A (not so) Brief History of the Ancients | Rain World Downpour Lore

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foreign will soon vanish wipe from history to pave a path for the dawning of a new era how many have been consumed so far we'd attempt civilization or the thousandth amusingly they thought their small struggles for such great significance all was not but to serve the void [Music] the world of rain world was once dominated by one long forgotten civilization everything we see and everything we do was influenced by these mysterious people [Music] and they were known simply as the ancients [Music] there are so many different aspects and characteristics of the Ancients we could talk about first their history their culture where they even went why we're even here and so on but before we even begin piecing together everything about them and understanding their story I think it is important to first understand what this past civilization even looked like it might be hard to imagine their story and history if we have no clue as to their appearance but as you might already know the Ancients Left Behind very few clues or records describing their appearance and what they did leave behind as well cryptic at best this makes the appearance of the Ancients one of the most poorly understood and controversial aspects of them so I figured we could sort of build them from the ground up and review the evidence that we do have of their appearance so we can begin to characterize them the first time you noticed any sort of depiction of them was probably the murals on top of five Pebbles we can also find the same ones on top of Looks To the Moon and similar but unique portraits are found in Metropolis from all these depictions we can drive at least a few characteristics the Ancients would have had for one they were at least few annoyed in appearance they served two eggs they had two arms and so on their biology is at least similar to ours you may also notice how all of them are wearing masks and that their faces are scratched out they also wear very intricate and lavish clothing all these are due to cultural reasons which we'll talk about later there are of course a lot of strange and unexplained characteristics of the ancients some of them appear to have Clauses feet mangled arms and even what looks like a tail but besides these handful of murals there are actually more depictions that we can use to see what they looked like throughout the different regions we can find hundreds of different graffiti drawings most are either irrelevant too abstract or indecipherable but there are a few that give us more clues as the ancient's appearance the most notable of them being bubble devil pilot helmet big white eyes gas mask four eyes sitting man critic and finally Boxford [Music] while these depictions are well abstract to say the least we can see characteristics we would associate with humans but also many strange and disturbing characteristics a human wouldn't have the most detailed or realistic look we get of all the Ancients is while we're exploring Metropolis as artificer five Pebbles is overseerous can be seen occasionally protecting advertisements throughout the abandoned city while these advertisements shows an ancient standing next to their own CIS and IDE drone they appear to be crossing their arms and you might be able to make out their hand on another note we might be able to make an educated guess on how tall the Ancients were relative to the slug cats using references such as the ladders hallways and an elevator cab I think it is fair to say that the Ancients were about two to three times taller than a slug cat if not slightly taller but besides this let's do a quick recap these ancient beings are very human-like in appearance or in other words they seem to be anthropoids they had faces similar to ours they often had humanoid feet arms and hands on the other hand we can see some strange patterns in their appearance their digits are especially inconsistent some have five four or even three fingers many have none at all their arms or legs simply ending a single point some have feet that are massively disfigured to the point where they appear to have claws one depiction shows an ancient with a tail the overarching theme in these weird characteristics is that of bird-like traits in fact the most widely accepted theory on the ancient's appearance is that they were an avian-like species a mixture of bird and human-like characteristics this would explain their bird-like appendages tails and even their long beak-like masks but then again many of them clearly did not share these same characteristics they had more human-like than bird-like traits this leads to his second theory that maybe the Ancients had two sort of species one that resembled more closely to humans and wonder has more Avian and bird-like in appearance another theory suggests that the Ancients practice some sort of foot binding which is an old Chinese practice of disfiguring and twisting your feet in other desired shapes in other words maybe the ancient Sora twisted their limbs into these disfigured and human shapes their limbs are often wrapped and was presumably some sort of cloth suggesting they could be pressing or molding them what's interesting about this theory is that the Ancients had many ties to that of Asian culture and some sort of foot binding could be a part of that but we'll talk more about their culture later on maybe they applied some sort of biological engineering or genetic modification to themselves since they definitely had the technological capability of doing so later on if they could engineer new types of fauna they could probably modify themselves too but again more on this later in reality it's probably a combination of these theories that explains their strange appearance sadly the Ancients are long gone by the time we play as any of the slug cats we will never get to see one alive so we may never be truly certain of what they looked like before we get into all their history there are a few things about the Ancients that are worth clarifying you see the Ancients had many unique cultural beliefs and practices that could be easily misunderstood or misinterpreted essentially a lot of what they did might not make any sense without any context the first thing I want to explain that I briefly referenced before was how they were always