A PLO Dream : PLO Vlog 1

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what's up everybody I'm Dakota today we're stopping into seven mile Casino I saw the list online literally 2 million people deep it's an hour wa for the 23 which there are for some reason a shitload of those tables running however there's only one 55 table run I asked him what's the wait time for that already knowing the answer that it's astronomical and he said about 4 hours I asked him what's the wait for the PLO which he said about the same today is March 2nd we are at 7 Mile Casino yes I was here yesterday and yes I did not play a single hand of Poker and I raged and I left edged me I've never been edged by a poker room before it's ridiculous I went home and I said Dakota you need to go tomorrow night when the tables are dying down you need to hop in a PLO game you need to see what this place is about man people are recommending it they're saying it's the business I got to give it a real review thus I am back I don't want to be back I'm not gonna lie but it's what the people need I'm a man of the people wish me luck thankfully we end up getting a seat pretty quick here at 7 Mile Casino in Southern California we F sit down at the 23 PLO game which is an 800 capped Buy in we're not allowed to film but good luck so there's a patio right outside of the room and actually I can turn it around and show you the room but it's so nice cuz there's no one out here actually smoking so it's like the perfect spot to recap some hands which is what we're going to do right now first time we play We flop quads in a bomb pot they have this weird rule where bomb pots the max bet is $500 what yeah we flop quads we're guaranteed half the pot uh it's three ways everybody puts 500 in so we basically lock up $250 pretty standard stuff firstand we're going to go over we have the Jack 10 king7 double suited uh the Spade variety of double suited and heart I believe there's a blind raise of 20 he decided not to straddle he wanted the blind raise God bless we go ahead and bump it up to 60 I'm sorry we're going to get three calls here and we're going to go four ways to a flop $240 in the pot we get the 97 Deuce with two Spades checks to me the people that called in this hand is actually the small blind big blind and straddle so we're actually in position for this hand believe it or not fire out 150 this hand uh has a lot of really good turns we got some flush draw we got some turn nut straight draws probably not a bet multiway but we decided to bet it we end up getting just the big blind to call Who is the person in the hand we want to call if you know what I'm saying we had the 10 of hearts on the turns with have two gutters 107 and flush double flush drop a monstrous hand big blind now leads into us for 200 and I actually misread my hand I don't realize that we have back door Hearts here and I also don't realize we have another gutter so basically I'm ass at this game um and for that reason I think that we just have two pairs in a front door flush draw and we end up just calling in position had I known the hand strength that we really had we should be putting the money in here however we just call which in position is probably not bad river is the beautiful queen of diamonds so neither flush draw gets there and we somehow end up with the nuts Big B now leads for 300 and we just have a simple decision of potting all in for about 1150 and he thinks about it for a little while and ends up folding kind of a weird spot I feel like we misplay the turn but fun little hand we pick up a nice little pot there let's go into another fun one we played I don't know how fun this one is but it's kind of uh follows along with the me making mistakes we're in the straddle with this uh we have a pretty garbage jackjack 67 I believe um I believe it's rainbow suit or it's the seven High suit raised to 40 under the gun and we have five calls to us and we go ahead and put in the call closing action with the Jacks uh for $40 the Flop is Jack 7 Deuce two Spades in a club and we have a back door seven High clubs I actually make a mistake here so there's like a Miss blind button right next to me and I thought it was the button even though I was the one closing action in the straddle so there's like two people in front of me I end up just checking but I should lead if I'm not the first to act anyway so small blind big blind check my check has to hold and then it checks all the way through we actually see an offit 10 on the turn now I'm in a weird spot because it checks to me again and we definitely missed the bet on the Flop we still will bet be cautious against aggression so that's what I do I at 150 and everybody folds but this is kind of a funny one where we make another mistake I'm taking down a decent Siz pot [Music] there all right one more hand before we go back in and play a little bit more this one we have a beautiful starting hand the king king 88 double suited clubs and diamonds uh variety and we see a limp under the gun and we're going to go ahead and bump it up uh make it we make it 25 there's no Straton in this hand and we get six collar so there's actually 180 in the P we take the Jack of Spades Hearts do a Spades flop so when you ISO the king king 88 and you flop the set you love to see it checks to me and we're going to go ahead and pot it up 180 to go folds to the small blind who puts in the call and now we're heads up the turn is the seven of Hearts now it's a double flush draw neither flush draw we have in our hand uh the obvious uh straight gets there which we unblock and now the small blind just pots for 540 he has like $25 or $30 behind I think we just have no decision and I end up just mucking it um sometimes he's going to have some like stray draw double flush draw stuff but I mean even against that we don't have great Equity so we're just kind of in an unfortunate spot we're not deep enough to call and we mck anyway it's starting to piss a little rain on me so let's go back in let's finish this session out all right guys we come back in from that break and we immediately sit down and play this hand we have King King 84 on the button there's a straddle and a ton of calls to me we're going to go ahead and pot it up got Kings we're in position we want to play for all of it make it 90 and almost everybody at the table calls seven ways to this floa with 630 in the pot and bang nothing but the nuts on the King s Deuce rainbow board even better the small blind just pots for 630 the next person to act goes all in for 800 and something and then the person after him goes all in we go all in and here we are King 7 Deuce full rainbow here's the board we get the run out one time dealer I only go once stop yeah they don't have qus really the five was nice and just like that we scoop a little over 4K pot in a 23 PLO game an absolute PLO dream flopping the nuts on the rainbow board King s Deuce no straight draw no flush draws what do they have when the river was a deuce I really thought we were dead to quads for a second but nobody was turning their hands over quick I can't believe it nothing gets better than that no reason to stay much longer I stay for about 30 minutes and then we go to cash out let's see how we did so we just cashed out what an absolutely insane hand uh everything was kind of like a chill game really I mean uh action was amazing I don't get me wrong but what kind of dream what kind of Poker dream is that it's King s Duce rainbow and it just goes pot pot pot all the way to you with the nuts so I mean when you have nights like that it's going to be a good night obviously we had a great night uh here's the results of how long we played and the cash out uh we're on a little bit of a heater right now so uh you know that's a that's a welcome site but anyway that wraps up this Vlog this first PLO Vlog at 7 Mile Casino in San Diego if you're not subscribed Please Subscribe check out the merch like this right here and I'll see you in the next one thanks for watching
Channel: Dakota Baggett
Views: 4,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live poker, andrew neeme, brad owen, card room, cash poker, casino, dakota, dakota poker, gamble or die, gambler, gambling, gambling vlog, high stakes poker, live money game, live poker cash game, poker, poker apparel, poker in san antonio, poker live stream, poker room, poker stream, poker vlog, rampage, real money poker, texas holdem, texas poker, seven mile casino, pot limit omaha, PLO, plo cash game, plo vlogs, plo live poker, pot limit, jnandez, plo vlogger, plo vlog
Id: remLqmY9AUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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