A Month Without Eating Out in Hawaii: Our Experience and How Much Money We Saved

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[Music] so Hawaii food is a pretty big deal white people they like to eat out a lot like a lot a lot part of it is the food is so good in Hawaii but part of it is just the social clout of eating out and this is evidenced by the social media accounts of many local people if you look at what they typically post it's going to be drinks desserts late lunches and all kinds of fancy foods but what would it be like to not eat out in Hawaii for one month and how much money would you actually save that's what this video is about we're going to take a look back at our past month of not eating out in Hawaii and for me it was actually quite easy but I know it was very challenging for my wife very very hard [Music] so I'm going to ask my wife how it was for the past 30 days and at the end I'll share approximately how much we would have saved or we did save by not eating out in the past month so first of all why did you agree to do this not eating out thing for 30 days for the sake of your YouTube just kidding I mean mainly that too but I guess I just wanted to try and see how it turns out are you kidding so going into this like challenge what did you think was going to be the most like the hardest thing about it for you hard the resisting of Temptation why is that restaurants and cafes are all over the place that we live by you know like am I able to stand strong and fight and accomplish accomplish this Mission you know it's like so it was a challenge for me or I could be like oh yeah I could just go eat out and don't have to tell my husband about it you know I know I could have done it but of course I didn't so how did it feel not eating out for a month it's very hard it was very hard a lot of emotions came out yeah like what kind of emotions did you have I felt very frustrated I felt really stressed because eating out was a way for me to release my stress when I couldn't do that I had to find an alternative way to do it and that was a heart too to find a substitute maybe I should explain why it wasn't really as hard for me to not eat out so I'm not really on social media a lot despite making YouTube videos so I'm not bombarded by pictures or ads for Foods or anything and it's just not really something that I grew up doing like we took out food a lot like we ate like bring home food but we didn't really go out to eat all that much for me it's not really that that challenging I guess to not do it but that's just me so I know you talked about your movie but how do you how do you think your mood changed over the past month I think the first two weeks wasn't too bad that yeah I think I agree I mean you've witnessed it all so I have to find like the alternative way like for example I remember there's one day I wanted to eat hamburger so much and then I was like well I can't go eat out any hamburger so I mean it's not that hard to make so uh we just bought ingredients and you know he made a home style hamburger and which turned out to be okay it was decent right I think that's one things I noticed because we weren't eating out a lot you cooked a lot more of the foods that you wanted to eat so not just like hamburger but also like acai bowl and smoothies and things that you normally would just go out and buy you actually took the time to buy the ingredients and to go and make it at home which is kind of nice okay let's go okay remember is there anything else that you noticed that changed over the past month yes I just started to get very distressed I was like okay I can do this yeah and then like we only we couldn't eat out like even if I wanted to like if I'm just too tired from like just taking care of kids or you know yeah just having exhausting day like I just couldn't like kind of slack off in a way right yeah so I think that I was starting to kind of kick in I was just feeling very frustrated yeah and stressed even more and then I'll just kind of like brush thing out in anger because I was like I'm tired I don't want to cook oh we can't eat out yeah so I have to cook so it's more it was more about just not having to cook then well yeah well yeah but I don't know it's just like no wait so yeah so I was like I'm tired I can't cook no no I'm I'm tired I have to I want to eat out and then like and just rest yeah but I can't do that and above like dang it yeah and then but then it's like it's something that I committed myself to do until the beginning so it's not gonna be like I didn't want to like quit in the middle and be like okay I'm Uber like yeah no so I'm kind of person if I start something that I'm gonna be responsible until the end so I was like I'm not gonna just give up so I'll just cut it in that Loop of like you know and I just have to do it and but I didn't know where to release that anger because eating out was a way for me to like it's compromise that anger you know yeah and I was hoping I could find some other way to do that excuse me some other way to do that other than eating out but I don't think I was able to find it after all so I'm like I was even more stressed and I'm like this is getting depressing yeah sure why don't walk around first and come back okay okay sure so I think the big question is do you think you could go longer than that's great ah okay so as our sunscreens the big question is do you think you could go longer than one month without eating out because one of the things I noticed was when the month was done it wasn't like you just jumped and you