a judge and a DA and as John said I came up in the rough-and-tumble world of politics in New York State which is a blood sport and I have the scars to prove it New York is unique in that regard but what we're seeing now is something that we've never seen before we've got a mainstream media and we've got a Democrat Party that is totally unhinged what they are doing what they are doing today is an affront to democracy to the Republic to the American flag and the American people you know one of the things that Donald Trump is famous for is that hat Mogga make America great again in 1980 when he was beginning his presidential campaign it was Ronald Reagan who said I can and I will make America great again the two of them the parallels are are uncanny but I think that what this president is seeing is an effort to create this false narrative that so many people have bought into that people just repeat what they hear a media that has no self reproach no self regulation they just do and write whatever they want they source it anonymously that like the New York Times did today in that opinion piece to that letter to the editor and nobody identifies who they are and you have to wonder are they real people is it the deep state who is it is it George Soros who's paying for this what is going on is dangerous I'm going to start with Hillary Clinton [Applause] payback it's a bummer they tried to drag a corrupt criminal hag across the presidential finish as corrupt as they come and she spent her life dancing with federal prosecutors and no one knew better than Hillary Clinton about the requirements of classified secrets she was trained when she was first lady she was trained when she was a United States Senator she was trained wouldn't she was Secretary of State she had to sign these non-disclosure she agreed to all of this and yes she has this personal server and she says like were all idiots she says the Secret Service was monitoring it are you stupid the Secret Service was at they at the at the door to your home not at the door to your server people bought it so you have to say to yourself as I did why don't you need a personal server and the prosecutor in me said because she wants to do something she doesn't want us to know about I can't move around on this Apple box so think about it when you want to hide something when you want to commit a criminal act you have to do it in the quiet of the night or where there are no cameras or where there is no identification take it from any career criminal you never commit a crime and open in plain sight so she sets up this server the reason she set up a private server was so she could continue to get millions and some say billions of dollars in to the Clinton Foundation a 501 C 3 which was operating as a charity which was nothing more than an organized criminal enterprise it was it was pay-to-play we lived in a nation and we watched it where American foreign policy was decided based on the cash going into the Clinton Foundation and don't let anyone tell you anything else you knew it Americans instinctively knew it that's why we elected the outsider president we knew it we could feel it and if nobody was going to prove it we would do it at the polls and that's what we did in 2016 Jim call me I know Jim Comey his office was right next to mine he was the United States Attorney in the Southern District I was his elected da all right we did cases together I like the guy it doesn't matter it's irrelevant what's relevant is that he's smart he's very very smart he knew the Justice Department he was a Deputy Attorney General and there is no way under the Sun that a man of his intelligence wouldn't understand that an investigation of a national figure needed to be done in the grand jury but there was no grand jury impaneled there were no search warrants there were no subpoenas and they handed out immunity like candy do you know what immunity is do you know what we all know [Laughter] what that I guess you have supposed to walk around where's John John I'm not supposed to walk around I got caught in there immunity immunity you do this all the time you give what's called a queen for a day there any cops in the audience oh wait I love it that's it well this is California ah all right sorry I mean god bless you thank you for you do military running in military in air thank you god bless you thank you for what you doing thank you all right so Queen Firday they come in and they say we got this we have this information give us immunity we will testify for you if you give us a deal that's the way it works it's not yeah I'm not telling you anything you don't know they gave everybody immunity they gave it to Omaha burden Cheryl Mills they gave it to Bryan Pagliano who set up the server they gave it to everybody and Jim Comey gets up and he says July 5th 2016 no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute this case give me a break Jim who you think you're kidding and he made a fool of himself when he said Wow gross negligence and Carol your recklessness and all that he couldn't really describe it he said he didn't really have experience than that it was a state law he's full of it now he knows that as a head of the FBI he cannot speak for Loretta Lynch the district attorney and he says Loretta Lynch had no idea he was doing this he lied he lied we write a Lynch said she and Bill Clinton spoke only about their grandchildren and playing golf an assistant DA in my office if an assistant DA worked for me had a conversation with his spouse of someone under active criminal investigation for thirty minutes I would fire the person forget about anything else I would fire him this is fundamental and they do it in front of all of us and that's what's so infuriating I hate it when people lie I hate it when they make believe oh the laws the same it's not they took the bandages off Lady Justice and they said you're gonna protect the Democrats and they said we're gonna frame the Republican and that's what my book is about my book is not just about Donald Trump the man I know it's not just about the media and the Hollywood hypocrites I could go on and on and we're gonna open it up to questions in a few minutes but the book makes it clear what happened