A Mother Brings Her Son To Be Shot (Family Conflict Documentary) | Real Stories

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BisquitTheClown 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Very interesting. Local Irish who don’t trust British police, arm themselves and threaten people who are “bad influences” on the town, like drug dealers. They negotiate with the young man’s mom to shoot him enough to “scare him straight” instead of shooting to paralyze or kill him.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Stierhere 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome to the doc exchange a real stories podcast in partnership with the grierson trust every week i'll ask a new filmmaker or filmmaking team about three documentaries connected by a single theme that have made a meaningful impression on their work and life [Music] [Music] okay show me what you got my power knock i might but if you want to kill him he's our age and there's my favorite weapons like hatchet sweet everybody floated somebody kill him point blank straight away had the moving helmet does something good here which built in half like a mill so you have to behind your head somebody's wrong for whatever physics this is like the party right in here bold cutters cuts on my finger outfit and then do this normally than how much i would like to chat buddy is that the end um everybody got me out of here all year [Music] so i wasn't a tail full of anything they have told to take him on a taxi i was attacking him to certain plus to get him shot that night i dropped him off and i watched him walking down the lane and then the sin the man come towards him and then just turned around and just was bang bang [Music] i didn't hear gunshots or lingard when i got shot there were still in the makeup i think they [ __ ] chopped me and just went on the house next door i'm changing the clothes and i'd stand with the front raffle what was going on where are these and then they stitched up behind the bullet one of the way bullets are still behind the kneecap one of those balls that's a wait but um name already bud it wasn't she'll be nine millimeter what was he shopping a point tree i think i don't know whatever that is my name of like that is is projected they're like we oh i don't know why they were sharp way but my i i know i know what i know that they're playing this because i i seen that i've seen it my friend got shot with one not not because of drugs it was a point two three i know what that is it's like i want to fire mushroom had to be mushroomed but that says uh there my it was shot with my leg and my eyes would be horrible this size fully was in shot and at point two three out of five before we shot bugger [Music] looking out over these historic walls i see a peaceful city a safe city a hopeful city full of young people that should have a peaceful and prosperous future here where their roots and families are that is what i see today with you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the people of these islands look forward today and we see the chance at last to escape those heavy chains of history [Music] so [Music] this area craving was a no-go area ever placed our army personnel then came a chilling display of firepower in the staunchly republican ghetto of the cregan our community was like an open prison it was completely surrounded by armed british forces there was armed actions on the street every single day and it was a really really bad time a very emotional time [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is god's country this is where i was born maybe you just shot a bloody soldier two or three streets when you came through the houses to get away and i decided to join uh the movement when i was 15. so i didn't that was 1971 and it was eventually captured and i wasn't turned some state somebody worked out that i had served the equivalent of a 16-year prison sentence but i've never been convicted i first met hugh when i was investigating punishment shootings in northern ireland i'd heard about a mother who'd brought her son to be shot i wanted to know how this could have taken place within the united kingdom and what had happened afterwards how is something like this resolved within a community and within a family the troubles were long over but there was obviously a connection and i wanted to try and understand it how do wars truly end these are big questions yet i thought i was there to make a short news report and that i'd be finished in a few days i was wrong you know it tells me the police officer encouraged him not to make a complaint because he said look it's a vicious circle that the people who actually carried out the attack uh was his ex-partners ex-wife son your mom we shouldn't we'll be back and we'll burn you out the next time no uh i think that's some immediate threat hugh is expelled from the republican movement during the peace process he wouldn't say why when he first met nowadays he works within the rosemount resource center and part of his work is to mediate between the armed distant groups and individuals who are judged to be a problem one of his cases involved philly o'donnell who'd been accused of drug dealing and had taunted distance on facebook folly was a really bad bad influence in our community the community we're going absolutely berserk you're always going to get bad apples but the community will deal with them themselves no but my bar it cannot stop surprisingly because one day i shouldn't just pure how late for sleep walks in my room keep me up and i have alcohol and i saw what i pulled in a cold and 19 i tried really far