A Puddingstone with a Story

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oh oh my goodness oh this is this is awesome hey everyone i'm here with thelma stevens who i see at church uh almost every day so she asked me this winter if i'd polish a pudding stone for and i told her we're gonna have to wait until summer because it's an outside job and it's too cold to do in the winter so uh this is a stone with a story so uh let's take a look at the rock there and tell us about it okay well i think this is the best side but it's beautiful all over okay my mom was on a uh uh she was in a geology class and they were at a quarry that court now this was back in the 50s so the quarry was dry as a bone it's now a lake on 32. anyway uh she found this luck rod and she felt like it was the prize of the day it was and she it was a treasure to her it was she brought it home she brought it home to show it off of course she would even take it to florida with when they would go to florida she would take it with her and use it for a doorstop and then of course it came back to michigan so this is a well-traveled rock um and and i think it needs a dressing up after all these years but i was standing with the rock one day looking at it and i thought and i remember that verse when jesus says about peter you are a rock and i thought well hello this is a rock i'm going to call it peter so this is not just any old rock this is this is this rock has a name here's the heater it's my mom's rock and it's my rock now and its name is peter and it's gonna get a dressing up well that i think that's a great looking rock um that's one of the better pudding stones i've ever seen and i will do my best to uh to make it look its best all right i can hardly wait are we gonna take a video of it when when we see it we will all your friends get to see it i'll take it home and we'll polish it up and i'll bring it back and we'll do another video here okay that's great all right for sure i'm all set up and ready to go so let me just show you the tools i'll be using this is just a regular angle grinder but i have a diamond cup grinding wheel on it and then this one is a makita wet stone polisher it has velcro pads i've got a series of 10 that i go through and of course i got my safety equipment a respirator eyeglasses or safety glasses and rubber gloves i've also got hearing protection so i'm going to start with this and do the first step with this and then everything else is done with this one so let's get started all right peter this might sting a little well this looks worse before it's going to look better here it is right now so the purpose here was just to take out any low spots and little nicks and cracks and things i did leave one hole in here somewhere right there that's really deep so rather than take this whole side down by a quarter inch or a half inch i decided just to leave that one so from here on out we're doing soft backed pads and we're just taking out the scratches and any little ridges and stuff or flat spots those will all get ground out at this point and pretty soon it's going to look all nice and shiny all right i'm done with the first soft pad and it still has lots of scratches on it each pad's a finer grit and we'll take off the scratches from the last one so i'm not going to show you all the steps but here in the air i'll stop and give you a look at how it's coming along all right i just finished up with the fifth soft pad which is 400 grit and this is coming along really nicely you can no longer see any scratches on it and it feels really smooth and nice you can't feel it but take my word for it feels nice so uh you might be thinking i'm only halfway through because i'm halfway through the soft pads but the first soft pad and the diamond cup wheel before that take far longer than anything else so after that it's just a few minutes on each one the hardest part is just making sure you hit all the surfaces so i always dry it off in between and check it out that way you can really see any scratches when it's dry that you can't see those when it's wet so five more and then i'm gonna check back in and it'll be all done you get to see the finished product i can't wait to show a thelma this uh i think she's gonna love it turned out really nice whole process took about two hours maybe a little less if i take out all the filming stuff that doesn't include getting the stuff out of the garage and putting it back in but uh just the grinding part not too bad so uh i'm happy with this next we get to go show thelma well it's all done i've hidden it here look this is the big reveal so she's been waiting while i set up the camera it's killing her i've been feeling it i've been feeling make you wait a little bit longer oh here you go will you hold it all right sure i'm going to feel that way oh oh my goodness oh this is this is awesome this is ah there's the good side this is the oh looks different doesn't it it's it's it's a jewel it's not a rock it is now oh look you can see the texture in in oh the little stripes show up on the jasper a little better so ah all right so you're out you're happy oh oh i'm happy i'm so happy yeah this is a treasure this is not going to be used as a doorstop you could still use it as a doorstop it won't scuff up your doors anymore it's going to be on the coffee table on a doily from the coffee the doily even great it is worthy oh oh i can't think it's so smooth it's good it's beautiful oh i think you wanted it to be smooth it's smooth so it's beautiful the colors just pop on it and that's why i do this it's really fun to see him see him change like that comes alive it is beautiful it's good i'm glad you like it thank you so if you'd like to see some uh i'll link a video here where i found the biggest pudding stone i've ever found it's a really good one too so go check out that video and i'll see you over there thank you you're welcome so great
Channel: Michigan Rocks
Views: 27,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michigan Rocks, puddingstone, pudding stone
Id: Lp8slL0tZNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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