there is a deep state I don't know if any of you ever watch the view well I think it's when Whoopi Goldberg said what is the deep state and who's in charge and that's I think when the wheels fell off the wagon the first segment was pretty good but the second was not so good but it's fine I don't I don't really care but it was a microcosm of what goes on in this country every day when the left tries to shut down the right you are not allowed to speak you are not allowed to say something that is pro-trump pro-american Pro American flag Pro law and order anti-crime I don't know what happened what happened to America my father is a veteran of World War two he was on the first ship to naki sake he saw the plume he died very young I have had in that cancer my grandfather was in World War two also we believe in America and we believe in the flag we believe that no one is above the law and no one is below the law these people are different they think for whatever reason whether it's a Peter struck or an Andrew McCabe or a Jim Comey or Jim rebecky all of those players Bruce or and I'm gonna open it up to questions and I'll get specific if you want me to they believe that they are above the law they believe that the establishment needs to be kept in place the status quo they don't believe in you and me and very much like Ronald Reagan Donald Trump has had to fight the establishment but I'm telling you right now he is a tip of the spear and every day he gets incoming incoming like I've never seen I don't know how the man guts up every morning it fights a good fight they go after his wife his children his youngest child they go after everything he does they would indict all of them if they could and you want to explain to me why Paul Manafort I could care less about this guy one way or the other I don't know the guy they break down the door at 5:00 in the morning for a tax case they put the guy in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day before even goes to trial and these bozos are all walking around covering for each other you should be furious they all need to be taken out in cuffs they don't deserve the freedom that they have right now and I want to say one more thing I talked about my dad and my granddad one of the things that we always had in front of our home was a flag we still have the flag from my home I get really angry when I hear about people like Colin Kaepernick I mean first of all he wasn't even a good football player what is coming up with that who the hell is he why is he representative of all this greatness where he takes a knee what are you taking a knee for who are you you're taking a need for social justice will you tell me the last time you fought for social justice you tell me the last time you called your Congressman tell me the last time you voted the last time you sat on a jury the last time you wrote a letter went to the school board you tell me he can't because he didn't [Music] and they make up this narrative all we're all about social justice baloney you're not about social justice you're about tearing down the fabric of America which was started in the FBI by some schmuck by the name of Peter struck and his gumad Lisa Paige all right they thought they could take down America and they almost did and this is where you come in we need you we need the young one to wherever he is we didn't if you think 2016 was important 2018 is more important because they are geared up they are ready to roll and I don't care if it's a local election a county election a state election or a national election you've got to get out there socialists are running for office all over this country and if you want to work the rest of your life to pay for someone else most of whom don't even deserve to be here in the first place then you can bypass these elections what if you care about what's in your pocket you've got to get out there now so now we have colin kaepernick that's where I'm going I'm gonna do my open on Nike unless something breaks on Saturday who the hell do they think they are why do they think that it is in the interest of American company to take a knee and disrespect the flag why is this narrative selling who is pushing it who is buying it I don't know it's not just the left its socialists it's people who don't believe in the Constitution and the First Amendment and the Second Amendment and the Fourth Amendment these are people who hate America they want to make us a globalist country these are people who believe that like California should be a sanctuary state where American citizens are at risk you are at risk in a sanctuary State I'm here to tell you that I don't have to tell you what the reality is but let me take another minute what is a sanctuary City State County it's where you don't arrest illegals who commit crime right it's worse where you don't allow a cop with a warrant or a Fed with a warrant to come in and make an arrest so for example when I'm the DA my guys would get a call and they would say so-and-so is is is gonna be let out of jail you put them in jail and we want to pick them up on a federal warrant okay so my guys do you work with Arizona work with wherever they want Joe Schmo to be picked up so my guys might even hold them in extra 72 hours if the guys from the warrant squad in the other state or county couldn't get there what they are doing in sanctuary places they're not only not cooperating and accommodating they are letting them out early so the feds don't pick them up the other locals or they are telling them a different time letting them out a side door which then I want you to think about the consequence then the feds have to go in to a jurisdiction where the cops are not allowed to assist and don't let anybody tell you that oh they just can't tell them where the guy is that's baloney there's a stand down there's a stand down where the mayor the county executive or whatever it is says to the cops you do not cooperate you're in jeopardy in that situation and did you notice how Molly Tibbets she's a newspaper every day every day until they found out it was an illegal alien who killed her and then we never heard about it again and make no mistake we're all illegals good jeanine we're all immigrants but