A mother, her son and us !

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[Music] [Music] starting on easter sunday the 4th of april spring harvest home in 2021 is the one you do not want to miss you need to join us because after an unprecedented year of frankly global chaos this is the time to learn more about our unrivaled god this is the time to gather as people of faith as people who want to follow jesus and be disciples of jesus to say how do we do this how do we learn more about god in a way that sheds light on us and who we are how do we do this together this is the time to do it we don't know when we'll have a lineup like this again because of the advances in technology the people we have access to this year it's off the charts let me tell you i can't believe how many people have said yes worship leaders from india nigeria amsterdam france america around the world we have content that will be truly life changing and i don't want anyone to miss it because i'm not sure when this will happen again so join us for spring harvest home in 2021 head to springharvest.org to find out all you need to know get your ticket buy one for your friend be there [Music] [Music] is [Music] well good morning good afternoon good evening or whatever time you are watching this it's a privilege to be in your home today on this mothering sunday in 2021 the theme of the service is all about a mother her son and you and hopefully that will become clear as we go throughout the service we started with this lovely song of thanksgiving [Music] there is a future for me my life my everything thank you i just wanna say thank you i just wanna say i cannot believe what you've done for me thank you i just wanna say thank you i just wanna say where do i begin [Music] everybody [Applause] [Music] i know you're carrying me [Music] you're greater than i ever knew [Music] thank you i just wanna say thank you i just wanna say i cannot believe what you've thank you i just wanna say thank you i just wanna say where do i feed [Music] everybody [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] i just wanna say i cannot [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] me [Music] so good to be with you and we don't take that for granted thank you for tuning in to this particular broadcast however you found us we pray that god will bless you in some sort of way maybe even through the first song that taught us how to be thankful people and today on mothering sunday we highlight that and maybe towards mothers but also towards those who care for us and of course a special mention has to go out to those in the caring profession we've got many in our church you might have people living in your street and we give thanks to them we do that by clapping on the doorsteps of our houses and found other ways of being appreciative and today we're just appreciative of our mums [Music] happy mother's day sarah after waiting to have a child for so many years you must be overjoyed to have isaac today is about you and all those who are still waiting happy mother's day midwives of israel you risked your own safety to ensure the survival of countless children today is about you and all those who care for children and call it work happy mother's day daughter of pharaoh by welcoming moses and to your family you showed so much love the day is about you and all foster and adoptive parents happy mother's day naomi you walked with ruth as a friend and cared for a child as your own grandchild today is about you and all grandmothers and extended family who care for children happy mother's day hannah you let go of samuel even though it hurt you today is about you and all those whose children are not living with them right now happy mother's day anna life didn't go as you had hoped yet you found peace and worth in your service to god today is about you and all those experiencing heartache at how things have turned out happy mother's day lowest in eunice your faith changed timothy's life today is about all those who are playing a part in raising the next generation [Music] mother's day is about you whatever your role might be [Music] whatever your relationship is with your mum whether it's a good one or a bad one hopefully we'll tackle some of that today and what a great day but before we get there i would like to uh if at all possible to dance to do the actions to the following song god's great big family some of us like pink and some like blue some of us like reading books some of us like feeding ducks that's because god loves everyone he's made god loves in a special way [Music] that's you and you and you and you and you and you god loves you god loves you that's you and you and you and you you and you and you and you we're part of the big family of god [Music] families [Music] you and me but god loves everyone he's made god loves each of us in a special way that's you and you and you and you that's you and you and you and you god loves you god loves you that's you and you and you and you you [Music] we're part of [Music] that's you and you and you and you that's you and you and you and you god loves you god loves you that's you and you and you and you you and you and you and you we [Music] the and you had you and you and you and you you and you and and me you can be part of this great big family of god what a happy great big family yes every family so also this one has its struggles but i'm glad i'm part of the family of god and so can you be um details will be at the end of this broadcast and in a family of course there is an element of