so important as far as i got there so philip had a real gun upstairs no remember said the fire behind motion heads remember the black gun i had or they the black one he pulled back and got there anyway they got boom know it's i can't think of them on the camera but the art groups don't decide on their own they uh listen we will have we shot anybody like that street yet that's that's not the way it works i had to give them 3000 points and they wanted more it's the community who go and ask them they take action against individuals who are carrying out anti-social behaviour so follow up with some drugs every day and then when he doesn't have the drugs they're coming down because that's what we had in love with him know my husband been in jail i haven't got nobody to say you took over i'm just here too don't forget that there's your right hand man so just don't forget that [Music] they had actually two or three warnings to him we became aware of the threat and we entered on his behalf and we were told quite bluntly they made our own business they told me that they were gonna die they'll fill up they would shoot him with a little caliber gun that they wouldn't hurt him as bad as but he was gonna get and i i don't remember what i even said then after that because i just i just don't remember i just remember it was just i couldn't even walk right i was shaking and uh i thought well what am i gonna do if i were on michelle's shoes i would have come to the same conclusion after the shooting philly was banished as it is called to belfast and magella had to begin renegotiating with hugh and the shooters for his return a weedy blame i said to my husband you're the blind ty i never done anything or we were never strict with him i was never sucked bullock has gone on to be a boxer brilliant sport fellow had no trouble at school with them they had great friends and i don't know they got lost they got lost they got lost somewhere three i never realized how much drugs would methadrome cocaine uh then they were taken that oh my god i just couldn't believe it my own my own means would be looking to take diazepam uh valium uh cocaine uh what else is there any drug that was it was just just take it all on we ever tempted to call the police no are you glad you didn't i would never ever attempt to perhaps our community will never expel armed republicans the history of of opposition to britain is too long and it's it's almost uh instinctive in people i think it might be even a gene within the northern irish the community doesn't forget what happened 30 or 40 years ago they will never left the phone and phone the place about ira volunteers or ara actions it's still seemed as informing right and that's probably the worst thing that an irish person could be accused of as being an informer i mean it's horrific i wouldn't i'd rather be dead first i'm told that the police haven't been on the area at all at night because there are dozens of armed republicans walking about i think the longer the police stay out of the area the better i was very confused by you when i first met him some of his statements seemed impossible but philly really had been shot and he was central to the negotiations it was through him that i met gary donnelly a well-known distant republican in derry he brought us to see this police raid that's what he stood there and then he told the whole story if you don't accept the system don't accept british police then basically this is what he will do and do you have primary feelings no were you ever in the military no you're never in the iron [Music] foreign the enemy has not gone away one time republicans knowing the pay of the enemy mock us with labels like microgrips and self-importantly ask us what's your strategy for us the answer is quite simple our strategy is to continue to build our resistance to the illegal occupation of our country there's a lot of republicans in this city who have invested an awful lot and struggle and suffered terribly have lost loved ones who have spent the best years of their lives imprisoned and they have gotten nothing whatsoever out of this phony peace process and i think as the days go on that you know more and more this is beginning to be exposed do you think the punishment shootings have much effect on support the salary movement don't carry out punishment attacks but we don't have a normal society wise politicians will will fly around the world claiming to be normal and everything started uh the police force here has very little support in these communities you know there's no police officers living in these communities you know they want somebody from these communities decided to join the british police then they move out of these areas and in the absence of that proper normal structured policing there will be times when you know when the community will will take action itself you know fast but i know the way up no i know how to get to belfast i just when i get there i don't know how to get to yeah i know you see where the europa hotel is yeah i know which way to go from there you sure you don't want to go cambodia [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you [Music] ready sure four months and march or once that's the longest you've ever been away you know he was like all they were bigger and all the boys were all drinking but he wasn't worthy not you don't start well and when did you start taking brexit i was about 16 six days the longest ever went for exciting without sleeping about the fifth day i couldn't get more elbows so i started swallowing bags i got injecting my bottles i have to shop and sound bigger but yeah i just