were legal immigrants we are legal we offer something to America you know I used to swear a newly naturalized citizens when I was a judge it was wonderful these people are so proud they learned the Constitution they learned the presidents they waved the flag they thank God they bring their mother their father their sister everybody from the neighborhood I'm gonna be an American citizen today they swear allegiance to our country today it's totally different I'm illegal and I'm here and I want housing and medication and education and I want you to give me every constitutional right and you know what I don't have a problem with people who love their own subculture every one of us should be proud of our heritage I am every one of us if you want to fly the flag of another country on your car while you hate America and burn the flag of the United States and you then pick and screen if we decide that you should be deported back to the country of the flag that's flying on your car and you say I want my constitutional rights that makes me angry and it should make you angry and you know what for all of them for all those people who want to drive around with the flag of their country and God bless you I got no problem with that but don't you dare say damn America don't you dare burn our flag don't you dare criticize us for our rules because if you don't like it here go to hell back where you came from [Applause] don't tell me you hate my country people go and fight war and Wars and they come back with fewer limbs than these then they left America with they live a life of pain they and their spouses and their children and everyone around them and you hate America who the hell are you to hate America we never invited you in in the first place so yeah I have very strong feelings about most things but I grew up in upstate New York I worked in a dairy my dad loved my mom my mom loved my dad everything was fine I went to school education God Church it was all it was all part of my narrative and then I was in law enforcement for over three decades and I learned to love Lady Justice and the flag and America and everyone in this room loves the same things that I do all we want is the ability to take care of our families maybe our kids to be lawyers like us or whatever my daughters a lawyer that's why I say that my sons in finance I never understand what he does everybody says where's your son go I don't know he does something with numbers I don't know we just want to dream and we want to be safe we want to practice the religion that we believe in we want to be able to say you know what I'm a Christian and damn it I'm proud of it or I'm a Jew and damn it I'm proud of it Muslim and I'm proud of it but don't you dare don't you dare ignore the fact that this is a nation founded on judeo-christian ethics that's who we are and when Barack Obama at that first National Prayer Breakfast said and that's when the hairs on the back of my neck went he says right after the beheading by Isis of an American I forget which one it was Stephen I'm not sure which one is in my I'm pretty sure I put it in the book he says all you Christians get off your high horse crimes were committed in the name of Christ are you kidding me did you hear what he just said I remember saying to someone did you hear what he just said he said it's our turn it's our turn Christ was behind the Jim Crow laws Christ is behind the murder of so many innocent people this guy is our president this guy brought in eight years of people we don't have any idea who they are where they are they were flown in from different areas all over the country Central America ms-13 appear from New York I mean they're all over the place I knew what they were cause I used to prosecute them to get into ms-13 you gotta kill someone or rape someone in front of other members and then killer that's ms-13 and you know what they are animals Donald Trump gets criticized for calling that they are animals so anyway I'm gonna do my open on Nike and I'm gonna save it I'm gonna save it but here's the thing when I finish I'm gonna say just do it okay all right let's open it up to questions John I'm ready I bet so there's a questionnaire if what you could do is raise your hand as you can see we have folks with microphones and just wait until we have a mic in your hand and we'll go I want to say one more thing while she gets the mic Ronald Reagan has one of the greatest quotes and I quoted all the time there are two people I quote Elie Wiesel who's a friend of mine that I knew and Ronald Reagan the Ronald Reagan quote is very simple freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction we don't pass it to our children in the bloodstream it must be fought for protected and handed on for them to do the same he left us with a very strong message okay hi Your Honor the welcome to California thank you it's my birthday and this is the best day of her birthday thank you I wanted to know I'm from California and I feel like we're drowning as far as the politics are concerned and with Newsome and with Brown it's like how do you how do we survive what do we do I know we can get out and vote but I feel like we're we're such a minority that it's it's I don't know I feel helpless sometimes what what do you suggest you know it makes sense that you feel helpless because if you live in a state where illegals have more rights than American citizens where the Kate Steinle is in the world can look at their dad and say help me before they die in a state where a guy received sanctuary and came not at that time it wasn't a sanctuary state but came to San Francisco because it was sanctuary you should feel helpless what can you do it's very simple everything is grassroots everything you've got social media today it is incredibly powerful and like Ronald Reagan Donald Trump believed in messaging Donald Trump obviously as Twitter and the social media that we have today but Ronald Reagan believed in the same concept you've got to get Millennials from K through 12 and then through college Law School graduate school Berkeley everywhere that they are they are brainwashing people they are convincing people that you shouldn't have to work you can live off of rich people's money but