安楽死を依頼された「寝たきりの犬」を保護したらこうなった! ※チャンネル登録をしてLIAの活動を応援してください。#一緒に 生きよう #GiveThanks

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A vet got a call. Owner said "My dog is bedridden, but he bite me so I cant take care of him..." Please euthanize my dog. The vet went to pick up the dog to euthanize it. BUT Vet didn't do that and called LIA. LIA rescued the dog. His name is "Dai-chan" boy and 16 years olds DAY 1 Dai-chan could not stand up. Dai-chan was completely bedridden and nursing care is essential. Dai-chan needs to do what he can do. Otherwise, the aging process is progressing rapidly. LIA) ok? Dai-chan Lots of eye mucus LIA) I took off his eye mucus. Dai-chan bite me a lots. I was bitten when I was taking off my eye mucus, and I bled. LIA) Dai-chan, how many years do you have some sleep around your eyes? LIA) You are so skinny. LIA) Have a good sleep. Dai-chan was so skinny, could not stand and giving out bad smell. A family that lived together for three generations had Dai-chan and Grandpa was taking care of him. BUT The grandpa was bedridden and son family never took care of Dai-chan. The grandma was being bitten and taking care of Dai-chan. Dai-chan iwas being on a leash for a long time alone. The vet went to pick up the dog to euthanize it. Then, only grandpa were swollen with crying. Other than grandpa, no one came out from house and never see Dai-chan. DAY 4 LIA) His hind legs like stick and doesn't move completely. Cataract became worse and Dai-chan seem to not see very much. DAY 10 At the beginning, to get used to be touch, even Dai-chan doesn't like to be touch, we have to touch. He's desperately trying to stand. and Dai-chan ate food... Afternoon. Suddenly Dai-chan stand up with forefoot. BUT He is always angry. DAY 11 LIA) Dai-chan became stand up. Dai-chan had a great appetite LIA) Dai-chan was eating food with lie down but now so well. LIA) The life force is amazing. Dai-chan cleaned my plate everyday. DAY 16 What?! He is up!!! LIA) He is walking around now. LIA) It is not stable but amazing! LIA) He could only move forefoot and barely up his head. The power to live is amazing! LIA) Dai-chan Drinking water well!! Dai-chan got better and well... I took him go out. unsteady step a bit Dai-chan is walking a lots!!!! Amazing!!!!! Dai-chan, you are so great!!!! DAY 17 Dogs really like smell so they need to walk out side. it is necessary. His step is getting stable. Dai-chan is waking briskly. DAY 18 Dai-chan became able to stand and poop! LIA) Dai-chan is standing and eating. DAY 20 looks enjoy his life! DAY 22 Snow!!!! Dai-can became friendly to me. All life have the right to live until lifespan. Old dog and bite dog are so cute!!!!
Channel: LIA ・どうぶつ虐待Gメン・レスキューチャンネル・
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Keywords: 犬, いぬ, イヌ, 殺処分, 安楽死, 獣医師, 老犬, Dog, 寝たきり, 介護, 保護, どうぶつ, 愛護センター, 保護犬, 保護猫, 猫, ネコ, ねこ, NGO, LIA, Life Investigation Agency, わんちゃん, にゃん, ワン, ねこちゃん, 老猫, 咬傷犬, 傷病, 雑種, 保護施設, シェルター, ボランティア, 動物愛護, 動物保護, 散歩, 犬介護, 猫介護, ヘルパー, かわいい, 可愛い, 可哀想, かわいそう, 保健所, Cat, こども, 子供, 子ども, 教材, 学校, 問題, 学校教材, 命の授業, いのち, 動物虐待Gメン, どうぶつ虐待Gメン, Gメン, いのちの授業, 教師, 教員, 授業, レスキュー, ガス室, ドリームボックス, 犯罪, 警察, 警察24時, 犯罪列島, ヒカキン, どうぶつの森, どうぶつ系ユーチューバ―, どうぶつ系, 咬む犬, 凶暴, 里親, 里親募集, こうなった, 応援, セラピー, 安らぎ, 懐こい, なつこい, ハスキー, ダックス, チワワ, マルチーズ, 引き取り, シェパード, 日本犬, 大型犬, ガリガリ, 栄養失調, 孤独, ひとりぼっち, 狼犬, にゃんこ, 保護猫カフェ, 保護犬カフェ, ある犬のおはなし, 障害, 不随, 奇形, 切断, 心, 盲目, 優, 一緒に
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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