started sweating and i was up made the window i could see people running past i could see about see how many people in the back in the dirt walking around i mean trees no but there was nobody in there and i started seeing snakes with people's heads on it remember like the caviar's nice it's in the gummy in the kitchen though but i know what they like where they control it so was kept drinking water front and then i thought then what if you think i am somebody trying to kill me i was afraid but to me how do you come down off it because you started making pints of water this is where your heart rhythm and foliar because soon you're put in it ticks all the water to your body your head starts to play mind games because it's dehydrated so you follow your body by the water again that shows that like when they're flashing their head like different keyboards so exam back down again and then this one was all right you get depressed first two days and after the two days you get angry then after the angry and i threatened to burn the horse threatened to kill kevin barry he was gonna get his afraid he's gonna kill me um i was always willing for i was afraid the way you were just being gone no then thank you noises really aggressive no smashings that's why i came by was so afraid you know because they oh i made that like i jammed the bedroom door because i thought you were going to come on when i was sleeping and kill me i realized i was too afraid to go to sleep does it sound really weird sounds matter that's when i was an addict i'd like to do it how different is he to kevin when he's getting married a lot different stuff kevin maria's getting married just getting bored he wants a snake for his birthday because he thinks it's dangerous kevin murray thinks about throwing knives hatchets hammers anything yeah i got a sentence i but at the same time it looks like he knows why forms um but he's not violent yes does he follow yeah yeah i think would you like me to come back today would you say but i'm going to come back which means when i ask you the word i absolutely find out for me he's not but then again that he it's rather of his commentary so stay at the weekends i fight afraid to getting again lights are crazily at the far end this is our older men's snooker hall and as i said there's you can see from the photographs in the wall it's it's very very well supported there we have maybe 14 or 15 different projects and programs running here we had an upsurge uh honestly drinking another use of behavior and it was right there over the last five or six weeks where young people were right on uh at the top of zigzag steps on the ground at the moment we're seeing a generation of young people growing up who believe that they've been left behind by everyone basically the class of sales as a lost generation there's zero opportunities for jobs for progression and life as they see it most of the young kids we deal with right up to 24 year olds they have 24 and believe that that's their life loved i think the peace process was delivered as a package mainly to stop violence but also to create a better life for the younger people the younger generation coming through on that point i believe it hasn't been delivered just under a year we've dealt with 112 cases of people been under threat and we've resolved to the victim satisfaction 105. so i mean that's a high very high success rate 90 maybe 6 97 success see if he was under uh a death threat he could [ __ ] sleep at my house but i've talked to he put you're saying no no no there's nothing at all well let's now if we can get him to get somewhere tonight and tie him with us tomorrow all right and we we will get them sorted out and bail faster so if you can relay that to him all right all right all right all right okay we're not dating my monster we're dealing with people who are our neighbors but when it comes to these sort of negotiations and the neighborliness and the friendship are all put aside and it's still played very very professionally i have to say how concerned are you for video done at the moment these little circumstances before fully is expelled in the city we're trying to keep active support with fully um and trying to encourage following the projects and different things now it's it's up to follow himself i think most available services but i think we have to be here as a support mechanism to show that there is some support out there for him no one deserves to be shot because of the circumstances we've grown up on here violence has been acceptable and since some people's justified i concerned you for his younger brother kevin not only one ounce out there yes i just want to talk to you about the folly thing when you when you come back okay all right all right see you then but he he is a meeting now to your club how private are our conversations entirely private just you i and whatever uh section of the intelligence establishment is listening on at the moment i would assume they are groups when they need to speak to us they they don't speak this on here given that we deal with all the armed groups it would be foolish to think that our conversations are being recorded hugh assured me that i would now also be watched and that i had to be careful regarding him and the center i wasn't sure what to think but from then on our main communications were face to face philly was back home there had been trouble in belfast and was thought that he would be safer in derry where he'd have to submit drug tests and closer monitoring do you have any friends uh because he can't go out he says he's just has delilah with the minute and he has to get