as Margaret Thatcher once said socialism is great until you run out of the other people's money but what you can do to me you go into the old-age homes you know I used to do that when I ran for office right before the election right before and you tell them you tell them you know they have to vote a lot of them may not vote you're gonna get that segment to vote you got to get the Millennials to vote don't just say I'm in California it's not worth it you got to stop the local who is a so list that's what's happening it's kind of like the the the Muslim Brotherhood which is the political arm of Hamas all right I'm gonna waste time on that here we had too much to talk about but you've got to stop them because Bernie Sanders a socialist would have been the Democratic candidate for president of the United States but for Hillary Clinton rigging the DNC so that's the only thing I can say you're welcome happy birthday friend of Donald Trump and you'd love him and we love him but he's attacked every day does he know how much support he has out here you know that is such a great question and I appreciate the thought behind the question I tell him that every time I talk to him I say you know and and I spoke to him just a few days ago and I remember saying to him how are you was it was it last week and with this book I don't know what day it is you know we had the Manafort conviction you had Michael Cohen that was wouldn't he I mean he'd say that it you know he's responsible for sinking the Titanic or piece of garbage but he I think and I know can take anything he can take we spoke about this he said I fought my whole life for everything I fought for everything and he said to me I feel bad for my kids he said I signed up for this my kids didn't and every day it's like Donald Jr is he gonna be indicted and then you know why it's Avant guy it's Jared you know it's and I'm not even talking about dumping I'm talking about bringing charges this guy Muller and the rest of them I leave that up to you if you want to ask about it but I think he knows and I say to them all the time Donald you have incredible support everywhere I go people love you everywhere I go people absolutely and thank you you know we always have sold-out crowds because people know that I love the man I love who he is and what he stands for so I tell him that all the time and he doesn't need to hear it he really doesn't he just says I got to do this and I got to do that I mean you know think about everything that he's done I mean he is he's an incredible president anyway thank you and I'm given the message okay I'm RJ from California and what's going on with Muller and metaphoric it's straight out of the DOJ FBI playbook that's been going on since Enron and the Merrill Lynch wrongful convictions I'm not gonna waste time with all of that how can these people weissman rumor you name them how can they still be in the highest echelons of the DOJ and the FBI and in the middle of all of this corruption I read license to light and I and I see what's going on and it's it just makes me very angry when I multi-carrier my daughter said to me and she's a young lawyer she said MA have you ever heard of Chappaquiddick [Applause] and I said yeah and I'm waiting you know it's as young they were different I said kick you why she said and she's not a criminal lawyer she's you know Big Shot Manhattan lawyer big law firm partner and she says how did he get away with it how did they let him get away with it my isn't it murder and I said well technically key kids it's criminally negligent homicide a reckless manslaughter it's not actual murder unless you could prove that he intended to drive over that bridge with her in the car but but aside from all that technical stuff I said kinky it is the same that we're watching right now when your daughter is going to say to you how did Hillary Clinton get away with it when everyone knew and everyone watch and no one did anything now the reason they get away with it the reason that no one is being held accountable is because of some schmuck from Alabama his name is Jeff Sessions and he is the Attorney General and I like the guys and gentlemen is Southern gentleman nice guy I don't know what's motivating him all I know is that the deep state blue smoke at him and convinced him to recuse himself as a result of his recusing himself we have James Comey you lied to Congress who should be prosecuted Peter struck obstruction of justice Andrew McCabe obstruction of justice tampering with evidence lying to Congress and I'd be here all night if I started with Hillary Clinton and what she could be charged with besides destroying evidence and on and on and on all federal crimes he is the shield the front and last weekend I think it was I did my open I said I I was wild the guy issues a statement saying I stand for justice mr. president you don't stand for Burt anything you don't stand for anything Jeff Sessions you are preventing American people from seeing justice being done and it's not because they're Democrats or Republicans it's people who disrespect the law so so you say - why doesn't Donald Trump fire him now last week he said I won't fire him before the midterm I don't know what it says to you but it says something to me but I think we have to win the midterms all right these people need to be punished but they probably won't be and the only way for you to get justice is to boat in 2018 okay don't judge thank you for coming out where are you way up here I'm I'm in the cheap seats yeah two points the first is you are a rock star the second point if you were Attorney General what would be your battle plan for correcting the injustice --is it's very simple the first thing i do is i revoke the immunity that was given to all the dirtbags in the hillary there are grounds for revocation of every one of them because i've looked into it number two you and panel a grand jury and start cooking all you need to do is say to them vote there's enough in those emails and text messages and congressional hearings to convict most of those guys number three you need to make sure that everyone is reviewed you don't just let people stay in a job because they've been there if you are in a job and you're not