A quick way to copy text from a PDF to an Excel Spreadsheet (without having to type it)

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a quick way to get information into an Excel spreadsheet or PDF form select the information off your PDF right click export selection as find a place to save it name your file and export it as an Excel workbook initially it does look messy but I'll show you how to create this so select all of the a column then on your ribbon select data then text columns delimited next and then depending on how the information is separated most of them are separated with a comma or a space and then next in finish so the bulk of it has come across and all we've got to do is tidy up the data that's a quick way to get the information into your Excel spreadsheet thank you for watching
Channel: How to with Rj
Views: 34,577
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Keywords: copy text from PDF to Excel, what is a quick way to get text from a PDF to, from PDF to an Excel spreadsheet, from PDF to an Excel workbook, is there a better way, don't waste time typing, how can I copy text from a PDF, how to, how to with Rj, how do I, how do you
Id: K4eKHh4CK-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 16sec (76 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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