uh drugs to it so i've been stuck in the house he hasn't got no friends he can't go out in a way his friends the managing always just stays in the house we've had time to reflect on that night so it's what it's what the damage has done to him because it hasn't made him any better you know but psychologically it's played with head and he's been asking the questions why [Music] he had been sending me text messages tell me sorry and then i knew that there was something there was something wrong i got him straight to the doctor that morning and it was um he was thankful they said he told me then they were thinking about it he was looking for big enough plastic ties it'll grow on his throat this is how dark and he fails he's just filled his up he's um i don't know it's just well negative thoughts he's got good everything head's not the same paranoid uh we'll go into certain places angry not to kill us when he has a drink in him that's when he comes out and he cries about what happened and how he felt and i was saying to him i didn't do this day they hurt you this is what i did to keep you safe because of what they were going to do if i hadn't took them up you know he has to understand that they were going to leave him whenever they were going to [ __ ] i'm really bad um and they still could do at night 17 year old boy has been assaulted in north belfast he was standing outside a shop at hogwarts present when two men dragged him into an alleyway just before eleven o'clock last night and attacked him having just gone when he went down those drugstore strokes two that's where i got the proper answers for the power module got him locked up that's where i started going for razor when he left why didn't you just run away and keep rolling with it but they're eventually like yes you know they're just getting over and going i'm just trying to get to the bottom of a parent bringing each other results they're afraid they come down on their houses you don't like taking them out risking or getting caught that's why they give you appointments [ __ ] appointments or anything there's about two or three hundred of them there but everybody knows in the main characters earlier it just tells me that you know everyone knows who the shooters are there is a method to put them in jail there is the cops are working with the rap and that's a fact what do you think my mom's in jail the police say it's because nobody became it's all balls they know all the tough boys i mean but since they don't have evidence before we arrest them what's her name it's life it's all crazy six and eight sixty eight blind eddy on its own number eight the garden gate [ __ ] i was allocated a long consultant he said to me that's your right lung that's your left lung see that white butt there in your left lung i said yeah thinking he was going to tell me that's bronchitis he says that's cancer and i i said [ __ ] off are you for really i'll either come round or i won't and if i come around i'm fine everything's okay and if i don't then i won't know anything about it i will be dead that's the way it is and that's the realist and being a certain extent they're fatalisting me that's life the mood in the house had changed since philly had come home i wasn't sure why but i felt nervous magella was more guarded kevin barry seemed more distant kevin is 12 nice so he's going to be overnight his first year in school night and he's going to go on the second year seems happy enough now like he still goes on white challenges you know our people haven't been through the summer things that he's been through lost in his daddy going to jail and all the after effects that's happened in the house and all the worrying is hard to yeah because i was telling him he seems to be a bit worried about philip and that for him to keep his eye on him so phillips kevin barry's kind of looking out for him you know because he does look followed by a lot he definitely does all right we're going to start to try to get them all on the on the order and i'll just have a look around see if they're all working if there's all anything mustn't everything i must know them i'll put them to one side and then there's a great law last year there was very little shootings and i think this year there's been a massive increase in shootings again it's always been a lot of the young people here in this community are suffering from pts post-traumatic stress syndrome you know when they hear someone was shot it's like i know humber what was he shot for it's not as if oh horrified this is a tragic thing that somebody's been maimed or shot and it's not that reaction that you would normally get in any normal community how many other societies do you know that young boys are left to back away with two or three balls in their legs for selling drugs what is normal that is crazy but it's normal stop it act on the cats get out get upstairs get up the stairs get up the stairs get upstairs don't talk don't talk to me look at you as well but i i'm gonna see when they go i'm helping you don't talk to me look out no he gets offered too much he's getting something when he's go do you think you're strict with philly no because funk doesn't like the way he goes on no they weren't they were never that bad but i brought fella back last april by july you got another death threat from here the relay raging but not that he's done anything it was just been and that you know just an ass i went up to see one of the men out of one of our multi-groups i went up to see when emma's last week and i said to him that he's philip was getting the blame for throwing bottles at a prominent member of the 30 