A photo so evil, it was never meant to be seen…

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today I'm going to share three progressively more unbelievable stories and at the end of each of them I will share the famous photo or photos that are associated with them but before we get into those stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format then you come to the right place because that's all we do and we upload once a week so if that's of interest to you please unpair all of the Bluetooth devices connected to the like button's phone also please subscribe to our Channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads okay let's get into today's stories foreign [Music] early on the afternoon of October 12 1960 a 17 year old high school student named Otoya Yamaguchi stood alone in his brother's house in the city of Tokyo Japan waiting for a tea kettle of water to boil it was a Wednesday so ottoya should have been at school but that day he had gone to school and then snuck out a side door during lunch more and more often these days Otoya was feeling like school was kind of meaningless it was hard for him to sit in history class and watch all of his classmates diligently take notes when in otoya's mind he felt like all the real history was happening outside of the classroom just then the kettle on the stove began to whistle which meant the water was boiling and so Otoya grabbed the kettle he took it off the burner and he poured it over a tea bag in a cup and as Otoya began to stir his tea he began to go over what he was going to do later day it was undeniable that Otoya had a very difficult afternoon in store he had a meeting with a person who was very important and during this meeting Otoya would have to deliver some very bad news in fact this news was so bad that Otoya had decided what he was going to do was literally write down this bad news and hand deliver it now Otoya had not quite figured out what he was going to write but he knew whatever it was it would have to be perfect for months now ottoya had been trying to articulate this bad news that was really weighing heavily on him to his peers and to adults and to anybody who would listen but nobody took Otoya seriously adults would look at a Toya and think oh that's just some kid what he's talking about can't be serious and when Otoya would talk to classmates they would just kind of laugh at him Otoya frowned and he looked out the window and he thought to himself you know maybe this whole time I've been coming off as too angry when I talk about this bad news Maybe I need to change the way I talk about it to sound more sincere and as Otoya was thinking about this he suddenly thought oh my goodness I know exactly what to write and so Otoya abandoned his tea and ran over to his brother's desk he grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and he started writing over the last year Otoya had felt like he had really grown up and really started to find his true self he had been raised in a very strict household his father was a colonel in the Japanese military and he expected Otoya to be obedient and polite and so that was what Otoya had done but a couple of years earlier ottoya had managed to secure a spot in a high school in Tokyo far from where he had grown up far from his father and daughteria was really excited he felt like going to this High School in Tokyo would finally allow him to kind of get out from under his dad's strict authoritarian Rule and his father had let him go to the high school in Tokyo but after only a couple of weeks it turned out otoyo's father had decided no I don't want you to go there and he had insisted that atoya come back home and go to a Catholic School closer to their Hometown and it was at this point that Otoya for the first time really in his whole life he decided to push back against his dad and so even though Otoya did come home he did go to this Catholic school as soon as he was home he began constantly begging his dad to let him return to Tokyo let him go back and live with his brother who lived in Tokyo and let him go to the high school that he loved and eventually surprisingly otoya's father relented and said okay fine you can go to Tokyo you can do what you want and so ottoya had been totally Overjoyed he had returned to Tokyo gotten re-enrolled in the high school but after only a couple of months ottoya had kind of lost interest in the school and instead his Focus had now shifted to politics otoya's brother who Otoya lived with in Tokyo was very into politics and he was always taking Otoya to speeches and rallies and very quickly Otoya had gotten into it and eventually Otoya began to think that his purpose in life was in politics and he just didn't like the idea of having to wait until he graduated from high school to pursue that career ambition but when Otoya brought these Ambitions up to anyone who would listen no one took him seriously they looked at him as a skinny scrawny kind of Meek little guy who was not going to make a difference in the world but Otoya begged to differ by now ottoya was almost done with the snow he was writing and so he looked up and he checked the clock he saw it was 2 p.m which meant he really needed to get going soon he was going to go to a political debate at the habia public hall in downtown Tokyo and the very important person he was going to meet and deliver this bad news to was going to be at this debate atoya took one more look down at the note he had just written and he read it over