A non-rushed look at Meta's v67 and Fluid's latest beta. Are browser apps better?

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zero one let's get [Music] started mix reality is getting good y'all welcome back to the constru so I don't know if was already in the works or if the Apple Vision Pro push meta into version 67's new UI where you're able to freely move Windows around anywhere you want but I will say I am very happy that it's happened it's here and there's nothing like healthy competition to set everything straight but we need to talk about the elephant in the room if you're new to this channel we've covered a couple of browser apps here and browser apps that mimic the Apple Vision Pro experience or just the mixed reality experience of moving Windows around in a space and if you've subscribed you probably subscribed after watching one of those videos so today let's take a look at version 67 and what it's capable of doing and see how it Stacks up against my current favorite browser mix reality app fluid I think there's room for both of these types of apps in this space especially with an open OS but let's hop into it all right so right off the bat you notice something different is going on here you can see that the connections window has kind of popped over to the side a little bit turned in and then you notice the outline that starts to hover around the windows when I get close letting you know that there's something different going on post update so you can see we can move things in that same dock three doc window from before but they're separated and they kind of pop in so that same dock that kind of keeps all of the things connected is still there but the benefit now is that we can move things off of that Dock and just leave them in space like this so I can move things up there you can see the dock is completely empty now and I can move these around and add more windows let's open up a browser window so we have one two three windows open now it says you can open up three three Windows move one more tab over there three windows in the dock and then an additional three Windows outside of that so I'm going to open up the Horizon feed well we already have that open let's open up meta TV move that up here looks like I lost one of my browser windows probably because I didn't have anything on it let's add another one there okay cool so two browser windows Horizon feed meta TV connections uh let's pick something else let's just do store why not going to pick that up and looks like I can't pick things up right out of the dock I'm just going to open it first and move it out here and which one did I lose we have five up I lost one of my browser windows looks like it keeps consolidating those together let's take this one and put it right there okay great this is the maximum amount of Windows that we can have open in this new look what's nice about the dock is that I can kind of move these around all together they stay in one place once you get up to six Windows if you had six free floating windows I feel like you'd kind of start to get lost and forget where you're putting things and it would get kind of away from you there so let's look at some of the other features of course the Netflix browser update was a big deal especially for this kind of thing but I'm just going to go ahead and play a little three body problem here just to have something playing and I'm going to maximize that you can see there's still some UI stuff that isn't quite polished out looks like looks like that curved corner is not quite right I'm sure I could resize that into something that makes a little bit more sense make it look a little bit better looks like they're still working through some of those things another thing I can do is actually maximize this window like this and what's nice is is that all of my other windows just go away so I can enjoy the theater experience but I can also oh show your Universal menu by using the meta button hand gesture not sure why it's telling me I guess all my tool tips are back on but you can see I tapped here my windows are still open but just a little bit hidden so I hit that again they go away so now I'm able to move this theater window around and this is pretty cool too I have a slider here to dim my environment all the way down to just a black void which is pretty neat now I don't think this works if I recall if I go into pass through you can see this doesn't work anymore so I can't dim my pass through only in immersive mode can I dim the area around me to improve that now you can go Curve screen which I think this is what this is and then you can go flat but it's cool we're doing this here in the general OS can resize that make that a little bigger that big theater feel let's minimize that again here we are all of our windows are just where we left them which is really great now I did see someone mention that if I turn away and let's say turn this off now I've turned over here and then if I hit this again they're still in front of my face now this might be intentional where okay now this is great I don't have to turn back to where I was before but I think people would probably prefer for them to stay where you left them instead of them moving around or kind of showing up at a different place depending on if youve tapped this and tapped again over here I guess if you want to move you could just turn everything off move around turn it back on when whenever you stop so you don't have to come back to a spot I guess that's just a preference thing I'm not sure which one is best so some of the advantages of having this inside of the OS is that you're not just looking at browsers so what we've seen here on the channel are browser apps that can do what we're seeing right here but they are just browsers so you have to work on apps that are inside of a website or some type of web app to accomplish that work some things that you might be able to do here in the future is sideload an APK an Android app to your quest and then you could actually run Android apps in this kind of setup but this is pretty sweet I'm going to go ahead and open up Microsoft Word which really just launches Microsoft 365 and a browser window but let's just open one up because if you're going to work in here just open a document I think this was the document I demoed many months ago or on the channel you can see here we have our keyboard which is now touchable you can kind of Turn It angle it in a way that might make it a little bit easier for you to type on with your hands we can see word is up here pretty cool and I have attached my magic keyboard or connected I should say magic keyboard to Bluetooth and let's see if we can get this going so once I start typing you can see my virtual keyboard goes away everything works really nice very cool now we lost tracked keyboards in Horizon work rooms but I believe they still work here in the main OS so I'm going to turn immersive mode back on you can see I have my track keyboard back kind of good to see it again after we lost it in work rooms and some hand occlusion it's not great it's really really foggy but just so you know just about where