went out and celebrated that following day it actually took some time for you to go and eat out again right to go and drink and stuff yes so do you think that you could go longer than one month without eating out uh no no no no the last question is what did you learn from not eating out for a month in Hawaii like what did you actually learn it's hard I mean every I think a lot of the things that we I I wanted to eat yeah was something that I could even make and I guess not every place yeah and as much as I got frustrated angry and all of the emotions that you had to deal with too I learned that I can live without eating out and I think that's because it got to the point where like okay you know I just have to do it so I did and then I guess my my mind got so used to doing that um that even the first day like first day of February I didn't feel like I had to go eat out it's like because you know like all done okay because even the or you want cereal because you know I was able to re I was able to make a replica of what I wanted to eat basically like smoothies for example yeah I was able to like like drink the smoothie that I usually buy at a different Cafe and I was satisfied so like I learned how to satisfy myself without eating out and and I guess at that point I was just like okay I guess I can live without it and I survived and you survived I know I survived I barely survived I know me too I barely survived too so yeah yeah I can say from the past month I did not feel any Temptation at all to eat out but I should mention there are some caveats to what we experienced in the past month so we had some birthdays and some holidays so and zippies yeah and zippies to shoot a video so we did eat out a little bit but in terms of like buying drinks and going out to eat plate lunch and any kind of snacks we didn't do any of that for the past month oh yeah I still I just remember yeah because just how things are so expensive and I think that's why I was like I agreed with you to do this whole thing too because you know one day I think at the end of December we went to a certain restaurant to pick up a lunch place and it was like 44 something dollars just for two lunch plates it was ridiculous I was like oh my goodness I couldn't believe it yeah so I was like you know just living in Hawaii is just like getting harder with like how um things are getting more expensive and it's like I wanted to challenge myself I just remember that well that's one of the ironies I think in living here people love to eat out so much and yet the cost of living is so high that it would seem like people wouldn't want to eat out so much because it costs so much to live here in Hawaii yet because food's such a big part of the culture we just eat out anyway and pay the price and murmur to ourselves as things get a little bit more expensive yet we still continue to go and eat out and that's okay to be able to go and do that it's not a bad thing it's just something that I know I've observed and we'll see as prices continue to get higher with inflation if locals actually finally decide like okay that 17 plate lunch I just can't afford it anymore so are you ready for a big review how much you would have saved or how much we did save the amount that we actually saved or would have saved or did save this month was 475 dollars what yeah yeah now that's an estimate of coffees and acai bowls and especially eating out now for a family of three yeah yeah yeah we would typically eat out maybe at least once a week if not twice a week and so if you add that at like the annual amount of savings is five thousand seven hundred dollars when you think about the amount of money that you save like that that's that's a lot of money right when you look at the huge number but in actuality you never really notice it because if you're only spending seven dollars twelve dollars eighteen dollars here and there but it does add up that's how much I estimated that we did save this past month wow yeah I know now it's like yeah maybe if it was fun well I'm just gonna say 500 and well maybe it was worth the try but if you were to ask am I gonna do it again hell no but you know I also want to mention too that we do budget for eating out like we do have a budget to eat out for you to go and eat out I don't really eat out so I don't need a budget for that but we do have a budget for this but I think it's important to like look at this because some people when they eat out they don't actually like calculate how much they do it and I think that's kind of scary I'm glad that we did this and I'm not suggesting that people shouldn't go and support local or they shouldn't go out to eat if that's what they like to do but I do think it's important to be mindful of how much you spend on certain categories of spending things like housing that's pretty much fixed and maybe some other monthly yeah some just monthly expenses they're pretty much fixed but eating out is this fluctuating amount that I think people aren't necessarily aware of and so I think it was really good for us to try it and just try and see how much we actually spend each month so I hope you enjoyed this video thanks for watching and hello [Music]
Channel: Hello From Hawaii
Views: 9,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living in hawaii, Life in hawaii, what is it like in Hawaii, Moving to hawaii, hello from hawaii, hawaii, oahu, honolulu, hawaii life, life on hawaii, hawaiian life
Id: jn0mEiiKxAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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