seen wearing a mask or how they scratched out their faces this can be easily explained by their culture it is considered to be a cultural Taboo in their society to show your face or not wear a mask no matter who you were in ancient times The Masks were actually about showing spiritual persuasion covering the face as a way to symbolically Abate the self and at least later on they also served as a form of expression of identity another thing you may have noticed was their strange naming convention as you can see from all the confirmed names of past ancients we do know of they all seem to have what looked more like phrases than names we don't know exactly why they gave themselves these kinds of names it was just sort of how they did it for the most part they filed a simple Convention of an amount followed by a noun so for example if you wanted to create your own ancient name it could be something like one Nissan Altima 14 outstanding tickets or a redditor zero showers lastly I mentioned earlier how the Ancients seem to have close ties to Asian culture we can mainly see this in their language and spiritual beliefs focusing first on their language their actual written language is mostly indecipherable and impossible to translate however some symbols may be a bit familiar or similar to other known languages many members of the community have already scrutinized and analyzed the Ancients language far better than I ever could they found that the Ancients alphabet seems to have ties to Korean Cyrillic and Thai alphabets and possibly connections to Japanese symbols their language was definitely also spoken since we can hear the Irish talk to us in it possible lastly I also thought it was worth mentioning that the Ancients use terms such as Dynasty to describe certain time periods but now let's focus more on their religion and spirituality it was probably what shaped their society the most and is the most important cultural aspect to pay attention to since it can help you understand their actions and why they did what they did in general they had a very spiritualistic Society their religion seemed to have many close ties to Buddhism and shared similar principles with it you see from very early on the Ancients were not only aware of something known as the great cycle who actively tried to break it if you don't know what the great cycle is is a term coined by the Ancients that describes a process that every living organism suffers from in Rain world every living being is trapped in a Time Loop or a cycle a cycle of death and rebirth that every time you die you'll simply wake back up nobody naiming the Ancients could truly ever die death isn't the end birth and death are connected to each other like a ring or some say a spiral some say a spiral that in turn forms a ring some ramble in agonizing longevity but the basis is agreed upon like sleep like death you wake up again whether you want to or not this is why when we first meet five Pebbles he States you're stuck in a cycle or peeing patterned you want a way out no this does not make you special every living thing shares that same frustration from the microbes in the processing Shadow to me who am if they excuse me God like in comparison in reality an entire video can be made on the great cycle and its effects on the world of rain world but that is for another time in direct response to this unwanted and torturous immortality they would become absolutely obsessive breaking the great cycle and permanently ending their lives to whoever means they could in their efforts they found a religion that focused on freeing themselves from what was called the five natural urges the iterator murals were actually made to depict the five natural urges the first one depicts violence are Wrath the second one depicts lust the third one depicts materialism or attachment to the material world the fourth one depicts gluttony and the last one depicts ego or self-worth it was stopped by the Ancients that F1 could shed all five of the natural urges they could break the great cycle they thought that shedding these urges would allow them to ascend or stop the cycle of life and death but breaking the gray cycle would be far more difficult than the Ancients ever thought out to be [Music] eons before any slug cat existed the world would have been a very frigid place the same climate that has experienced during Saints campaign the earliest eras in the Ancients history are shadowed in mystery to say the least delaying glimpses of their early history we get are from various surviving documents and structures throughout the game let's focus first on one structure in particular that you're likely quite familiar with shadesh the structure itself is described by Moon as a temple where the early ancients masks were made by a material known as bone plaster and created by monks in other words in a very old religious site where early masks were created but there is a slight catch to this she also describes that old industrial religious sites such as were remodeled and Incorporated meaning shade sidel is likely a restored or a modeled version of a natural ancient religious site but let's focus more on these early bone plaster masks we only ever see the more modern masks of the Ancients the ones that were very lavish and golden however there is the case of the elite scavengers they wear unique masks that look like modified vulture masks and they very well could be but we take one of them the moon she states I honestly can't tell what this is it's light but strong appears to be some composite material interwoven with Bowen it seems to have been deliberately altered from its original form with noticeable fragments are mellowed together perhaps an archaeological relic of some civilizations work I wish I knew more because this is likely a valuable find could these masks be the ancient Moon plaster masks worn by the Ancients or at least a modified version not even the iterator is seem to know moving on to some of the oldest texts in the game they mainly describe various pieces of art and literature poems hymns paintings rituals and festivals the earliest ancients seem to be well known for their artistic capability but there are two other documents from this time that send Above the Rest they give us insight into what the early ancients thought of the great cycle and perhaps shows a more darker side to them they compared