choice and i said some philip has blatantly says i have not done it i'm not going nowhere i'm staying where i am he went to the shop the other day but he doesn't go on his own but it was the first time he went to shop and about two or three years for a long time he wasn't sleeping at all it was every time he slept he was having nightmares about mass men's always about mass men and about all these other things happening a lot happened in two years and it seems as if it's been longer enough because it's and we don't go on about it now we just don't talk about it anymore i don't want to go on about it because i should never do this i realized now it was a wrong thing to do it was the wrong absolutely the wrong thing i'm getting shot even to start off with because it made him even worse and the hatred then that he had towards the paramilitaries ever had him in similar way of being dealing with older than that but it's what happens has happened and we can't go back is that my fault right what's up have you been on that have you been on that house since this morning oh you're over that party over there oh yes your hands are moving away why cut the [ __ ] up why do you think he's taking drugs it's just the way he was moving his hands look out there does doesn't it fall up no don't want to see them he doesn't have a battle philip i'm saying about you know meth doesn't it somebody up around the corner and they're like this here no i know but did you want to come and have a chat with us no there's no point just let him go where should all the jobs go through both this is your future tomorrow the future for your children [Applause] directed [Applause] oh [Applause] and um this is it from the start i'm not going to go into politics for sake of the politics i'm getting under this because it's a vehicle to help my community um hopefully that'll keep me in the right state so you can see from response this is the people who collected me and asked me to stand so he's pleasure [Applause] stanford [Music] what's going on right here close [ __ ] everyone i was told i was either getting left alive or something with [ __ ] they're trying to [ __ ] them michael slings through they can't ship me sort of things i may hear a boy walked past me last week he's going back and telling the ones the rules might resource center that i was firing bottles at him and calling him a scumbag now when i wasn't they're not power welders they're hoods with guns as they are so he wiped his hands off because foreign i was blocked apparently in my fingers or something so [ __ ] almost really moving they're all working with around as well looks like there'll be secret meetings of birds and they're all working with a wrath and the people who are threatening you have you known them for that angle roller oh [ __ ] quads i haven't heard brainwashed all them for their dad's generations and you know from like like their diaspora would have been backing on the trouble sort of thing and they're brought up brainwashed and they all this [ __ ] thing when they think there there's a watch though going on when there really is not well they say they have to clean up the streets because there's too many kids out drinking and taking drugs sure they're selling drugs themselves certain few boys there's their job dealers are paying them off and they're [ __ ] putting it in their back pockets and they're learning setting free drug dealers all the time and they're meant to be cleaning up the streets and doing their [ __ ] [ __ ] rosemary sanders follow the [ __ ] scumbags solar falcon rats everybody knows it [Music] but i don't want to give anyone some satisfaction with me and myself because they be [ __ ] they love nothing i've always wanted from my brother and i like i would have been [ __ ] i would afraid of roblox as well so [Music] is helicopter was really low finally must've been playing right to see if they could find the rebound that was terrible [Music] [Music] please after my last visit the o'donnells didn't want to meet anymore it seemed like they were coming under pressure from a number of directions hugh is now undergoing treatment for his cancer but provided me with updates about the family the news that we're getting about folly isn't good we actually thought philip had turned the corner they're saying that he's back in his old ways and if that's the case then and they're looking at him they're they're obviously close to making a decision volley's in great danger in my opinion only one one out comfortably when that happens kevin barry just turned 13 now we've been contacted by the school where he's become very problematic in school particularly with female teachers at the moment he's only i think it's one hour per day in school it's a school saying he's on his last legs i don't want kevin barry anybody like him uh getting hurt again our community doesn't want that and if it takes afraid to make him see what he's doing is wrong as long as it's only afraid i would be quite happy because the last thing i want to see is kevin barry getting hurt i phoned and called the o'donnell house but there was no answer i didn't know what to make of what he had said it was impossible to tell if what i was hearing was the truth or exaggeration and i was starting to wonder if anyone knew but actually there was often no difference [Music] one day i got a call from you he wanted me to come to derry because he had something to show me he didn't say anything more but he'd never asked for something like this before be twilight shortly you know and somebody'll come and contact us the faction we're talking to tonight they have had been on