a much needed glow up transformation

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hi you guys welcome back to my channel today we're going to be doing a glow up video and i'm really excited i haven't done a globe video in a very long time and i really like filming them they're really fun it kind of forces me to like do some things that are good for myself and that definitely make myself feel better and my self-esteem kind of go up a little bit you know i don't feel as like a grungy so that's what we're gonna be doing today i thought this was a perfect time because it's about to be 20 21 and 2020 was just not it and we're going to be turning it around in 2021 and why not start with a glow up here's what's on the agenda today so we're going to be doing my eyebrows we're going to be doing some facial hair removal aka my mustache a face mask my nails a brazilian wax and my 20 21 goals let's do it you guys are really up close and personal right now because we're going to start off with my eyebrows i have my tweezers my little tiny brush and these little scissors that are kit scissors but they're way too big for my eyebrows because i don't know where those like little mini eyebrow scissors are here so we're working with what we got like honestly i hope i don't regret this this does not look like it should be anywhere near my eyebrows so the first thing i'm gonna do is like brush them out oh i have a pimple should i pop it should i pop it i don't know maybe i will we're back and it's popped i'm gonna brush on my eyebrows first i'm gonna brush them up look how crazy see this is where i need the scissors i've really neglected my eyebrows the past like six months so it probably would have been a lot easier to go to someone and get them done i've gotten my eyebrows waxed before i've also gotten them threaded and i've also just been plucking them so i've done it all kind of except for microblading or that like new trend that's like the wax not waxing laminating your eyebrows such a weird trend but people really like it when they do it so there's a lot of little hairs and i'm i get really red like if you guys saw me after getting a wax or even like what's it go threading it like my i get really rad and irritated these hurt beauty is pain though i don't even know i feel like i might need to even like shape them a little bit it might be getting ahead of myself and i might regret this you know what we can also say is part of this glow up my nose job i'm going to be uploading an entire video about my nose job soon but i got a nose job on december 2nd so it's super recent i'm still very swollen but i can already like tell a slight difference from the front and then my bump is still really swollen but it will smooth out over time and um as this one goes down but it already is so different and it'll smooth down but yeah that's totally part of this glow up if i wasn't gonna say that okay i think i might be done on this side it's so hard to get like all these little okay honestly i might not use the scissors because that could go badly and i'm okay with how they look right now oh this hurts you know what's bad is when you go get a brazilian wax and they take the tweezers out at the end and that is just not fun i'm gonna be getting a wax done later in this video i'll show you guys i actually already want to get it done but i recorded it and stuff so i'll show you guys later this eyebrows always so much easier to pluck and like do in general when i do my makeup than this eyebrow i freaking hate this eyebrow i don't really know like should i take off more on these sides maybe i'll just leave it not a huge difference but i just wanted to get rid of all those gross little like hairs that are all under here i think the eyebrows are done okay we're in the bathroom now little change of scenery because what we're gonna do is some three in one face cream hair removal you put this cream on the desired area for me it is my uh upper lip we're gonna kill two birds with one stone and also i hate that saying kind of dark we're just gonna do two things at once and i'm gonna do some crust 3d white strips i normally just do this for 30 minutes but it says you can do it for an hour and i kind of want to do it should i try it all right well i guess i should put these on first because they take longer here she is wait do i brush my teeth first top i'll do first i use these other ones last time the way i'm talking and they were terrible i think they're called luminux i can't talk i'm talking right now luminox i think that they were terrible don't recommend literally did nothing am i really leaving this on for an hour at three o'clock or at 3 30 i'm gonna take this off now time for this the hair is up the hair removal cream is out oh the smell of this oh not very good i put it on there like that and then here we are looking cute okay time's up now what i do is i just like remove it feels like i'm shaving or something next i'm gonna use this finishing cream that they have in it that is aloe in it apparently because i get really red the smell of this cream if any of you have used it it's almost like it burns your hair off or something so the owl feels really good yay yay yay all done i stole my whitening strips on obviously but we're gonna do a little face mask this is a aloe face mask which i thought would be perfect because i just did that hair removal thing and the aloe will feel really good it looks like where's the mouthful through here could you even understand what i was just saying i'm gonna keep this on until i take my whitening strips off which is in about a half hour okay i've taken the face mask off and now it's time for me to take these off it's about an hour i've never had them on for this long i feel like my teeth are getting really stained from coffee lately and i can't really tell if they look whiter maybe i'll do this again tomorrow i don't know i can't really tell anyways i did the face mask took it off and my skin feels so hydrated and nice okay so now that the face mask is off i'm gonna put on moisturizer because my skin feels so hydrated and nice and i just want to keep it that way okay next thing is nails and it's actually the day after christmas so no nail salons are open i actually have gift cards so i'll probably go get my nails done soon like in the new year i couldn't get this open so i needed my sister to help but i'm gonna paint my nails now because like i was saying all the nail salons are closed i don't mind it at all so this this color is it's just like a light pink i really like it it's called come out to clay by essie i haven't painted my nails i don't even know the last time i really want to try like have you seen people who do their own nails and like with designs and stuff like i don't know i used to do that when i was younger in like middle school and i was really good at it i kind of want to do it again i really like this color so what you're about to see i'm about to go get well not right now i already have it done but i'm about to go now oh my god why am i talking two days ago i went and got a brazilian wax and i wanted to do it as part of this video like the day before christmas eve and i just wasn't able to film this video so i did film that though like when i went so i'm gonna insert that right now because that's part of my glow up for 2021 i went and got a wax and i think i'm just gonna do that from now on because shaving is so annoying i'm gonna do the second coat of this let's roll the clips from a few days ago okay now for the last thing in this glow up 2021 glow up is going to be me writing down and figuring out what my goals are for the new year so that i can implement them and work on them and yeah that's really all but just deciding what my 2021 goals are so i think i'm just gonna write down a bunch of things right now because i plan on making like a habit tracker kind of thing so right now i'm just gonna write down a bunch of goals that i think that i want to focus on and then i'll go through and make a habit tracker at some point i'm just going to go on my ipad and and i think i'm just going to use i think this is notability and i'll just jot down everything right now [Music] i just finished writing all my goals down so i'm just gonna list them off really quick i'll probably add more onto this when i actually make like my habit tracker and stuff let me know if you guys want to see that read at least one chapter daily work out at least three times a week lost every day no soda stick to a youtube posting schedule daily stoke each morning five minute journal daily journal on the first of each month 100 000 subscribers on youtube and that's all so that's everything up for this video i hope that you guys liked it if you did make sure that you give this video a thumbs up and you subscribe if you want to see more of me and follow me on instagram i post on my stories all the time and i love chatting with you guys and just staying connected on there daily i'm so excited for 2021 and i hope you guys are too we can make it a great year for each of us i'm wishing you all love and good health and just peace in this upcoming year and make sure you guys are subscribed so that we can spend the year together i'm really excited and i have a lot of cool things coming for you guys let me know down below any of your goals for the new year and we can all get each other hyped up and motivated and maybe take some ideas from each other if you guys made it to this point in the video comment this emoji thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Brooke Didas
Views: 26,002
Rating: 4.914557 out of 5
Keywords: transformation, glow up, glo up, 0-100, 0 to 100, glow up transformation, glow-up, back to school, back to school transformation, new year glow up, winter transformation, summer transformation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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