the world to a tangled rug an unfortunate mess or a fishing net because the more you struggle and squirm the more entangled you become they say that only the limp body of a jellyfish cannot be captured or Tangled in a net so we should try to be like the jellyfish because the jellyfish doesn't try it's a small plate a little text of spiritual guidance it's written by a monk called four cabinets 11 hatchets it's old several ages before the Revolution like most writing from this time it's quite shrouded in analogies but the subject is How to shed one of the five natural urges which tie a creature to life naming number four gluttony is basically an instruction on how to starve yourself on herbal tea and gravel but disguised as a poem this was an eternal Dilemma to them they were burdened by great ambition yet deeply convinced that striving in itself was an unforgivable Vice they tried very hard to be effortless perhaps that's what we were to them someone to delegate that undestrained effort to in truth the no amount of spiritual guidance or starvation would allow the Ancients to break the great cycle they struggled to become the limp body of the jellyfish to become effortless it seemed there was no end to their suffering that is until they started Drilling [Music] so down Into the Depths you go as many others before you drawn to the void again and again an endless drip drip drip much like these tunnels and caves that amuse me so the bones of Forgotten civilizations heaped like so many sticks do they dig too deep or not deep enough fools we're right to draw straight through them [Music] it is unknown why but at some point the Ancients began drilling into the Earth we can see these ancient drill sites in both Subterranean and pipe yard where pipe yard was exclusively created for drilling an early extraction purposes oh interesting this is a diary entry of a pre-iterair era labor error during the construction of the Subterranean transit system south of here in it they describe restless nights filled with disturbing dreams where millions of glowing stars move menacingly in the distance what they discovered deep below the surface was truly revolutionary an underground ocean of a golden food a Yellow Sea with unknown Origins it became known as the void sea or perhaps more commonly the void if you drill far enough into the Earth you begin encountering a substance called void fluid the deeper you go the less Rock and more void fluid it's believed that there is a point where they Rock completely gives way though that would be the void sea white fluid had many anomalous and unique properties that no other material on the earth possessed but solely the Ancients would study the skull in fluid and discover the true nature of it where it will change the world forever my creators or rather my Creator's ancestors figured out a way to use void fluid by creating a vacuum of empty space and inducing a flux in the energy fields around the singular notebook well it's basically impossible to understand the actual process but all you really need to know is that the Ancients found a way to exploit the void fluid they were able to harness it into a near Limitless source of power and energy and thus began the void fluid Revolution as Moon simply puts it the early ages of the Void fluid Revolution were an explosive period of innovation and Industry you could think of it as the Industrial Revolution only a more intense they basically jump started the ancients from an early steam age to an age of technological innovation the only remnants that almost certainly existed during the early ages to avoid food Revolution were the remains of outer expanse in fact we get hints of their early industrialization from the networks of pipes and Industrial structures we can see it was also presumably around this time that the Ancients gained the ability to manipulate the genome at will they began to create what was known as purposed organisms biologically altered or even manufactured creatures or microbes they were designed to serve or benefit the Ancients needs by timely play as any slug cat it is very likely that every creature we encounter is the result of a purposed organism in other words there were no natural creatures left so cats themselves were likely purposed organisms although it is unknown what purpose they were supposed to serve in general the void food Revolution seemed to push the Ancients away from their more traditional beliefs they seem to undergo a sort of Scientific Revolution but there is one very important property avoid fluid I haven't mentioned yet you see it could not only be used to create immense amounts of energy but used as a tool for destruction or rather elimination this is a very early research Journal equating void fluid to antimatter while that comparison Works metaphorically it fundamentally misunderstands the true nature of the fluid there is a reason this early ancient scientist compared void fluid to antimatter even if it's incorrect in physics if antimatter were to interact with normal matter that is if they touched the result is Annihilation they cancel each other out void fluid when interacting with any kind of matter had a similar effect it could dissolve any material it touched it could dissolve people and erase them Ascend them this discovery was perhaps the most revolutionary out of everything it gave the Ancients a way out a simple way of ending their lives and breaking the great cycle of course when voidfood was discovered these methods proved obsolete as it was more easy just jumping in a vat of it to effortlessly leave this world behind so presumably the religious practices of becoming effortless died down because why would you attempt to stop yourself and suffer even more if you could just dissolve away in a mysterious fluid assuming you're rich and had access to the void fluid of course however it would prove to not be so simple for many there were severe consequences for attempting to Leave the World Behind through the void sea there were some horror stories though that your ego was big enough not even the void fluid could entirely cross you out and a fate echo of your pompousness but grandiously haunt the premises forever these beings became known as The Echoes the spiritual remnants of past ancients who are indefinitely trapped between our world and another they are the individuals who attempted Ascension but