performing then you get fired there's no reason other than the law why federal employees don't suffer the same consequence and we've got to change that we've got to change the deep state and that's what I do yes sir thank you for coming judge thank you I'm Bob I'm a native of Los Angeles I just I have a statement to make I want to tell you that I have loved admired and respected youth from the first time I ever saw you thank you and I I wanted to I learned something more about you all the time I want to compliment you there's a word missing in the language today in 2018 and it's class you exhibited that with that Whoopi Goldberg you you had you you know I'm in professional sports and we have a saying in the locking rooms you don't get in a pissing contest with a skunk and you you exhibited that unbelievable and I just want to compliment you that made me absolutely love you more thank you thank you let me just quickly say something when I got off the stage and I went down would be had and I had co-hosted that show before by the way and I'd been on for my other books but Whoopi it said something on the stage I don't remember it exactly right now but she said something like you know you and Trump don't care about victims and that just you know my blood pressure went up because I have spent my life crusading for the crime victim the underdog the victim of domestic violence child abuse elderly you name it that's been my passion so I said Whoopie I have fought for victims my whole life that's the one thing I said to her and she said other kids in here all right she said if you and there were all kinds of people there and I said did you just say a few she said yeah now get the eff out of the building I'm standing there with my editor from the publishing house and hair and makeup and and they're like this now I mean I love to fight I love to go toe-to-toe with most people but I'm like let's just go I was very calm at that point I said let's just go and as we started to get ready to just walk out she followed me yelling get the eff out of the building the point am I telling you this is this when ABC ABC and network tolerates that and they don't even apologize there is trouble and I need you to hear that I need you to know it it's not about the book it's not about me it's about the left and the media being convinced they not only can shut us up they can curse at us they can throw us out they don't care if you're a judge you're a DA you're a woman you're an older woman whatever they they don't care and that's what we're dealing with today judge it's truly great to just be here and listen to you and and as a clergy person I got to say as a preacher you know I've learned that what you can't serve two masters and I've seen a lot of finances from George Soros and others infiltrating the churches and the ACLU and other spaces that are funding liberals to do wonderful things to just tear apart the nation and I'm just the church is used to be a safe place where we could go many institutional spaces like the church where we could go and get good news and we used to be able to get it from the press and we used to get it from higher education we can get it from Fox but where else can we go to get truth and integrity so we can learn about justice again for this country and what we can do but what do you recommend thank you for the question but you scare me with that question when you when you include the churches when you include the clergy religious leaders who were being told you know let's be ecumenical you know ecumenical pretty much means these days that you can take the Little Sisters of the Poor to the United States Supreme Court sisters who spend their life taking care of poor and people and hospice I don't know the truth has to come from you you have an enormous voice now but you never had before with social media and that's why Donald's from took advantage of it he goes around the media we've got to get into the schools we've got to get in K through 12 I don't even know why we have a Department of Education I don't it should be something that the locals take care of within their local jurisdictions and you know one of the things I was at luncheon today and I said I was with a justice from the circuit court the Ninth Circuit also known as the Night Circus no no he's good guy is a good guy but I referenced in my courtroom a both my bench it said in god we trust' now you can't say a prayer you can't have a creche you can't say all the things like Merry Christmas although with Donald Trump it's looser but I think that now it's up to us I don't know how also what else to tell you but education that's where it starts that's where we gotta go okay okay I like your hat thank you I was watching the confirmation hearings of Judge Brett Kavanaugh today and how lucky Trump is to be able to point not one but two for their Supreme Court's what are your thoughts on Brett Kavanaugh right Kavanaugh yeah he's the guy it's extremely competent I mean you know come up with some decision that makes no sense he is confident he's a regular guy next door you know he coaches he loves baseball there was a football what is it honey baseball whatever he bought a lot of tickets um he's gonna make it I wouldn't worry about it but the most interesting part of it all you know she called us to horrible the people on the Left have turned into unhinge uncivilized deplorable and you know what the more they yell and scream starting with Kamala Harris the more they yell and scream the more we dig in okay that's what I think and by the way I think this president is going to get at least another one if not another two I just want to say thank you thank you so much for being here I want to thank you for who you are and I god bless you I thank God [Applause] you
Channel: Reagan Foundation
Views: 4,302,810
Rating: 4.7570114 out of 5
Keywords: Ronald Reagan, President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, First Lady, POTUS, FLOTUS, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Fox News, Make America Great Again, Jeanine Pirro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 2sec (3722 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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