a couple of times and he realized he was missing one more line at the bottom and so he leaned down and he wrote quote I can not forgive you feeling like he was done he folded up the note put it in his pocket he stood up he grabbed his school uniform jacket and put it on and then he grabbed this package that he had got from his father's house and he put it under his arm and then he headed out the front door atoya always loved the walk downtown the hall where this debate was going to take place was near the Imperial Palace and it was this big imposing building with a terracotta and stone facade that always inspired Otoya every time he saw it when Otoya arrived at the hall he saw loads of people streaming in through the front doors for this debate and so Otoya joined them and made his way inside and he moved towards the back of the auditorium and then he began scanning the audience and he saw there was at least 2 000 people inside happily chatting and laughing and waiting for this thing to start but all otoyo could think about was where this person was that he was going to be meeting because as he was looking around he didn't see them at around 2 45 PM the moderator of this debate walked up onto the stage down in front he went to the podium he grabbed the mic and he began telling the audience to take their seats and to be quiet and then he began to explain the rules for this debate Otoya at this point was really only half listening because he was still looking all around the inside of this hall for this person he was going to meet you know where are they they're not here 15 minutes later at around 3 pm the moderator left the podium and a new speaker came out on stage he was a politician named inajiro asanuma and he was the chairman of the Japan Socialist Party but when he began to speak and all the thousands of people in attendance leaned in to listen Otoya was totally not listening because he could now see the person he was going to meet had arrived careful not to cause a disturbance Otoya moved from the back of the auditorium over to the side of the building and he began walking up a side aisle only stopping briefly near a trash can where he pulled out that package he had brought from his father's house and he on wrapped it and he threw the wrapping away and held on to what was inside of the package and then ottoya looked down at what he was holding he took a deep breath and then he looked up and broke into a run what happened next was broadcast live on television all across Japan and by that evening the footage had gone so viral that it was basically all over the world a photographer who happened to be in the crowd of people watching this debate also happened to take a very iconic photo of what happened next involving Otoya and that photo would actually go on to win the Pulitzer Prize in 1961. the Pulitzer Prize is a really big deal it's the most prestigious award for journalism it would turn out the very important person that Otoya was supposed to meet inside of this Hall during this debate was in fact the speaker on stage at 3 pm inajiro asanuma the chairman of the Japan Socialist Party and the package that ottoya had brought from his father's house to this meeting was a samurai sword and so after Otoya unwrapped the sword he took a deep breath and then ran up on stage charged to the podium pulled back the sword and plunged it into asanuma's torso before he could do anything and the photographer out in the crowd who would win the Pulitzer happened to snap a photo right as Otoya was pulling the sword out of asanuma and getting ready to stab him again onlookers would immediately Rush the stage and Tackle Otoya but the damage was already done asunuma would pass away from his injuries within the hour it would turn out Otoya ever since moving to Tokyo had become a radical right-wing ultra-nationalist the note that ottoya had carefully penned and then folded up and put in his pocket before carrying out this assassination basically just said that Otoya did not hate asanuma personally but asanuma was slowly transforming Japan into a communist country and so Otoya could not forgive him for that and so Otoya decided he needed to act ottoya was immediately arrested but two weeks later while he was in prison he would take his own life there is exactly one YouTube channel that I personally religiously follow it's called Bedtime Stories and it's like the most epic storytelling and my goodness if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious you will be a fan of bedtime stories they cover strange crazy stories as well and it's just masterfully done but I'm not here today just to tell you how great bedtime stories is I'm here today because I have an announcement bedtime stories is starting a podcast and it's going to fall under the Ballin Studios Banner we're working together it's super cool but here's the even bigger news not only is bedtime stories a brand new ball in studios podcast it is live right now new episodes of The Bedtime Stories podcast will Air each week on Wednesday but right now the first three episodes of the podcast are available wherever you get your podcasts so go and mule kick the Bedtime Stories follow button right in the solar plexus and get hooked on them just like I did but first check out this clip from the trailer for bedtime stories turn off the lights get into bed and turn up the volume it's time for a creepy bedtime story [Applause] from ball and Studios welcome to bedtime stories a new weekly show that will truly