teaching there's a lot of homeschooling bit going on and we teach one another and it's the same in church and my colleague is going to teach us in her own unique way a bible verse over to you jason sandra so we're going to do a memory verse today you know how much i like my memory verses and the reason i like memory verses is it's really important for us to try and learn bits of the bible it's so encouraging when you're going through difficult times just to remember what god has to say either to you or about the situation you're in and today's memory verse is lovely so let's see if you can learn it with me i'm going to put some actions to it as well so you need to try and do those so it's god says you are precious to me you are honored and i love you isaiah 43 4. see if you can do that with me you ready god says you are precious to me you are honored and i love you isaiah 43 4. see if we can do it with just the actions now okay isaiah 43 verse 4 and i love that verse because it just reminds us of just how much we are loved by god and that is really really helpful when you're feeling maybe feeling a bit down about yourself or things aren't quite going right just to know that god loves you and it's also lovely today in particular just to remind your mums or whoever looks after you but god loves them as well so let's just say it one more time together see if we can get it into our brains god says you are precious to me you are honored and i love you isaiah 43 4. well done now it's time for our game and the game's called who's the mummy so they're going to be some pictures some photographs and there's going to be a mummy in each picture and you need to see if you can work out who that mummy is now if you come to our church you should be able to identify the mummy quite easily if you're not a member of our church you just need to know that all the people in these photographs are part of our church family and when the game is over eric will be back with you [Music] so i would like to take you to a story in the bible of a particular mother who loved her son so much that she abandoned him hang on a minute that sounds contradicting well maybe it does but allow me to tell you the whole story there was a mother who had a baby the baby happened to be a boy and in that time baby boys would be killed straight away now of course she didn't want that to happen so she hit the baby for a little while but as you all know little babies grow bigger which means their lungs develop which means they get louder yes so the mother could no longer hide this baby this baby boy so she made him a little basket and she put him in the basket and she put the basket in a river she abandoned him because she cared so much and she didn't totally abandon him she sends his sister miriam with the basket keep an eye on it now by some miracle the basket ended up in front of the princess's feet and the princess didn't quite know what to do with it miriam says i know a lady i know a very good lady who will look after him until he's old enough to come cover live with you in the palace and guess who that lady was that was the mom who loved her son so much that she actually abandoned him yes it was moses his own mother who looked after him see sometimes as a mother as a carer somebody who cares for somebody else you need to learn to let go you need to show that nothing that we've got not even our children are our own they're entrusted to us by god and sometimes parenting is very very tricky and very difficult and here was a mum who had this choice to make but she believed in the god of israel and she had that as a back help for her so that's what i'm asking you today what is your backup where do you go to for advice for when things are so difficult that you have to make decisions like that and of course my prayer is you don't have to make choices quite like that there was another mother a prophet walks into her house or near her house and he says could i have something to eat and she had the choice to make because she knew all she had was enough a meal enough for her and her boy and she had a choice there and then should i feed this man of god or should i feed myself and my boy one more time before the food has run out and the bible actually goes on to say that she made the man of god a meal and then things got provided for her once again it's a great story a good story of trust who do you trust in what do you trust for your family for the supplies that you need in your life see the bible is not some old book that's irrelevant these stories are relevant to today there are people who go from meal to meal sometimes maybe you're a parent watching today and you think actually i need to make a choice to feed myself or to feed my children and if it's all uh relevant to you um look on our website and look at the cap cab christians against poverty um tab there and they might be able to help you and we will uh certainly pray for you too so here are mothers who are struggling who had tough decisions to make and maybe that's you whether you're a mother or not but you are in this position where you have to make a tough decision our prayer is that you will find a way of comfort a finer way of support and we the church at large the big great family of god can help you if if you if you want to so these are just two stories of a mum a boy and how that might actually affect you too so that's the question we're asking you that it is still relevant for you today so those are two of the stories that we just want to cover and i've realized that on mothering