A Musical and Inspirational Journey Through the Yom Kippur Services

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[Music] welcome back to our beautiful beautiful shawling queue we had an overwhelming response to part one of the whole holidays rosh hashanah and now we bring you part two yom kippur and your cold ninja service i wish you all well over the fast rabbi feldman it's yours take it away thank you rodney welcome to the magnificent q hebrew congregation for part two of our high holidays virtual musical service today is the yom kippur segment part two we'll be speaking words of inspiration about this holy day we'll sing some of our favorite yom kippur tunes and prayers and we'll be having a yizzker service will be able to do the prayers and remember your loved ones sadly the shales are still closed due to this pandemic and we must follow the laws however together with you this service is being live streamed directly to heaven and all you need to do to tune in from home is to use the timeless link that the pure heart in turning to god in today's service we'll be going on a journey through yom kippur yom kippur the day of atonement is called that because over 3000 years ago this was the day following weeks of fasting and praying to god moses succeeded in getting forgiveness from hashem to the jewish people following their sin of the golden calf since then every year god again says salah i forgive the jewish people for their sins when we come in fasting and in prayer to the synagogue or this year from home as we turn to god with our pure hearts today god grants us his most sublime gift his forgiveness now imagine if you will your best friend imploring you not to do one action that will greatly upset them and then you go and do it you could understand how upset your friend would be and how perhaps unlikely it would be for that friend to grant you forgiveness yet imagine going to that friend asking for forgiveness and rather than your friend being upset with what you did to them they reply that your friendship is far more important to them than anything you could do or not to this is what yom kippur is about it's the manifestation of god's essential love to his people it is the day in which he says that his love to us and our relationship with him is greater than anything we could have done until today and in loving god in return our sages teach us that true love is when you love that what your lover loves in god's case it is for us to love our fellow and yom kippur only atones for sins between man and god we must make amends to our fellow humans for anything we have done to wrong them how hard is it for us to truly forgive our fellow if they have wronged us do we really forgive and forget and even if we do does the relationship not weaken somewhat as a result if we can truly show this same compassion and understanding to others then we are further guaranteed that god will act with us in kind forgiving others is the biggest favor one could give to themselves look at the word itself for give it is forgiving away and to let go is to let god it is to let god into our lives it allows us to unburden and have the best relationship with god that we possibly can yom kippur is the only day of the year with five prayers corresponding to the five levels of our souls culminating in the illa prayer where there is a revelation of our essence the god within us prior to colney dre there is a beautiful custom amongst all of israel where we bless our children [Music] to herald in this holy day and today as we begin our journey into these five levels of the prayers of yom kippur virtually i would like to bless each and every one of you as a cohen myself the priestly blessing translates as the lord bless you and protect you the lord deal kindly with you and graciously with you the lord bestow his favor upon you and grant you peace [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we are now up to the coal nijre service kol nidrei synonymous with being the most solemn prayer on yom kippur in yom kippur we are now all of the vows and all of our previous commitments to ill behaviors from the previous year there are many interpretations given as to why we do this process at the onset of yom kippur at this most holy time one of my favorite explanations given is by the zohar the bible of jewish mysticism explains that this more than two thousand year old prayer is recited at this time because by saying this prayer now the onset of yom kippur we are saying to god that any bad behaviors that we have adopted over the past year was not really us we didn't really mean it we are sorry the real us is standing before hashem in shul or in this year at home on yom kippur pure and with a willingness to connect to hashem on rosh hashanah it is written and on yom kippur it is sealed our fate for the year ahead lies in the balance of these 25 hours one of my children told me this morning that he didn't really mean what he said to me last night when he was in a bit of a mood and he'd mistakenly said something that upon waking up this morning he came and apologized for he said sometimes i say things when i'm in a bit of a mood but i don't really mean it [Music] and in fact the same is true tonight on yom kippur with our relationship with hashem we ask god the same as a child we turn to our father and say we didn't really mean it really we love you we want to connect to you we want to follow your guidance and your ways and in turn by us annelling our vows the zohar continues and says that just in case god forbid it was decreed that something negative or bad happens to us this coming year and god has already determined that based on our behavior now that we are asking for true forgiveness we are asking god to also annul his vows the vows that he reserves for those who don't go in his ways let him annul those vows and indeed bless us with a sweet new year fantastic year ahead and beyond [Music] [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] you [Music] wash away [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] [Music] immediately following the kolnidre we recite