immerse you in a strange dark and Mysterious World and haunt your dreams we'll bring you true stories from around the world from the Paranormal to the supernatural Unsolved Mysteries strange deaths Cryptids and the most disturbing of True Crime all told in a unique and bone-chilling way new episodes every Wednesday follow bedtime stories wherever you get your podcasts [Music] on a sunny afternoon in October of 2015 a 39 year old man named Richard Jones walked along the perimeter of the yard inside of the state prison in Kansas where Richard was serving time for a robbery up ahead Richard could see there was a small basketball court with one hoop on it and on the blacktop were dozens of other inmates that were exercising and chatting and socializing and Richard actually knew most of them because he had been in prison for 16 years now and Richard was also a very likable guy who was very outgoing and personable and so he made friends really easily even in prison and so as Richard continued his walk in the direction of the basketball court he saw one of the guys on the blacktop Broke Free from the group and began moving towards Richard and Richard immediately recognized who it was it was his good friend Steve and Richard was about to give him a friendly wave when he noticed Steve looked really mad and so Richard actually just stopped and stared at Steve as he slowly approached him and as he got closer Ray Richard could see Steve's fists were balled up and his face was in a scowl I mean Steve looked like he was coming over to fight Richard and so when Steve got about 10 feet away from Richard Richard actually spoke up before Steve could say anything and he said Steve what's going on why are you so upset Steve was kind of a hothead and Richard knew that but a lot of times even when he got mad about things it would blow over really quickly and so this was kind of routine but Richard just couldn't think of a reason for why Steve would be mad at him and so Steve walks right up to Richard and he goes oh so now you want to talk to me Richard was immediately confused and kind of turned his head sideways and was like what Steve stared at Richard kind of expecting Richard to eventually apologize or something but eventually he noticed that Richard really was not sure what he was talking about and so Steve was like this morning I went up to you at the cafeteria line I tried to talk to you and you completely blew me off and walked away in front of a big group of people that really embarrassed me and made me look bad and Richard was like I have no idea what you're talking about I didn't even see you this morning I I don't know where this is coming from Steve was not buying it and he was like Richard I know it was you I saw you this morning I spoke to you this morning you did that and Richard was like no really Steve I'm sorry I have no idea what this is about and so these two continued to go back and forth back and forth on this and then at some point they both kind of noticed that they were drawing lots of attention because they are in prison in any sort of Confrontation immediately draws eyeballs and so when they noticed other inmates were kind of beginning to walk over to see what was going on and the guards were starting to notice Steve just said you know what Richard fine I guess I must have made a mistake no big deal and he turned and he ran back to the basketball court after Steve had left Richard continued his walk around the perimeter but that exchange with Steve had really weirded him out because this was actually not the first time something like this had happened it all started a month ago when an inmate that Richard didn't know came up to him like he definitely knew him and said to Richard you know hey how's your grandmother I heard she fell down you know is she okay and at first Richard was like wait a minute is my grandmother okay did she fall but then Richard eventually realized that this inmate thought Richard was someone that he wasn't now at first Richard thought this was just kind of like a weird one-off event but every few days after this first time something else would happen either an inmate who Richard didn't know would come up to him and be really friendly with him as if they knew Richard but Richard clearly didn't know them or someone richer did know would come up to him and accuse him of odd behavior that Richard couldn't remember doing like the interaction he had with Steve when Steve came up and said you know you stubbed me in the lunch line and so after Richard's interaction with Steve Richard began to think you know wait a minute is someone screwing with me is that what's been going on the next morning during breakfast Richard decided not to sit where he normally did and instead he sat on the very far side in the corner of the cafeteria to basically just be able to people watch all the people inside the cafeteria and then that afternoon when Richard was outside instead of walking around the perimeter like he liked to do he just sat in a central location and just constantly scanned the whole yard now Richard didn't really know what he was actually looking for he just figured you know maybe I'll see something suspicious I'll see someone staring at me for too long or I'll see someone I don't know talking to my friends you know something will tip me off to what's been going on for the past couple of weeks but despite all this careful people watching he was doing Richard didn't see anything things suspicious until one week after the