someday it's not always easy hopefully you've got special treatment today if you're a mum but maybe your mom has passed maybe you want to be a mum maybe there are so many different scenarios i could mention here so have a look and i listen to this as a prayer for you to those who lost a child this year we mourn with you to those who experience loss through miscarriage failed adoptions or running away we mourn with you to those who walk the hard path of infertility fraught with pokes prods tears and disappointment we walk with you forgive us when we say foolish things we don't mean to make things harder to those who have disappointment heartache and distance with your children we sit with you to those who lost their mothers this year we grieve with you to those who experienced abuse at the hands of your own mother we acknowledge your experience to those who are military mums or those who serve or have served in the military we pray with you and we honor you for your service to those who have aborted children we remember them and you on this day to those who are single and long to be married and mothering your own children we mourn that life has not turned out the way you longed it to be to those who step parent we walk with you on these complex paths to those who envisioned lavishing love on your grandchildren yet that dream is not to be we grieve with you to those who will have emptier nests in the upcoming year we grieve and rejoice with you to those who place children for adoption we commend you for your selflessness and remember how you hold that child in your heart to those who gave birth this year to their first child we celebrate with you to those who are in the trenches with little ones every day and wear the badge of food stains we appreciate you to those who are foster mums mental mums and spiritual moms we need you to those who have warm and close relationships with your children we celebrate with you to those who lived through driving tests medical tests and the overall testing of motherhood we are better for having you in our lives to those who are pregnant with new life both expected and surprising we are excited for you this mother's day we think of you mothering is not for the faint of heart and we have real warriors in our midst we remember you which then takes me to thank you by the way lexi for doing that so brilliantly and that takes me to from the old testament into the new testament to another mother another boy and another question where does that fit in with you today and the mother is mary and the boy is jesus see so often as a parent i said oh if only i had it easy if only my kids were were so brilliant that i didn't really have any troubles well just think of mary she in a sense had the perfect son she had the son of god as a son just yeah i can't comprehend that but that's the truth of that story and yet it wasn't easy she felt pregnant before she got married in that time frowned upon then she had to make a very long arduous journey there was no room in the end we know that story jesus was born in circumstances that we would not choose for our children to be born in then there was a threat against his life that they had to live as refugees in egypt for a while all this for mother mary and then when her son started to grow up brilliant he started to learn more and more but so much that he actually almost abandoned his mom and dad at the age of 12 there's a story in the bible that he was teaching the man of the time there in the temple and mom and dad had gone back home or started to go back home and they suddenly said where's jesus see if you think you want the perfect childhood i'll ask mary she still struggled with the whole thing and then of course this is a time of lent where we're looking forward to that great big resurrection day but also just before that all the painful days of good friday and jesus in the tomb and there's a story in the bible when jesus hangs on the cross where he says to one of his disciples see this woman take her as your mum because he still cared but his mom also cared so much that she went there to the torture that he had to go through and maybe that's some comfort in that story for you that you see your child struggling and maybe in pain and maybe you just feel absolutely hopeless just read that story in the gospels about mary looking after jesus and being faithful to jesus where in the end he says to somebody else look after her and hopefully that will happen in your life that you've got people coming around you that will look after you when you need it so we can look after one another so hang on we can be part of that great big family of god and maybe it was the first story about moses there was something in there that you say wow i needed to hear that or actually i've got a question about that maybe it was the second story maybe it was mary and jesus whatever you've come across today there will be emails at the end of this broadcast where you can't come in touch and uh we will have a discussion if needed but let me just ask that one question how is all this relevant to you the title is a mum her boy her son and you how about you how is all this relevant to you you're sitting there in your uh home on on the couch or a tablet or a phone or whatever you are watching this on maybe you need to be like mary and be totally abandoned to jesus that's what mary was his first miracle we all probably know so well is mention at many a wedding where jesus turned water into wine he says follow what my mother says and at the cross he says he still