you're typing or where you're placing your fingers I guess that works out but it's good to see that they haven't completely abandoned track keyboards some of the things that I've noticed is like for example the store isn't responsive it it doesn't change shape and size like a website does so there's no resize for the store you can see I can't really grab the corner of that like I can over here with the website and change the shape of that but I like that it's really giving you some Freedom it seems like it's moving things and resizing things and not really running into any issues I feel like the dock might annoy some people just because it keeps snapping my windows if I'm like just a little bit close to it just kind of jumps in there but I kind of like the dock I like the uh stability it kind of gives you so you can see there that it looks like I didn't pull this away just right so it just kind of snapped from there all the way back I must not have gotten it far enough away from the dock see it's actually kind of giving me some trouble there let's put it way up there I still can't get that one away oh you know what that is actually I can only have three windows in the dock and three outside of the dock so I forgot about this window over here to my left let me close that and move this way up here now it'll stay because I have three out here and only two in the dock so the numbers thing as as far as the six would get in the way but I feel like six Windows is probably more than enough for you to get used to I I like the fact that you don't have to launch an app um especially if you're going to launch into another experience like something over here in quest TV if you want to just pull up a video you can automatically jump into one of those experiences and you don't have to close an app to move over to another app there is no window to see through to your keyboard you just have to to be in pass through mode if you want to do something like that like we've seen in other apps and we'll talk about that in a second when we go over to fluid so one thing we can do here is like pick up this dock we're just going to move this all the way over toward the rest of the room and you can see there's a little bit of resizing that happens the more I push my hand out it kind of gets big so I can see what I'm looking at right when I let go of my hand there you can see it kind of resize so that it's still legible and I can see what I'm looking at it doesn't just stay small at the further distances there see I move it out a little bit more it got even bigger you can minimize as well you see I just tap the same icons of the windows that were open and if I hold those see if I can show that to you see if I have multiple windows open I can actually switch between tabs or Windows right here in the dock similar to any desktop operating system you're probably used to so pulling the windows in and out is a little bit painful because I have to pinch and pull or pinch and push and there's no way to do that with a controller so I'll grab a controller even with the controller I still have to do that so I still have to grip the grip button and kind of pull and push I can't use the thumb stick for anything I imagine these things will probably come in the future but right now Bare Bones this is all you got so in this instance I'm turned face toward the back of the room I could just hit the quest button turn around press the quest button again and now things are somewhat in front of my face I'm can't well that one's still over there so it's a bit inconsistent on where it's putting things but uh I imagine that'll probably smooth out as well so let's hop over here into a little bit more of a photo realistic environment the other one's a little bit weird this one actually has some pretty neat elements in it I would never go camping Outdoors like this I'm just not I'm not that guy so this is the new fluid UI and it's actually gotten so good you can see they've added rounded Corners the developers tell me that that wasn't an easy feat and keeping the resolution nice and crispy in here and add that kind of Border ratio there but you can see they're getting a little bit more Sleek with their design here it's still giving you that browser option up top and I believe we're capped at five Windows here instead of the six like you just saw in the quest OS again I'm not really sure why people need so many windows open but one two three four five yep and that's it so five Windows here as opposed to six and the version 67 of quest so in fluid you have some similar features though if I were to open let's just Open YouTube and we'll link the video for the new UI and and fluid down in the comments but we're just kind of doing a compare and contrast here so I'm going to start this up I can do full screen inside this window and you can see the top of that bar is gone now now so I don't have that address bar up top it's pretty neat looks like there's a little bit of resizing that might need to happen to get all of your window in there feel like the resizing is a little bit better too it's a little faster than it used to be it used to take a long time to adjust so one thing that you have here that is not in version 67 is the ability to dim your pass through if you can see that I can dim my pass through that only works in you immersive mode in version 67 but that works in both pass through and let's go ahead and turn off pass through this actually works in environments as well in fluid so that's a major difference I'm sure some of that stuff will probably open up over on the quest OS but it's really awesome that we're doing this already in browser apps and the dock down here you guys have seen this on the channel before this little window allows me to see my keyboard if I need to so there's no hand occlusion or anything like that but I do have a window that I can use to see my desk quickly and I can turn it off if I don't need it but I want to show you some of the other cool things that have happened here in fluid since the last time you've probably looked at it in addition to this Omni do here there's a complete window to manage your spaces so you have like productivity or watching TV you can set up your windows for a particular activity and swap between those setups so you can set up the windows just how you want them and then come back to this window and reload how all those windows were laid out so over here on fluid you actually have the option to save your window layout you can save them in presets like productivity and watching and then you can recall those windows and duplicate those spaces depending on where you are if you're in past through or if you're inside of one of these immersive environments you have that option to always know where your windows line up let me show you what that looks like so if I were to open a few Windows let's put Google over there let's do um youtube.com youtube.com all right let's open YouTube we're going to put that one up on the TV on the wall with the TV right there have Google off to your right so say you have a window up there a window over here and you like how this setup is you