interaction Richard had with Steve about snubbing him in the lunch line Richard was sitting in the cafeteria again when he noticed something very strange on the other side of the cafeteria and when he saw it he just stood up and stared and he felt his heart starting to race faster and he felt his breath speeding up and Steve actually was sitting next to him and said hey Richard what's going on and Richard couldn't even find the words he just raised his arm up and pointed to the other side of the room when Richard had originally been arrested 16 years earlier it was for robbing someone in a Walmart parking lot Richard had always claimed he did not do it but multiple Witnesses had pulled Richard out of a lineup saying that's the guy and the woman who actually got robbed told police she overheard the getaway driver yelling to Rick the man who had robbed her to get in the car so they could leave and Rick is a nickname for Richard Richard had insisted he was at a barbecue in another State at the time of this robbery and so it really couldn't have been him but the evidence was just overwhelming and So eventually he was convicted Richard had never been able to understand why so many people 16 years earlier had insisted that he was the one who committed that crime and more recently he couldn't understand why his friends like Steve were accusing him of doing things that he didn't remember doing but that night in the gel cafeteria when Richard spotted something on the other side of the room suddenly everything over the last 16 years made perfect sense Richard really was an innocent man he did not rob that woman in the Walmart parking lot his doppelganger had a doppelganger is someone who looks exactly like you but they're not actually related to you it's just genetic chance that somebody else on the planet looks just like you and it just so happened that Richard's doppelganger who was this man named Ricky Amos so it just so happened as well that the doppelganger shared basically the same first name Ricky and Richard well this doppelganger Ricky just happened to be sent to the same prison that Richard was at for a totally unrelated crime these two men have never met there's no connection whatsoever they just look the same and when Richard looked across the cafeteria and saw Ricky it was like looking at a clone of himself and it all clicked all the people that were coming up to him saying you were doing this and acting weird well those people Stephen included were actually interacting with his doppelganger Ricky and 16 years earlier Ricky was the one who committed that robbery in Walmart and the victim and the witnesses they all confused Ricky for Richard here are Richard and Ricky's photographs side by side once a judge was made aware of this situation and saw the two photos side by side he knew the police had made a mistake even the prosecutor who had tried Richard in the robbery case said supported his release Richard was freed in 2017 and got a one million dollar settlement from the state as for the doppelganger Ricky Amos he was never actually tried for the robberies 16 years earlier because by the time they figured out he was the robber the case was too old to try [Music] thank you [Music] on the evening of March 15 2018 a 55 year old man named John stumbled out of this fine dining restaurant in downtown Singapore and promptly threw up on the sidewalk pedestrians jumped back to get out of the way and a woman in high heels and a beautiful fancy dress mumbled something insulting about how drunk John must be but Gian was not drunk he was totally sober and now he was absolutely mortified John was actually a businessman who was attempting to impress his clients at dinner but as he had been sitting at the table with his clients he had started to feel this pressure in his chest that became so intense that at some point he just had to get up and run outside and vomit and so after Gian had stood up and wiped his mouth he thought you know now that he had been sick and thrown up that he would feel better but as he was standing there he noticed the pressure in his chest had not been relieved at all and so as much as Gian wanted to stick around and talk more with his clients he felt like the the only thing he could do now was to go in and politely excuse himself for the rest of the night and just go home and sleep off whatever was going on with him but when Gian went back into the restaurant and was actually back at his table before he could even say a sentence to his clients explaining the situation he was turning around and running back outside and vomiting on the street again at this point John knew something was definitely wrong and so he didn't have time to tell his clients what was going on he just needed to get to a hospital and so he sprinted across the street got in his car and began driving when he got to the hospital he was so scared about what was happening to him that he actually parked his car crooked in the spot and left his door open as he sprinted towards the emergency room and then once he was inside the hospital he ran up to the receptionist and tried to tell them what was going on but he literally couldn't speak and then he just collapsed in a chair right nearby now the hospital was extremely busy but all the nurses could tell well whatever was going on with this man it could not wait and so they ran over to him they lifted him up they put him on a stretcher and they wheeled him into a private exam room and then once he was in there they began