still clung to one of the five natural urges [Music] an angry fool I was blinded by fervor and pride now here I linger chained to the memories of a city I once struggled to escape Bound by Recollections of those who I could not leave behind us you have no name I once had I was embalmed adorned readied for the journey so proud there is Jubilation my name was sung loud and clear that they know that I didn't quite leave didn't quite stay should I be ashamed did I linger here where my memories are kept shy be ashamed that I now envy your flesh prison so even when the void fluid baths became cheaper some would still starve and drink the bitter tea maybe it was ego their so-called gift to the world maybe he was out of desperation Their Fear of becoming trapped between two worlds maybe they couldn't be bothered to find a solution to the great cycle so they transferred the burden to someone else no matter the reason the Ancients with their Newfound technology in power began constructing huge megastructures of enormous scale giant supercomputers vassey more sophisticated and advanced than ours Sapient supercomputers [Music] they were known as the iterators part biological and part machine they were designed by the Ancients specifically for one thing for one task that went by many names some called it the big task the big problem or the great problem but they all refer to the same thing the task of finding a solution for Ascension finding a way to erase oneself without the use of the Void C finding a way to break the great cycle they were all tasked with finding the triple affirmative affirmative that a solution has been found affirmative that the solution is portable and affirmative that technical implementation is possible and generally applicable in essence they were tasked by the Ancients to find a simple way to ascend every being on the Earth where it was referred to as Global Ascension they were even created to be part machined and part biological so the great cycle applied to them too the Ancients even went as far as to forbid them from seizing function or dying it was programmed into their Machinery I suppose is a cruel way of motivating them we toiled away at a great problem passed down to us from our creators debating testing calculating researching thousands of us we assemble work groups we Ponder we iterate and try some of us die it's not fair because there's not any options you have no more than two Alternatives do nothing or work like you're supposed to an analogy you have a maze and you have a handful of bugs you put the bugs in the Maze and you leave given infinite time one of the bugs will find a way out if they just erratically try and try this is why they call us iterators unfortunately we don't know a whole lot about the beginning of the itera era especially in the context of the Ancients looks of the moon was definitely one of the first iterators turned online but she hasn't shared too many details about her early history I exist as an old model and the concept of an area was still fairly new at the time of my construction knowledge of the technology and more importantly its limits had not quite reached maturity she also mentions how the Caravans in outer expanse were used as an early method to transfer materials between iterators and connected them together and she briefly mentions that at the time she came online very little Primal fauna were left alive meaning as I mentioned earlier most creatures left were purpose organisms five Pebbles actually gives us a few small details of the early area era because even though he was built much later on he is much more fond of early history than Muniz the first iterators during the golden age that avoid food Revolution lived through the metamorphosis of scripture and verse into the first age of understanding she mentions how moon was built on a large Canyon that was rich in resources power consumption of water whether the surrounding environment away and this brings up a very important point the iterators consumed vast amounts of resources in order to operate namely two resources in particular water and void fluid in fact filtration system and the facility Roots have been constructed for these purposes pumping water or void food to the iterators although it is unclear when exactly they were built void fluid was used as a primary power source for the iterators and while water was mainly used to flush out byproducts of their processes but that in itself would create one huge byproduct steam in the early stages of the iterate era the seam output would have warm the climate and made the planet or at least the surrounding area much more tolerable but this wouldn't last for long as the number of iterators increased so did the amount of steam that was pumped into the atmosphere it became oversaturated because of the iterator's breathing with too much steam being pumped into it the result was nothing short of an ecological disaster massive rainstorms to begin to clash against the landscape Moon's rain siren was meant to warm those on the surface of the approaching rain [Music] [Applause] as the service became battered by the rain the Ancients would build another huge structure in response a giant retaining wall was built around Moon and presumably other iterators essentially it was a huge base plate meant to hold and reinforced the ground together and prevent damage from the rain it's as if they turned the ground into a giant slab of concrete the ground beneath us is like an artificial mountain with a layer of clouds that covers it within the retaining wall various industrial structures and factories were built many of which you are probably very familiar with most of them were built to be automated and to be extremely resistant to the Rain outskirts was likely a combination of suburban and Industrial structures industrial complex is actually kind of interesting it was a facility which produced spiritual items such as masks for the Ancients the more lavish and golden ones we know today it is confirmed that the real name of industrial complex was side house shed said I would have been connected to the side house and as I mentioned earlier served as a religious site to fulfill religious obligations for the facility when the production was Ahmed it would generally remained on the same site so that the old Stones could radiate the material of Holiness I suppose it might