a purge for the last three weeks of drug dealers in this area and i mean they're doing a very very good job the number of drug dealers who have approached us they say listen i've stopped will you let them people know we're quite happy to let them know you know but there's no way there's anybody in this city will be critical of them because they're doing what the police are supposed to do we waited for darkness i still wasn't sure what we were going to do or even be allowed to do hughes seemed to be suggesting that we were going to meet members of an armed group but this seemed risky and unlikely those involved before had faced arrest and imprisonment all right do you want us here hi okay we're just sitting here are we all right all right they're gonna run me and say hey that's their one and we'll go back that way there and so we waited the gunmen were apparently worried about an unmarked police car that had been seen in a nearby estate two years ago this crowd would have told me to [ __ ] off they would have been looking to shoot me i actually would have been the biggest threat they had because in the past they were a bunch of [ __ ] gangsters we uh we were a raised navy as well maybe um frog suits and we tried to blow up a british army checkpoint was on the key 40 pound bomb we just couldn't get it right to get down and guys just jumped under the [ __ ] rubber and frustration you know these guys are all [ __ ] wearing wetsuits and we're carrying guns and plastic bags foxy that blew up on our weekend one night with a knife my teeth [Music] yes i want to put my arm group side where up here through this gap you don't want them electronically recorded how long are you talking about a few minutes not a problem all right hugh's stories had stopped we were all much quieter now there was real concern that something might go wrong it was only about nine o'clock but the neighborhood was almost silent that's him he's four or five little wait you've got them all night we're going to come right down here can i put a question to you today it's a cheese lads [Applause] thanks jesus don't think a lot better weapon than that the relief was huge suddenly everyone came out of their houses again i could even hear them chatting to hugh about making the film hey yeah am i on am i on the phone i don't think so no i wouldn't like that don't change any hey i'll seize it thanks it all then seemed like a performance except it wasn't for one person that's tina also is christine all right jesus and i see him ask me in the comments hey do you want me to go on well i i said you probably would boy christine allen is a sister of andrew ellen 24 year old from derry who'd been shot dead by distant republicans after protracted negotiations with the rose mount like philly o'donnell he had been accused of being a drug dealer you're all right jesus oh jesus i'm sorry i obviously didn't know you i'm here we were getting directed by all our people they were telling us where they go right if i hadn't known you around here i would have came out and said look we're going to be doing something jesus christ i am so sorry thank you andrew allen though he was killed by wrath yeah her sister was standing at the window and she seen the armed guy coming my iphone she thought jesus is he coming on here to shoot me i will get a phone call from her mother tonight and then mueller is a lovely woman andrea allen's man is an adult she has work wheels and rosemary and and she would [ __ ] sl she would get rubbed on danny but it was slagging us off or saying anything bad about us you know what you've just seen what we've just witnessed as an armed organization patrolling the streets this wasn't unusual during the war here and it's not unusual now in the so-called peace what we have in these areas are drug dealers who who don't care who they poison and are quite happy they make a lot of money off the packs of of suffering and deprivation and you have groups like the group that we just wouldn't necessarily who are actively gathering intelligence on these people and and taking action against them people in these areas have no difficulty whatsoever with what we just witnessed they would look on it as that's the people looking after our security boulevard oh [Music] i had a school classmate murdered by british soldiers at 11 years of age you know when the sissies look at that that affect you you know one day there's somebody sitting in class beside you the next day you know a couple days later they're being buried [Music] do you ever just think you'll just leave [Music] you know that's like aston the black man why would it take goodie accept the clue clock slam you know [Music] my grandfather was shot in london by sunday the troubles played a role within my my my framework or metaphors you only see do you see a link between the o'donnell family and the system generally it's not just about one specific family but it does in parent and there's patterns within young people within this community it's hard you know to grow up in this area we're standing here today at the memorial brother zombie and we still have a good justice the soldiers who killed people on that day are still hungry but who occurred not even through another process and there's a lot of cases out there on both sides where people have the justice and family stealth and grief and my family still have your justice inclusion you're going to still have that element of people who can't leave the past behind and that then fathers down under their children and their grandchildren so it's it's it's very wrong we seek peace to be at peace with the truth and hope for what