A PVC Waste Valve - Will It Work - Ram Pump

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hi I'm Seth land house and this is a ram pump it's a water pump that requires no fuel or electricity to operate in this video I want to talk to you about waste valves there are only two valves in the RAM pump the waste valve and the secondary or inline valve and the waste valve is definitely the brains of the operation the weight and size of this valve determine basically the size of the pump and the amount of pressure you're going to be getting from the pressure wave that's coming in here so it's very important to have a valve that is heavy enough to close at the right speed to give a good pressure wave you typically want about one cycle per second in the land of house pump I use a lead-free brass valve and it is a swing valve so if I swing this you can hear it flapping back and forth now some people like to use a poppet valve kind of like a foot valve but you have to make sure that there is no spring in that style valve it's for it to operate correctly and from my experience I've found that the pin that's holding that down wears out fairly quickly and it will lock up the valve so you definitely want to buy a high quality valve if you're gonna use a foot valve style now with the swing valve it will last the brass valve will last somewhere around a year which is close to 31 million cycles that's a lot so let's go ahead and do an experiment real quick I have got I've got a PVC valve with the spring removed and that will act the same way as this swing valve but I'm not sure there's enough weight here to get the same results as this valve so let's go ahead and run a test and see how these two compare first we'll go with the brass swing valve and we'll gain a PSI on the delivery end and then we'll come back and do the same with this valve to run this test I have the pump down here on a 20 foot drive pipe with approximately three feet of head pressure and I'm just using a bucket to run as a source here and I'm filling this up with some water for the first test I have the pump empty I'm gonna go ahead and open up the drive pipe and now I'm just going to push this until it starts and I'm going to time it for one minute okay here we go one minute okay we've got 22 3 426 psi in a minute so 26 now let's swap out this valve for the PVC and see if it even works test number 2 with the PVC spring valve with spring removed pressure has been let out of the valve let's go ahead and open this alright go ahead and tap this valve down and see if we can even get this to work I'm actually seeing the valve cycle back and forth really really fast which means that valve is not heavy enough to keep this going so I think that's enough to conclude that the spring valve with a spring removed is not going to be heavy enough to get the RAM pump going so you do want to have a valve that is heavy enough like the brass swing valve but I want to increase the quality and lifespan of my land house Ram pumps and that's why I am considering stainless steel valves this right here is hopefully going to be able to increase the life of the pump from one year to maybe two or even three years it's also going to increase my cost by a good bit so but I think it's gonna be worth it okay down here in the creek with my personal ramp um it's been clicking away for well over three months now I'm gonna remove this valve the brass valve and replace it with the stainless steel and see how well it does it is working and the first thing I noticed is that the snap is much more solid I don't know if that's because of the extra weight on the valve but it is definitely hitting with more force let's take a look at this valve and see how it is fairing so you know I'm not really seeing much wear on this one which is pretty good and if I move it back and forth there's a little give but not much so that valve is actually doing quite well it has probably a good 6 months or better on it before it's had enough so that's good but this valve over here I'm excited to say is working well so I'm gonna give this a good couple of months of operation and see how well it lasts one thing I'm noticing is that the valve is heavier and so it requires more water to close the valve now what does that mean it just means that your source is gonna have to have more water than with the brass valve and I'm noticing this because I came up here to my bucket intake and notice that it was pulling more water than I had going in I have a one-inch supply line here and I had to go clean out the intake of the supply line to get enough water in the one inch line so as you can see water is flowing back into my flume here so I have enough but as silt and debris clogged up my supply line it's going to reduce that flowed so it goes back to the old saying of have a three to one on your system meaning you want to have a flat flat you want to have a larger supply line coming down feeding an even bigger stand pipe or bucket and then a smaller line going out as a drive pipe so basically if I were to increase this pipe to either double one inch or even a one in a quarter inch pipe I would be able to bring more water to the bucket here and would be good to go so just keep that in mind bringing this valve in to some better light do you see that bright shiny piece on the flapper in there that is actually the where that's happening so when this closes it's actually closing very consistently I've seen them kind of kick off to the side and we're inconsistently so this valve would probably last longer than some of them have but it is starting to see some wear down in there because there's a little bit of a lip on this side it runs into but anyway I just wanted to show that to you and mention that I am considering improving the quality of the RAM pump valve for the two waist valve test I used about 10 gallons of water I turned off the water and went down and replaced that valve and by the time I came back up here and noticed my tanks had been filled and they're doing quite well with that new valve so this thing replenished 10 gallons in no time at all here all my storage tanks I know this test was kind of anticlimactic but I just wanted to show that the weight of the valve makes a big difference in how the pump operates the brass valve as you see in all of the land house pumps works quite well it is just heavy enough to get a good solid 1 cycle per second now of course that is based on head pressure and drive pipe length but the valve weight is a pretty good weight the PVC valve was too light it never actually allowed the pump to have that Ram effect so it could create a pressure wave so if you're gonna use something like this you'd have to add some kind of weight down on it whether that would be attaching a big screw dent in the hole with a couple of washers on it I don't know we might be able to revisit that in a later time but it's not heavy enough to work and as you saw with the ooh stainless steel valve it's heavier which means it's gonna let more water come out before it snaps the valve shut so it's difficult I have to consider whenever I swap over I'll have to increase all of my gallon per minute rates a little higher to accommodate for that heavier valve I hope you found this exciting or at least informational and if you didn't already know I have four different sized RAM pumps available at LAN house comm or on Amazon link in the description down below if you found this video fun and helpful hit the thumbs up and be sure to subscribe and tune in pretty much every Monday for more ramp up videos I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Land to House
Views: 27,896
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Keywords: land to house, land two house, waste valve, ram pump, hydraulic, brass, stainless steel, valve, pvc waste valve, check valve, non return, waste, water, gate valve, pvc pipe, valve (invention), pvc, water valve, waste pipe, ball valve, ram pump waste valve, waste valve ram pump, stop and waste valve, black water valve, waste pipe non return valve, valves, water shut off valve, water pump, water line check valve, pvc ball valve, pvc waste pipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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