be better to call it unshaded said although because it would not have been shrouded in darkness at this point Waterfront facility was an aquifer built by the Ancients that collected rainwater and filed it back to Moon structure continual cycles of rain from our Operation Forces the water into small localized Pockets around the nearby terrain the aquifer was meant to consolidate these distributed water systems and funnel their contents back into the canyon drainage system was likely used as its name suggests to drain runoff water but it is also connected to filtration system so it could have something to do with void food too farmer rays were well what the name suggests they likely produced food in this period of History the Ancients still lived on the surface what is unclear is whether they still lived in our expanse or moved within the retaining wall they likely did both but soon enough they wouldn't have much of a choice on where they could live the rain would continue to get worse as more iterator is returned online it became more powerful and intense even deadly simply living on the surface was no longer an option by now living on the surface is laughable we are across the river and have kicked out the boat the service beyond the facility Wallace is a sea of mud ruins and thick plant life the ground out there is almost like water and few things remain stable ancient structure is uncovered by fissures only to become buried again but where could they go if the entire landscape was drenched in rain the answer was above the clouds [Music] because of the sure scale and enormity of the iterators they were tall enough to be safe from the rain and steam output the Ancients would evacuate from the surface and build their cities on top of the iterators Muna the city on top of looks of the moon was definitely one of the first cities built designing the surface world to be largely self-sufficient was a very deliberate decision allowing my creators to live carefully lives up in their cities in the clouds the few that rejected living above those clouds could only choose to Venture as far into the expanse as they could there were rumors that you could see the sky if the fog became thin enough on Earth those rumors are true or just optimistic stories most of the Ancients moved above the clouds but this in itself seemed to sort of fracture their society scaling any iterator reveals just how far away each city was from each other this combined with a lack of physical communication would have caused ancients to form their own communities in each City this is why their history becomes much more localized we get less of the bigger picture because we cannot visit any other ancient communities or iterators they're too far so it becomes hard to generalize each colony and City the Ancients split off into they likely each held different beliefs policies and structures but in general each City seemed to follow a specific government system they had what was known as a council where different groups of ancients known as the houses would have a seat some also had someone with a title Grand Master or cabinet which seemed to be the general leader or president of the ancients when iterator described the weak conditions in their City there was one particular Grand Master cabinet seven clouds above endless Canyons was quite abrasive in his indoctrination to him his beliefs were absolute and non-negotiable those who strictly upheld the systems of his teachings were treated to the greatest luxuries of literature art and architecture however those who did not were damned to the worst living conditions imaginable it was a particularly dark time for my colony it's also worth mentioning that the transition from the surface to the cities seemed to give a mixed feelings to the iterators to say the least none of us really missed the times when their cities were populated imagine having skin parasites that also ask for advice and have opinions the relationship I had with my craters was a mutually symbiotic one I was built to provide for them but there was also much relied on them to provide for me their absence has made things harder well I guess thinking back on it now there never was a dull moment while my citizens were around let's focused more on the Ancients who lived on Luna or on top of looks to the moon since we know much more about them in general the city inhabitants seemed to become much more spiritual not as much as their pre-void Revolution ancestors but not that their society had Noble religious organizations that had some political power they still use the void C to ascend but it was only reserved for the most rich and influential members of their society the Subterranean transit system would have almost definitely been used to transport them but trips to the surface were extremely rare and treacherous it was also probably around this time that the Ancients built the infamous memory Crips storage for the memories of ascended ancients in shades the memory Crips were considered sacred ground by my creators the memories and wealth of entire family houses relayed the rest within and their destruction or that by surface creatures was considered abhorrent as such the Crips are guarded by extremely durable and aggressive purpose organisms [Music] we only get a glimpse of one of these memory capsules and this vessel is a living memories of 17 axes 15 spoke wheel of the House of braids count of eight living blocks counselor of 16. 