is to come another message came a member of one of the armed distant groups wanted to meet how do you know who you can trust do you really think you're helping the community we would help us is that true in the case of philly o'donnell [Music] [Music] fully as you know has been shot he's been banished and he's been beaten and i mean he's backed out of him folly's followers in jail for republican activity and the organization that that was the same organization that's going to be punished follow his time these people they're going to i want to kill them see if he doesn't stop they will kill him and i mean that'll stop him and there wouldn't be a lot of people would mourn them and that's sad they say but that's that's reality [Music] it was now two years since i'd been inside the o'donnell house plans to film were continually cancelled at the last minute only hugh remained in touch even when he was very weak from treatments for his cancer there had always seemed to be a shadow over his departure from the republican movement during the peace process eventually he agreed to discuss this on camera to my surprise some of it have been to do with drugs i was arrested with a quarter inch of cannabis and i was dismissed from a republican movement it is my belief that it was done because i had been the sufferers and my opposition to certain aspects of the good friday agreement what happened was that about two weeks after i was caught with a cannabis uh i was sitting in a bar one night with my friends and uh armed and masked man came on and it was uh children and need night i actually thought it was a joke and they took me out on the street and tied me down and posted and painted me uh and the ira claimed responsibility for it they poured paint over my head and they put stuff on it that wouldn't make it stick and naturally i couldn't get my hair drying way uh the republican family would do that to me uh if i'm being totally honest taught me about four years to get over it i was involved with the republican movement since i was 15 years of age maybe 21 22 years so it was all my adult life up to that point that certainly was like a death in the family when you're loving that at the levels that we were loving that and the adrenaline levels are just high all the time just to stay alive uh other things like enjoying your children enjoying your children growing up i probably must because of my involvement with the republican movement and that is the only regret that i have i'm actually delighted now that i'm understanding how because i'm closer to my family now so that's a good that came out of it finally there was news from the o'donnell's philly o'donnell senior had just been released from prison after serving seven years of his 13-year sentence it was nearly three years since i'd been in their house i had no idea how it was going to be received oh excuse me um is your name mr o'donnell yep sorry my name is sinead o'shea i was going to call over to your house but i heard that you came out of prison this week on tuesday how are you doing anyway it's hard you know don't get me wrong it's hard but you don't get in there when you're in jail there's nothing you can do your friends out here but they cannot do so much you know you can only call them too many favors after i went to jail i mean it's blended republican movement so they went and done got involved drugs and went involved in this trying to get back at me you know so but i mean they've all thank god they've all wised up now but yeah changed away so we can't complain but i mean how's kevin very she's 15 now he's at a nice place now so we were away yesterday doing about the barn yeah you know we're getting there and he's taking a boxing now you know where he's getting rid of first taste on the anger yeah no i think she got sick of me phoning her i haven't talked to her for about two years where are you do you have to torture us um if you've had the chance to ask philip before we go he doesn't love here he doesn't go upstairs no way you can ask him see what he says hello i'd love you to see you again do you remember me uh years ago yeah i'm gonna follow this [ __ ] john jay ramble can i have to be approval for is that [ __ ] bryan arana yeah i was going to draw number one there's no huberty 15 and when are you going to be 16. on march 9th about a month okay and what are you gonna do for your birthday i don't know weird probably uh get more jump stuff and parks and stuff and all right so for god's yeah what's the story with the boxing he gets a regression and all and stuff like how aggressive are you no not that bad no more i'm talking about nobody up no jim don't take people's heads i was kicked out of the shoes you're kicking a teacher's door for you now because i heard her her and another teacher talking about my family's no time when i went to jail i kicked the door free and [ __ ] grabbed my hair and dragged out the [ __ ] hall i was gonna kill her today but the teacher pulled me off her what do you mean we were going to kill her i was going to kill her why because i heard her call me my family i think things got well bad when i don't give up with me when i come to family i think they hurt and does not feel a bit bad about hitting a woman doesn't hurt her well okay dragging her by the hair i'll give a [ __ ] a little more i thought i don't need you don't pull my offer that's my it's my family and that they mm-hmm you do [ __ ] i need to protect them but do you think she was really going to harm your family as much as you could have harmed her no but the thing was i just i had anger problems still do but then i just wait i