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foreign it's been quite a while since I played Wings of Fire Roblox the game has slowed development wise because archionia is on a big mental health break for college and obviously there hasn't been much public development we can see I'll most likely make videos on any updates that the game receives in the future whenever that may be but I'm finally and officially saying that I have obviously moved on from that game this video isn't about Wings of Fire Roblox though I just wanted to state that because I almost made a video about the subject entirely because there has been some little bits of development but honestly I'm just completely demotivated and uninspired by the thought of making any content on the game and honestly I feel like at this point it would be milking a dead horse at this point however I have finally found a new Wings of Fire game that piques my interest there have been countless Wings of Fire Games created on ROBLOX after people started realizing hey I can make a game like that too but none of really grabbed me and pulled me in so I've never made any content on any of them the game that finally made me feel like making Wings of Fire content again was a game previously called Talons of paria but is now named Talons of Destiny talons Destiny has only been in development for a few months and was created by goalie base the game contains really well made and detailed models that stay on modeled the original Source material really well they actually have a good front view there's quality in this stuff look at this googly eyes but anyways this game has a lot of potential and I wanted to check it out a while ago so I did towns of Destiny is a game based on the wings of Fire book series Goldie plans to make a fully playable storyline with animated and voice acted cutscenes that play out the story of Wings of Fire currently the game is focusing on getting its other game mode completed for the most part this mode is more familiar to you in that it's more role play oriented letting you choose and customize any of the tribes in the game while allowing you to explore wonderfully detailed maps towns of Destiny currently includes many tribes from the series but is a heavy work in progress as many of the animations features and functions aren't finalized the animations in this game really bring out the quality of the models and make them seem a lot more lifelike and enjoyable to play as like other role play games there are emo functions with the current set of emotes that may expand the future in regards to customization all all Parian tribes are currently in the game with a basic mostly temporary set of color palettes that allow you to color sections of the dragon at some point these sections will be split up and allow you to color each joint of the Dragon like each little part allowing you to make beautiful Fades patterns and other features that make the models look like whatever OC or character you'd like the game will have full accessories for all tribes allowing for even more unique customization again however all of that is a work in progress but the game is very very playable and I recommend you go check it out you've seen footage of it on screen this entire time actually Talons of Destiny is rounding out to be a very memorable and enjoyable Wings of Fire game that I fully support because I'm actually helping with the game the development team includes goldiebaze the Creator modeler and primary coder for the game she animated a lot of the animations you see on the models specifically the movement ones like running and flying she also works on the map stuff me I work on the game as an animator and map artist working to make the current ceiling Kingdom map feel alive and wonderful and able to have amazing roleplay experiences on ministy is one of the Sound and Music designers for the game Gobi is also a music and sound designer for the game and is created the music you currently hear in game when you play now sea Viper is another member of the team that does animation for the models and such and one of the most crucial members of our team is user who is a lifesaver to the team and does scripting and coding for the game and is just amazing this is the team working on the game to make it an enjoyable experience and I hope you guys will check it out once you're done watching this video as someone who actually works on it I'll be able to give you guys correct and up-to-date information when I can however I'll still be keeping secrets for things that we've done that aren't ready to see yet so no leaks for me silly Billy's I'm going to actually join and walk around the game in a second but here are some other planned features maps and possible questions answered there will be hybrid features in this game included in the game pass it utilizes using other tribe Parts as accessories to make it look like you have a hybrid Dragon there will not be individual models for each possible hybrid there will be multiple maps to role play in for the role play aspect of the game but the current focus is the seawing kingdom which includes the summer and deep Palace and a few fun Islands beaches caves and a whole ocean with moving fauna to explore there will be more accessories there will also be ages and such but that is a feature for later and is not the current focus of the game many other features will be included and you are welcome to add questions in the comments because I am happy to try and answer the ones that I can there is an actual list of the current itinerary of what will be worked on First and what will be worked on later so please look at that game as it currently gives a better understanding of stuff currently we're trying to get flying back into the game and get all animations for tribes finish and polish with all that introduction to the game out of the way let me show you around the game okay so we are in game now and what I'll be showing right now is what it's like to join the game and run around and show some of the features and such and after that I'll go around in studio and show you some more close-up things about the ceiling Kingdom map and what we're working on so press the play button right now whenever you load in you can actually turn and rotate each of the tribes and kind of get a good view of the models and stuff I'm gonna click the ceiling because it's my favorite tribe right now and here we are there's still a lot of bugs in the game because there's a lot being worked on and stuff but we promise that it'll get fixed at some point so don't worry about that this is what uh customization looks like let's make a green ceiling that'll work you can click each section of this or now coloring in the game right now is very simple all you it's just you click a button on the right section and then it colors it and stuff like that and makes it there's really not much to it it's fun it's neat you can have some individualization which is a lot different from how it used to be which was no customization so we're getting new work done it'll be nice if