the passage vanislach the passage of forgiveness where hashem recognizes that the actions that we did that weren't proper were not truly meant and we commit to renewing our ways this coming year and beyond for the better [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we now recite the shahriyan blessing thanking god for validating our lives by giving us renewed life daily for sustaining us and bringing us to this joyous occasion of yom kippur yes joyous for god forgives our sins what could be more joyous than that recite the blessing together sing along from here [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] following the evening service the silicote i recited a collection of prayers of repentance and poems of supplications incorporating god's 13 attributes of mercy beseeching god to forgive us and see our merits the song we are about to sing is one of my favorites it's a beautiful poem where we describe how our lives are in god's hands like clay in the sculpture's hands or tapestry in the weaver's hands glass and the glass maker's hands our lives are molded by him we ask god to overlook the evil inclination that has led us to do wrong and to recall his covenant to always look after us [Music] okay [Music] said [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we continue along our journey and come to the morning service at the end of the morning service we recite the avino volcano as we do in each of the five services as we transcend yet another level in this yom kippur journey and tap in to the next level of our soul now the avina volcano prayer was instituted by rabbi akiva and a wonderful story is told of how once in israel there was a very significant drought all the sages tried various prayers but to no avail rabbi akiva said this prayer of avina malkina our father our king and lo and behold the rain started pouring and broke the drought one of the prayers in our vienna malcano is manama geform in aquila we ask god to remove the plagues from his people and what more appropriate time than now is there to pray that god removes the plague this virus that's been afflicting the entire world remove this from the world you know the sages teach us based on the words of the prophets that say that the time will come when god will remove his mask from his face and show us revealed goodness and so it is that we pray that god removes his mask shows us the goodness of his ways so that we too may remove our masks for the rate this pandemic is going with all these variants we're soon going to be knowing the entire greek alphabet and where is that going to get us so we beseech to god please remove the plagues bless us with a year of health complete health and happiness and may we immediately know of better times join with me [Music] [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Music] know [Music] we're now up to the memorial prayers yiskar where we remember our loved ones it could be our parents our grandparents other loved ones and it is at this time that as a result of the mitzvot that we do in remembering them we cause an unbelievable elevation in their souls on high for as we know it is only the body that passes away and is to be resurrected at the time of the mashiach yet our souls our soul doesn't pass away our soul moves on moves on to the next world and what sustains the soul in the next world are all the tehran mitzvot that it engaged with whilst down on this earth [Music] our president of this show mr rodney goldblum behind me who has the honours of saying the yusuke for the community with me mentioned to me before emotionally how he finally recalls his parents of blessed memory adorning the ventures of these this beautiful shul with their presence and he remembers his grandparents before him stalwarts of the victorian jewish community and how they set him a legacy by community involvement by coming to show by showing that this is the way we behave as jews their merits stand for themselves but there is no greater merit than when we continue to do mitzvos down here we are perpetuating their legacies keeping them alive and indeed causing the ascension of their souls with so much nachas so it is at this time [Music] join me in taking on good positive resolutions mitzvot for the souls of the departed let us pledge to give money to charity let us pledge to add an extra mitzvah an extra good deed at this time to further our connection with our creator with hashem and may indeed those who have passed may their souls have a righteous ascension and may we be united with all of our loved ones speedily in our days we'll now recite and sing the av prayer the prayer of remembrance we ask hashem yizka to remember them like we are doing today in our prayers [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] m [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] for the second and final yusuke prayer kel mole rahman prayer for the mercy of the souls of the departed i ask each of you at home if you are now saying just go with me to please at this time recite the name of your loved ones and their parents if they are known to you have them in mind at this time during this prayer and while you pledge to give a charitable donation in their souls merit and honor i have here in my hand the coup hebrew congregations memorial book we're in it we pray for the souls of all those listed here parents of members grandparents people have moved on to the next world yet are not forgotten and today in our prayers we cause their souls to have an everlasting edifice and indeed an ascension in heaven as a result of us praying for them and committing to do mitzvot in their honor we also have here a list of past presidents trustees and gabaym and previous rabbis and the founder of this show we pray for as well in our service today i will recite this prayer in english and then i shall sing it in the biblical hebrew god full of mercy who dwells in the heights provide a short rest upon the divine presence's wings within the range of the holy pure and glorious whose shining resemble the skies to the soul of all of those members of this shawl who have