flapped out that that's i should have really done it to be honest with you [Applause] a couple years ago got my news broken on stuff i got by them but but a crack who broke your nose no they're probably against promoters i turned around three men just ran over and just knocked me out and there wasn't around they were dropping my legs and put me in the nose you still killed cat boots and jumped all over my head and on pads now but doesn't really that much damage but actually someone said to me that you were in trouble and that um and they said well maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing if you got a fright afraid you're going to laugh folks shake my heart i've been afraid man my dory ak-47s and [ __ ] machine guns when i was in my right name and they're not going to [ __ ] i'm afraid what do you think about what happened with philly when he got shot well if he didn't get shot now he's getting shot in the head so it's he's all hope it's all right now you can still walk this is a but a problem is insulation stuff like that but it's not it's not lost until it's right just after he just lost a head and then took him like four years to calm down now he's just he's just a big camera down there um how is your work going work yeah i don't work um are you just getting ready for being a dad uh just what i'm gonna sit i'm not sitting out here here am i finding something i'll find the snake i might keep it well oh that's face i'll see why did you show that to him i want to say only the defeater defeated give up we are not defeated what about your mum as well because you were very close you know when joined the hub you always were that's your irishman you understand like what did your dad do he blew it up flew a boat destroying the police station um and he got caught in yes did people watch people make it that around here call them a [ __ ] agent but i've never talked whale drugs until i was about third probably 14. and have you actually tried to commit suicide but then because i think about my family you know my dad [ __ ] my dad all sort of looking forward to it but if if my dad wasn't here i think i'd be a better way no not laughing because he's like my best friend being having fun like best friends how come anything isn't feeling suicidal in this area oh terry [ __ ] waterford why is that do you think drugs in that case then maybe the paramilitaries had a point about the drug dealers while shooting people and that they were dangerous for society that's all they're doing is taxing them i know what that means like they go to your house if you don't give me five grand i'm gonna shoot you but if you give me five grand i'll let you do it in my community if you give me and they come back give me sex grant me seven you everybody should have my job they're gonna come give me 20 grand i will let you stand there come back the next month give me 20 grand give me 20 grand let's go there in the community and tell their [ __ ] defenders our community see i don't i don't think about seeing that shot please man the shop rats and [ __ ] took the fight to the people that they should be no [ __ ] boy i probably been to me let's go like but just not that way no more they're just so they're showing like republicans there's enough they're just sort of heads becomes after i met that week here just just call came the wings just moved away from the law do you think that was all that you needed to happen about time he's at least here she's a lifesaver but she's also a [ __ ] con your fingers are working i'm not that exactly just think it's easier for some propaganda there's someone for a proper game would you prefer it with troubles back [ __ ] right i'm fed up bored there's nothing around this place that is that is quite surprising for people that you would want the troubles to come back everyone would watch me by everyone oh people my agent what do they want the ripple's back the madness the rides the [ __ ] shooting the bombings everything why do you want the troubles to come back because they love us to forget i wouldn't know bar folks that kind of made an rpg and i go and shoot their classmates so much has happened this year is a good year for us bowls are the prison philip's happy he's going to be a dad for all everybody's grand kevin boris so this is a good year it just worked itself out it does that's what it's done over the last couple of years it's worked itself out what happened happened then and i can't change it and i just you just have to take it every day as it comes night [Music] six weeks after we filmed this scene philly o'donnell's senior was shot in both knees by distant republicans the shooting took place less than half a mile from his home i sent several messages to magella and the o'donnell family they didn't reply it had been exactly five years since magella had brought philly o'donnell jr to be shot [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay [Applause] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 226,880
Rating: 4.7141805 out of 5
Keywords: Real Stories, Real Stories Full Documentary, Real Stories Documentary, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, full documentary, full episode, A Mother Brings Her Son To Be Shot, Northern Ireland Documentary, Majella O'Donnell, northern ireland troubles, the troubles, northern ireland conflict, a mother brings her son to be shot lighthouse, Derry, Northern Ireland, Sinéad O'Shea, irish documentary, BBC
Id: QuYUqcm5tgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 53sec (5033 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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