17 axes 15 spoke wheel nobody decided to ascend and the beginning of 1514008 after graciously donating all all Earthly possessions to the local iterator project unparalleled innocence and left these memories to be cherished by the carnal plane the sword memories in qualia include watching dust suspended an array of sun old age eating a very tasty meal young child defeating an opponent in a debate contest and being applaud by fellow team members late childhood early adulthood and the list goes on if it wasn't clear already the Ancients made some Noble technological advancements during this time such as with the purposed organisms they are able to make more biomechanical ones such as the murals Birds King vultures leviathans and myro's vultures many of the more advanced ones were used to guard specific places for the ancients they also created this as an ID drone it was sort of analogous to a mobile phone it was your pass into the city it could display advertisements and funnily enough it could be used as a hey Siri or hey Alexa kind of thing they also seem to be known for hosting massive spiritual festivals in the city I'd say my inhabitants were quite obnoxious they told festivals and celebrations for arbitrary events practically every other cycle we iterators were built for pragmatism so it is an understatement to say that we were not known for our appreciation of beauty but the sky sails and flight during the big festivals always filled my soul with emotion but everything wasn't all well at least were the Ancients living on top of Looks To The Moon because she was one of the first iterators constructed she wasn't exactly created for long-term use and many mechanical failures would follow certain oversights were made in the long-term scalability and sustainability of some of my functions and after some time my facility could no longer keep up with the supply demands necessitated for the life of my City's inhabitants these problems would ultimately lead to the construction of one of the most infamous iterators five Pebbles [Music] originally iterator sites had to be carefully picked out because of their water needs they had to be put next to large sources of water such as an aquifer or river but because of the increasing intensity and quantity of rain later aerators could be placed almost anywhere originally water supply was very important when placing iterators later there would be the great equalizer the fact that we breathe out as much Vapor as we inhale water led to there being water available everywhere and the latest true Generations could be placed almost completely freely five Pebbles was definitely one of the last iterator is built and here's a very unique iterator too he was mainly built as a safe haven for the citizens on top of Looks To The Moon who were suffering from the dwindling supplies many solutions were discussed But ultimately my construction was the one settled upon to provide a Haven to the impoverished and to remove burden from moon to give her the time she needed to fully recover and because he was one of the latest Generations he could be built right next to moon without any concerns for resources his proximity the moon was what made him unique iterators were almost always built far away from each other but traveling on the surface would have been too dangerous to the Ancients especially on a massive scale even if it was just a short Journey this is why Moon and Pebbles were practically connected they shared resources such as water and even had Bridges constructed between them to allow for the migration of moon citizens these two Bridges would become known as the precipice Solutions are being drafted to allow for a mass migration of citizens of moon City without inhospitable the surface had become attempting to escort an entire City's populace across the ground over any length of distance would have been disastrous these connecting Bridges served as a high altitude evacuation route that could facilitate safe Transit from her City to mine but five Pebbles as construction was extremely controversial in the ancient Community mainly due to its selected construction site he was to be built above shade cedel a sacred religious site his structure would block out the Sun and shroud the temple in darkness this of course deeply angered the ancient religious community where many would call for the end of his construction or demolition they would begin to refer to five Pebbles as the apostate superstructure abomination we of the 592nd high convocation of the true annoyed cereal do hereby Demand with full force of Law and religious Doctrine and immediate end to the construction of the apostate superstructure Abomination to place Shadow upon the Divine body of the true annoyed sidel is outrageous blasphemy and cannot be tolerated no matter the circumstances [Music] ultimately these demands were ignored and five Pebbles would be built the Citadel would officially become covered in darkness who had become shade siddal [Music] most of the citizens from Luna were evacuated to fight pebbles's City Metropolis but many who stayed behind in protest defied pebbles's construction his construction would remain the largest source of controversy and division among the ancients for the rest of their existence five Pebbles is our creation and we have parental obligations towards him as an aerator he is also a gift of Charity from us to the world I therefore ask you to do anything in your might to stop the house we both know which house from further obstruction they had less than 40 members on the council but still told the spiritual discourse with our iterator in the direction that most obviously displeases him and is hardly High held by anyone in the community either we cannot risk this it was also during this time that sun the last buildings and regions were constructed by the ancients Sky Islands a garden and communications array xiaomi canopy the silent chimney stacks of five bubbles is complex the garbage wastes the waste department created for five bubbles and of course the exterior and Metropolis the structure of five Pebbles himself and his City where his citizens would have lived and it is this region that we will focus on next [Music] even though it is one of the most interesting places in the game Metropolis isn't really mentioned by the iterators themselves they only ever describe its architecture older models had more traditional constructions but newer designs began to use a mass-produced cellular build called living box each cell in these blocks has a different shell reflecting their purpose some of these units contain complete immobile organisms or Machinery others are small dwellings for cleaners or Messengers to rest other much larger cells serve as residences and Storage so apparently the city on top of moon had older architecture while Metropolis is more modernized they had different cells in each building which served a different purpose this is why the buildings looked like blocks stacked on top of each other and why some have different colors but there was one particular building or region you encountered as artificer that was quite unique it was known as a 12th Council pillar the house of raids if you recall the ancient who had their memory stored in the memory Crips the only one we can read was affiliated with