The man met a palm-sized puppy on his cycling trip, it hoped to be taken away and join his journey!

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I discovered a puppy! It seems to be a stray dog! The young man discovered a stray puppy on his cycling trip At the time, he was camping in the suburbs The puppy came stumbling towards him Why the puppy appeared in the remote wilderness? Maybe it got separated from its mother The puppy is very small Smaller than a soda bottle on the ground It looks like it's just over a month old In the remote wilderness, without care it won't be able to survive The young man decided to take it with him He named the puppy "Cola" At night he cooked some hard-boiled eggs He didn't have any goat milk or dog food The young man fed it the best food he had with him Cola is drinking water~ After eating, the little guy quickly fell asleep The next day The puppy was unusually lethargic Cola must persist! There are still 9 kilometers to the veterinary clinic You may not know how fast I'm going now I'm now traveling at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour Rushing there at the fastest speed Hurry to rescue Cola There are still 5 kilometers 5 kilometers left to the veterinary clinic I haven't had a sip of water since I left I didn't dare stop! The young man is worried that the puppy is sick He rushed to the town to find a veterinary pharmacy But the store owner told him to contact the pet hospital He fed Cola some steamed buns and water Seeing that it had a good appetite his worries were somewhat relieved He found a pet hospital After examination, the puppy was found to be fine The young man bought a pack of goat milk powder The store owner gave him a pack of puppy food The little guy enjoyed the goat milk very much Its spirit also became better and better It was no longer as reserved as before It started to become lively and mischievous The young man found a bag lined it with a blanket, and made it a dog bed Whenever they set off, it would willingly crawl into it His luggage kept increasing In addition to the necessary living supplies for the ride The young man also had to bring things for Cola Although it added to the burden of his cycling But he never thought of abandoning the puppy Cola experienced a long and bumpy journey He did his best to take care of it Rather than letting it wander on the streets The young man believed that their meeting was fate! He took Cola to see the beautiful landscapes of the country Passing through one city after another With Cola's companionship The young man's cycling journey was no longer lonely It accompanied him through the rugged journey Three days after adopting the puppy The puppy woke the young man up early They spent the night in the tent together During rest stops the young man would let Cola roam around Can everyone tell what breed of dog Cola is? Cola started to become fond of chewing things It chewed through the young man's personal belongings Looks like it's reached the teething stage~ On the fourth day They stopped midway to feed the puppy lunch Mixing dog food with milk powder It finished both plates of food in one gulp It started responding when called by name With the young man's patient care Cola has become chubby! He took the puppy to the pet store for a bath And trimmed its nails It's really well-behaved and obedient! It didn't make a sound throughout the whole process The store employee was very patient and responsible He carefully checked every part of Cola's body The lucky dog has encountered only kind and loving people~ On the 6th day The young man woke up early to prepare breakfast for Cola It drank the goat milk and ate the dog food like usual After eating and drinking its fill it helped the young man pack up the tent Continuing on to the next destination~ One person, one bike, one dog They rode from dawn till dusk Found a good place to camp and stay overnight Cola accompanied its owner to set up the tent This feeling of mutual companionship as the sun sets is so nice~ Cola started finding its own amusement to play with The young man bought it new toys The small bike basket is almost too small for it now It follows the young man along the way Wherever the owner is, that's where it is! Half a month later Cola has grown a lot It has become smarter and livelier Its appetite has also grown larger Its full belly is now round and bloated It goes outside to the bathroom on its own No longer needing to be carried all the time Its legs are now strong and steady when running Time to get Cola its vaccinations! They arrived at the pet hospital The doctor praised it for being obedient and well-behaved It has also gained a lot of weight compared to before The young man's cycling journey continues Cola is always by his side Their relationship is becoming more and more comfortable Thank you for the young man's care for Cola I hope you two will be happy together forever~
Channel: Pet Tales
Views: 565,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GJ7ilQEiHYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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