passed on and the parents of the members of this shul who have passed on and indeed grandparents and other loved ones charity will be given to the memory of their souls therefore the master of mercy will protect them forever from behind the hiding of his wings and will tie their souls with the rope of life the everlasting are their heritage and they shall rest peacefully upon their lying places and let us say amen [Music] [Applause] say [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] we now continue our journey we're up to the third prayer and we'll musaf during this prayer we speak about the service of the high priest in the holy temples and we pray to god that once again we should merit to the rebuilding of the temple the third and final temple in jerusalem where we once again could resume the service [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] we now move on to the fourth leg of our journey of yom kippur the minha prayer in the mint prayer we recite many of the same prayers again as we journey and travel to yet another deeper level within in our prayers one of the prayers we say is shmakoleno we open the ark coming with great enthusiasm and all of our concentration the cousin calls out shimakoleno hashem several verses that were repeated verse by verse after the khasan asking hashem to heed to hearken to our prayers have mercy and favor upon us and finally to not cast us aside in our old age not to forsake forsake us when our strength weans and fails [Music] i [Music] [Music] oh [Music] the final verse of the schmackaleno beseeching god not to cast us aside an old age for us to maintain our strength until the end [Music] it's beautiful how these prayers are sent throughout the entire world there's ashkenazim the svardim and all countries we all combine in spirit while saying these prayers together with amiso el i'm going to recite the final verse in the way that our sephardic brethren sing it [Music] i [Music] i know [Music] we now arrive at the end of our journey of yom kippur nila the fifth and final prayer corresponding to the fifth and highest level of our soul the yehida that level that remains one with god the revealed love of god to us and us to god happens at this time and the illah means that the gates of heaven are about to close and we khaparan we take these last moments of yom kippur this final opportunity to implore hashem to please seal our fate for the year ahead for the good accept our repentance and our returning to you now is also the time that we resolve we resolve to go into this next year better we resolve to do more to work on ourselves to be better jews let us ensure the continuation of the unbroken chain of our heritage that is 3500 years old let us ensure that we become strong links to continue this chain on to future generations so that one day our children will be there doing mitzvot for us and so will our grandchildren for them [Music] we do this by resolving to take on something extra in the year to come in the sphere of tehran mitzvot to give extra charity to increase in our torah learning for men to pray with it to fill in for women to light candles for shabbat getting involved more involved in your local community looking after your friends and neighbors each mitzvah that we do can tip the scale of the entire world for the better and seal all of our collective fates for the best to ensure that our jewish legacy will be strong and everlasting final song to conclude our service is called my zadie it's a song in english composed by moisture yes blessed memory for we all had a zaydi taught us the values and the beauty of yiddishkeit the jewish religion and traditions today we resolve to become that zaydi ourselves for our children and grandchildren [Music] my lady lived with us in my parents home he used to laugh he put me on his knee and he spoke about his life in poland he spoke but with a bitter memory [Applause] and he spoke about the soldiers who would beat him they laughed at him they tore his long black coat [Music] and he spoke about a synagogue that they burned down and the crying that was hurt beneath the smoke but zany made us laugh and zadie made us sing zadie made us kiddish friday night and zadie oh my zadie how i loved him so zadie used to teach me wrong from right his eyes lit up when he would teach me toyota he taught me every line so carefully [Music] and he spoke about our slavery in nature and how god took us out to make us winters went by summer came along i went to camp to run and play and when i came back home they said zadie's gone and all these books are packed and stored away and i don't know how or why it came to be it happened slowly over many years i just stopped being jewish like my zadie was and no one cared enough to shed a tear [Music] but [Music] [Music] oh my sadie how i loved him so and zadie used to teach me wrong from bright and many winters went by and many summers came along and now my children they sit in front of me and who will be the zadie of my children [Music] who will be their zadie if not me [Music] [Applause] who will be the zadies of our children [Music] who will be theirs 80s if not we [Music] how i loved him so lady used to teach me wrong from right [Music] join me for the declaration of shema israel with all of our mighty [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] here wishing you all well over the fast and may you have a glorious year ahead and beyond thank you all for joining us on what was a beautiful beautiful program we're sorry that we can't be together ensure we look forward to being together in the near future and i really want to thank rabbi shmuley feldman for a magnificent service it was beautiful to sit here and fortunately be insured and you are now able to experience what i experienced today thank you and i wish you all a good year thank you you
Channel: Kew Hebrew Congregation
Views: 2,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u8dyTW0KV6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 44sec (3284 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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