A powerful mechanism for complex tasks!
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Channel: MA-SH
Views: 389,288
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Keywords: крутая идея, самоделка, своими руками, как сделать, самоделки своими руками в домашних условиях, крутой инструмент, крутая самоделка, сделай сам, мастерская, делаю дома, в домашних условиях, лучше не придумаешь, мощная идея, cool idea, diy, with your own hands, how to make, diy with your own hands at home, cool tool, cool diy, do it yourself, workshop, do it at home, at home, you can't think of a better idea, powerful idea, GRINDER, pipebendingwithyourownhands, affe
Id: oQuSIYtVYfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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