looked after her but at the wedding mary says this is my son do as he says and jesus says come and follow me that's what he says to you and me and i've decided to follow him and i don't know where you are at maybe you're struggling with the whole following well so am i so wearing this together this great big family uh together maybe there is something in this whole thing for you on mothering sunday the original mothering sunday actually was about people who were working in big houses in the country who were allowed to go back on that day to their mothering church and maybe you have something to do with church maybe your parents had something to do with church listen i'm not here to promote a church i'm here to promote a person and that person was the son of mary jesus christ so follow him look into him in the bible and if you want to do so then get in touch with us and talk about this personal jesus that is the new part we've heard about the mothers and we give thanks from others however that worked out for you in your life may you be blessed by having listened to this little broadcast today we will finish with a great great song what a faith for god have i because mums might always be faithful to you i might always be faithful to my mom but he he will always be faithful what a faith for god have i if you know it sing along otherwise take in the words and the meaning of this great song what a faithful god have i [Music] when rumors of a virus turn to evening government updates when headlines move to daily news of fresh infection growth rates when schools are closed and holidays postponed everyone's asking who's been furloughed a slight change of plans just wash your hands it's like the flu remember let's stay at home do pee with joe it'll be over by september how long oh lord [Music] when streets resemble ghost towns at peak lockdown regulation when we crave a crowd cry out for connection from full-blown isolation when millions search for online church with newfound innovation everything's online but getting low role is a hassle and trust in powers eroded by trips to barnard castle it all ends in tears there's no quick fix when you're a table of seven but there's a rule of six how long oh lord when our dreams are dashed ambitions strangled christmas plans destroyed and a righteous anger rises at the murder of george floyd and when families are asked to grieve behind masks graves of precious loved ones past life is in limbo we're stuck in between herd immunity or miracle vaccine 2020 short changed by kovid 19 and children can't get the food that they need how long oh lord with ever-growing numbers of the daily deaths presented when this is the new normal when what life was like lamented and will people stop using the word unprecedented we are zoomed out homeschooled out restrictions extended and those we love die unattended how long oh lord i've been deprived of peace i've forgotten what prosperity is so i say my splendor is gone and all that i'd hoped for from the lord and my soul is downcast within me [Music] and yet this i call to mind and therefore i have hope because of the lord's great love we are not consumed for his compassions never fail they are new every morning great is your faithfulness [Music] i find rest in your presence behold your face [Music] foreign [Music] singing [Music] peace [Music] me [Music] hey [Music] mommy [Music] so father we just thank you that you are a faithful god and father as we cannot hand out literally these daffodils to all the ladies in the church we are thankful for the ladies in our church for the ladies in our lives father help us to care for them better my father want to thank you that we have a caring profession in this country but above all we are thankful for a faithful god who cares for us even when we mess up even when i mess up you still can't used to love me you sent your son to die on the cross for me so father bless those who are watching stir in the heart something of the truth they've heard today and go with us in this new glorious week amen may the lord bless you and thank you for tuning in on this broadcast today god bless [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] starting on easter sunday the 4th of april spring harvest home in 2021 is the one you do not want to miss you need to join us because after an unprecedented year of frankly global chaos this is the time to learn more about our unrivaled god this is the time to gather as people of faith as people who want to follow jesus and be disciples of jesus to say how do we do this how do we learn more about god in a way that sheds light on us and who we are how do we do this together this is the time to do it we don't know when we'll have a lineup like this again because of the advances in technology the people we have access to this year it's off the charts let me tell you i can't believe how many people have said yes worship leaders from india nigeria amsterdam france america around the world we have content that will be truly life changing and i don't want anyone to miss it because i'm not sure when this will happen again so join us for spring harvest home in 2021 head to springharvest.org to find out all you need to know get your ticket buy one for your friend be there [Music] [Music] is you
Channel: Victoria Baptist Church
Views: 489
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Id: cPV5VwIALwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 50sec (2330 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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