the house of braids in fact it states that they were the Grand Master of the 12th pillar of community so 17 axes 15 spoke wheel must have been the leader of the specific establishment maybe one of these portraits depicted them the building itself obviously had political importance but may have had other uses too the game files labeled many parts of it as a temple such as LC tumblegate and LC Temple entrance LC stands for lost city by the way they also had many Laboratories within it where they seemed to experiment with different iterator Technologies such as gravity disruptors and inspectors so who knows what this building was truly meant for besides the house of braids there is also a top to tallest tower scaling it we can see the vastness of the city and other cities on top of the other iterators because also the resting place for one of the trapped echoes Metropolis itself is a very desolate place there are only a few recognizable things that we can see abandon or Frozen in place we can see the desolate City slums a crumbled strip mall empty streets with a frozen traffic light the abandoned subways and the elevator is stopped in place we can see the broadcasts of the final advertisements the Ancients who have been displayed most of them seem to be actual products shoes drinks five Pepsi and other miscellaneous items three of them are quite cryptic we don't quite know what they are meant to be displaying but there are two that stand above the rest this one appears to be some sort of news broadcast or commercial it obviously has a gravity disrupter in the background maybe it had something to do with the iterators or the Laboratories for this final advertisement is the most clear out of them all and it is perhaps the most dark it was an advertisement for the memory Crips encouraging ancients to get their memories stored in the pearls before they were all supposed to disappear there is one more quite unique piece of art left behind by the Ancients though five Pebbles is music Pearl which he treasured deeply [Music] we do not know who wrote it or when it was written only that he describes it as an old Keepsake from times long past and encodes a recording of a short hymn that is popular among the inhabitants of my city is the only piece of music we can listen to that was written by the ancients it would have been a piece of music played by the Ancients in his City before everyone vanished [Music] Although our community is blessed with an ever-shrinking population and we can almost Glimpse that glorious moment when the last of us has joined our most admired peers we must still at all times maintain good relations with our iterator foreign [Music] this is an official degree of cultivation sent from the 22nd substance Council ordering the Eastern spoke Farm array Administration to immediately Harvest and process all viable crops despite whether misgivings they might have these are the final operating logs of a Transit control tower they regulated the inbound and outbound traffic of shipments to and from our facility this log shows the point at which the Caravan suspended their final shipments and became Frozen in Time as they remain now it is obvious that at some point something terrible happened to the Ancients that caused them to suddenly disappear all of their efforts would ultimately culminate into a single defining moment everything the Ancients had accomplished thousands of years of science culture politics and Revolution would boil down to one single day if there is one recurring theme of the Ancients it was their obsession with the great cycle it fueled nearly everything they did their religion focused on Breaking the great cycle almost all of their architecture displayed the words or symbols which referenced the great cycle a lot of their artwork references the great cycle in some way the iterators themselves the ancient's greatest achievement were designed specifically to break the great cycle everything the Ancients did was connected in some way with the great cycle and the day they all disappeared is no exception presumably the loss of the rail cars of the subway system would depart for the last time and become Frozen as they are now it would carry the last remaining ancients to their demise for you though there is another way the old path go to the West pass the farmer rays and then down into the Earth were to land fissures as deep as you can reach where the Ancients built their temples and danced their silly rituals this faithful day became known as the global or mass Ascension and unfortunately despite its importance it is poorly documented but there are some things we do know for sure the Ancients obsession with breaking the great cycle would finally catch up to all of them it seems that almost all of them collectively couldn't stand living anymore the last of the Ancients thought that giving up their life was the most noble thing to do [Music] our creators chose to abandon us taking a Gamble and Vanishing from the world leaving us behind to Simply keep working on their problem that was a long time ago the old world and astralics should be allowed to finally rest [Music] they would also systematically sacrifice themselves to the void sea and it wasn't just the Ancients around five Pebbles and looks to the Moon who did this every ancient alive on a plant gave up their lives on the day of global Ascension disturbingly Mass Ascension did not seem to be optional giving up your life was required it did not matter if you want to ascend or not rhinestones above shared glass is one of the most tragic Echoes as they seem to not want to ascend while they were alive but were forced to and now they are trapped forever between our world and another [Music] do you see the same as me Beauty continuing to Gloom even in a place long forgotten I did not have the will to depart nor the desire why did they always search for an escape as if we were imprisoned what offering from the void could usurp The Gift of Life already given this moment right here is where we are meant to be this was the ultimate fate of every ancient they dissolved into the hoity and if they still clung to one of the five natural urges they would become trapped as an echo [Music] if they successfully ascended their fate was unknown [Music] foreign s ultimately left behind a world in ruin they cared nothing more than finding a way to break the great