taking his vitals and also they began assessing him looking for some sort of trauma on the outside of his body that could explain what was going on with him but they couldn't find anything and so after they were sure that Gian was stable he was breathing okay his heart rate was okay he just couldn't speak but you know he was going to be okay the team decided that the next thing they should do would be to give him a CT scan a CT scan is a specialized type of Imaging that can show what's going on inside someone's body it's like a really detailed X-ray and after they gave Gian a CT scan his results were baffling there was this solid fairly large white object that was lodged at the base of gian's esophagus your esophagus sits below your throat and above your stomach it's basically the tube that food goes through to get to your but whatever was stuck inside of gian's esophagus was not something that looked like food it actually kind of looked like a human hand now the doctors had no idea what this thing was and you got to remember that they really don't have much information here all they know is this middle-aged guy who's dressed really well has come running into the hospital he can't speak and he's collapsed and here we are he has this obstruction in his esophagus and so even though the doctors really had no idea what they were dealing with what they knew is they had to get this foreign object out of Jian so they wield Gian into the operating room for emergency surgery and then at some point a doctor came in with this long skinny tube that had a camera at the top of it their first step for this operation was putting this camera down into Gian to see what this thing was that was stuck inside of his esophagus and so after Gian was prepped for surgery the doctor with this camera began snaking it down John's throat until finally the camera could actually see this white object in his esophagus and when the camera revealed what this thing was the entire medical team in the operating room just gasped they could not believe what they were looking at to understand what they were looking at we have to go back several hours that night Gian had decided he really wanted to impress his wealthy clients and so he had decided to take them to this very special restaurant that none of them had been to and he wanted them to try a very special and very rare dish that this restaurant sold it was called sanakji sanakji is a Korean delicacy that is very popular in certain circles but it's also very dangerous every year in South Korea at least six people die from eating sinachi because sanakchi is just a living octopus you literally eat the octopus as it's moving around and the risk of it getting stuck in your throat is pretty high and so as John is trying to eat this living octopus the octopus decided it didn't want to be eaten and so it flailed its tentacles around and finally its suckers lodged onto his esophagus and that's where it stopped now we don't know how long this octopus remained alive inside of John's esophagus but we know it was alive at least for a little bit because after John managed to swallow it down it kept wriggling around and grabbing and trying to escape and that's what created that intense pressure in gian's chest and kept causing him to go vomit and so when the doctors put that camera down John's throat they saw a whole octopus the octopus was removed from gian's esophagus and two days later John was discharged fully recovered it's unclear if Gian ever tried sanakchi again foreign foreign on a winter day in 1993 a 50 year old man named Joe walked down a dark hallway inside of his farmhouse in Kentucky as he moved he did his best to be as quiet as possible so as not to wake up his wife or son who were sleeping nearby but when Joe got about halfway down the hall he happened to look inside the family room and he thought he saw something moving he strained his eyes to see who it was thinking maybe it was his wife or son who had gotten up for some reason but he just couldn't tell however as Joe stared into the darkness he heard the sound of floorboards creaking inside the family room and then before Joe could do anything the thing he had seen moving was now rushing straight towards him hours later Kentucky State Police would arrive at Joe's house and what they would discover there was a monstrous crime that literally had never been committed before in this part of Kentucky so that's gonna do it if you got something out of today's stories and you want more content like it be sure to check out our podcast called the Mr Ballin podcast where we have literally hundreds more stories just like these that are available to listen to right now that podcast is called the Mr Ballin podcast and it's available exclusively on Amazon music
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 3,574,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strange, dark, mysterious, true, story, scary, scary story, horror story, disturbing, narration, narrator, storyteller, storytime, storytelling, unsolved mystery, solved mystery, true crime, oof, nope, Japan, japanese, otoya sword, otoya, samurai sword, samurai, japanese tv, assassination, doppelgänger, look alike, mixup, prison, octopus, San-nakji, sannakji, caught on camera, TV, live broadcast, debate, innocent, innocent man, pulitzer prize, award winning photo, disturbing photos, final photo, top 3
Id: vj_auGTlcLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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