can go to the spaces panel here and save the current Windows as your default for this space so if you're in this space in this environment you can just save it and then let's say I were [Music] to close these windows or move around whatever you can reload those default Windows reload those windows and they come right back to where they were when you were in this space so it's really nice to be able to just do that and not have to reset up Windows ease is a big thing when it comes to doing anything in headset you don't want to be fiddling around with where to put your windows you kind of want to just get going fluid also has room built in so you can start a room join a room when you create a room you can give the room a name give it a unique join code so people can be invited to it you can make it public it's not ready yet for public rooms but it's coming soon over in the quest OS you have to use something like work rooms to have that room experience and screen sharing so there is a way to share your screen you go back to my home room there's a share computer window here and this window is just visible to everyone you actually get a look at the old UI of how the windows used to look this is how all the windows used to look in fluid but now it's kind of been evolved into more of this uh Sleek Apple Vision prish kind of window here with the rounded corners and nothing on top so that's kind of a quick way to see what the windows used to look like here and there so this window is something you can pull up while you're in a shared room with other users share everything there and they can see it there's a little warning down here reminding you that whatever you're sharing on this screen can be viewed by the other people in the room another really cool feature in fluid is that yes we have this beautiful environment here I believe this one's called tranquil Grandeur so this was just one of many you can teleport around these rooms and get a different look sorry if that teleport noise kind of scared you but you can get a different look at the environment here you can sit at any of these spots that light up when I point to them let's go buy a window let's sit on the couch down here what's really cool about this is that the environments outside of these windows are AI generated so I can switch those really fast you can see the outsides have changed let me close that window so we can see all the way through but it doesn't stop with these prepackaged ones you can actually go into to the Skybox Library you can see it kind of erased everything outside the windows little creepy when that happens but you can put in a prompt here and create your own custom look to be outside of your window your own custom Sky Box right so let me go here I'm going to say Matrix code city why not right and then generate they use credits similar to Adobe I know adobe's not in anyone's good graces right now but they use credits so that you don't overload the generation of assets here so I'm going to generate that nice little loading animation here all right so here's our city I don't see a lot of Matrix code here but it's pretty neat looks like there's a lot of green being used so one so one thing I want to point out here is that there's a rotation slider here and I can actually rotate the outside so I can see maybe a better angle of what was generated so these are kind of like 360 photos outside your window but it's pretty cool that you can customize this right so you're not waiting for a new environment to be loaded there are environments that fluid updates here just the static environment like this room here but anything outside the window is up to your imagination to be generated through prompts so I want to point out some other cool things that are are still here so fluid actually has voice detects just like the meta OS so I can go in here I want to add a new thing here I can just hold a and say the construct it'll read what I spoke and type it in so of course Bluetooth is so of course your Bluetooth mouse and Bluetooth keyboard are are compatible with fluid as well just like in the metos I think one of the big differences is being able to take Windows use the thumb stick move them around very fast in this way this is almost a must-have feature being able to do that quickly without kind of like doing the fisherman grab and pull kind of thing is just oh so necessary I'm going to jump back into pass through so being able to dim your surroundings really gives you a really nice Cinema way of looking at this so so in comparison this is similar to what you would see in the quest OS where you have you know your dark surrounding but the only major difference here is the fact that I can do this in pastor there's no curve screens here but but another update I'm excited about is that they actually have added screen touching to these windows that was something that wasn't included in these browser apps before you can actually touch the screen and get some interaction there something else that's always been here in fluid is the follow feature it's a little bit easier to see now now here it's called follow me I think it was a pin before this update but if you turn on follow me what ends up happening is if you turn your head the window kind of turns with you kind of keeps up with you a lot of people wanted this feature so if they're using their headset and mix reality and they're doing something else and you're watching say a game or something it'll just stay next to you all the time you don't have to keep grabbing it and getting your controller using your hands to bring the screen back close to you and in the end like I said I think there's space for apps that do this and a native OS that does this the advantage that individual developers have is that they can customize the experience to very specific needs and maybe include things that wouldn't necessarily work in a general OS it's similar to how people rarely use the native browser of an operating system how people resist using Safari for so long or resist using Edge for so long and they download it something like Chrome or Firefox or all the other browsers that that you might have heard about that suit their needs specifically I think we'll end up in a place like that where yes you have it in the native OS but if you want something custom or if you're really used to something that an individual developer has built you'll probably just stay there for your Mr working needs but definitely try these out for yourself I left some links in the description so you can check out the PTC version 67 or the latest beta of fluid and let me know what you think in the comments we'll see you here next time in the constru peace [Music]
Channel: The Construct
Views: 14,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quest3, vr, virtual reality, quest 3 productivity, quest 3 spatial computing, meta quest 3, quest pro, quest pro 2, meta quest, meta quest 2, spatial computing quest 3, spatial computing, quest 3, fluid app, remote desktop, working in vr quest 3
Id: 20tb3AUjsIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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