you click this area up here right now is where accessories are and I can put things in like a nose hoop and glasses we'll travel around so we'll put a neck bag on in a hip bag just for fun see these buttons right now they're misaligned and it's kind of hard to click stuff just there's lots of little bugs like that but again at some point they'll get fixed right now we are currently again just working on getting flying into the game fixing a lot of the animations that are messed up and I think trying to fix customization up a little bit more and then we'll move on although while we're working on the map and such and whatever so yay here's our ceiling right now so we can click finish you can also add a bio and stuff like that whenever you spawn back in you can still click customization and you can go back and edit your stuff in game so I'll name myself Kelton yeah you can also no oopsie you can edit your bio and your colors and stuff in game my bad but that's what it's like to spawn in you can do that with all tribes not all tribes have accessories right now but that's all it'll also be working on the future and yeah right now we have a few NPCs like here's Queen Coral right here you can click and talk to her she's very neat oh why hello there is there anything I can do to help you and where did you get your pearl necklace from they are handcrafted by Lobster they're a jeweler down by the Deep Palace give them my blessing if you stop by stuff like that you can talk to her more in the game if you want to but stuff like that some point NPCs will give quests and things and it'll be fun so and you can just talk to them for trivia it's like neat you know stuff like that lots of role play opportunities there's more updates to these Palace in the in studio which I can show in a minute but right here is the meeting floor kind of right now nothing much to it but it has each little thing pool you can do an entire like role play here if you wanted to which would be so so fun right now to get to the outside you have to click these teleport things but at some point you actually be able to like swim through the tunnel into it and stuff out and like make it neat but this is the shore which we're really proud of it's really pretty I can show it better in studio get a better view of it since you can't really fly right now but um oh if you notice that the ceiling Running Animation doesn't look like the one I showed earlier there's an updated one that is not in game yet so oh here's some other one of the moving NPCs there he goes a little crabby on his way there's another one over here that I animated it and put here he is and he just sits and he eats sand that is what he does emote features in action you can sit and lay down stuff like that here's a disgust animation I made all the animations exist some of them just look a little wonky on some tribes and that's what we're working on fixing let's go let's hop in studio go look at that stuff all right so here we are in studio where I can show parts of the game that aren't updated yet since we have a lot of things that haven't been put in the big update yet here is the sewing Palace and stuff like that um before I move on or anything the flying that I showed earlier was a big work in progress just because we haven't gotten all the animations done and especially on all the other drives like there isn't a takeoff or Landing for the c-wing yeah there's just stuff like that that needs to be done before it can come out but the actual script and stuff is like fine same for swimming swimming's also getting worked out just what's going on fine so here is the Summer Palace in all of its Glory now not all the floors were done but here's like the um battle stage floor which is very very fun I had fun decorating that here is like a little thing here look here's a picture of Blaze that got hit because she's stupid here's the kitchen which I'm really excited for so if you have a cooking OC have fun with that got stuff like a big pot right there have all this things coconut coconut with spilled coconut milk is very fun you can even go inside of the oven in the actual game when it's loaded so that's really funny here whenever you would actually able to fly there's lots of caves that you can pop into around at some point they may be like um customizable dens and things like that a whole bunch of stuff that you can explore for yourself another good piece of information to know we didn't make any of these plant models they were either purchased or found in free packs but any of the other models were made by Goldie so yeah same with the Rocks we found the Raw boxing packs and stuff too but Goldie also models them because they're just rocks they're easy to model here is a good view of the shoreline from far away which is great little scriptures in game right there is funny here's one of the islands there's the only other islands like over there and over there but like here's an island let's dive under the sea but a very very big land mass to explore in there's gonna probably be underwater dens stuff like that here's a big coral reef I hope people have like a little ceiling lending like wedding underneath this thing right here there's just so much so much to show you guys we are working on the Nightwing map but I'm not gonna show any in this video and I can show that in development videos in the future because I will just be doing normal development stuff and showing it just like I did in the old things of Fire game here is like an uh clothes shop right here with lobster that was mentioned before there's an entire little sewing Market over here if we swim over here it's got a whole bunch of little stands that you can role play in that'll have more NPCs lots of fun stuff this game as I've said a million times before is a huge huge huge work in progress I really hope you guys start sharing it and supporting it because I will definitely be making videos on it and any development it has because I really enjoy it and I'm not just saying that because I work on it it is gonna be a fun game we have a lot of attention to detail and I really love it if anyone would start making videos on it yourself because I might share them in my community Tab and stuff like that just share it with your friends yeah that's what we've got so far for towns of Destiny I hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you have any questions please ask them in the comments and I or Goldie will try to answer them the best we can ourselves because we love that and it's great so I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope you enjoyed the behind the scenes stuff I will give more development things in the future and maybe a video showcasing all the developments so far so if you have any ideas for the game say stuff I love it so thank you for watching that's all okay bye bye [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Bellasaurus
Views: 204,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -QLclP4VP0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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