cycle to free themselves even if it meant sacrificing everything they left behind an ecological disaster a world dominated by awful storms unnatural Landscapes purpose beings random gods and The Echoes behold this empty husk of a land populated only by storms ruins and Abominations it wasn't always thus I was once the count of two living blocks esteemed by my peers I had progeny from within my vessel of Flesh I would perch upon this spot to observe the rising of the sun corporeal matters seem so distant now most had forgotten this place but I remain the Ancients always thought of themselves as the superior beings they thought that they were the ones entitled to Ascension and that ascending was the greatest thing one could do most of them probably thought of themselves as being the most important civilization on the planet but this was far from the actual truth it seems that there were only a few ancients who truly understood the bigger picture and even fewer who out she cared there is no doubt that other civilizations existed before the Ancients the Ancients to the ancients the depths of subterranean is one such example it is heavily implied that the depths were originally built by civilization that came long before the ancients it is unclear whether the statues or Guardians were built by the Ancients themselves or if they were already there when they started drilling into the Earth when five Pebbles briefly mentioned the Ancients he might have actually been referring to some other distant past civilization after all the iterators seem to use the word Creator to refer to the traditional ancients not the word ancient itself [Music] two Sprouts 12 brackets and droplets upon 5 large droplets seem to be the only ancients who recognized the civilizations who came before them the chatter of a thousand thousand voices long bed the voices serving as a wave propagating throughout the annals of History the bones of Forgotten civilizations keep to like so many sticks and the dawning of a new era for the next civilization to arise but it was only a matter of time before they would be consumed by the void sea [Music] this was the true cycle the Ancients neglected to acknowledge their obsession with breaking the great cycle only made them forget how to truly live the void Sea and the great cycle consumed their minds [Music] the Ancients were not a unique or Superior species they were not more worthy than any other creature they would all become one of the many civilizations who made the ultimate sacrifice and paid the ultimate price they only paved the path for another civilization to rise up and continue the cycle foreign [Music] ERS were left behind were forced to consider these possibilities they were forced to continue working on the great problem even with their craters abandoning them they were still bound to their task and unable to ascend they were all left to rot inside of their cans the current fauna will likely not have a use for nor the ability to comprehend the solution and will no longer be operational by a time another Advanced civilization comes into being so why exactly are we doing all of this we were supposed to help everyone you know everything that was our purpose a great gift to the Lesser beings of the world when facing our inability to do so we all reacted differently many with Madness some out there might still be trying Communications have been bad for a very long time and by now I suspect most of us are isolated like me or connected only in small groups I don't know how many of us are still alive at this point by now I cannot imagine many of us desire to be the ultimate fate of all the iterators is unknown by a time we play as most of the slug cats their communication equipment has already deteriorated all the iterators became extremely isolated and lonely this was a broadcast note long ago it is in read-only mode now the last transmission record is hello is anyone still reading me it seems that without their creators the iterators would slowly and painfully deteriorate most if not all seem the solely succumb to Desolation anger insanity or physical decay you stand Upon Our creation I toiled away until my final breath as said many of us through countless Generations research shipments architecture computation politics worship revolutions all for a heap of rusted metal steeped in a puddle of Frozen water I placed my faith into the hands of random Gods now I must endure it to the end [Music] the Ancients were like the antithesis to us humans we strive to find ways to extend our lives to prevent old age we fear death immortality would be a dream for many people the Ancients were the opposite the great cycle cursed them with immortality they did everything they could to end their lives and put an end to the cycle their struggle to break free from their immortality shows us that the preciousness of Life often lies in its finite nature their story reminds us that our limited time on Earth is what makes our human experiences so precious so uh maybe go touch some grass or something [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you again thank you so much for watching if you made it this far into the video without me having to put on Subway Surfers you have earned my utmost respect this video took so long to make this idiot really thought he could finish it in a few weeks I will now forever have flashbacks if someone were to just mention the word ancient make sure to check out Jaga because they are probably the only reason you clicked on this video they make really good art on their Tumblr which will be linked in the top comment or in the description also I know that a lot of rain world's lore is up to interpretation especially when it comes to the Ancients so if you have any problems with the video let me know so I can make corrections I might make some sort of a denim video If stuff needs more clarification but as of right now I am dead inside but anyways thanks again for watching I need some sleep
Channel: UraniumEater
Views: 97,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rainworld, rain world, rain world lore, rainworld lore, rainworld downpour, rain world downpour, rain world ancients, rain world animation
Id: tptVamYBXnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 44sec (3884 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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